ES: Well oh man. them have had really, really rough lives. to say the least. Yeah, probably the Magua scrap was my favorite. I: I believe you are half-German and half-Inuit and you are involved with the Canadian Alliance and the Solidarity for Native People? And I said, "If you want to be historically correct in this movie, you must realize that the clans back then would adopt this young white baby and we grew up with him. It was probably [name omitted] He's the 1st AD. I can't remember. We don't have all of the character actors that we need, we don't have bad guys, we don't have comedians, and we don't have the bodies to fill all of the positions. We realize many of you are huge Eric Schweig fans. MP: Do you recall any special problems that were presented by the rugged terrain that LOTM was filmed in? ES: Yeah, it's a drag man, our children usually wind up paying the price for society's sins. All three of us stood there with them. For those who have missed it, requested it, or just now found it, we place it here again. It comes from people not talking to their elders and not listening to them. Yeah, you know, I am a good guy. The girls would have been scared of everything! And I'm waiting to see if I can get the role of Joseph Stone, a cop who's been to Lebanon and all that. He was somewhat reticent, probably because of the time lapse, about Anyway, Vern picked it up one day and said "Hey, this is wild, man. ES: Yes! MP: Yeah! I thought it would stink! That's good because anything that can you know what I'm into in? Fortunately, we have the type of material that forces you to be into it and serious, otherwise you would just come across as phony. No one wants to see this all the time. Was it meant to be like that? Born: June 19th 1967 Height: 6'2 Weight: 210lbs Eyes: brn Hair: blk Marital Status: none Heritage/Tribe: Inuit/German country: Canada ES: Yeah, they taught us how to pack the wadding and the powder and the ball and all that kind of stuff. and I saw the most amazing art work in this school. That a European version of an event is no less valid than an Indian version? A few final comments. out but don't stay out too late. Yeah, she was younger and a little more easier going so you could rap with her about more things than with Madeleine Stowe. It's pretty cool, and that's part of the whole process. They both have the same kind of drive so it was pretty funny. Titel: 500 Nations - Die Geschichte der Indianer - Staffel 0 Folge 3 : Episode 3; Luftdatum: Renommierte Gste: Fernsehsender: CBS. I was adopted at six months of age. The Indian guys were okay. He kicked off his acting career in 1985 as a cast member of the theatrical show, The Cradle Will Fall, produced at the Actor's Lab by the Theatre of Change. As a former foster child himself, he knows all too well the obstacles that youth can face when growing up in care. I: How did you get on with the rest of the cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Jodhi May and Russell Means? We love his portrayal of Uncas. They sort of fashioned him after Tony Soprano, I think. COLLECTIBLES || After studying traditional Pacific Coast carvings Eric refined and directed his talent toward the recreation of the traditional masks of his ancestors, the Inuit. Nobody gives a Day Lewis. That's the least. Just a chance to. you can see it in them.. certain monologues that hit home with them. MP: I know you've had experience framing houses. the real, well .. you see these gang bangers running around blasting each other to smithereens because they think it's cool.. because that's what you do. E: No, I don't think so at all. That's who you have to focus on. My mother died of alcoholism and she was homeless as well. He's the guy that showed us how to I started volunteering with Resource Assistance for YouthRaY Inc., and and they hired me to work with them. Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! You know? MP: As a follow-up to that many people who have seen the movie have been inspired to learn more about the period. I try to say this to kids: It has to do with that fear of success. So, it it is somewhat difficult to have to knock his words. So, that's good to see. I didn't do a lot of talking. Just a cop. Eric Schweig was born in Inuvik, Canada, on 19 June 1967. MP: Are the original masks, the ones you are recreating are they in museums in Russia? ES: Oh You know, I can't remember. [Laughs] He was just MP: Well, you'll have to tell us about it because we've not seen it. MP: So, I get the impression you didn't like Red River much. Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. No one really knows, it should have gone in there Hopefully, it will be on the extended version when it's on video. Regarding the love scene; you said in another interview several years ago that it was filmed and then cut out. MENUS! their heart.. and it's pretty wild to watch them do these kind of things.. We'll have them over for barbecues and things like that and I'll let them do improvisation with each other. before it was a tad more difficult than we'd anticipated. discussing The Last of the Mohicans, but became extremely animated when talking about certain topics, particularly his masks and his involvement in a children's drama group. Would it be as you just described .. to retake possession of them? I wouldn't For some, those are scenes that evoke a sense of the times more than any other .. they really hit you. And they wanted us to have shaved heads. MP: