If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Not safe at all. Lebanon. Hizballah used these areas for terrorist recruitment, training, fundraising, and financing. To designate a country as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, the Secretary of State must determine that the government of such country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism. Funding and External Aid: AQIS likely receives funding from al-Qaida senior leadership and engages in general criminal activity, kidnapping, and extortion. The largest city in Leon County is Buffalo. The group has seized weapons and ammunition from the Congolese military. 1182(a)(3)(B)), or terrorism, as defined in section 140(d)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 (22 U.S.C. Location/Area of Operation: India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Arango, also known as Ivan Marquez, is the founder and overall leader of Segunda Marquetalia. The group concentrates its attacks on Indian security forces and politicians in Jammu and Kashmir and has conducted operations jointly with other Kashmiri militants. The attack reportedly targeted the local minority Shia Muslim Hazara community. 1189), and any other known international terrorist group which the Secretary determines should be the subject of such report; (3) with respect to each foreign country from which the United States Government has sought cooperation during the previous five years in the investigation or prosecution of an act of international terrorism against United States citizens or interests, information on , (A) the extent to which the government of the foreign country is cooperating with the United States Government in apprehending, convicting, and punishing the individual or individuals responsible for the act; and, (B) the extent to which the government of the foreign country is cooperating in preventing further acts of terrorism against United States citizens in the foreign country; and. Hotels near Stahl-skulptur Vor Dem Duisburger Stadttheater " 5 Arcs X 5 ". The United States routinely engages in military-to-military discussions on how it can help Egypt defeat ISIS-SP and other terrorist groups in Egypt, including at the U.S-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee in September and the U.S.-Egypt Strategic Dialogue in November. In 2020, the National Socialist Order (NSO) announced itself online as AWD's "successor." UK authorities note that AWD is almost certainly now operating under the name NSO in the United States. As the terrorist threat has evolved and significantly expanded geographically in recent years, ithas become clear that mitigating this threat depends on the political will and enhanced capabilities of our partners to counter terrorism. Following the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and security forces in August and the end of NATOs Resolute Support Mission, NATO launched a comprehensive assessment of NATOs engagement in Afghanistan. ISIS-Ks senior leadership pledged allegiance to then-ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which was accepted in 2015. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights concluded that throughout 2021, ISIS also launched more than 342 terrorist attacks in Syria. Ansaru publicly splintered from Boko Haram in 2012. Funding and External Aid: ISIS-SP receives funding from external actors, including ISIS-core, and from smuggling. Also knownas(aka)Abdullah AzzamBrigades; Ziyad al-JarrahBattalionsof the Abdallah AzzamBrigades; Yusuf al-UyayriBattalionsof the Abdallah AzzamBrigades; Marwan HadidBrigades; Marwan Hadid Brigade. Description: The Communist Party of the Philippines/New Peoples Army (CPP/NPA) was designated as an FTO on August 9, 2002. The DHKP/C assassinated two U.S. military contractors, wounded a U.S. Air Force officer, and bombed more than 20 U.S. and NATO military, diplomatic, commercial, and cultural facilities. The Indian government publicly implicatedJeM, along with Lashkar e-Tayyiba, in the 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament that killed 9 persons and injured 18 others. Multiple terrorist incidents targeted members of the Shia community. Funding and External Aid:The IMU receives support from a large Uzbek diaspora, terrorist organizations, and donors from Europe, Central and South Asia, and the Middle East. In 2016 agunman who pledged allegiance to ISIS killed 49 individuals and injured 53 others at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. OnJuly 8, 2014, Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in Gaza with the intent of preventing rocket fire into Israel; the rocket fire from Gaza had increased following earlier Israeli military operations that targeted Hamas for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in 2014, including 16-year-old U.S.-Israeli citizen Naftali Fraenkel. In 2002, Pakistani authorities arrested and convicted aJeMmember for the abduction and murder of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl. In 2010, Al-Shabaab was responsible for suicide bombings in Kampala, Uganda its first attacks outside of Somalia. The CT Bureau funds, plans, and oversees capacity building programs that provide law enforcement and criminal justice officials with the tools needed to address security vulnerabilities and counter terrorist threats on their own. The FDS and RDF, with support from the SADC Standby Force, also began to conduct counterISISM operations in Niassa Province, which borders CDP to the West. I arrived late night but booked this hotel as web site said just 5 minutes walk from the central station. 