Also this gives babies and children their first taste of alcohol. 2)It was initiated by, or at very least was involved with,the mass murderer Constantine. margin-left:15pt; They believe they "have no life in them" without the eucharist, that is administered by a priest, thus is sacerdotalist priestcraft salvation (co Saviour). font-size:10.0pt; 1) The racist error of translating the old testamentfrom Greek. 7/7/2017 Fr. 3) Acceptance of the Creed is usurped upon all converts in the so called "catechumenperiod". c. 50-100) in the late first and early second century. } A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, Religion News Service, World, and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. wherethe new proselyte must renounce in public the Reformation and the Protestant / Evangelical gospelas false. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; In Slavic churches, some archimandrites are allowed to wear the mitre as a recognition of their service to the church (mitrateormitrophoros). 6/25/2018 Fr. 2) That the scriptures alone, on their own, are enough to make a person wise unto that salvation. 5/5/2022 Fr. A special service held in the Orthodox Church for the repose of the souls of the dead. margin-right:30pt; 6/20/2022 Fr. } 6/13/2018 Fr. 6/15/2021 Nick Stamatakis (Helleniscope), Bulgarian hierarch takes stand for Christian morality against gay pride parade John Whiteford, Trying to Make Silk Purses Out of Sows Ears (Response to A Theology of the Erotic) [refuting Aristotle Papanikolaou false teaching] This practice of pilgrimages protected by violence therefore usurped over the commands of Jesus of a Love and Peace life style. Well, it's a false dichotomy: that you can either have enchantment, or modern dentistry. All rights reserved. font-size:14pt; For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. The concept of the "first among equals" is that of giving this title to a person whose office was founded historically first, in Eastern Orthodoxy thePatriarch of Constantinople, The idea of having Patriarchal bishops over huge jurisdictions, and a lower formof bishops, is not found in new covenant law. 4/13/2018 Fr. p.quotation_text_2 As I began reading Scripture, I understood Jesus to be the only way to God. 6) It asserts the heresy of "hand-me-down" powers via their use of the theological idea of their definition of "Apostolic". (Gr. p.numbered_bulleted_text_1 Basil the Great, liturgies andmass attributed to him, 2) St. Gregory the Theologian, a theology dunce if he agreed with Orthodoxy. Thomas Hopko on Same-Sex Attraction: Speaking the Truth in Love? } The multiplicity of false gods to pray to was replaced by praying to saints, burning incense was kept, and the mother goddess religions took immediately to praying to a dominant female saint figure, Mary, empowered with some of the powers of God himself, the ability to hear, answer, and mediate for millions of prayers (humanly impossible). 2/21/2020 Orthodox Christianity, When People of God Fall, They Behave Worse Than Pagans Jesus showed this is a spiritual birth in John 3 by comparing it to the wind (invisible like the soul and spirit of man). p.references_header 2/2/2015 Fr. The Communist party began to put pressure on him to give up his newfound faith and continue to be involved in their atheistic agenda. p.article_id { Ioannes Apiarius, On Priestesses and Ecclesiological Deism [on Sr. Vassa dangerous nonsense] color:black; But the impetus for that division was not a choice between obedience to the Word of God and the word of man, but rather a choice between two competing sets of that which Scripture repeatedly condemns as "the commandments and doctrines of men.". Joseph Birthisel, Demonic Autonomy and Divine Obedience The Anthropology of Antichristianity (Part 8) line-height:200%; margin-bottom: 6px; Others are men "married" to other men. Essentially Eastern Orthodoxy, and Catholicism, are unbiblical pyramid systems where the so called "laity" are in effect the lowest of the low, almost like a lower caste, with the Pope or thePrimus inter pares at the top, and Catholic and Orthodox laity at the bottom like a doormat. The act of confessing or acknowledgment of sins by an individual before God in the presence of a priest, who serves as a spiritual guide and confessor (pneumatikos) authorized to ask for forgiveness and to administer a penance. } (Gr. This is called by them "thelaver of regeneration". In so many parts of the world, religion and state are so intertwined that Christians are unable to exercise their consciences and avail themselves of the many choices within Christendom. And the author does not claim definitiveness, but only a selection of the most notable. Joseph Birthisel, Orthodox Fundamentalism Discussion on Ancient Faith Today Gabriel (Hieromonk), Lazar Puhalo Attacks Monasticism This is mentioned as the Eastern Orthodox Churches, such as those in Greece and Russia, believe they are rooted to what they call the Apostolic Catholic Church pre-schism of 1054, and this can cause confusion in the mind of some people in that a member of the EOC might say they are "Catholic" but mean it in a pre-schism sense, not in the modern sense of being under the Pope's authority. Bread made with yeast (enzyma) and used for altar bread for the Orthodox Eucharist (as opposed to the unleavened bread used by the Latin Church). 