By the way, if the executives mild revamp caused viewer figures to plummet, how come it was the programme and not those executives who got the flak? I would also back the idea that rural people have the most interest as they can see the landscape every day and the changes on it. Wasnt TT the only reason to watch Channel 4 ? They seem to have replaced alot of the original cast for more easy on the eye team members, the new historian was a prime example. What a disappointment that BBC4 chose to cancel the series! He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and was its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. And as for the Ooh.. Ah, that be cer monial, that be in the dialect of a village idiot just about summed up the whole package. Apparently, there was plenty of dirt being dug off camera, thanks largely to the people up top. I was thinking, isnt it about time Time Team was on? It has taught and shown me so much, I have a wonderful interest in archaeology thanks to this show, and loved hearing and seeing our past. my gosh, I am from Chula Vista Ca. Not everyone takes. But the influence of Time Team reaches well beyond the British Isles. They should have known how appealing it would be. I have watched the episode from Barra several times. Cliche good looking, middle-class presenters who appear somewhat dull in enthusiasm. We shall mourn the loss of TT in Australia, although the episodes arrive on our screens years after they are made, which means well be watching them long after the series ends were still with the old format so I cant comment on the new look TT. This will give viewers the chance to engage as the shows are researched and developed, see live blogs during filming, watch virtual reality landscape data at home and join in Q&As with the team. Maybe the TT should be recalled for a one off programme and instead of digging things up they could bury the CH 4 production managers and all forthcoming rubbish they plan to screen, My wife is very upset about the end of Time Team she adds its like losing and old friend Please Please channel 4 its not to late to change your mind. Phil is fantastic as he has always been. Sorry I dont know how to do this! I now watch with complete interest in what is going on in the world of Archaeology and love everything about our great nations past. Archaeology enthusiast from Europe and the United States have long discovered the series. Time Team you have inspired so many people .THANK YOU. 20+ years is a remarkable feat for a television program, and this isnt Dr. Who either. Having been a loyal fan for 20 years it beggars belief at the changes made in series 19 without any reference to Mick. TT is without doubt, the best offering in British television. The regular team also included: [6] Stewart Ainsworth, landscape investigator; John Gater and Chris Gaffney, archaeological geophysicists; Henry Chapman, surveyor; and Victor Ambrus, illustrator . What a wonderful 20 years we/they had. It was supposed to be about archaeology. Also it being on an increasingly miserable Channel (4) did it no favours whatsoever. In 2005, Carenza Lewis left to pursue other interests. Gutted that Time Team has ended! When did Mick leave time team? I have watched TT for the last 20 years from my mid 20s. my point in this is, why try to fix it if it aint broke change is not always as good as a rest. I agree with you . But it just goes to show how Time Team in ingrained in our family! The site is of national importance and we couldnt hope for a better team to help uncover its secrets., Time Teams return has had the backing of many celebrity fans, from Sir Michael Morpurgo and Bernard Cornwell to Philippa Gregory, Kate Mosse and Ken Follett. I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. The team was supplemented by experts appropriate for the period and type of site. Time team came back as a clear favourite, so for one of the national conferences we decided to contact Time Team so that Tony or one of the team could come along and give a talk. It was this show that gave me the inspiration to study history and I will really miss it. I recommend Current Archaeology to young and old as a way of covering all eras and defining ones particular interests in the subject. Following the successful launch of a fan-led Patreon campaign in December, Time Team has now confirmed what could be the first of many digs. Who made the decision to axe time team but it is a mistake they will regret. RIP Time Team. Recently went to Jamestown where the 1st Time Team America was tapedthat was amazing. Watching the archaeologists and seeing their enthusiasm at even the smallest find,is to me infectious. For how many years were John Gater and Stuart Ainsworths technical expertise presented as a pat cliche when the work of either could have been expanded? certainly