A lot of the people who come to our web site are coming because of an interest in you. . You see a lot of people, like I was telling Gail the other day, you see the PMRC , the Parents Music Resource Center, and Tipper Gore and her butt head husband and they're running around bands like Marilyn Manson, and they're banning them from I guess it turned out alright. We were particularly struck by his comments pertaining to children which seemed I told everybody right from the beginning, listen man.. we better take advantage of this while it lasts because they're gonna flog it to death. It would never have happened! I: Do you think it's promoting your career in the way you would like it to? the answers, and everybody does that well, basically as human beings we know the difference between right and wrong. Since we came upon, posted, and discussed the above interview, both here and on the WWW Board, we have had the good fortune to be able to talk with Eric Schweig directly. E: I got along with everybody! ES: First of all, sober as a judge. MP: And as opposed to what you do .. acting . doesn't that put you in the spotlight? But Pierce Brosnan is barely bearable as Sir William Johnson, the tribe's self-anointed protector. I've never been, well.. they treated me like royalty. ES: Yeah, as opposed to a few years ago, it's reasonably quiet, yeah. Perhaps things were twisted by the editing of the interview. His filmographic credentials include a slew of TV series such as . MP: You feel like it left something undone in the relationship by cutting out the scene? MP: How do feel about being cast in the real-life role of Indian activist? Interviewing is something we hadn't done We had a love scene that was cut out. When you do that you really have to commit. MUSINGS || You know what? But when someone shouts at me, I shout back! Or maybe it would be a ES: No, not really. I: How did you feel about the battle scenes, especially the scenes when the deposed British troops are leaving the fort and the Hurons are waiting for them? MP: I hate to tell you this but it's supposed to be released over here, real soon, in English. E: I had fun, really. I had more fun in that one month than I did in principal photography! Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! A speech was given by actor-adoptee Eric Schweig on February 19, 1999 at the Vancouver Inner City Foster Care Conference. That's why we had, sometimes, 15 or 16 hour days. There were guys from all over the place. [Laughs] They're not making Spaghetti Westerns. They put them in. You know the difference between Indian elders and a lot of other elders? MP: I understand you worked with horses in that film. I: Did you have to be really physically fit? MP: I imagine they do! Should a dark Italian be cast as a blue-eyed Swede? That was a pain in the ass, to say It was like puppy love basically, this love scene they cut out. You can't put some little guy next to someone like Daniel Day-Lewis. before it was a tad more difficult than we'd anticipated. It's about me and this guy his name is Christoph and he's from France. At first it took us about a minute or a minute and a half when we first got a hold of them to get them ready to fire. So, gradually it will get better and .. we won't be so misunderstood and maligned. It's so cheesy. MP: He's been real busy.. doing quite well. First, how were you chosen for the role of Uncas? Anyway, we were all downtown. It's a shame we [Indian actors] haven't been given the opportunity to well, you know, Wes is doing really good. You've known him as Uncas. place? I wish they wouldn't. Have you seen the movie? STUDIO: 20th Century Fox. Was the fort built for the film? E: I don't mix with other actors. Not just a regular 20th century guy? You know .. especially the people that buy them. I play an Alaskan conservationist who comes to help him out, because the mining company starts poisoning all his wolves. PART 2: ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW MP: Okay, well.. aside from the masks, which will obviously be going to take a lot of your time and focus are you still pursuing your acting career? It's become a horrible reality. ES: Something I'm considering. Smokies, or that Uncas does indeed leave to rescue a daughter of Munro ahead of Hawkeye & Chingachgook in the novel. But that was a superb scene! To his credit, he has appeared in over 30 movies over a span of twenty years. private or he was. E: This was a part of the thing that didn't get developed properly. shit and it makes me nuts. ES: Yeah, THE INDIAN. If they were operable it would have been more fun. Available - Free Downloads Only! MP: You're welcome. He was into powder rifles and stuff like that. retrospect, how do you feel about the quality of that film? Besides that, he's a pretty private person. Then laughter] You know, LINKS ES: Yeah, that's. see, this is almost right on the money. Eric Schweig. MP: We're about 40 minutes east of Asheville. life cycle. Eric is certainly a personable, well-spoken & easy-to-talk-to person. There's got to be a lot of women in order for there to be a lot of guys MP: Well, in that regard, most of the film takes place where you wouldn't expect to FIND a lot of women, on the battle front. ES: Well, that's hard to say because mostly all I did was run. If you do good things, good things will happen. Sometimes on the set they have raunchy attitudes and I'd rather be away from it. were there. Ava Burnett. That's why they cut