I didnt called him again. It is not normal for either party to the relationship to pretend that everything is fine. In one respect, things are not awful, but they are not the way they were before. They literally asked me what I thought and when I told them that I thought it would be ok they decided against it because of that sense of entitlement. Anyways, it seems that I have developed a new pet peeve when it comes to communicating with you ladies. So lets take stock of what it might mean if your ex responds this way. And then make new friends with your new classmates or work buddies and go out! People typically talk about defriending as a way to express their hurt and anger. He will eventually realize that you are serious with what you said and that will help make him miss you and facilitate the re-opening of a more serious conversation about the relationship. Much of this post will also focus on solutions. We have a fight he blamed me, saying he is going through a difficult time n I am focusing on this, for which he has said sorry, I torture him, I dnt trust him, n I think bad about him.. Then he cut off all the contact with me and didnt reply me. You see, there is this principle called psychological reactance. Of course, but he doesnt really need to in order for the NC to work. So lets dive back into the No Contact world. I have listened to many readers stories. It is painful to endure the suffering of a breakup. I have started complete no contact in attempt to reset the relationship, particularly financial boundaries, and to increase esteem and respect. If he's tired of being with you, then doing no contact is your way of respecting his decision. Believe me, women have been doing this for centuries! This could have the opposite effect of what your are trying to achieve in that you could be unintentionally making the pursuit of his old flame even more exciting for him. What if he finds another woman right after the breakup?, What if hes has known this new girl for a long time. We got on great and were in the exciting dating phase. He always said that he would marry me one day but then he said that he doesnt like me anymore and dont want to spend life with me. Its purpose is to help you get yourself back. Fight fight. Please respond I knw its a big text, but I dnt know how to put in a small way, still I tried my best. Ok I was fine, being friend working together (both of us could co- founders of a startup) in between 4 years, he left me for a girl, she left him he wanted me back, wanted to marry me, realised he loves me, few months later, he had to end it here, cause nothing can happen hmit is equally oainfull for him, but when I am in front of him, he hugs me, kisses me, fucks me, takes care of me. He said its not practical, that I can go and meet someone else that my parents were searching for me to get married while we were together. Strong relationships are not built on control. Hell think to himself why youre doing this.ignoring him. If you stay strong with no contact, the odds are in your favor that your ex will reach out in time. This is something I have talked about numerous times throughout this site so it only makes sense that I talk about it again here. At this point, I told him I wasnt ready to hang out. This internal battle between his heart and his pride will rage on for days. Lets say you already explained to him that you need space and No Contact is underway. It has saved my life. But I do want you to understand the importance of you finding yourself again, which means you need to be happy with who you are and not feel dependent on your Ex. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I dont know if he will resolve his issues, and give us a real shot at a committed relationship. Dont chase, dont beg, dont threaten him, and dont forget about your needs. The grass is greener syndrome can run deep in the minds of a lot of ex boyfriends. Its a really messed up form of mental warfare on his part because he is doing it to hurt you (and he wants to hurt you.). So aftr the angry call, he called me, said sorry, for his behavior, n again called n asked the project I was talking about. It is not the end of the world. A couple of days later he broke up with me, saying my refusal hurt the love he had for me. He may discover what he actually was experiencing before when he said he was "tired of you," was just the normal up and down of relationship. Finally when I did I was so upset and he was so drunk and being weird . That was end of Sept 2019. Shitty way to break up. You rested for a week and then thought maybe I could just ask him to be friends. It is my privilege to work with and help women and men throughout the world with their breakups. And he will probably show that he doesnt care. He responded again within 2hours.after that NC is continuing. The odd thing Ive put on social media hes never viewed. If he does happen to get in touch with you from anywhere between 21-30 days then I would consider that to be a pretty long time for an ex boyfriend to not respond to you. When I wanted to work things out he tried but then later retracted and said that the distance wouldnt work out for us since he had moved back to California and I stayed in Oregon. And then after a week or two, he gets angry because you keep ignoring his texts of asking how are you. Whatever the case, your ex boyfriend will be hesitant to go back to the way things were when you were both together in the past. I call this psyche play. The problem with stubborn men is that they wont want to communicate. Dont be in a rush to win him back, if you want him back. He never would respond . Doesnt have socials. I asked if I could ever win her love back and she said she had to walk away for her own good. I just dont know why he keeps calling and at this point Im worried that if I talk to him I will lose control of my emotions and would have to start back over again if he decides to not want to be in a relationship and just wants to be friends, which Im not interested in since he did play a father figure role with my daughter and I just dont want to confuse her. Depending on how things went down between the two of you, your ex may be behaving this way to strike back. And so the most sensible conclusion he might be able to come up with is that youre just not ready to open up yet. The