These planned orders are only generated for forecasted demands. In Oracle ASCP you can launch three type of plans: Each creates time-phased planned orders that satisfy independent and dependent demand while seeking to respect material and resource constraints. Select this plan option to instruct the planning engine to constrain the plan by purchased item lead-times (item attributes or approved supplier list). After forecast explosion, the forecast quantity for product family member item A is 300, for product family member item B is 500, and for product family member item C is 200. It does not overwrite any firm planned orders within the planning time fence. Nervousness is the condition in which small changes in demand cause large changes in supply (planned order releases). MSC_ALLOC_SUPPLIES. Specify sourcing rules for product family items so that the planning engine can place the item in a specific organization and plan the item and its members. Enter forecast 1 with five forecast entries of quantity 100 to cover weeks 25 May - 31 May, 1 June - 7 June, 8 June - 14 June, 15 June - 21 June, and 22 June - 28 June. These simply dictate which types of constraints (material and resource) are obeyed in which portions of the plan. Plans all MRP items and any other planned items that are not planned by the MPP or MPS plans. Therefore, the planners do not have to release them until needed by the shop floor. Sales order demands of items A and B for organization M1 are planned. But when I open the HZ plan, I see more than these preferences for each bucket. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Version 12.1.3 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Any assembly that has an item with Planning Method of MPP Planned, MPS/MPP Planned, or MRP/MPP Planned anywhere in its supply chain bill. All WIP components with Planning Method of MPP Planned, MPS/MPP Planned, or MRP/MPP Planned used in existing work orders (discrete job, lot-based job, process batch). If you select the plan options Include critical components and bottleneck resources, then the plan itself determines what the critical components are based on the resources in the bottleneck resource group. It drops them as demand before forecast consumption. Navigate to Demand plans > Scenarios > Output levels. Ricebowl News. For example if you start the plan on 01-Jan 14:00, the planning engine schedules in minutes from 01-Jan 14:00 to 02-Jan 00:00. Note: In case of model items, the Calculate Planning Percentages feature works only with two input data streams: Booking History - Booked Items and Shipment History - Shipped Items. Uncheck this if the demand schedules for the organization are consumed forecasts plus sales orders in the form of master demand schedules. For unconstrained and constrained plans, the planning engine respects these sourcing splits without regard to this option. If Enable Pegging is selected, choose a reservation level: Planning Group, Project, Project-Task, or None. A release time fence of x days automatically firms and releases to the execution system planned orders in the time interval [plan start date, plan start date + x]. The planning engine disregards plan option Explode Forecast and always performs inline forecast explosion to the product family items based on planning percentages and forecast consumption. When using the routing aggregation level bill of resources, Oracle ASCP generates resource requirements during planning only for those items or product families that have defined bills of resources. In addition item B with sales orders in organizations M1 and M2 is planned. The fixed and variable lead-time for Model 1 = 3 days, The fixed and variable lead-time for = 2 days. Ways to decrease the number of items include: Enable each item in as few organizations as possible because each combination of item-organization counts as a separate item. This helps you in avoiding overstatement of material and resource requirements. Thus an additional planned order was suggested on 09-FEB for 20 to meet the MDS demand of 220. For example, if you enter 50, the penalty factor is 50%. In the above example, a periodic forecast exists for 20 on the 2nd, the first day of the period. The lead-time for Model 2 in Organization 3 = 3 days. The following sequences of time aggregation levels are examples of those (but not all) that are valid within a single plan: Minutes-hours-days-weeks-periods (check Constrained Plan in the Constraints tab), Hours-days-periods (check Constrained Plan in the Constraints tab. Items C, H, I, G and K are not planned by the MPP and are not visible in the MPP. Check this box to allow this priority rule to be attached to an ASCP plan. The forecast spreading process interacts with profile option MSC: Consume Forecast Inside Demand Time Fence as follows: If it is No, the planning engine neither considers forecast entries within the demand time fence as demand nor uses them for forecast consumption. ATS Checker. Select this option if you will also do forecast explosion against the item; see Forecast Explosion. This value does not apply to independent demands derived from assemble-to-order models. For example, set it to Demand Schedule Items Only. This diagram shows the results of the No profile option using the previous example: If the value is Yes, the planning engine uses the sales order for 100 to consume the forecast entry for 40 which is past due and to consume one forecast entry for 60 between the anchor date and the demand time fence date. 1 period. 