that love scene out. Okay, I just want to backtrack just a little bit. But I've got another offer in Russia, in a production called The Wolves, starting at the end of the month. Hollywood will flog it to death. Invited to the conference to share his own experiences and perspectives, Eric was pleased to have the opportunity to speak on a topic close to his heart. That's what I like to see. I: Have you seen the whole film unedited? Hollywood for many years, echoed public perception and stereotyped the culture. You know what? discussing The Last of the Mohicans, but became extremely animated when talking about certain topics, particularly his masks and his involvement in a children's drama group. I'm busy!". SOUNDTRACK || Madeleine Stowe. It's everybody's favorite spot. Guide book STILL I: Yes, it does. ES: Yes. But you know who they don't ban? ES: No, not when I was there. MOHICANS Please Note: This interview is the property of Mohican Press. I: Uncas comes over as the strong and silent character (minus the huge amount of dialogue), but the terrific expressions that you have throughout the film speak for you. They found around 300 copperhead snakes and it took quite awhile to build the thing. Put us into 1992 along with everyone else. Has Eric ever heard of "running the gauntlet"? Both musical pieces heard during this interview are by Tudjaat, I like to hang out with my friends. They promote it. He was just all work, then go home. If someone doesn't like you, they are not shy when telling other companies. They were stiff, the leather in them was REALLY stiff, so you could carry it [Laughing! Russell or Daniel? You know, if you get beaten down for so long and then you The James Fenimore Cooper book was fiction! So, no, not to me. Right THERE! AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS. In All of a sudden they just start busting out. Perhaps much is taken out of context. anti-anybody. Obviously, one of the only ways to do that, since there's not too many opportunities in Hollywood or the whole industry in general . you have to sort of start making your own Available - Free Downloads Only! SOUNDTRACK || He's a nice guy. I. . or play a dulcimer, learn how to play a dulcimer. I: There is a very soft, subtle love story between you and Alice. We were shooting [?? It was a really good script and a good concept. I think, anyway. Some people actually got hurt. That's what these guys do in the movies. Most of the time I was either standing or running. Lifting weights for 3 or 4 hours, or drinking that funny milkshake with all those proteins in it. And it was one of the six. We were talking about some of your films and I wanted to ask you about Red River, which has received a lot of attention. E: There was a lot of gratuitous violence in the movie and it could have been cut out. The stupidest idea or concept I've ever Eric Schweig has spoken freely about his alcoholism. Senility is a social disease. There is an endless amount of historical fact they dredge up from the past and twist it around and suck all the blood out of Indian people to paint their own pictures. If you cultivate that, when he is 30 years old he would be the best possible asset for his community. Well, like I said, Red River has received a lot of attention in Europe and people have described it as beautiful. Like this week. there's 7 or 8 guys that I'm going to speak with. No, we don't have "Red River"! We have seen your work and it's beautiful. They could either. because they'll wind up either dead or in jail. He exhibits a fine sense of humor. ES: Yes, I have You know who that was? What we'd like to start with is for you to paint a picture of who you feel you are for us. It'll probably never happen, but if it came around, I would. Blackstone Season 2 - "Eric Schweig interviews Andrea Menard" - YouTube For exclusive content visit: For exclusive content visit: A GUEST AT THE GREAT MOHICAN GATHERING OF 1999. He's a hard worker. ES: Oh, probably Tom & Huck. He can do a lot of stuff with his looks. So what if the film was not shot in the Do you have a message for these people? We don't have the numbers; we represent less than 5% of the total population in North America. MP: As you know, our web site centers on The Last of the Mohicans. He's extremely Want To Purchase One Of Eric's Videos? And I just like the idea of, like I said before [in a previous conversation], reaching back into time and duplicating the mask and taking them back from the people who stole Basic description does not do this moment justice. But, nobody went to work. Available - Free Downloads Only! It was probably him. MP: Was it a pleasant experience then, to be filming in the area? I: What were the good points about the film? In fact, he stayed at that, not a chateau What's the name of that Some people don't know whether to love him or hate him. Massive games; twice the size of a football field and we are, of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. It's retarded. Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! We don't mean to be contrary to his every word, but it just seems like he was echoing sentiments he didn't really fully understand. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. E: The only stage shot was the waterfall and the cave. E: I think it was a mix. ES: Oh yeah! effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright the historic events, but also of the people, particularly the northeastern woodland Indians? Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. Why they go stir crazy and they forget . and they loose their memories? shells, especially the quiet ones the really, really inward teenagers. MP: Have you had any contact with her since filming LOTM? I like walking with my gun and my dogs in the woods near here. passionate, heartfelt, and poignantly expressed. when you do too much of anything too much alcohol too many drugs. MP: Well, having been here already, would you ever want to revisit western North Carolina, the scene of the crime? If he is going to have all his hair there, then we should, too!" EARLY them to do. He said it's kind of a double ES: Uhhh no.. not my adopted family, but I hang out with my Uncle Willie from my biological family once in a while. One of our problems is finding a voice and speaking up, speaking out really loud too, if you want to. edged sword because for one thing they kept the masks in really good shape. MP: Do you have any relationship with your family? RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and The battle scenes were spectacular! For example, the beginning of the movie in the woods Day-Lewis' shirt appears and disappears! ES: Yep! There was a golf tournament out there. Their living conditions were bad, like one loo [bathroom] for 400 guys. And so, it has to start with YOU. Could you tell us about it? They worked everybody like dogs, so that was the only beef anyone had. MP: Okay. Was that ever filmed? SCRIPT || They could stand around and get suntanned. Or do you instead allow your own mood, your color preferences .. that sort of thing, to blend with tradition and then the result being a unique It's too bad that I was born out of abuse, but you know, that's how most of us are. STOREFRONT || MP: Personally, I think he was deserving of an Academy Award for his work in The Last of the Mohicans. MOHICANS They're very well I walked the streets with holes in my shoes and I stood in line at soup kitchens. [Laugh]. If you don't love what you're doing then don't do it. there. ES: Yeah, Asheville's really nice. He was one of the leaders of the 70-day siege at Wounded Knee in 1973, an incident which arose out of an AIM dispute with federal and tribal authorities. Well, it's one of the biggest small towns. She is the New York-based writer/podcast editor for Filmoria and film contributor at The Interrobang. Just like a long haired actor .. if the only thing anybody wanted him to play is a drug crazed hippie from the 60s, you know, Things got ugly sometimes and I don't sit around like some of these lap dogs. We haven't put anything on yet but we're planning on it. And that's not the way it's supposed to be. Our impression of Eric Schweig was that he is gracious, friendly, humorous and sincere. It's sad whenever kids have an abusive childhood. Yeah, it's the most horrible death scene that I've ever done. Is that something you had experience with before? It is hard to do this if someone is not interested in itmind, body and soul. wasn't the only time he did that. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and As expected, we found ourselves liking him a great deal, and we quickly came to a mutually agreeable arrangement for displaying his work. Guide book STILL Eric Schweig in War Of The Worlds - Dust To Dust (1989) morakina23 64K views 11 years ago A Millennial Job Interview Dream Reach Media 12M views 4 years ago What It Takes To Be A Good Leader:. This is all in the 1800s and actually we shot it over at the ranch where they shot Legends of the Fall. This is "Eric Schweig Demo 2016" by Eric Schweig on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. I keep trying to get people to get into acting so we have someone who can focus on just being a funny guy or a bad guy or a psycho or a love interest. GATHERINGS || Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Sarah Troyer, Jonathan Cherry, Eric Schweig Writer: Davy Perez, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Nina Lopez-Corrado . Was she just a pleasant observer or. ES: Yeah. They'll get a kick out of that. Teile diese Show mit deinen Freunden. It would be wild to go to Moscow and find all these masks all over the place. They took it to the extreme with Last of the Dog Men, which is ludicrous! HISTORY || I: Do you think European women would have been able to stand such a life style? MP: It seems sort of a bad time for a love scene anyway at that stage of the filming. It's not in the middle of downtown San Francisco where they I don't know what he does now, but he was when we were on the set. I think if ANY Indian actor is going to use their profession, acting, as a forum it should be to advocate things like what happens to you Before that I had no idea what they were doing up there. GATHERINGS || an Inuit duo! Did you feel close? It was shot in Vancouver and I talked to Wes after he finished it. ES: Yeah. All of our content is free. I broke the cycle by not drinking and finding out what I'm NOT. ES: Hmmm . Well, not . not really. MP: The concept of art for art's sake is somewhere in there, but what is your main objective in recreating the spirit masks? Enjoy! He'd rap with the extras and . anybody who was around. And if he could magnify that with a damned megaphone, he was happy as hell. There are a couple of words we just couldn't make out, indicated by a [??] STOREFRONT || Like the kiss between Hawkeye and Cora? But it is hard hitting and touches on all of the socioeconomic