goal is just to start as friends and then slowly build the rapport and attraction through texts, and then calls, and then the dates until the feelings accumulate in him and he sees that youre now a different girl and he is a different guy in some respects. We are talking the power of human physiology and the chemicals coursing through our brains! How do I tell him all this for a second chance? But it also shows your ex acting immaturely and acting out of a place of anger. If you persist with the negative focus, it can result in a self fulfilling prophecy. He is probably going to be secretly hoping you will make an effort to get him back. What we are going to be getting into now is the actual ignoring part. So, you just stopped replying to him all of a sudden. This may spark an interesting debate though because if an ex boyfriend is using his own silence to hurt you does it mean that he would ever consider a reconciliation? He may be angry somewhat because he has grown accustomed to the friends with benefits situation. The fear of experiencing all sorts of nightmare outcomes after a breakup or during the No Contact Period plagues many of our readers minds. An ex can rush right back into the fire. Men are different though. He texted rarely for 2-3 times and that also he would say that he wanted to have sex with me. So, he will most likely check your profile. When we came back he spent the night at my place but the day after he went home . I said, u never wanted to be in my heart, why does it matter to you now? Its hard not hearing off someone you went from being best friends with to on/off with, back to friends then to not talking. He got angry on it n said ok. My point is that you never know when he could contact you. So, we have a guy who hasnt contacted you at all during your 30 day no contact period. google mountain view charge cash app; wect news bladen county; ex unfriended me during no contact; ex unfriended me during no contact. Very good. Breaking up is hard on both parties. more than anything for you to contact him. Your ex might have unfriended you on social media, but there could be a range of reasons why they haven't blocked you. Well, one thing we already know is that your ex is extremely stubborn. He didnt even offer me help prior to huricane florance . So, even if you are not right in front of him, remember, you will often be on his mind. Let me explain. Do I continue no contact for 45 days? He is itching to initiate contact, so he's forced himself to apply the no contact rule. If he contacts me then he contacts me. That is good for your girl! His choice to take this direction is rarely because you implemented the no contact rule. He responded with a thank you and would I like to have coffee and talk. I accepted that . But what do you think is going on in his mind during this period of no contact? We had few texts in the first two week, then 10 days ago I went silent. Its been a week, probably not long enough. I am thinking if he would want me then he can call me or text me on whatsapp. So it caught me off guard. When you focus on becoming the best you that you can be, many paths will open up for you and someday you will likely look back and think, I am so glad things worked out the way they did. Stage 2 of No Contact for Dumper: Curiosity. Well, lets assume that you are embarking on a 30 day no contact rule and lets say that after 21 days your ex boyfriend hasnt gotten in touch with you. Fights n fights, he started saying, he doesnt feel relaxed with me, he is not open with me now, because I dnt trust him n nag him to tell me if something happens as promised, fights fights, this time in dec 2018 he blamed me for the failure of the startup, he blamed me for not being there for him n with him. So, your ex doesnt want you to be happy after he breaks your heart? Give him a chance to reflect on things. When you finally complete your No Contact Period and reach out to initiate contact as Chris has taught you, you can expect any number of outcomes. Now, it is possible that your ex will think that the reason youre ignoring him is because youre hurting. He lies about it. Your are not just giving him what he thinks he wants (his freedom), but in actuality you are taking a freedom away from him. So, instead of this other woman slowly disappearing from his life, you could end up strengthening their relationship. One can argue that in such a situation, this would mean your ex moved on from your previous relationship. If I implemented the no contact rule incorrectlymeaning not informing him I needed space and just ignoring his text, can I fix it? But still there is nothing good happening. So since I sent the song my dad tried to get ahold of him again (mostly because he wants the tape he secretly recorded of me ) my ex said he couldnt actually figure Omg ! Please advise, Hi Anye, I would say that you are doing the right thing by going into No Contact, be sure to stick with it regardless of any interaction that may come from him during this time and be sure that you use social media to show how you are doing great and are happy. Barring emergencies, the best-case scenario is no contact at all. And it allows you to maintain your dignity and leave the conversation in a position of power. The longer and closer the relationship, the harder it is for the love connection to be completely lost. After that, I ended up feeling like being friends wasnt working for me and I wanted to fix things. I mean hes pissed because I look like I just dont care after all!. So, instead of talking about nightmares, lets use the language of a Mantra! If he says that, then, dont panic. Has he moved on ? While I cant always answer everyone I try my very best to. And if he replies in an ugly matter, dont reply. After the no contact period is over. N lastly I said, u wanted to leave me, u left me, I am out now. Please help! Thats not realistic. Of course I was upset but we ended on good terms. Due to the fact that we didnt have any adult responsibilities, we were together every weekend and saw each other every day. Is there anything you can do to stop it from happening? It takes time to get over that but you definitely need to remind yourself of what he has done and that you deserve much better than what you got from him! Female psychology after a breakup has shown that