Sniffle. I much prefer it to sniffling. Reacting to a difficult coworker in a harsh or otherwise unprofessional way won't make the situation any better . Your nose can react to irritants that arent known allergens, Dr. Reisman says. It's possible that it's lingering in a way that you don't realize. I'm 29, she's in her thirties. I was like its okay to wear it, but you CANNOT keep spraying that stuff in a common work area (it was an answering service and the supervisor desk was on a raised platform so you could see the whole room,) and she was totally immersing herself in stuff. And the smell is not any other smell; her smell is really clearly that one you get when your armpits smell bad after sweating. Exactly my thought. Whatever brand they use has a very off putting smell. BTW, I always carry surgical masks and charcoal filters with me. This is super gross but my dog sometimes he goes through a spate of peeing in the house (he has some issues). Thats where my confusion is too. My boss solution was to buy her a fan that she could turn on while I was in the room to point at me to keep my stink away from her. I hope something works for the person who wrote this! Yeah, thats my take. I would personally want to douse myself every time I came into the office if I worked with this person. It's driving me crazy at times. For me, my comments were about where the smell could still be coming from, since OP seems baffled that they could be smelling like anything after all theyve done to eliminate smells from their person. Ill take your share of cheese, please! I dont think LW should have to go above and beyond and Feebreeze her office and dryclean her clothes and not take bubble baths on her *own time* and and and and. I wear a peppermint lotion on my hands that I can hold to my nose to clear it, and just deal with it. It took me like two years and several hundred dollars worth of products before I found something that worked for my hair and they will pry my weirdly pineapple-scented hair gel from my cold, dead hands. I once sent an employee of mine home for this. (I mean, other than the usual feedback from my manager.) But that narrows down the suspect list only a little bit. The exaggerated sniffing definitely sounds like she is just being a pain. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it's so bad my family says something to me. Something like jeopardy would trigger a kind of nervousness. I think the people talking about scent associations are right on the money. . They have to go out in public and buy groceries, get gas, go to the doctor, and basically interact with a whole plethora of other humans and nonhumans who all emit various smells. Hopefully your boss can accommodate and move her, or you? 16 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment MassiveExplosion 5 yr. ago It just seems to cross a boundary of reasonableness. Hey, thanks for reporting in, and it sounds like things are better! Im not going to never use it ever because of that. Your lemony scented hair will seem like a relief,, Oh this is way better! I am fairly active on Twitter (my personal account, of course), where my political opinions are pretty obvious, but I have no idea what hers are, and shes never brought it up. Is it at all possible that after a long time of using scents theyre settled into a chair or the office? Toxic coworkers are, first and foremost, predominantly selfish individuals. Usually trying to clear the flood and congestion by blowing my nose is like trying to slam a logjam through the eye of a needle. I let them know how exasperating the condition is, so they understand both that its not personal against them and that its serious stuff. Yeah, this is a good point. Allow your puppy little sniff breaks along the walk to decompress from walking alongside you in Heel and get their fill of scents. Policy. I have a friend who wears it, and he hugged me once while I was wearing a coat. Unless you saw an allergist or ENT doctor, you might never know you have it., With such a long list of possible causes, how do you get to the bottom of your runny-nose problems? Id ask the co-worker to describe the smell and when she smells it. Alas she may feel singled out, but OP already has shown how much shes accommodated her. But as I would have liked to tell some otherwise lovely people I encountered during my time in Santa Cruz, it is NOT a substitute for a shower. Fine. About a month ago, one of my coworkers told me that the perfume I was wearing bothered her. But to negatively comment about any group is . Even when I blow my nose a lot it doesn't help sometimes. 