2. In addition critical component of item B (B3) and sandwiched item B2 are planned in both organizations. You receive a sales order for 25 units of Model with Option 1 on 1/17. This is identical in meaning to the individual resource aggregation level described above. The planning engine considers this for identifying the forecast against which this sales order line should be consumed. See Creating a Bill of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide and attend to tab Component Details, field Planning %. Global setting that applies to the entire supply chain plan. In the above example, weekly forecasts exists for 20 on the 2nd and the 9th. The intransit lead-time for Organization 2 = 2 days. You can assign a demand class to a forecast. After consuming the forecast for the lower level configured item, the planning engine then consumes the base model forecast in the same manner. MRP (Manufacturing Plan) A. For sales orders without an associated demand class, consumption attempts to consume forecasts that match the default demand class for the organization first, and then consumes forecast entries that have no demand class defined. . Note that this production schedule should be referencing this ASCP plan within its schedule options. . When you place sales order demand for 25 on the 12th, the forecast consumption process attempts to consume in the week of the sales order first and then backwards for the number of backward consumption days. Enter related items in the sales order lines. Forecast Spreading with Backward and Forward Consumption Days. Select or clear ATP, Production, and Notification as you would if you are creating a new plan om the Plan Names form. All critical WIP components with Planning Method of MPS Planning or MPS/MPP Planned used in existing work orders (discrete job, lot-based job, process batch). Has independent demands including MDS, forecasts, and sales orders. As it compresses duration, it increases assigned units. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning consumes the forecasts at the chosen level and distributes the forecasts based on the sourcing rules provided for Model 1, which is the top level model. This gives maximum control to the material planner. 1. Navigate to Shipping > Setup > Regions and Zones > Transit Times. Select to consider discrete jobs and other production orders as supply in the planning demand/supply netting process. The planning engine only sources sales order lines that: Are present in constrained plans with decision rules and optimized plans. Linkage among plants: If production at one plant must be coordinated with production at other plants, global supply chain planning should be used. If selected, use end item substitute prior to creating new planned orders. Selecting individual resource scheduling generates schedules down to the individual resource level and considers the available capacity of each resource in the schedule recommendations. The planning engine can infer from the bottleneck resource group whether or not an item is a critical component. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning generates the following exception for each occurrence of forecast over consumption: This section lists a few examples to further explain the global consumption and explosion process based on different scenarios: Example 2: Product family Items in multiple organizations, Example 3: Single level single org ATO assembly, Example 4: Multi level single org ATO assembly, Example 5: Single level multi org ATO assembly, Example 6: Multi level multi org ATO assembly. You also need a sourcing assignment that specifies where the item should be sourced within the organization. The forecast consumption process consumes forecast entries that have Ship To value the same as this plan option. To add plan options: 1. To perform this rounding, the forecast explosion process: Rounds its forecast down to the nearest integer and saves the remainder, Applies (adds to or subtracts from) the remainder to the forecast of the next member item that it selects, Rounds its forecast to the nearest integer and saves the remainder, Continues until it has rounded all member item forecasts. These are described in the table below along with the situations under which each would be most useful. Internal priorities are generated for a plan on the basis of a priority rule that you attach to the plan in the Main tab of the Plan Options form. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning (hereafter, Oracle ASCP) considers three streams of independent demand: the safety stock planned demand . Profit optimization should not use the internal cost rollup for optimization. You also need to have make, buy, or transfer rules at the organization-item level that specify where to source these items. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning allows you to plan supplies or consume forecasts based on the sales order line request dates, promise dates, or schedule dates. That is used for making sure that costs of assemblies are more than the costs of components. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning applies the methods mentioned above to forecasts as well. For example, if you set this option to 5 and collect today, the collection engine collects shipped sales order lines starting from 5 days before today. Additional constraints at the lower levels cause the critical components to be late or early. I'm a quick learner who believes in core values of commitment, honesty, hard work and perseverance. The single-plan approach is advantageous for the following reasons: Least planning effort. You can select one of the displayed options. When this tabbed region is enabled, the planning engine does not consider the profile option MSC: Enable Enhanced Sourcing. Choices are: Demand Schedule Items and all sales orders: Plan all items that have demands as well as all items that have sales orders against them. Listing for: The Wonderful Company. The planning engine does not spread forecasts that map to planning horizon periods. Navigate to Plan Options > Organization tab. At least 5 years of relavant experience in Oracle ASCP and Demantra. Pay Range: $120,000 - $150,000, and may include a discretionary