The assistant principal, Mr. Morton, who dismissed Carrie for the day, kept calling her "Cassie". A girl named Rhonda Simard busted out in a crazed puppet dance when she accidentally stepped on one of the cables, causing her Prom gown to catch fire and burst into flames, setting her entirely ablaze. Carrie was dragged inside their narrow closet where she was locked in and forced to pray, which she did, after all. Afraid that her mother would come and caught him at their door, Carrie accepted at last. Carrie's story becomes a controversial and highly discussed subject. She locks her in the closet and orders her to pray for "forgiveness" when she learns about the shower incident, because she said it was a "curse" for Eve's disobedience offering Adam the fruit and creating the original sin. Focusing on the fire hose, Carrie opened it, washing Norma and everyone away from the door, creating a turmoil in the gym. One night, they had premarital sex and Margaret became pregnant. who was in Mr. Mortan, assistant principles office and why. Carrie then leaves to go to the prom. By this point, the entire heart of Chamberlain was up in flames, taking literally hundreds of lives with it. Sissy Spacek insisted that real blood should be spilled onto her, which the director. Died It was amazing how she kept going, despite her wounds, but she still had one last thing to do to complete her final destruction. The welcome turned out to be temporary anyhow. Tommy visited Carrie, once again insisting in taking her to the ball. For the mere reason of having telekinesis she says she is a witch and witches have to die according to God. Margaret's constant scolding continued from Carrie's childhood to her teenage years. Sadly, this is also the case with the movie Carrie.. RELATED: The 10 Worst Stephen King Adaptations (According To IMDb) Though both the book and the original movie are fondly remembered as being among She would also scratch, punch, pull out her own hair or otherwise hurt herself in order to compel Carrie to agree with her and obey her ridiculous rules. Soon, Miss Desjardin came over to the table at which Carrie sat and told her the story about her own Prom experience. As Carrie fell down to her knees to weep and pray with her mother, Margaret stabbed her daughter in the shoulder; the blade went all the way into Carrie's shoulder with only the handle visible. She had no friends or contact with any other relatives, but was stable enough to hide her deepest problems from the outside world and keep a full-time job working on the speed iron and folder down at the local Blue Ribbon Laundry in downtown of Chamberlain, Maine. Despite being the main antagonist, she wasn't revealed to be the true villain until the very end. WebAt this point in the novel, we also strongly suspect, because of evidence that Dana herself has provided, that Rufus poses a sexual threat to her. Carrie then stays with her as the house gets crushed and sinks into the ground, presumably killing Carrie, too. Carrie (2002) Chris had Billy viciously slaughter two pigs at a local farm and drain their blood into two big metal buckets. As Mr. Fromm read a poem written by the popular student Tommy Ross, and sarcastically expressed his distaste for it, Carrie shyly commented that she thought Tommy's writing was "beautiful". The original high school is left abandoned and lies in ruins and has not been rebuilt while its surroundings have also been abandoned. Carrie's powers then manifested on the loose, bringing the house down over her. She unleashes her power on everyone by locking the doors and causing objects such as tables and chairs to fly around the room, killing several people. But instead, he finds a body hanging from the ceiling presumably Carrie's. This made Carrie laugh again and she used her mind to break the backstage high-voltage power cables by picturing them in her head and threw them crackling on the wet stage, causing purple sparks to fly into the air. An emotionally abusive mom will constantly put you down, shame you, and humiliate you, especially in front of others. She also threatened Carrie with a butcher knife. Next, she looked up and turned on the sprinkler system to wet everyone and ruin their expensive tuxedos and gowns, the only regret she had was it was raining water and not blood. She is the mother of Carrie White and a Christian fanatic. Carrie's mother believed that children should spend time with those enslaved by the family, so young Carrie had Margaret first discovers Carrie's powers, when she slams all the windows shut trapping her in and Carrie tells her, she is going to the prom. While this happens, she then shows a creepy smile, after letting out a big, painful death scream, Margaret dies. Heterosexual Knowing she was responsible for what had happened to Ewen High and downtown Chamberlain, Billy tried to run Carrie down with his car to kill her. CarriettaN. White She kills her mother by impaling her with the household objects. Although she originally got skeptical at first and went against the idea, Carrie's hesitation was quickly forgotten and she subsequently accepted Tommy's invitation because she just couldn't resist the offer at the chance to finally experience being treated as if she fit in, even if it was only for just one night. Margaret stabs Carrie in the back, but they fly in opposite directions. Every time she uses a fake "ghetto" accent, somebody gets Lyme disease. I'm very worried! She uses her powers to push Ms. Desjardin away, shocking and scaring George and Erika. The only way Margaret could save her condemned daughter was to kill her before the Devil did. Carrie says yes and her mother kisses her on the forehead, telling her she loves her. Margaret, thinking that Carrie was possessed by the Devil himself, carefully took out Ralph's old kitchen butcher knife