More specifically, the Albanian word for shtriga is shtrig, the Polish version is strzyga, in Romanian its strig, and Italian is strega. People who develop their blood thirst after an encounter with lugat are called sanguinarians. It is said that Lubia has many heads and regenerative abilities that can grow her heads back in case theyfall off in some way. Note that the parent vampire is not a dhampir, but a 100% vampire. mythological creatures, parallels of which are found in the Balkans (Nopa, 1913a, 1913b; Tirta 2003, 2004 . (and their definite forms: zna, zna, zra, xana, xna, etc.). But there are also those who have certainpreferences. The Vitore is a household deity known as the woman who spins[4] spinning out the destiny of each person when they are born. Vrykolakas would find someone who is asleep and then crush and suffocate them by sitting on them. Other Indo-European scholars who collected Albanian folklore material were German linguists Gustav Weigand and August Leskien. So, if you feel bitter towards the witch and want revenge for all that shes done, that may be the way. During construction the walls of the monastery would continuously crumble. The villagers of the mountain regions pass stories down to their children about how natural features of the land were created. Albanian Mythology. The next day, he told his masons about his dream. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". B Baloz Bardha D Dhampir Div (mythology) Drangue E E Bija e Hns dhe e Diellit F Fatia K Kukudh Kulshedra L Ljubi O Ora (mythology) P Perria S It goes without saying that because of its seemingly wicked character and powerful abilities lugat is seen as a dangerous and extremely violent creature that wishes to inflict violence and cruelty upon people. I assume that the younger generations of Albania dont take these stories very seriously, but the old generations of Albanians had some theories on who were likely to turn into sampiro themselves and why. Albanian creepy urban legends will have 2 parts with a focus on Albanian mythology creatures. With the Oras guidance Mujo slays his rival,[20] revealing the Oras ability to provide aid and guidance to its allocated person when they are in need. Bo's friends search for the creature after figuring out that the shtriga had bitten Bo in its moth form, leaving her comatose and dying as it feeds on her fears. A shtriga (Albanian: shtrig) is a vampiric witch in Albanian mythology and folklore that sucks the blood of infants at night while they sleep, and then turns into a flying insect (traditionally a moth, fly or bee). Prince Radu the Black dreamed of building the most striking monastery in Romania. Category:Albanian legendary creatures Help Pages in category "Albanian legendary creatures" The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total. But her care and love for him was stronger than the storm, and she kept walking. One day, Baba Tomorri is lounging in bed with Earthly Beauty when Shpirag attempts to take over Berat. A shtriga was featured in the Lost Girl episode "Follow the Yellow Trick Road." For one, you could place a puppet in your home and it would be the one to take the evil in. Who knows. People who were in the sampiro list included liars, thieves, petty criminals in general, trans people and homosexuals, as well as people whowere too much into animals (if you know what I mean), and those who would frequent sex workers. Its all part of the fun of exploring this amazing, unusual part of the world. Giants have enormous size and strength packed in a human form. albanian mythological creatures TikTok : GOSHI (@nitidaddy), user7153001266706(@ulqinarmarine), BaboBitter(@babobitter), GOSHI (@nitidaddy), Imp(@imperium_populorum . As soon as the creature chooses a food source in the foggy streets, it will immediately proceed to follow this person. As for lugats target, generally it could be anyone, although mostly its children. The three fates of Greek Mythology, the Moirai, are represented similarly to the Ora as three goddesses who determine human destiny. Baba. Very straightforward. The hard part is getting her to actually do it. See more Zana e malit. I just dont understand how they actually manage to get their prey, I mean this whole show sampiro creates really attracts attention, even in the dark. [46], Among the Illyrians of early Albania the Sun was a widespread symbol. Accordingly, the male word for shtriga can be shtrigan or shtrigu. The town of Berat sits in the foothills of Mount Tomorr and is closely guarded by Baba, as its his favourite city and great source of pride. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. [51] Some Albanians living in the mountains, who were only partially affected by Romanization, probably sank back into the Classic Paganism. List of legends, myths, ballads, and characters Some of the best known legends, concepts, ballads, songs and/or characters of Albanian mythology are: Besa Bolla Bajloz or Katallan ( giant) Constantin and Doruntine Dhampir Djall ( devil) Drangue Gjergj Elez Alia Kacamisri (similar to Tom Thumb) Karkanxhol ( werewolf) Keshete ( naiad) Kukudhi [11], From Albanian literature translated by Robert Elsie -. [3] Albanian folklore evolved over the centuries in a relatively isolated tribal culture and society. Yup, thats it! According to legends, dhampirs are the result of intimacy between a human and a vampire. Of the three sea facing windows, only the one belonging to the youngest sister remained. The drekavac will avoid dogs and bright light, and if the shadow of drekavac falls upon a person then that person will become ill and die. He compiled his collection with Spiro Risto Dine who emigrated to Egypt in 1866. Within Albania, people believed the Ora would protect them, while others believed the Ora were dangerous creates with evil purposes. But not just any insect! [8] Fire worship is associated with the cult of the Sun, the cult of the hearth and the cult of fertility in agriculture and animal husbandry. Dean manages to kill the monster by shooting it in the head with concentrated iron bullets while it was feeding on Sam. Depending on the culture, the appearance and abilities of the mythological creature may differ. Our favourite is a tale of two love struck shepherds Vita and Lyulin. Having said that, she is also known to be a bloodthirsty baddy who slithers through the night, searching for children to consume. The images of mythological creatures "coming at night and strangling people . After all, every region has its own version. Her skills include shape-shifting, predicting the future, andwitchcraft. Albanian Mythology Creatures: Vampires and Dhampirs Dhampirs are a widely-spread subject in Balkan folklore, which includes Albania, today's subject. Nov 14, 2017 - Explore Margarett Bridge's board "Albanian Mythology" on Pinterest. Usually, shtriga were described as old or middle-aged women with grey, pale green, or pale blue eyes (called white eyes or pale eyes) (Albanian: sybardha) and a crooked nose. Thank you for sharing. In these circumstances, she somehow becomes vulnerable and can be killed when shes shot with iron bullets. So we have a little bit of background now, but every good storyteller knows that a story needs a face. The only downside here is that its not that easy. Yes, you read that right. Can you see that Ora, standing at my bedside? It can even take weeks. And that might have something to do with the rumored shtrigas desire to keep her immortality, which can be accomplished by sucking the life force, or blood, out of children. [45], Prehistoric Illyrian symbols used on funeral monuments of the pre-Roman period have been used also in Roman times and continued into late antiquity in the broad Illyrian territory. It isnt the murderous type, but it still hunts, it can shapeshift, and it can even leave you bloodthirsty. However, not everyone agrees with this description. [31], References of the Ora in Folklore and Epic Poetry, Similarities to other mythological figures, Southern Albanian Tosks - The Fatia, Mirai and Vitore, Last edited on 14 December 2022, at 21:14,, This page was last edited on 14 December 2022, at 21:14. Wandering aimlessly in the mountains, the blind Zuku is met by an ora who restores his sights with some herbs and tells him to take vengeance. So unlike sampiro and lugat, vrykolakas doesnt bother to spare its victims. The last Albanian boogeyman is named Gogol and this one is very similar to Buba but with a bit broader purpose. [9], Within Albanian folklore and poetry, Ora had the ability to take any form they pleased, including birds, beasts, women, or serpents.[10], In Northern Albania, Oras often appear as serpents. similarly to the Southern Albanian deity Vitore. A Albanian folk beliefs Kng Kreshniksh C Constantin and Doruntin Culture of Dean D Djall E E Bukura e Dheut E Bukura e Qiellit En (deity) J Jinn L For me, not only does it say something about its personality, but also raises questions. Amongst the creatures that the Henwen gave birth to were a bee, a piglet, a wolf cub and an eagle. They also have the tail of a snake, golden wings and incredible physical strength. These relations can be seen during the rule of the Illyrian emperors, such as Aurelian who introduced the cult of the Sun; Diocletian who stabilized the empire and ensured its continuation through the institution of the Tetrarchy; Constantine the Great who issued the Edict of Toleration for the Christianized population and who summoned the First Council of Nicaea involving many clercs from Illyricum; Justinian who issued the Corpus Juris Civilis and sought to create an Illyrian Church, building Justiniana Prima and Justiniana Secunda, which was intended to become the centre of Byzantine administration. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The deity of Tomor is of Illyrian origin. Since this age demographic is more targeted by shtriga, Albanians normalized this as protection against the evil eye. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. [6], In an Albanian tale published by Post Wheeler with the title The Girl who took a Snake for a Husband, the Shtriga appears as "the grandmother of all witches" that lives in the Underworld, a place of a red sun, a green sky and black trees.