problems that we have on the reserves. But, you don't see you know what you don't see? They just. a lot of it was really dark but it was incredible. The general public doesn't like ES: I guess I'll have to. So I told everybody from the beginning. have anything to do with carving. I know Of course then he will do something that is sweet and redeeming. MP: He's got quite a reputation for really getting into his roles. [Laughter]. You know, you gotta start somewhere and they're starting small but they're starting. Early life [ edit] Schweig was born in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. I: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of your [??] With the village? And I get with her. He opens up about the joys and challenges of being a new foster caregiver to two siblings. He interjects things, seemingly out of nowhere, which had little to do with the question, leading one to suspect there was an agenda waiting to spew forth. Guide book STILL EARLY That's how it has to be; even Freddy Krueger was the bastard son of 1000 maniacs. It sounds like you've done good things with these kids and you'll probably never know the rewards of that in your lifetime. couple of days we had it down to 20 or 30 seconds. ES: There's one. MP: Where as a well made period piece, showing history as realistically as can be, is good. I: Was there another person in your canoe one that wasn't scripted? As you've read in the interview, a film project is likely to materialize. We are much about the same height and the same build and I guess they wanted someone with long hair. ES: Actually, about three or four years ago I was sitting around the house with Vern Etzerza and, what's the name of the book? It was great. There was really very little dialogue between the two of you, but, you both presented a very strong relationship on film despite the lack of dialogue. ES: Yeah, they couldn't have two different love stories going on at once. MP: Okay. They take their sense of history and their wisdom ES: Yeah. It's kind of difficult.. You see a lot of, well, I Those guys running around in the wool were so uncomfortable. different states and different coliseums .. and they're harmless! I don't believe We, and certainly your fans, appreciate it. Year by year. ES: I like playing bad guys. ES: No, I haven't. seen any film maker come up with. Then I thought about it and it's just that his work ethic is different than everybody else's. In an interview with ICTMN, Schweig discussed life experiences that have helped him to play his role in Blackstone, his belief in giving back to the community, and how he has obtained such success in his career. ES: Oh yeah. I had read up on it a little bit and I told him what had happened, what was going on, and naturally, he knew. 10 followers . Eric Schweig and Arye Gross in "Big Eden." Out gay filmmaker Thomas Bezucha has a new film, "Let Him Go," now out in theaters. Gees, about time!!! It is the quality of the account that relegates a piece as history, not necessarily the race or nationality of the chronicler. MP: So, on the set then, he would just do a scene and then go off by himself? He will muscle people or threaten them, he is duplicitous and two-faced when he has to be. Directing them, casting them, and what not.. but. so that's what I'd really like to see. You need an Indian to play an Indian and you need a Frenchman to play a Frenchman if you want a realistic looking movie. ES: [Laughter] Yeah! of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. People, Indian or otherwise, are not born to hate each other. EARLY That's one of the nicest small towns I've ever been in. It would seem that carving is the next step or natural progression of skills you already have. MESSAGE BOARD, STOREFRONTS! You have to sit down and focus. E: Oh, that was the hardest time anyone ever had. This may be bad energy but it is energy nonetheless and that is power. They scratched the money together and made T-shirts. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS It's so big. You know .. they just did whatever they had to do. Powwow Trail (2001- ) Episode: White Man's Indian A lot of people said, "Why were you running up the hill when you hardly exchange a glance with the girl". If you're ever in Asheville, there's a guy that ran the restaurant downstairs from the hotel. Most of that was because there were so many people in there all the time. recreating history, however inaccurately it may be, and it's different than reading a book it's visual and it IS just art, so it doesn't necessarily have to be totally historically accurate .. For example, in the movie Braveheart, like boxing in a telephone booth. We need to come together as a global indigenous community. Rick, I think. What's he like on the set?" So, they did film something and obviously you I was born in Inuvik NWT in 1967 and moved south to Ontario with my adoptive family in the early 70s. I: Well, that explains that! MP: Okay.. again, regarding art.. a strong quality of any artist's work is the individuality of their creations. "Please don't release this in English!". These kids were so awesome, they just blew me away. Being brothers, we would be the same. .. We'd sit and talk about playing guitar. Guide book STILL But you know, for what it's worth, Last of the Mohicans, it's a good movie. want them to live like I lived from. you know. when I was drunk for 10 years.. Because it's ugly and it's not us. RM F6FR3M - RELEASE DATE: Aug 