from the folds of her dress so Carrie couldn't see. On the evening of the Prom, Carrie prepared for the night and tried on the elegant and authentic Prom gown she made. Much for her rejoice, the couple was elected King and Queen of the Prom. When she gets the call, that Carrie had her period, she slaps Carrie at home and drags her into the closet, where she has to pray because of she is guilty of Eve's Disobedience (women are punished by God for Eve eating from the forbidden tree and then encouraging Adam to do so). As Norma, Freddy, and Kenny Garson left, Carrie forced the door they opened, suffocating Freddy and Kenny as Norma screamed for help. Due to her mother's religious believes, Margaret refused to discuss the concept of menstruation with Carrie, resulting in Carrie to think she was internally bleeding to death. Carrie's powers were strong even when she was a small child and she was also able to read other people's minds and inner thoughts when they were close enough to her, namely Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher, who secretly felt both disgusted and pity for the young girl. In preparation for her role, Sissy Spacek isolated herself from the rest of the ensemble, decorated her dressing room with heavy religious iconography and studied Gustave Dor's illustrated Bible. An autopsy is performed on Carrie's body. At Prom night, Margaret approached Carrie, stating that she knew Carrie would wear "red", while her dress was actually pink. The idea that this could be the girl's first period did not occur to Carrie's female classmates. The two were married on March 23rd, 1962, shortly after, but on April 2nd, 1962, Margaret was admitted to Westover Doctors Hospital for a suspected miscarriage. She also kills for being humiliated, while the laughing crowd is a result of her inner fear in, Carrie actually leaves the gym and remembers her "gift" outside, returning and locking her bullies in. She also shares similarities to Dahlia Gillespie from the. 1979 17 Surprising Signs Your Mom Is Toxic. WebMomma tells her how she almost killed herself, and how she's tried to kill Carrie multiple times. The mother hurts herself (example: She stabs herself with sewing needles). There her own mother accused her of being a witch and tried to drown her. Winter 1979 When Carrie comes home, not knowing what happened, Margaret attempts to drown her correspondingly. In all continuities, Margaret finally went off the deep end and tried to murder Carrie when she returned from the Senior Prom after killing her peers as revenge for a cruel prank involving pig's blood. Carrie (2013) Chris then had her friends rig the ballots for Prom King and Queen to ensure that Carrie and Tommy would win the contest. Ms. Desjardin tries to calm Carrie down and a light fixture breaks by itself. In the novel, Carrie White is described as being slightly unattractive, she is a "frog among swans". At school, Carrie suspects that she has telekinesis. Webcarrie got her period for the first time, she thought she was bleeding to death, they were throwing tampons at her and telling her to plug it up. Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. #1: She always has to be right. So in return, Carrie used her powers to slow her mother's heart down, painfully and very slowly, until eventually stopping it completely and killing her by giving her a heart attack. WebIn that same vein, I think Carrie's mother is someone who allowed herself to still be "controlled" by men even though she no longer allowed men in her own life. Her death then causes Carrie to destroy the house with both of them in it before killing herself on the way. She doesn't, however, die in this position like in the original movie. 5. Margaret invited Carrie into one last prayer, and as the girl recited the Lord's prayer, comforted in her arms, Margaret stabbed her in the back. Now she. Once outside and alone, Carrie began to weep upon the grass on the front lawn of the school's campus. Carrie's name on the Prom King and Queen ballot. Carrie is picked up by her mother, Margaret, and at home dragged into the closet to pray. She demands that she is going and wants to be normal. Carrie set about locking all the Prom goers inside the gym, teachers and students alike by telekinetically sealing the gymnasium doors, slamming them shut all at once. She even hates her daughter for her sinful ways. 2013 Margaret doesn't want to abuse or hurt Carrie, but she feels like she has to, in order to protect Carrie from things that she believes would be far worse - her classmates' ridicule, from being violated by males (as Margaret herself was, when maritally raped), and especially from God's judgment. As Carrie went, a neighbourhood boy cycled across her yelling "Creepy Carrie", and was telekinetically knocked down by Carrie. As she walks home, she unleashes her powers on the town as well, destroying several buildings and killing hundreds of people. Sue, who had been following the trail of destruction caused by Carrie in hopes of tracking her down to stop her rampage, finally arrived a short time later only to find Carrie nearly dead on the ground in the burning lot. At the beginning of the film, Carrie has her first period in the showers and is harassed by Chris and her gang. Carrie, however, refused and, as her powers caused their windows to beat, was called a "witch" by a horrified Margaret. Before she has the chance to do it, however, Carrie sends a group of knifes, pinning her against the doorway and killing her instantly, thus ending her life once and for all. The car exploded, killing both Chris and Billy instantly and also destroying the building, starting yet another major fire that burned all through the parking lot. She then screams smilingly in pain and then Carrie crucifies Margaret, so that she won't recover from her attack and continue to try to kill her. whenever Carrie tries to stop her mom from hurting herself, Carries mom slaps Carrie with her Bible and knocks her over. Carrie ignored her mother's crazy actions and even used her powers to physically slide her mother out the door of her bedroom and shut it in order to get ready without being distracted. Several weeks later, Carrie visits her grave for the first and last time before leaving town with Sue. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. "Red I might have known it would be red". The school was rebuilt elsewhere in Chamberlain and the ruins of the former school are still there. She faced the two who she needed to finally kill most of all before the night was over, before she was completely finished with her rampage of revenge. After Carrie took a shower, she was taken by Miss Collins to the principal's office and the incident spread around, some kids mocking her as she waited to be called in. WebUpon her way home, Carrie uses her recently discovered telekinesis to stop a boy from teasing her. Sue witnesses this from outside. She is asked to the prom by Tommy but thinks it is a trick and is confronted again while walking home. Clocks, dishes, plates, pictures, and other religious objects where tossed and thrown into the air, breaking and shattering as they fell to the floor. A few days later at school, when the incident had died down, Carrie was unexpectedly approached by Tommy Ross, who asked her to go to the Senior Prom with him. At the end after Sue's words, Carrie's headstone cracks before exploding, you hear her screams. This version of Margaret is portrayed by Piper Laurie in the 1976 film. #1: She always has to be right. She mortally did wound Carrie, but Carrie, using her telekinesis to stop her heart killing her. In the beginning of the movie, the Bible is in a puddle of water. It's a rather big mystery, due to the fact Carrie killed almost all of the witnesses in her mass homicide, and with so many people dead and so much destroyed outerly and innerly, Chamberlain becomes a virtual ghost town, and even a popular tourist attraction because of Carries actions. After that it was buried. Tommy was a talented and handsome jock, who unlike most of the popular crowd, was actually a very nice and well-meaning teenager. Age Carrie's father Ralph, had another daughter named Rachel Lang, who was also a carrier of telekinesis. In the novel, people around her telepathically know she is the one wrecking everywhere in vengeance. WebWhy does Carrie's mom hurt herself 2013? She also confessed that Carrie was conceived by marital rape and that she was a punishment from God. Her mother, Popo, told her that she could no longer be a child. Meanwhile, the authorities and skeptics are investigating and trying to figure out what exactly happened in Chamberlain, Maine, that caused 440 people to die. Carrie, however, had heard enough about everything being sinful. She then bangs her head rapidly and eventually gets out. She locks Carrie in the closet and scrapes her own arms with her nails until she bleeds. In this version, however, she doesn't try to kill Carrie with a knife. Just as planned, Carrie and Tommy were announced as the winners. Here are a few characteristics of the narcissistic mother. As she researched, Carrie was approached by Tommy and was asked to the Prom. In the 2013 remake, Carrie White mentioned that she inherited her telekinetic power from either her father Ralph, or from her great-grandmother Sadie Cochran, who was the mother of Judith Cochran, the mother-in-law of John Brigham, the grandmother of. The new Bates High School is now instead in another part of thetown that has grown since Carrie's demise and there Rachel Lang, Carries half-sister, who is also a telekinetic, is an attending student along with her best friend who commits suicide after a cruel and degrading sexual prank is played on her. This was a very good thing because Carrie also had a secret crush on Tommy. It has become a sick and twisted memorial of that doomed night, and a painful reminder to the community of what happened in their town all those years ago. Margaret and Carrie did not see each other again until much later in the evening, when Carrie returned home, dripping with pigs blood from head to toe, Margaret had finally lost her sanity and managed to hide the knife under her dress. Updated: May 21, 2021. When Carrie developed her telekinesis further she saw Carrie as a witch and, like Abraham, was determined to sacrifice her to god. Once the classmates found a love letter from Carrie to a boy named, One year, Carrie was given the cruel nickname "pudding pop" by everyone and the next year she became known by the cruel nickname "pizza face" by everyone. At 1:39:59 in this alternate ending, there is a 'hidden' frame with Carrie, still in her prom dress, covered in blood, holding Sue's baby. After the events of the prom, Carrie visits her grave for the first and last time and before she goes with Sue to Florida. She last wrote to her mother on August 19th, 1962 and later, became pregnant on December of 1962, though she was convinced that she was afflicted with "cancer of the womanly parts". WebAs Carrie fell down to her knees to weep and pray with her mother, Margaret stabbed her daughter in the shoulder; the blade went all the way into Carrie's shoulder with only the She dialed 911 four times as her mother was attacked. Carrie arrived home and found out that Margaret had been informed of the incident. Margaret had hit an artery, causing Carrie much pain as she began to bleed heavily. When the cables writhed in the puddles of water, there was a violent flash, like lightning and everyone was screaming all at once as they were killed.

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why did carrie's mom hurt herself