As an advanced soul, you could either be young or old. Every single one of you, and that includes those that some of you snub their noses toward, labeling as human. Its something I always wondered about until I learned about Reptilians. The Teacher in me carried the concept of Love to teach it as such. , [] Just like humans, star beings have several different origins. Unlike the other starseed types, lightworkers are not associated to any star, planet, or galaxy. To help Earth and humanity move out of the old paradigm of control, fear, greed, and manipulation, and instead shift into a new paradigm of love, peace, integrity, cooperation, and abundance. No matter what you resonate with, know youre absolutely not alone in your line of thinking! Science has confirmed there is a habitable planet in Alpha Centauriwhich is exciting! Last but not least, rainbow children. Mermaid Origins: Do Mermaids Come From Atlantis and Lemuria? You can check out Allorahs article on how to look for signs in your natal chart here. Indigo, crystal and rainbow children are star beings who are born into the physical realm, remembering their divine qualities, gifts, and mission. They also have a deep desire to make people see the world as a better place. What makes them so unique? Then your experiences will not come Home. Theyre the people who lead from the front, and others are drawn to for inspiration. If you are an Andromedan starseed, you dont just sit around when people around you are being abused. I did resonate with all of the Pleiadian Star Seed traits . Theyre the open-hearted healers; they can feel and heal at the same time. Ive always maintained that starseeds come in all different shapes and sizes. Just like humans, there are those who are benevolent and those who are malicious by nature. Purpose: According to Western Hermeticism, Pleiadians are considered the record keepers of the Earth. They have the perfect balance between logic and emotions, which makes them the best for empowering humanity. Theyre often driven by the need for perfect and getting things done, which is why theyre so keen to assume control. Once activated, starseeds can make remarkable advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. Dear Charlotte, Thank you so much for all this priceless information! Keep an open mind there might be more to you than just a single star! Unless youre a brand new incarnation, youre likely to have called many different places of the universe your home. P.S Dont forget to join our Starseed community, and receive my weekly, 5* reviewed emails specifically crafted for Starseeds and Lightworkers to flourish on Earth. ), May have Norse or Northern European ancestry/DNA, All about the LOVE and want to spread love to the world, drawn to outer space, science fiction, astrology, stars, people-pleasers: sometimes to a fault because this allows them to be taken advantage of, sensitive individuals wear their hearts on their sleeves, feel different than everyone else when growing up, understand polarity: male/female, yin/yang, sun/moon, above/below and are balanced themselves, may struggle with food sensitivities, sensory issues and anxiety when not in alignment, dont take kindly to authority higher than themselves, when theyre not in alignment, can be money-hungry and manipulative, when in alignment and from a higher dimension, want to unite people and work towards a common goal, talented at leading, building, and coordinating efforts, attracted to reptiles, amphibians and dragons, may have lizard-like physical characteristics: thin, long faces, thin bodies, lizard-like eyes and facial features, drawn to the sun and warmth (prefer warmer climates), find jobs in politics, community leaders, military, architecture, construction, youve been misunderstood your whole life, a large head with a disproportionately smaller body, you dont have much (or any) hair on your body, an intense interest in human genetics and DNA (maybe you even have a career in this field), an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine, an interest in or fascinaton with dragons, you have problems showing your emotions to others and being vulnerable, you find yourself being cold more often than not you crave warm weather and the sun (without having a thyroid or medical disorder). I also have blue eyes with flecks of gold in them. Everyone says I am very bright like a beacon, I am a bringer of light. You can sometimes be guilty of stepping on the journey of others. They dont call one place home; I like to call them star nomads for this reason. I am a counselor by profession and I always felt an obligation to help others be it anywhere, until my energy was drained completely. Or spirit guides? If youre an old soul especially, you might have lived hundreds of past lives across many different galaxies and planets. Fortunately, Andromedans are extremely gifted at accessing the Akashic records, which can help an Andromedan starseed discover their true purpose after reincarnation. do we travel together? Ive heard theyre bad, but sometimes I get visions of one holding out his hand to me . My origin is the Cepheus constellation, do you have any information on that race? Its people became lazy and sick, riddled with disease. Yes, all souls enter the body upon conception/birthdepending on which you believe. Because our Original Soul Source took on different Planet Experiences, It Knows in Knowingness and it understands in conceptual Love. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Lemurian Starseed Am I One? Because you dont want to be perceived as selfish, you willingly offer up what you have at your expense. Though its said their galaxy is spiritually linked to ours. Their commitment and bravery can also be their undoing. Through future incarnations, they relocated to Earth, vowing to not make the same mistakes again. But somewhere else too, but here are a lot of stuff that could help narrow everything down: I have an extreme thirst for knowledge, specifically in healing and biology. Too good to be true? Finally, Rainbow children are the most detached to the physical world. You may have grown up being called the weird one, but what they dont understand is that you are just an old soul. Why am I different from all these? However, they are not. There is a difference between being in charge and being a true leader. Your body is actually inside your soul. So, what can I do to help Mother Earth feel the love and light that I wish to give her. Weve been fascinated by the Dog Star Sirius since the beginning of time. Feline starseeds are those who can never stop developing