helped to fill a lot of university places, even if many of those gaining degrees have gone on to other careers. The writing was on the wall though poor scheduling . The format was part of the problem. Thanks Guys! I agree. Will there ever be a time when I wouldnt watch Time Team repeats? I feel like i know all of the presenters personally they had that effect on people.I watched it evolve over the years and couldnt wait for each knew series. What about the good time team has done? Whilst on holiday, I was very keen to spend a day or so, if possible, with the Time Team crew wherever they might be shooting. Struck by how much could be learnt in a few hours, Tim wondered what could be achieved in a few days. There are only about a thousand signatures so far.Personally, although I have signed, I dont think it will do much good. Discovered Time Team after visiting U.K. I watch any that come on now.. saw one yesterday about the digging our of the 2 world war planes in the bogs.. Started watching British TV while on exchange with the RAF. Perhaps the BBC could take over where Channel 4 has failed and get back to grass roots like in series 4-6. A few days later news of Time Teams demise broke in the Guardian. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. The writing was on the wall when it regularly began featuring cleavage shots of diggers and the dreaded re-enactments. It is that dull and droll science of Archeology, which when one attends a lecture on the subject, or a program on television normally results in boredom, numbness, squirming, or easy sleep. My nana came from England in 1901. Ozzy John has it right, Anne Marie put a wall in to TT and it showed in every show afterwards, when you see the fun they all had prior to he joining, she should be ashamed of her achievement in dissolving a great show. Thank you time team, one and all, I constantly watch the reruns on the history channel here is oz. We are pleased to share the winners of years CA Awards, announced on 25 February at Current Archaeology Live! John has kept on top of technical advances, and the results of his survey of Brancaster Roman fort provide one of the outstanding moments in the forthcoming season 20. My wife Ida & I never missed a program for years. Yet despite bringing the past to life using the familiar ingredients of excavation, landscape survey and reconstructions including Phil felling a tree with a flint axe Timesigns is a very different beast. Lets hope that BBC4 takes up the genre. I loved watching Time Team in Australia, way better than the American version. She joined the frontline team of presenters, for the 2006 series and continued until 2010. Mary-Ann Ochota caused the Time Teams slow demise as she and the behind the scene executives strangled a Team that had worked played and laughed together over so many years making not good but great viewing. It announced that after 20 seasons and over 230 episodes the programme was being axed by Channel 4. There are some of us who actually enjoy watching interesting, factual, historic programs. Couldnt agree more. Save Time Team Campaign is taking off really fast now, over 1,500 signatures & support from celebrity. Always will be in my heart! People understand it isnt treasure hunting well, we probably still have some way to go with that one! Tim points to Over 230 films that have been seen in 36 countries. & has never been more pi**ed off 2 here that its being Why cant these so-called clever people just leave things alone. But TIME TEAM managed the impossible. Please sign fans: Such mass-production was only possible with more rigorous processes guiding filming. NEVER. Channel 4 please think again you have made a monumental mistake! Exploring the archaeology of the Roadford Reservoir, Devon, this came about after Tim Taylor approached Mick Aston to present the series. What that will show in Britain will start another flood of interest in archaeology with all local likely sites of archaeology being revealed.. Time team might be gone but something like it will be back pretty quick I suspect. He brought a wonderful empathy to Time Team.. his kind detailed replies to Tonys frustration always impressed me ! So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? Because the major players were all quite old, and as you will have heard age is the surest antidote to youthful energy. I often wish you could all come to my back yard 1 acre) and help me find the many many pairs of secateurs buried therein. It took off instantly and has been there going from strength to strength since 2004. Just recently I saw a show about Egypt using satellite infra red survey archaeology that could reveal all the subsurface features accross a whole landscape. Eight years after the long-running archaeology series stopped filming, Time Team is set to return with two new excavations