women tend to have a more intense emotional response after a breakup when compared to men. You get to control when the conversation is started and assuming you play your cards right when it will end. That I needed to have time apart to move on. So, if he gets angry because he notices youre having fun, and then decides that he will move on too, what do you do? Try to look at things rationally and critically. Maybe his ego was anticipating some begging or excuses.anything. I initiated the NC period and in 15 days he was curious to know if Ive moved on. Day 46 NC and deleted me on WhatsApp. after on 1 March. And if you have been together for a long time, again, I think it is entirely likely that you are letting your imagination run. Whatever the case if your ex boyfriend hasnt contacted you yet dont freak out. Thks, Hi, in a relationship for just less than I year. Wondered if you could advise. We had a good relationship. You know, how breakups are hard on everyone involved. So I told him not to contact me unless he resolves those issues, he reluctantly agreed. Should I reach out to him? Let him be. I grew resentful as I felt I could not say anything, him always being in some bad state or other. He is being ignored. Finally after days of him just not answering I tried no contact . For example, if you go into this and literally think to yourself: You know what, he doesnt owe me a thing. Better to stay away if he doesnt reach out! However, if he doesnt contact you it is entirely possible that he still misses you but he is just too stubborn to reach out (which I will talk to you about in a little bit.). I know I cheated but I have done nothing but try even tho I got drunk and freaked out . One night we babysat my girls (I have 3), and I guess they acted up. Stay involved and engaged in life, with people. Oh and he hasnt called to ask for his clothes which I fear he will do . However from that point on the relationship deteriorated. Chris gives you lots of examples in his books and guides. We fought a lot, broke up several times but we knew how much we love each other so git back each time. Hi Brie, it really is your call if you want to move on or not. Most women get extremely depressed when an ex boyfriend doesn't message them at all during the no contact period. Never said it since. I later learned during our last 2 months together he went on tinder and started dating some girl. Ex unfriended me during no contact Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? Am I doing no contact correctly?? However, if he does end up biting the bullet and contacting you in that 21-30 day window that means there is a serious internal battle going on within him. Its been almost 90 days since we talked and Im really wondering if he has moved on, he said he left because I betrayed him by saying I was friends with someone else he clearly holded such a grudge to and I have no idea if hes moved on or not, a few days ago that one person he holded such a grudge to tried to talk to him and he got really mad for a few hours, does this mean he hasnt moved on? How do I know this? But there is a caveat to my advice! It can be entirely possible that the no contact rule was working you just have no idea because he has an amazing poker face. But in this period our relation was also not going well. Question What if he comes to your house during no contact? Hi, are in touch with her? How Does The Dumper Feel After A Month Of No Contact? Not hearing from your ex boyfriend during No Contact can be for a lot of reasons. You know, he might seem like he doesnt care. (It was hurtful) on 18 feb he shouted again, a lot ofthings in which he cursed me saying,you wont live happy ever.. N many other things. (This msg was on 21 March. ) We cannot always see down the road. I said oh and he didnt reply about a week later I messaged him on Instagram and weve been talking everyday for four months everything has been over our phone because we both live in different towns and work etc gets in the way. Its obvious as no profile pic. Hi V, so I would suggests that you reach out at day 30 since you were getting along well. Consider including activities or things he loves (so long as you enjoy as well). Would you rather him do it? Cant understand what is going on. I know he was getting annoyed he said he loves me but cant ever be with me . Not sure . Those are probably the most common reasons why your ex-boyfriend is still not talking to you after the no contact period.which by the way usually ranges 21-30 days. Defriending revolves around preventing someone from having access to your information and having contact with. Lets say that you are using the no contact rule on your ex boyfriend. This website has a lot of information about the no contact rule since it is an essential stepping stone to getting your ex boyfriend back. The No Contact Rule facilitates the process of you letting him go. I know! So I went out with my friends to keep me busy and he did the same . You can post some images of you participating and being involved in these activities on your Facebook account. The first person to reach out loses the game and they will refuse to lose that game. Why Not Learn So Much More By Reading The No Contact Rule Book. July 17, 2021 by Zan. This is me taking responsibility for not explaining the no contact rule as thoroughly as I should have. To understand the true purpose of NC one must first look at the bigger picture of getting an ex boyfriend back (if you need the big picture check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO.). The alternative is to do everything you can think of to please him or convince him youre the right one. Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? We have also discussed how it is possible that just the act of breaking up can cause a guy to paint himself as the victim. You should not have to constantly fret over your ex boyfriend recovery plan going sour. Who hasnt contacted you at all during the no contact rule Book intense emotional response after breakup!, your ex boyfriend can call me or text me on whatsapp breakup shown. Being in some bad state or other way they were before to not talking help to! The alternative is to help you get yourself back time apart to on. 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ex unfriended me during no contact