11/8/2019 Fr. The Orthodox Church doesn't have a pope Gabriel (Hieromonk), The Unbearable Essentializing of Being: Metropolitan Kallistos Wares Sorrowful Joy of Sex {color:#930000; margin-left:15pt; Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on This reverent but bold work offers the necessary insight and inspiration to create a community that welcomes all its . font-family: Verdana; The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. 11/14/2014 Terry Mattingly, Texas Orthodox Priests Reject Fr. priests who dont exist. Commonly, the Orthodox consider as Mother Church theEcumenical Patriarchateas being the senior Church of the Orthodox World. Matt. The Council was convened to investigate without further delay, the false teachings of Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople (428-431). 1/6/2020 Rod Dreher, Orthodoxy, LGBT, & Spiritual Sedition [re: Orthodoxy in Dialogue scandalous LGBT rebellion] 6/17/2021 Orthodox Christianity, Mari Iakovou Mars Proudly and Publicly Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month Orthodoxy and LGBT Inclusiveness 5) Cycle of Prayer 6) Jesus Prayer 6) Mary as Mediator 7) Praying tothe dead 8) Prayer Books. The Orthodox religion treats the bible as if it was a box of chocolates were there can pick and chose things from different covenants, and meld them together into a man made potpourri religion. 8) Ruled over by Pharisees - Nicolaitane heresy (no laity) uniforms, beards. Tomorrow, we will look at the parallels between the two accounts and hopefully better understand these two traditions and why people are converting from one to the other. 59) Crypto-converts: their enforced pseudo "conversion" by threats. The Catholics tend to answer more specifically and clearly than the Orthodox in certain areas. They believe that Protestants in particular have departed from the true faith. You may not be interested in Culture Wars, but Culture Wars are interested in you 10/12/2019 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Dont Dialogue With Sin 3/24/2020 Orthodox Editors, Greek Archbishop of America [Elpidophoros] declares open Communion for non-Orthodox spouses There is entirely nothing stopping a Christian being buried in a secular graveyard. The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. 11/23/2019 Fr. This term describes an alleged progressive transformation of the individual into full likeness to God, in both soul and body, through a cooperative effort involving faith and good works. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:12-19). 11/27/2018 Fr. Shortly thereafter, he rejected the Orthodox doctrine of infant baptism. p.normal_text "correct or true belief"). When I visited Greece I found the priests there to be quite incredibly vain, and only after discovering the doctrine of Theosis did I properly understand why. -The DivineLiturgy of Saint John Chrysostom said to be a"mass"in the Byzantine Rite. 1) one of the faithfulin consecrated ground, (consecrated by heretics), 2) according to the Orthodox rites and service of burial (Nekrosimos). 3) The Church may deny an Orthodox burial to those who have committed a mortal sin such as blasphemy, suicide, denial of faith, or acceptance of cremation. margin-bottom:6.0pt; The Orthodox Church considers in particular three bishops (hierarchs) of the Church as Her most important Teachers and Fathers, who contributed to the development and the spiritual growth of the Church. And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died." font-family: Verdana; Johannes Jacobse, Uncovering the Truth: Head Coverings and Revisionist Biblical Interpretation John Whiteford, Deeply Disturbing Concerns Homosexual Militancy Threatening the Orthodox Church 7/27/2021 Orthodox Reflections, Compassionate Denial: A Paradigm of Abuse? margin-bottom:6.0pt; 5/21/2018 Fr. 2/16/2022 Orthodox Reflections, Morality Not Black and White, Fordhams George Demacopooulos Says in Abortion Article Filthiness as they say they physicallyeat Jesus (cannibalism) and digest him in their intestines, thus he "sees corruption" in their teachings (Acts 2:27), and calling a piece of bread God in the flesh is an act of idolatry or spiritual fornication (the Orthodox prostrate themselves before the mass bread, the catholics bow). 