It's good to work, huh? Terence Fletcher : Andrew You know, Charlie Parker became Bird because Jones threw a cymbal at his head. Hey, I can cut you any fucking time I want. What are you, f***ing Sanjay Gupta? Terence Fletcher: Nieman, you earned the part. Terence Fletcher Do you know you look like a f***ing leprechaun? Otherwise, we are depriving the world of the next Louis Armstrong, the next Charlie Parker. [visibly distraught after phone call] There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job". Terence Fletcher Nieman, you earned the part. [after several hours of drumming] Exactly. Why would you give it to Neiman? Parker's a young kid, pretty good on the sax. Terence Fletcher: No, man, no. But that's just what the world wants now. Terence Fletcher: Whiplash is a 2014 film about an occupied drum student and an abusive teaching conductor at a cutthroat music conservatory. I SAID NOT NOW! Terence Fletcher But they didn't see what I saw. : I'd rather die drunk, broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me than live to be rich and sober at 90 and nobody remembered who I was. Faster! More Whiplash quotes Collection Edit Buy Terence Fletcher: The folder is your f***ing responsibility, Tanner. Don't slow down. : Terence Fletcher Four words you will never hear from the NFL. Exactly. A man walks into the room and listens to him play. : One, and two, and-, [Band begins to play for a moment only to be immediately cut by Fletcher]. The only reason you're in studio band to begin with is because I told you EXACTLY what I'd be asking for in Nassau! Got it? Andrew: [after being replaced by another drummer] Are you serious? I know it was you. But the next morning, what does he do? People wonder why jazz is dying. How 'bout, uh, Caravan? What the fuck did you just say to me? : [kicks drumset out of the way and tackles Fletcher] Why would you give it to Neiman? You know, for a fact? Andrew: I think I'm gonna start calling you Flannery. [louder] Terence Fletcher: Yeah, I know this great pizza place. : : FASTER! It's over, okay? Two bars for free. Oh my dear God. Motherfucker! Turn my pages, bitch! Terence Fletcher: Terence Fletcher depicts the tireless dedication, efforts, ego clashes, and rivalries that come . 20 Quotes From Whiplash That Will Push You To Get Off Your Goddamn Butt from Terence Fletcher I actually f***ing tried. Fletcher would never know it was you who spoke up. Terence Fletcher: Andrew: I'm just gonna lay it out there. It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Terence Fletcher: I can still f***ing see you, Mini Me! Andrew : Andrew Travis: I got a reply for you, Andrew. Terence Fletcher: Oh, my dear God. Save your travel receipts. If you deliberately sabotage my band, I will fuck you like a pig. I think there's a certain amount of damage that will always have been done. Don't slow down. : I wanted you guys to know he was a beautiful player. I apologize to the musicians. [the band prepares; Ryan Connolly is on the drum kit], Terence Fletcher Terence Fletcher He's out of your life. You give a calculator to a fucking retard he's gonna try to turn on a TV with it. : : : Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part. Andrew: Charlie Parker didn't know anybody 'til Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head. Terence Fletcher : Ok, maybe a bug flew in my ear. Were you rushing or were you dragging? I'm in studio band because I'm the best player Ryan: [interrupts] Hey, why don't you just back off, bro? Terence Fletcher What do you say? [after Andrew stops drumming] No, double time. Fuck you! Why would you give it to Neiman? Part of the reason why movie bosses are so obsessed with crime movies is because they know that world and the criminals. You're right, we should not be dating. [after Andrew stops drumming] Get the fuck off my sight before I'll demolish you! Motherfucker! Forget my jacket! [Fletcher slaps him the face] One, two, three, four. Cool. : But they didn't see what I saw. The next day Fletcher invites Andrew into his core jazz band as an alternate. And Jones nearly decapitates him for it. Start practicing harder, Nieman. Terence Fletcher Motherfucker! Fletcher. Turn my pages, bitch! Whiplash (2014) Quotes Showing all 62 items Terence Fletcher : There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job". You're fourth chair. So that is going to cause you to suddenly play right? Fletcher: Nieman, you lost the f***ing part. I'm sorry. Fletcher is - to say the least - a difficult and demanding task master who accepts and expects nothing less that perfection from his students. He was early second year and he'd started at Shaffer with a lot of hope. And a year later, he goes back to the Reno and he steps up on that stage, and plays the best motherfucking solo the world has ever heard. "There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job.'" - Terence Fletcher 2. Fletcher: So, are you upset? He practices. People wonder why jazz is dying. Terence Fletcher End of story. Andrew Yes. Don't you know that? That's who you're listening to now. Uh sorry , I Terence Fletcher : [Smiling] Maybe now's the time for Neiman to earn the part. Terence Fletcher Got it? Andrew [Andrew nods yes] Terence Fletcher: Say it. Fletcher says Neiman is worthless etc you are a worthless, friendless, ***** -lipped, piece of s * , whose mommy left daddy when she figured out he wasn't Eugene O'Neil and who is now weeping and slobbering all over my drum set like a f * Terence Fletcher: : I saw a drive in him. Last month, he hanged himself in his apartment. A FUCKING JANITOR? Maybe it's time to *finally* bring this home. Andrew: Say it so the whole band can hear you. Andrew: None of us were friends with Charlie Parker. Andrew: : : I'm here, I'm ready to go. Maybe it's time to *finally* bring this home. You better start shitting me perfect four-hundreds! : Alternates, will you clean the blood off my drum set? No wonder mommy ran out on you. You believe that, right? At 5:30, that's in exactly 11 minutes, my band is on stage. So for the final, FATHER-F***ING time, SAY IT LOUDER! Andrew: Got it? Terence Fletcher I found out this morning that Sean died yesterday in a car accident. Look up here, look at me. Terence Fletcher: So, imagine if Jones had just said, "Well, that's okay, Charlie. I wasn't there to conduct. Nicole: Terence Fletcher Let patients help define what value in medicine is. . Andrew: Terence Fletcher: Seriously, take ten, twenty, a fuckin' hour. The truth is, Andrew, I never really had a Charlie Parker. If you want the fucking part, earn it. Get the f*** out! What are you there's no fucking Mars Bar down there, what are you looking at? : . Fuck off! : So that's your idea of success, huh? Now get your sticks and get your ass on stage. So Charlie thinks to himself, "Well, sh*t, I did do a pretty good job." By the time you're done at Shaffer, you're gonna make Daddy look like a fucking success story. No big deal. Terence Fletcher People wonder why jazz is dying. You think Carleton football's a joke? Nicole: One, and two, and-, [Band plays for a moment only to be cut by Fletcher again]. And I will never apologise for how I tried. : Terence Fletcher: [loud] But is there a line? I actually fucking tried. And I put him in Studio Band. You believe that, right? Faster. [a little louder] You know, for a fact? If you deliberately sabotage my band, I will fuck you like a pig. You give a calculator to a f***ing retard he's gonna try to turn on a TV with it. I'm sorry, I Terence Fletcher The faculty were all telling him, "Maybe this isn't for you." : That is not your boyfriend's dick. And because I'm doing that, it's gonna take up more and more of my time. But is there a line? Lennon and McCartney, they were school buddies, am I right? Go! Other mistake: In the final scene both at the start when Fletcher is walking on stage and in a shot during "Caravan," just after Andrew mouths FU, when Fletcher puts a hand under his jacket the shot goes forward and then immediately shows the same footage in reverse. : Terence Fletcher I actually fucking tried, and that's more than most people ever do. In Andrew's first rehearsal, he insults Andrew's parents, calls him misogynistic and homophobic names, and throws a chair at him. Nicole: You know I would stop you from doing that. Terence Fletcher Terence Fletcher Uncle Frank: Oh, why's that? : It's gonna be ugly. "And then Charlie thinks to himself, "Well, sh*t, I did do a pretty good job." Connelly, get your ass back on the kit. Is that all you have you worthless Hymie fuck? You hear me, cocksuckers? Andrew: [a little louder] I'm upset! Uncle Frank: So that's your idea of success, huh? I'm not gonna have you cost us a competition because your mind's on a f***ing Happy Meal instead of on pitch.

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