scheduled for later this year. I wonder if channel 4 realise how far T.Ts popularity stretches and how informative it is for all ages. Channel 4 obviously think we are all brain dead morons who need to watch the endless mind numbing soaps or the even more pathetic American rubbish that now dominates our screens. Never screened and reputedly lost in the Channel 4 vaults, this pilot captured a show that was as radically different to Timesigns as it was to later Time Team episodes. We hope that someone our there will take them under their wing and continue the shows its been great,you have shown us so much interesting archaeology of our past from all the corner;s of our beautiful planet,and its hard work doing all that digging and trying to preserve it for our future children. Much better than most of the rubbish we get now that there are so many channels chasing adverts & broadcasting ever increasing repeats. There may be mosaics, a bathhouse and perhaps even temples. I watch time team on more 4 The students became instant converts to the program. I still watch the series on U-tube. I have watched this program over the life of its showing and as a saturday morning archaeologist I was challenged to dig deeper (pun intended) by reading more into the theory and practice of archaeology. Channel 4 should never have discarded such a treasure. Shots of him in woodland seeking out raw materials for a reconstructed axe allowed the audience to witness the hands-on practical process. During that time he deduced the towns Medieval layout. I will miss it & Sunday afternoons will not be the same-Im all for a petition -there arent many programs on now that are educational & family viewing with no risk whatsoever of offending anyone, there are too many reality programs these days & that seems to be what the young people are watching. The Isle of Mull episode in season 17 is a great example of what could be discovered. along with Mick Aston, Robin Bush & Beric Morley. BRING BACK TIME TEAM PLEASE!!!! Were not archaeologists but were not stupid either it really did feel like they had decided the audience was unintelligent. I guess it was always going to happen when TV administrators who, judging by the few Ive seen interviewed, are challenged by words of more than two syllables come into contact with educated professionals. Learning? 17:30 EST 07 Feb 2012 We are aiming to reach our target of at least 5,000 patrons by the end of March and well then be in position to dig at least one other site the Iron Age settlement this year and carry out preliminary research on others., Our goal is to create a legacy for these sites, says Taylor, building ongoing relationships with local communities and archaeologists that continue to yield fresh insights. It was the highlight of my life ! Hated that they axed Mick Aston and brought in other new people!!! It feels very sad that I shant do that. True, Tony Robinson did tend to upstage and steal a scene or two, but those of us who enjoyed one of the best programmes to ever hit TV, expected and accepted that. quite a lot of the programmes are available on I lost my job recently due to illness.time team made my days. I love watching the old episodes, the ones where there was fantastic camaraderie between the team, excellent and atmospheric music in the background which always complemented the era of the dig and the extravagant clothing worn by the team. Karenza Lewis archaeological sex on legs. Six years after the last 'three days dig' was aired, the series is unstoppably popular on youtube. I am team Ainsworth, so he would have to be brought back. Thank you all so verymuch for what you have accomplished. Despite some great new people who learnt fast, expecting them to produce the same calibre of product immediately was just too big a demand. It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. After playing a critical role in many of Time Team's digs, from the caves of Cheddar to the jungles of Nevis, Mick . However, as a viewer I hugely enjoyed the opportunity to share in the Teams excitement. Long-serving archaeologists Helen Geake and Stewart Ainsworth would appear less often. Its a wonder one isnt constantly tripping over roman floor tiles and Anglo-Saxon wine jugs every time one steps out of ones door. I have just found out about the decision by C4 to axe Time Team, which was surely one of the best programmes on any television station anywhere. If it doesnt involve foul-mouthed yobs eating too much, drinking too much or better still both, they arent bovvered. It has become a staple in our family, even with the ABC running older series in high-rotation it beats the rest of the 6pm options hands down, even in repeat mode. Keep the show going its fantastic Ive been watching it as long as I can remember Our family love TT and watch it together. This is not the present series I wonder where you are watching? Many a critic was silenced by seeing the team in action. So my husband looked for more info. Through understanding and helping to preserve the past, and sharing it with a worldwide audience, we hope to re-engage with the enthusiasm that so many of our fans have shown over the years., Many of the original team are already involved, both on and off screen. I am a mega fan of the show. They were like a 70s open university program with their hairstyles and clothes. And so disappointed in ch4. Your email address will not be published. Sounds like a bargain to me, how much do the BBC spend on the series presented by David Attenborough? Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. My cable TV subscription gives us awesome selections for history, science, and information buffs! Time Team! What Time Team once was in the beginning will never be reproduced. Log in or sign up to leave a comment. will take time, i was successfull on a Campaign on another show before so i know what i have to do, The Campaign is to have a new lease of life on another tv channel. I have told so many people about Time Team & my grand daughter has been trying to decide should she be an archaeologist or a geologist because of it. In the immediate aftermath of a programmes cancellation it is traditional to attempt a post-mortem of what went wrong. Taylor says, It would have been great to show Basil Brown the new technology, which enables us to see 3D images of the archaeology underground, allowing us to precisely target our excavation., Taylor continues: This dig signals the start of a fascinating new chapter for Time Team. Poor. Sunday afternoons will never be the same, a wonderful programme. Piss-up and brewery certainly spring to mind. We didnt do much history at school and we have all learned so much from TT. Tim Taylor recalls that some archaeologists were initially, quite fairly, a bit sceptical. One aspect that some treated with suspicion was the three-day deadline. Try local volunteering opportunities, if you can still get out in the garden and walk and talk and are willing to learn then it will be great, and you will make lots of new friends of all ages. if thereis any justice in the world they shoud change there minds.TONY MICK PHIL STEWART JOHN MAT RAKSHA BRIGID CARENZA TO MENTION a few. Please bring back Time Team with Tony Robinson. The main loss will be the delight we have got shouting bullshit-ware at the screen as Paul Blinkhorn announces a small lump of stone is in reality early Anglo Saxon teaset. Yes please BBC4 or anyone sensible Time Team will always be popular if you listen to Tony (yes I am a fan) Mick and Phil and Helen (yes I am an even bigger fan of these guys). Try Dig Ventures, an online crowd-funded Archaeology site. Time Team announces historic comeback with 2021 dig at huge Oxfordshire Roman villa that may be 'almost the size of Buckingham Palace'. Vale Time Team, you will be missed. In mid October 2012 an all-points bulletin was emailed to Time Team staff. It was season 19 that changed everything. WellRay Watters has voiced my opinions exactlywatched every show many timeslearnt a vast amountlaughed aloudcried for Robin Bush.visited many siteswatched live digs on the internetfavourite themes are Saxon/Medievil so the latest episode at Oakham was superbWhat can we doCan we get our own website or freeview channel or satelite channelTHE TIME TEAM CHANNELwowendless repeats and a vast back catalougei have every episode on a hard drivedont tellsssshhhh.I would be very happy to subscribei am currently paying over 20 a month for Sky Sports and only watch it about 5 times a weekPlease let me know what you think and lets hear which are your favouritesmine is Hartlepool as this is where i am and my mother was born on the site of the Ancient AbbeyHeres hoping. Stewart Ainsworth is Time Team's Landscape Archaeologist. If you had to justify the value of television as a medium that can inform as well as entertain, Time Team would be the perfect example. Much has been said about this show on this site but I think that all of you would be best served by reading what Raksha had to say. Like others I have loved TT right from the start and have always enjoyed it. I love a list and now I can tick off which ones Ive seen in a suitably anal fashion. A known anthropologist and archeologist ( Emmanuel College, Cambridge ), to describe and dismiss her as a former model is a bit unfair. Presenters who appear somewhat dull in enthusiasm that gave me the inspiration to history. Students became instant converts to the people up top recently went to Jamestown where the 1st Time &... The audience was unintelligent how informative it is traditional to attempt a post-mortem what. 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stewart ainsworth leaves time team