1. This exactly. I was an intern and during a slow period, my supervisor told me to wipe down some shelves with some kind of cleaner. Yeah, Im not seeing spending more time continuing to pinpoint the cause. The OP is probably very used to it, and if the coworker is very sensitive, I can see where he or she might think it was still being used. There are limits of what you can realistically ask of people. A severe reaction still doesnt make it reasonable to say to someone, Hey, go back to the drawing board and spend a couple hundred bucks on various shampoos and conditioners and styling products, waste a bunch of your time trying each one out and trying to figure out how to style your hair so you still look presentable with these new products, and cross your fingers and hope that somewhere out there is a product that is unscented but still works for you! Im not exaggerating on cost, btw if youre looking at anything more than run of the mill drugstore brands, which youd probably have to in order to find unscented things, you can easily spend $20 each on shampoo and conditioner, $25 each on a few different styling products, and there you are spending over $100 already on one single set of new products with no guarantee theyll work well for you, so you have to move on to the next $100 set of products. He complained for months after we stopped using the detergent that we smelled like patchouli. This. Even if she still can smell something on you that youre not noticing, shes not bringing it up in a productive way at all exaggerated sniffing and snarky comments are not helping anything! It was untrue and unkind. Sad. Me three. I have a coworker who DROWNS himself in cologne at the end of the day, every day. That was me and popcornI worked at the concession counter of a movie theater as a teenager, and it took about five years to lose that powerful aversion to the smell of buttered popcorn. If not, there you are. OP, is there a possibility of moving your (or her) physical location? Yeah. The sky doesnt have a smell unless you want to smell like pollution imo. I find scents in my own home to very relaxing I would do what I can not to bring them into work, but I cannot control for another person never coming into contact with a fragrance molecule to this degree. It ends up sounding very similar to waves at the ocean, which would also probably work well for . The OP has already done everything within reason (i.e. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Yup. If Im being charitable to the coworker, I think this may be happening; shes having a real reaction to a non-existent smell because she assumes its there. I dont think its reasonable for her to avoid a scent just because someone somewhere might hate it. My workplace has had a no-scent policy for a while, though it seems to be enforced only when people complain. for seejay above: I didnt mean to make it seem like I find you or your smell disgusting. Perhaps he has the scent-free version that my two cents mentioned. Oh yeah, thats smart too. Colleagues If you have a colleague who burps or sniffs excessively, the easiest approach is to tell her you find it offensive or unsanitary and, in the case of loud burping, do not consider it humorous. I would be saying you have a problem with the smell of soap and water? I dont think she should have to stop wearing perfume on the weekend or totally change her hygiene routine. It's a little passive aggressive but can't hurt. :( Its not a fun boat to be in, and she has it worse than I did. Yep. The funny thing is my mom uses patchouli, so I associate that particular scent with mom-ly ladies. I had wondered that as well. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. At some point, you gotta be able to cope. And of course I shower daily. Whether or not the coworker has a sensitivity, her behavior is way inappropriate. Scent-free initiatives always seem so invasive to me. And theres a limit to how much Im willing to let work infringe on my ability to surround myself with a pleasant environment in my off-hours, in the way that I define a pleasant environment, which for me is strongly scent-based. Q: Someone who sits near me (who I don't work with directly) has the most annoying habits. Maybe he was just made to wear it. Business Etiquette & Workplace Manners on Burping and Sniffing. I have miso and I sniffle. Skip to step 2, talking to the coworker (it sounds like you DID and it doesnt say how she responded to that other than she continues to make snide comments, but if you think laying it out more specifically and clearly again with her is possible, that shes reasonable enough for a clear conversation, then go ahead and do this step), agreed. Its my personal opinion. I believe in this case, the OP is white (based on the photo Gmail sends with the email, which of course isnt 100% conclusive). There was a time when I burned incense almost daily and I loved the smell in my house, but it never occurred to me the degree it was sticking to my clothes and how much you could smell it on me when I was at work etc. I understand having to accommodate a coworker with an ADA request (although correct me if Im wrong but I believe that would come directly from the company and likely wouldnt require everyone to replace all scented everything they own because that seems like an unreasonable accommodation) but in this case its a coworker who is ceaselessly complaining about the OPS existence rather than her actual scent, based on the steps shes taken. At this point, its pretty ridiculous to ask LW to do more. Youre lovely! OPs coworker is being unnecessarily mean and expecting way too much, and unless shes breaking out in some sort of rash or cant breathe, she may need to get used to the trace amounts of fragrance people inadvertently bring into the office, and stop commenting every time she smells something. It turns out I suffer from ocd i am on medication for it. I dont have a huge wardrobe, so most if not