[7]. I think Ill try found out more about this. In the 1800s, John Keats, a romantic poet, created this vision of Lamia, SHE WAS A GORDIAN SHAPE OF DAZZLING HUE, VERMILION-SPOTTED, GOLDEN, GREEN, AND BLUE; STRIPED LIKE A ZEBRA, FRECKLED LIKE A PARD, EYED LIKE A PEACOCK, AND ALL CRIMSON BARRD; AND FULL OF SILVER MOONS, THAT, AS SHE BREATHED, DISSOLVD, OR BRIGHTER SHONE, OR INTERWREATHED THEIR LUSTRES WITH THE GLOOMIER TAPESTRIESSO RAINBOW-SIDED, TOUCHD WITH MISERIES. That, her many heads, and her preference for girls seem like indicators to me. One of the early Albanian collectors of Albanian folklore from Albania proper was Zef Jubani. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. De Rada and Camarda were the two main initiators of the Albanian nationalist cultural movement in Italy. The second part of Dine's collection was devoted to folk literature, including love songs, wedding songs, funerary songs, satirical verse, religious and didactic verses, folk tales, aphorisms, rhymes, popular beliefs and mythology. [4], With the birth of each child many Oras gather in the night towards the cliffs to decide upon the qualities that child would receive. Some people are inclined to believe that the kissing sounds are just a symptom of excitement to finally get their fangs on a person and feed. Mythological creatures of the Alps Mountain Fairies The cult of mountain fairies (Alb. And its not afraid to show it. [26] Durhams studies within Albania reveal that no man has ventured within the cavern for many years. The ora turned now and began to inform him, . Folklore of Northern Albania emphasizes that a shtriga is not born to be a witch. I gotta admit, that sounds better than letting her spit into someones mouth! I was totally creeped out by the Drekavac too. Some of these stories actually scared me a little!! An Ora is made a victim by Paji as he clenches and crushes its arm. : She might be able to do it in different ways too, but for now, spitting is the only way that is mentioned. This is a method that, according to Albanian urban legends, can protect you from the evil eye of shtriga. Surprisingly, they agreed and decided that the first wife to bring lunch for her husband should be the one to be encased into the walls of the monastery. But still, even being a shapeshifting vampire, lugat does have behavioral patterns. The following day, Manole looked out and sadly saw his wife, Ana, walking towards the site. Not that you should suspect your yoga instructor and professional dancers of being dhampirs, but still an interesting thought. The two main categories of Albanian mythology are factual stories and transformation tales. And how does it crush them by sitting on them? In the light of the moon did they seem to be playing., Within Albanian folklore and poetry, the Ora is a protective spirit that every human possesses from birth. The Dictionary of Albanian Religion, Mythology, and Folk Culture makes available for the first time a wealth of knowledge about Albanian popular belief and folk customs. [69] Folk tales, myths and legends have been orally transmitted down the generations and are still very much alive in the mountainous regions of Albania, Kosovo and western North Macedonia, among the Arbresh in Italy and the Arvanites in Greece.[20][70]. Baba is woken by his four eagles and makes sure Earthly Beauty is taken to safety before setting off to battle Shpirag. [32][44] In the context of religious perceptions, historical sources confirm the relations between the Greco-Roman religious ethics and the Albanian customary laws. As Mujo and Behuri duel, the Ora intervenes guiding Mujo to distract Behuri and use the poison dagger which the Ora had hidden on Behuri, to slay him. In fact, it is said that women who submit to envy and for some reason dont bear children are the ones who turn into shtrigas. while sleeping" are very widespread among the Balkan peoples. The reason why I wouldnt exclude her from the vampire category is that a shtriga is depicted as a blood-sucking witch in Albanian folklore. But, to ensure the builders couldnt create a more beautiful building somewhere else, he had them all stranded on the roof so that they would perish and be unable to build again. Or it eats their food? She did not die and re-emerged on a different isle. For a cover? [16], Albanian myths and legends are already attested in works written in Albanian as early as the 15th century,[17] however, the systematic collection of Albanian folklore material began only in the 19th century. I mean, it would make more sense if it was the evil nose, but fair enough. I love these stories! The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Children may have a coin tied to their forehead, or blue glass beads could be attached to the hair of both children and horses. If you cross paths with a snake before sunrise or after sunset it foretells the death of some of your relations.[27], Within Albanian folklore, the role of the Ora tends to differ. The elements of Albanian mythology are of ancient Paleo-Balkanic origin and almost all of them are pagan. The name of the mythological figure is an old Albanian word. However, I wouldnt rule out the possibility of sexual attraction. 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albanian mythology creatures