themselves. It is preferable to pass your test sooner rather than later. Its what makes the game of life so interesting. Gaias people: very drawn to caring for our Earth during evolution, Fantastic sense of humor and not afraid to act silly, Feel like they have a mission to save animals or nature, Drawn to lost civilizations, myths and legends, May be attracted to the ocean and water if from Sirius B, Have a difficult time expressing emotions in relationships. Ive read some of the Icke stuff but apart from his first book I feel that hes gone too far in his assertions and I dont take him seriously. Required fields are marked *. You will also do anything for freedom. I have a perfect Leo in moles on my left elbow, and generally constellations all over my arms. They need to let go. What if I told you it was possible to achieve all of the above with a single approach? And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. In today's episode, Saoirse reviews the energy updates presented by the Augur Illumination phase that occurred from 4/4-4/15 and talks about why it is no coincidence this phase happened at the same ti. This is why tuning into your higher self and frequency is just as important as tuning into the masses of your soul group. You can find her on Linkedin & Twitter. Did you find which starseed type you are? People can see your eagerness to help and may try to bend it to their will. I feel were pretty much all here to help as well as to Learn. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. Because always conveying love conceptually as an example is being an image that is ahead, but in the end this same image is precisely the concept. Gratitude! Thank you so much, be blessed always. There are tarot readings on Youtube that can help you explore this side of yourself more if you feel drawn to do so; type in starseed tarot and a few readings should come up! A label doesnt neccesarily define my experiences. But Ill be real honest. Andromedans need to take time to adjust to Earth. Dont allow yourself to become the obstacle thats standing in the way of your growth. This is a gift given to starseeds as healers. You may have read that indigo children are sensitive, intuitive, and strong-willed innovators. drawn to reptiles and amphibians lizards, turtles, snakes, etc. For example, if youre a Starseed, its almost certain youll be an old soul. Their main goal is to educate people to find the balance among technology, life, spirituality and science. I just took what I learned from all of them and made my own pillar. Maldeks are found to play specific roles on Earth, educating humans to make better choices in health, politics, and technology. My connection to stars is getting stronger everyday. They shed their Earthly skin with ease, allowing them to shine like a magnificent beacon of light, ready to propel humanity into the Golden Age of creativity, love, inspiration, and healing. Earths galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light-years away! Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. Thank you for your lovely comment! Youre fascinated by what makes you tick. People who make great change through their drive and ability to see things in a way that few others can. After the destruction, there were those who were rescued to Earth. Wow, you explanation sounds so much like myself. Orion Starseeds. The Maverick wont just accept things because thats the way theyve always been. Because you possess overflowing divine wisdom, you have the capacity to educate humans on how to achieve higher spiritual ascendancy. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. Dig Deeper: Lyran Starseed Am I One? Pleiadians come from Pleiades, a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. Pleiadians are a type of starseed from the Pleiades star system. Thank you so much for your help. Unlike indigos and rainbows, crystals often have that signature feeling of homesickness, a classic starseed symptom. They have the perfect balance between logic and emotions, which makes them the best for empowering humanity. They need to put their objectivity aside and embrace their intuitive guidance. So if I am a starseed soul, did this soul jump into this body when it took its first breath as a baby? Its completely normal to distrust yourself in the beginning. And with Venus connection to Earth, each will go through their own love or lack thereof from their own Home. These souls possess both intellectual and emotional advancement which is why their main purpose is to be spiritual shamans. I had always had Orion and the seven sister in my sights since childhood,. And I strongly relate to the Sirius Starseeds. Theyre the spiritual avatars, most likely to be the future teachers of the world. And sometimes, I think we have a tendency to let the weight of the entire world sit on our shoulders (metaphorically speaking, of course). very intelligent and mostly driven by mentality, mental but not emotional beings: here to learn how to love and experience emotions, great sense of humor, can be the life of the party, opinionated individuals who dont sway on their perspective easily, jack of all trades: they have knowledge about a lot of different topics, may come off as cold emotionally (often unintentionally), interest in ancient cultures and societies, able to work with different forms of technology effortlessly, entrepreneurs: want to lead and inspire others, task-oriented: see things through and are very much involved in the details and the process, often incarnate as earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, some Orion starseeds have bright, sky-blue or ice blue eyes that draw you in (though there are many Orion starseeds with all eye colors), leaders in their communities and workplaces, sometimes come off as arrogant or having a big ego, have an interest in metaphysics, particularly sacred geometry, often incarnate with darker skin (but again Arcuturian starseeds vary in appearance), planners: they like to develop a plan for almost everything and stick to the plan, compassionate but seem to guard their feelings, may show anger as their form of emotion when they are hurt or upset, confident individuals with a drive for success, telepathic abilities: can read peoples thoughts easily or transfer their own message to others telepathically, have a mission to set up a new society where technology and spirituality meld cohesively, choose careers in the fields of technology, architecture, invention, science, math, statistics, advancing medicine, not in tune with their emotions and therefore this is one of their lessons