all of my office-appropriate clothes have been washed since then, so Im pretty sure that there are no lingering traces hanging on. He's had been a cocaine user. (and frankly, it is no longer OPs problem to address. I had my last root beer float at age 9 or so, and I will never eat another one as long as I live. So many products are scented cleaners, hand sanitisers, perfumes, breath sprays, cigarette smoke, pet dander, food & chewing gum, office supplies like sharpies & toners & even scented pencils Odours can linger for a very long time & the amalgamation might simply remind her of your scent. But even if this is the case, the co-worker is not handling it in an appropriate way, and OP shouldnt have to put up with Mean Girls style bullying about it. If so, that means that in the co-workers mind, the OP is trying to get away with wearing stuff that shes promised to stop wearing, which would explain her being shirty about it. Theres a specific inexpensive powder wallgreens sells. I like the idea to get a blunt friend to do the sniff test, but basically I think the ideas about limiting physical contact are the best way to go at this point; Im a little afraid of sending the OP down a rabbit hole of onerous scent minimization that may not solve the problem. I once used a mix of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and my favorite detergent to remove cat pee from a mattress. I guess I associate the word perfume with the alcohol-based eau de parfume spray ones. Agreed. At this point you have done plenty to make her life easier, and she is being rude. It's driving me crazy trying to get to sleep and I'm beginning to think it's more of ahabitual thing rather than medical. Maybe the hierarchy of OP compared to the coworker is part of this. At this point, the coworker really needs to be talking with her boss or HR to figure something out. * Supplements can seep through skin causing prominent body odors. Sniffle. My officemate has an odd personal smell that reminds me of mothballs and old man. That doesnt keep the other odors from actually entering, though; it just overpowers them. Oh absolutely, Id figure thats part of the process, but it could still help get rid of some smells, assuming the vinegar smell washes out after . I didnt know the immune system could even distinguish between synthetic and natural molecules, but it sounds fascinating. That's the end of it? I developed a sniff several years ago. This is why Im scared to take up perfume, for fear of being 80 and having a personal cloud of smell. You are going above and beyond for this person, which is very thoughtful and empathetic of you. I do think at that point she would need to differentiate between something merely existing and something being a problem, though. Yes, my indie oils are my perfume. Its not like we banned cilantro-flavored food. You can take chlorophyll tablets called Body Mint that neutralize lots of odors. It came on after a bad cold last year. Personally, I dont know why anyone wears it. :(, Why is Alison mentioning lemon scented body wash? I'm glad to hear that some snifflers have experienced repercussions! The manager role is responsible for guiding, coaching, onboarding and exceeding targets for a team of up to 8 AMs. I have found literally one laundry detergent that doesnt make me break out in hives. Our nine-year-old son has trouble remembering to chew with his mouth closed. My point is that maybe something similar is happening with OPs coworker and smells. I love patchouli. Yes, this. Sigh. The fastest, simplest and quietest way to communicate is through a chat tool, however, you've got to set some expectations around how it's used. Snarky or not, it does highlight that the problem is the co-workers to solve, not the OPs. If youre one of the 35 million Americans who suffer from hay fever, read on for what plants are to blame, where to find them and how to get relief. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Oh man every time I see someone on here who has sniffling as a trigger I feel a little guilty. I cannot imagine going to work everyday without perfume on. This co-worker is handling things very immaturely, but patchouli is a big red flag. :D (Rabbit is pretty up there too actually and remarkably similar to chicken.). Theres some racism that goes along with smells (often related to food or different body odors). Id suggest telling her just that Ive done all I can to be scent-free in the office. It sounds like your coworker is a drama llama and shes in the wrong. I think considerate coworkers like you should do what they can to help out other coworkers, but at the same time, you shouldnt have to give up something you enjoy using in your free time because of a work conflict. Same goes for Sambuca (or anything licorice-smelling) and lavender-gin cocktails. Do four things: 1. Could you bring in some Frebreeze and see if that helps? Im hoping it doesnt escalate to that point, but Im glad youre out of that situation now! I also wonder if those smells are lingering in your home as wellmattress pad? On a related note, my ex-boss smelled pretty strongly of second hand smoke. She needs to figure out a way to disperse the smell at work (with a fan? 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coworker constantly sniffing