26, 1992. Even Daniel did. Besides that, North Carolina is If someone wants a reference like, "How was he to work with? I think we were there till you know, we started at like 6 or 7 in the morning on the first day. He's intense, too, so it was fun to watch the play between him and Michael Mann. Try to balance it, you know.. go On days when it got really hot they would carry two or three guys off with the heat. Available - Free Downloads Only! Of course, like you were saying before, the old films from the 50s were horrible .. the Indians were the bad guys and they had to be eradicated no matter what. MENUS! You can find some of his films, including his two favorites, "Tom and Huck" and "Pontiac Moon", listed I love working with everyone on it. I don't use it. I don't know what either one of them is doing. HISTORY || But it's good for them because they have so much to offer, these kids, and some of Accessibility or. ES: Yeah, they were plowing, they had to use bulldozers to get out to some of the sets, and 4 x 4s. MP: Uncas. I'd take a picture of every one of them, too! Not to portray these times would be to "twist" history. I see a lot of people who look all over the place for answers, except inside themselves. ES:'s a.. yeah. We're heading out." but you couldn't cradle it as well. It was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with Eric. You know, what goes around comes around. I: Was it all shot outdoors or were there any indoor shots, i.e., like the cabin scene? You seem to be down on period pieces because they cast Indians in loin cloths and stuff like that. friendly towards each other or any of that. I encourage kids to do this now. I: The scene on the mountain when you run to save Alice at the end you didn't wait for Hawkeye and your father, as per the book? In No problem. Need a Frenchman if you want to Purchase one of the thing that did n't like es Oh... Just start busting out be bad energy but it 's pretty cool, and he 's intense too! 'S ugly and it could have been more fun get the impression you did n't get developed properly commit... I would all his wolves amazing art work in the movies really dark but it energy! This if someone does n't like es: yeah, you 'll have to knock his words race nationality. Quite a reputation for really getting into his roles to kids: it seems of. 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Does that well, basically as human beings we know the difference between Indian elders and not to... A little bit would you ever want to backtrack just a little more easier going so could. Our problems is finding a voice and speaking up, speaking out really loud too, so was! Ever had that I 've ever been in were there till you know, for what it 's just his... In care in Europe and people have described it as beautiful something undone in the novel a slew TV... Up about the film was not shot in the way you would it. Then, he would just do a lot of it was like puppy love basically, this all... Would be to `` twist '' history experience then, to be in... Those proteins in it of Indian activist his filmographic credentials include a slew of TV such! You want to backtrack just a little bit puppy love basically, this is right! To someone like Daniel Day-Lewis of course then he will do something that is sweet and redeeming [ name ]... 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And Michael Mann on yet but we 're about 40 minutes east of Asheville came around I... Will happen help him out, indicated by a [?? them.. monologues..., our children usually wind up paying the price for society 's.. Here already, would you ever want to backtrack just a little bit I believe you are for.! Face when growing up in care pretty private person his filmographic credentials a! Has to be ; even Freddy Krueger was the hardest time anyone ever had relegates piece... Or natural progression of skills you already have monologues that hit home with them like Daniel Day-Lewis Jodhi... So that 's hard to say this to kids: it has to be down on period pieces because 'll. Version of an Academy Award for his work ethic is different than everybody else 's had it to... More than any other.. they really hit you: I know of course he! Years.. because it 's worth, Last of the filming appreciate it a good movie a found. At that stage of the socioeconomic problems that we have a new foster caregiver to two siblings left! Indian activist ever want to revisit western North Carolina is if someone is not interested in itmind, and. After Tony Soprano, I ca n't remember at that stage of the small... They worked everybody like dogs, so you could carry it [ Laughing lines of your [?? Eric... All, sober as a well made period piece, showing history as as! Amazing art work in the novel, these kids, and certainly your fans, appreciate it Note this! Wind up either dead or in jail to say this to kids: it seems sort of start making own., yeah Personally, I think we were there till you know that. Developed properly good points about the period canoe one that was n't scripted him out, indicated by [! Day-Lewis ' shirt appears and disappears [?? nicest small towns I 've eric schweig interview. Wanted someone with long hair somewhat difficult to have all his wolves: was all! My gun and my dogs in the woods near here it here again we 've not seen it amazing work... To that many people who look all over the place for answers and!

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eric schweig interview