bonus. Select the Demand Planning System Administrator responsibility. Among the forecast modification methods, the planning engine performs them in this order: Demand time fence control if profile option MSC: Consume Forecast Inside Demand Time Fence is No. Note: Users can collect forecasts into the APS planning server. Overconsumption is increased by an additional 40 to a new total on the 9th (80). Select one of the following forecast consumption level for the Oracle Demand Planning scenario in Ship to Consumption Level: Zone: To represent demand from a number of customers who belong to a zone, which is a user specified definition of geography. Oracle ASCP allows for the following options for generating plans. It spreads according to the value of profile option MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar. The following diagram shows a consumption scenario for item A which has a demand time fence: There is a sales order line for 100 units due between the anchor date and the demand time fence date. If the plan is used as a 24 x 7 ATP plan, the planning process may never switch to a new version of the plan from the copied plan after the original plan has completed successfully ; consider setting profile options MSC: Action Allowed on ATP 24 x 7 Plan While Running and MSC: ATP Synchronization Downtime (minutes). Setting an objective's weight to 0 directs Oracle ASCP not to consider that particular objective. It may override the profit optimization decision, for example: There are two demands: D1 for quantity 100 on Day 5 has higher priority and is less profitable; D2 for quantity 100 on Day 5 has lower priority but is more profitable, There are two supplies: S1 for quantity 100 on Day 6; S2 for quantity 100 on Day 7, The profit optimization process recommends S1 > D2 and S2 > D1, The pegging process overrides the profit optimization recommendations pegs S1 > D1 with higher priority and S2 > D2 with lower priority, The calculation for margin percentage objective is in Margin Percentage. When you use your plans as demand schedules to other plans, the planning engine considers all planned orders in the source plan as demands and explodes down the bills of material creating demands for the lower level components. If the total cost (item plus penalty costs) in organization O1 is greater than organization O2, Organization O2 with rank 2 is loaded (or overloaded) to source item A and ranking is overridden. The MRP does not create new supplies for any items planned by the MPP. Specify the constrained planning mode for this plan; see Choosing Planning Modes. Assume that a single organization uses a MPP and an MRP. Items with Planning Method of MPP Planned, MPS/MPP Planned, or MRP/MPP Planned contained within supply schedules that are specified as input to the plan. You can schedule the product at either the item level or the product family level. Right click on the item and select either Demand or Supply/Demand. If you do not want the planning engine to use backward and forward consumption in daily buckets: For Oracle Demand Planning forecasts, navigate to the Plan Options form, Main tabbed region; set Backward Days and Forward Days to zero. Create and update solution and process documents. Engage in project . in the system, and are using 11 plan partitions, and no other plan partitions are available. An item can be set to be critical in two ways: Explicitly, by checking its Critical Component item attribute, Implicitly, by having a routing (primary or alternate) that includes a resource in the ASCP plan's bottleneck resource group. Select the data stream inputs for demand planning. In the body, insert detailed information, including Oracle product and version. Navigate to Regions and Zones > Zone tab. The representative bill of material is used for forecast explosion purposes only. Job Description Solution Development: Set the critical component item attribute at the organization level or globally for all organizations depending on whether the item attribute is set to the organization level or the global level. If the organization with the higher sourcing percentage has enough capacity, the planning engine places the entire sales order line there. Enter a numerical value to quantify the impact of late demand. Define Region, Zone or, Customer Zone to cover selected customer site addresses. In the above example, a daily forecast for the same item on the 4th would not have been consumed by the sales order; however, a daily forecast on the 5th would have since it is in the period included in the backward consumption days. Check this box to make this priority rule the default priority rule on the ASCP planning server. See Oracle Demantra Demand Management User's Guide. MRP planned items include B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, O, P, Q, and R. Three MRP planned items C, F, and R are marked as critical components. During item setup, items can be enabled in all organizations or only in specific organizations. The forecast entry of 20 each on the 9th is consumed. The MPP is fed as a demand schedule to the MRP. You do not get customer specific forecasts when you select this entity. R12 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fundamentals, This class includes discussions of features, functions, and benefits of Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Choose to plan at either the Item level or Product Family level. When you enter None in the Overwrite field, the planning process does not overwrite any firm planned orders. For example: Forecast Set #1 contains Forecast #1 and Forecast #2. Instruct the planning engine to spread this aggregate forecast demand evenly across the daily buckets. For more details, see Chapter 10: Planner Workbench, section: Product Family and Member Item Drill Down. Scenario 2 - Demand schedule items only and Include Critical Component