here on earth, sensory processing issues: highly sensitive to lights, sounds, textures, smells, lower body temperature (not due to other health causes), lower blood pressure (again not due to any foreseeable illness), Empathic: feel and take on others energies, can transmute when they are in alignment, Often tall and slender with blonde hair and blue eyes (though this varies by individual, remember! Any use requires express written permission. Their sole purpose is to manipulate societies, cultures, and technological development. Theyre all about spiritual interactions, and are the happiest when they are able to help people reach their spiritual awakening. The free spirit lives by their own code. The potential in ourselves, the potential in others, and the potential of life. Oddly enough, Im a psychotherapist in training too. Were all searching meaning and identity. Starseeds house a plethora of wisdom and psychic abilities deep within the core of their being. Type 7: The Epicure. Definitely Orion, Alpha Centaurian. But again vampires/zombies scare he daylight out of me. The best thing to do is to find your most prominent characteristic and let it overflow in you. I feel the same feelings.. im indigo children There are numerous beings from the Orion constellation that migrated there from other star systems. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More). 7+ Books Every Starseed Needs to Read in This Lifetime - Kelly Branyik, strongly drawn to the water element, you love all things about the ocean, beach, and bodies of water, intense connection with whales and dolphins, dreams of swimming or living near lakes and oceans so sparkly they look filled with diamonds, strong desire to ascend spiritually and help others too, youre a compassionate person and get pleasure from helping others, high levels of sensitivity to other beings: potentially empathic. Theyre extremely logical beings and are highly mentally polarised. Starseeds, especially, younger incarnations need to change age-old patterns that are keeping them bound to their comfort zone. Yes there are reptilian starseeds, and yes there are reportedly bad ones but they are not all bad (that would be like assuming all humans are bad just because some are) and some reptilians actually come from Orion so it makes sense to me that youre seeing these things and also feel a connection to Orion. Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. While each of the starseed types are endowed with divine gifts, there will still be times when the world could be overwhelming for you. Since they inherently have the intellect for innovation, they were quickly able to flourish here. I think Im an Agarthan Lyran Lemurian, Is that possible? Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. Youre creative in every way its possible to be. You inspire others with your originality. Theyre considered an ancient civilization similar to ancient Egyptians or Romans here on Earth. Although your starseed abilities may still be dormant, your soul knows that it has a connection that goes beyond the Earth. Spiritual ascension comes when we are at our most authentic selves. Where they came from? Also I am intrigued with volcanos and am drawn to the element of fire and the moon and to dragons. Lyran starseeds were the oldest souls in our known galaxy. They find it hard to let go of work that doesnt meet their standards. They lead the way for rapid and progressive change. Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic. I tend to be very soft spoken and I observe and analyze people all the time, so much in fact that I cant seem to slow my mind enough to fall asleep easily. Its rare for a Starseed to be a pure breed of only one Starseed type. . Thank Again Donna Kay. They were successful in developing their planet. 13 Classic Signs, Traits & Symptoms, Lyran Starseed Am I One? You might be a feline starseed. Its believed they are a hybrid mix of starseed types, hailing from many ascended planets and light realms. This is because a lot of us tend to disregard our psychic abilities. Which creative channels spark your passion. Im here on a mission. Some believe whales and dolphins come from the seas of Mintaka originally. For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. They are now here on Earth to guide humans not to make the same mistake they did. I will also note we have a similar username my email being lovely.Lisa29 The only way to create an impact as a starseed is to be of help to others. Its rare for evolved Draconian starseeds to want to stay within Draco. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. Below we cover Mintakan starseed traits AND Orion starseed traits (which would be anyone from elsewhere in the Orion constellation). Though its probably different from Earth. Atlantis was thought to be a city of legends thanks to its popularization by Plato. In the end, I dont really fit in any boxes here and I wouldnt want to. This could be why they havent lived a physical life before. They lead a very simple life. But I do feel like I have recently had a download about this very topic. . Theyre thought to be the original lightworkers and are here solely to teach us the value of potential. I encourage you to do some shadow work and understand why you feel the need to be better or above everyone else here. Sometimes the best service is letting people figure things out by themselves. The Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype) System serves as a means to activate and align the Starseed Collective to accelerate the global ascension mission. Take Control of Your Future By Exploring Your Past with Beyond Quantum Healing, The Four Main Soul Types and Where They Fit into the Earths Drama, The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal). While being incarnated on the planet, as a human, does not make us an Earthling forever. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. You can think of an archetype as quite literally a type of energy. The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator), Dont Let Your Soul Type or Archetype Define You Too Much, The New Paradigm of the Punk Rock Psychic, What is Quantum Healing (and Why is it So Powerful? As important as tuning into your higher self and frequency is just as important as tuning into your higher and... Popularization by Plato when we are at our most authentic selves put their aside. Comfort zone you willingly offer up what you have and which starseed types resonate true purpose after reincarnation in,... 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augur starseed archetype