6/16/2018 Rod Dreher, The Rise of Antichristianity The Mystery of Lawlessness All Rights Reserved. He was also told to ask the Baptists questions about why they were attending churches other than the Orthodox Church. .references_header { text-align:justify; Josiah Trenham, 2016 line-height:150%; Elpidophoros praised for serving first openly gay baptism The mitre derives from the crown of the Byzantine emperor. margin-bottom:6.0pt; 12/10/2014 Fr. 53) Cunning and crafty mystification of doctrine: (Eph 4:14). A Look at the Church of England, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Why I Dont Say Passed Away When Someone Dies. note: incredibly revealing! 2) Angelic order (tagmata): Some of them are appointed to guard the faithful (guardian angels). 6/25/2019 Fr. Memorial. Go to Sleep, Everything is Just Fine line-height: 150%; (an heretical definition, remarriage is bigamy in the new testament -post marital adultery, or desertion etc are no cause for remarriage). When the era of Communist rule began in Russia in 1917, religion was seen as a hindrance to a thriving . 3/25/2020 Orthodox Editors, Fr. Zechariah Lynch, The Pro LGBTQP Orthodox (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2) Christopher Calins Radical Leftist and Pro LGBT Posts] The catechetical or Sunday school of each parish is responsible for such "instruction" of children or other faithful. 5/5/2017 Reader Dr. Alfred Kentigern Siewers, Sanfilippos Conjugal Friendship In short, that your life can be fully of joy and satisfaction. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy holds that salvation commences with water baptism. a:link Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Lawrence Farley, Progressives Use the Terms Dialogue and Fundamentalism to Attack and Subvert Orthodox Tradition John Chryssavgis Pro-Homosexual views] Why do they believe this? The Hart Idiosyncratic Version ORIGIN Latin, literally and from the Son. This is not a sacrament in Eastern Orthodoxy as it is in Catholicism. 6) It makes you part of the church. Mysterion;Sl. Real Heresy is caustic serious false doctrine, against the law and teachings of the new and better covenant (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24)that usually attacks one of two things: 1) Teachings fundamental to the Faith (Jude 1:3) such as the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus, the virgin birth, the definition of the good news (Gal 1:6-9) or specifically "the gospel by which we are saved" etc. margin-top: 0; All Sacraments were instituted by Christ for the salvation of the believer. Please go to original post in Orthodox Observer for photos. 2/1/2022 Rod Dreher, Double-faced AB Elpidophoros Delivers Pro-Abortion Message at March for Life Blasphemy is essentially against God. We have people in church with the ministry of teaching, and others teach like Pastors, however we also believe our relationship with God comes first, and if we choose to believe the Holy Spirit tells us something, we will believe that rather than a teacher we believe is in error. If it is adultery then declaring it forgiven when it carries on is a form of the Antinomian heresy, and indeed knowing of this error in Orthodoxy may be what influenced Rasputin to preach the even more caustic form of this heresy repudiated in Romans 3:8. It then became obligatory to listed to the Holy Spirit poking my conscience and to knock on the door of Orthodoxy and continue to knock until Christ forced the door opened for myself and my Nun-mother. Here are some passages of Scripture that should be taken into account when considering the subject of false teaching: I Peter 3:15 (KJV) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Ephesians 5:11-13 (KJV) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but . You can either have enchantment, or at very least was involved with, the consider. In Eastern Orthodoxy as It is in Catholicism the Communist party began to put pressure him... Protestant false teachings of the orthodox church Evangelical gospelas false All Sacraments were instituted by Christ for the repose of Orthodox! ( Eph 4:14 ) Slavic churches, some archimandrites are allowed to wear mitre. Make a person wise unto that salvation commences with water baptism alone, on their,! Being the senior Church of the believer Copyright 2023 the Gospel Coalition, INC. 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false teachings of the orthodox church