is checked. The usages in a bill of resource may be automatically generated by summing the resource usages from the routings for an item and its components and subcomponents. Enter the number of days for which the planned orders from the feeding production schedule are considered by the ASCP plan. The higher levels of resource aggregation (aggregate) and routing aggregation (BOR) both have the effect of limiting the number of resources considered in planning. Define ASCP Plan Options. For information about forecast explosion for model forecasts, see Configure to Order Forecast Explosion. Plan Options form, Constraints tabbed region, Constrained Plan: Selected, Enforce Demand Due Dates . Whichever constraint takes precedence over the other is the hard constraint; the other is the soft constraint. The Planning Method item attribute can be set to: Setting critical items in conjunction with setting the Include Critical Components flag in ASCP plan options. Click Execute. Zone can be defined using city, postal code, state, and country. It uses that consumed forecast entry in the gross-to-net explosion. In the Schedule By box, select the type of sales order line date that you want to consider for your planning: For more details on the Plan Options window, see Setting Plan Options. In this example, the process tries to consume a forecast entry between the 2nd (back 3 days from the sales order date of the 5th) and the 10th (forward 3 workdays, skipping the weekend). Since there is a forecast in the period starting on the 2nd, the entire forecast of 20 is consumed by the sales order for 25 and the remainder of the sales order becomes an overconsumption of 5. You can consider either the arrival or the ship date of the demand to be the due date. The planning engine recognizes the common routing between the assemble-to-order model and its option class and ignores the repeated resources in the option class routing. In case of a MPP or MPS plan with Include critical components option selected and bottleneck resource group: Any item with a bottleneck resource on the routing is planned as a critical component, All MRP planned items that use any resource in the bottleneck resource group are planned as critical components. The assembly for Model 1 contains Option Class OC1 and Mandatory Components MC1. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning provides you with the option of using demands from all planned orders during hub and spoke planning. By comparing the resulting demand satisfied dates with the demand schedule dates, you can validate manual schedule date overrides made since the previous customer communication. The planned orders for critical components in the MPS are ignored by the MRP. In other words, the schedule name that is entered should reference the ASCP plan on the Schedule Options page, Scope tab. Define solutions in Oracle Fusion SCP, Oracle Demantra/VCP/EBS or other implemented planning products for various business needs, communicate in clear terms to business users the solution options and assist them in decision making. Enter the End Item Substitution Set in the Main tabbed region. If this is selected, this is a product plan. However, the choice of global supply chain versus subset planning should depend on a number of factors including: Physical proximity of the organizations being planned: If planned organizations are geographically dispersed, it is generally more difficult to fulfill demand in one region from a plant or distribution center far away because of transportation costs and longer lead-times. Firm Horizon (Days) The collection engine collects partially- or non-shipped sales orders regardless of this profile option. A generic bills of material is maintained in the item validation organization with all the options and mandatory components as shown below: The planning engine distributes the forecast for optional items between Organization 2 and Organization 3 based on the sourcing rules established for these models. The buyers and MRP planners want to see the demands for their MRP planned items based on an approved production schedule from the production planners. Demand Schedule items only: Only plan items that have demands If plan option Include Sales Orders is selected (Organizations tab), include only sales orders against those items. When planning at the product family level, no explosion of material or resource requirements occurs. If all the forecast sets that you want to use in an Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning plan run have the same backward and forward consumption days, you can collect forecast sets and forecasts from Oracle Demand Planning to the destination instance and apply this feature when you run the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning plan. A single plan of the entire supply chain has the following inputs: Demand quantity (forecast + actual sales orders) for A01 at DC1 for each of the time buckets in the planning horizon. It is re-planned by the MRP. Firm Planned Orders From Production Schedule. The days late information for the MPP supply are based on the lower level supplies that are pegged to it. * *Availability to do a 26-week assignment is also an option. If you want to constrain the plan according to capacity constraints or due dates, choose from: A constrained planning modeConstrained (Classic), Constrained (Classic) with Decision Rules, Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling), and Constrained (With Detailed Scheduling) planning mode. It is often desirable to master schedule only end items, taking into consideration material availability of critical components and the capacity of key bottleneck resources. Receive a sales order for quantity 150 due on 10 June. Objective weights w1-w3 may be set independently. 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oracle ascp plan options