2021 Foreign Terrorist Organization/Executive Order 13224 Group Designations, On January 14 the Department of State designated Harakat Sawad Misr (HASM) as an FTO. Criminal Registration and Fingerprinting Schedule, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) & Digital Forensics Unit. Activities:In 2016 the group attacked a six-vehicle military caravan transporting election materials ahead of the countrys election; eight soldiers and two civilian contractors were killed by SL members armed with long-range rifles and grenades. Though Sudan has in general endeavored to tighten its border control measures, continued illicit and unmonitored movement across the borders is likely. Haqqani Network members and key leaders also have assumed formal and informal roles within the Taliban. It does not constitute a new announcement regarding such designations. About 2,000 non-Syrian and non-Iraqi FTFs remain in detention facilities controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and some 56,000 associated family members from more than 60 countries remain in displaced persons camps across northeastern Syria. In 2019, Indonesian authorities arrested several JI members, including its emir ParaWijayanto. That year, Turkish prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz was taken hostage and died from multiple gunshot wounds inflicted by the DHKP/C after police attempted to rescue him. The ELN perpetrated armed attacks across the country in 2021. Pakistan. IN TOUCH. During COVID the U.S. government continued to encourage EU member states to take responsibility for their FTFs and associated family members located in al-Hol and al-Roj displaced persons camps by repatriating, prosecuting, rehabilitating, and reintegrating them as appropriate. Overall it was a positive experience. That was great But what we got: the holes in both bed-sheets and pillowcase, in the curtain. In 2021, through bilateral and multilateral engagement, theCounterterrorism Bureau (the CT Bureau) emphasized fourkey areas in strategy formulation, diplomatic engagement, and foreign assistance programming: 1)countering racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism; 2) countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes; 3) rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters and associated family members; and 4) strategic messaging. That same year, ASG kidnapped two British nationals from a beach resort in the Zamboanga Peninsula region, but they were recovered on Jolo during the following month. In 2018, ISIS-GS was reportedly involved in numerous skirmishes and attacks in Mali and Niger,including ones that targeted French troops and civilians. AAS-D (Ansar al-Sharia in Darnah) Despite this, ISIS continues to generate revenue from criminal activities through its many clandestine networks in Iraq and Syria and provides significant financial support and guidance to its network of global branches and affiliates. Is parking available at Wyndham Duisburger Hof? ISIS and its affiliates, al-Qaida (AQ) and affiliated groups, and Iran-backed groups continue to pose the greatest terrorist threats to the region. The United States designated three ISIS-Khorasan (ISIS-K) leaders, including Emir Sanaullah Ghafari, as Specially Designated Global Terrorists, in response to the August attack on Kabul International Airport, which killed at least 185 people including 13 U.S. servicemembers supporting evacuation operations and injured more than 150 others. For most of the past decade, however, the group has recruited members from other Central Asian states and Europe. HUJI did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021. Activities: Members of AAS-D were involved in the 2012 attacks against the U.S. Special Mission and Annex in Benghazi, Libya. The group raises funds primarily in Europe. The group, composed primarily of Turkish Kurds, launched a campaign of violence in 1984. In 2016 a Hamas member carried out a suicide attack on a bus in Jerusalem, killing 20 people. The Independent Monitoring Commission, which oversees the peace process, assessed that RIRA likely was responsible for most of the attacks that occurred after the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was decommissioned in Northern Ireland. In 2015, ISIS-Bangladesh claimed responsibility for injuring 10people during a Christmas Day suicide attack at a mosque packed with Ahmadi Muslims. The United States and Iraq also maintain a bilateral partnership to counter nuclear smuggling under the framework of the 2014 Joint Action Plan on Combating Nuclear and Radioactive Materials Smuggling. The United States engaged in active partnership with governments, tech companies, and civil society in the forums workstreams on key issues such as algorithms and positive interventions to better ensure that online platforms are not exploited for terrorist or violent extremist purposes. OSCE staff actively participated in global and regional efforts supported by the United States through the GCTF, the IIJ, and NATO. The Maduro regime allows and tolerates the use of its territory by terrorist organizations. Good service (impeccable English!). (See Chapter 5, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, for more on ISIS-K.), 2021 Executive Order (E.O.) Hamas Rajab, also known as Maulawi Rajab Salahudin, is a senior leader of ISIS-K in Kabul province, Afghanistan. Egyptian security operations that led to the March death of a senior ISIS-SP commander, the September high-profile defection of a prominent ISIS-SP religious figure (reportedly behind the deadly 2017 al-Rawda Mosque attack), and increasing rank-and-file ISIS-SP defections coincided with a significant decrease in the frequency and complexity of ISIS-SP attacks across the Sinai less than half the rate of 2020. The ROYG was as cooperative with U.S., Saudi, and Emirati counterterrorism operations as its limited capacity allowed. With kind regards Ali Gharib Front Office Manager. composition of the European Union beginning on January 1, 1973: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany (Federal Republic), Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Also in 2018, HM claimed responsibility for abducting and killing three police officials in Jammu and Kashmir. Content posted by persons whose profile picture or avatar, username or e-mail address contains any of the aforementioned prohibited conduct will not be tolerated. Funding and External Aid: HQN is funded primarily from taxes on local commerce, extortion, smuggling, and other illicit activities and illicit business ventures. In 2016, AQIM carried out an attack on a hotel in Burkina Faso that killed 28 people and injured 56 others. Pakistan was a constructive and active participant in IAEA-hosted meetings and in the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. After the fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001, Haqqani retreated to Pakistan where, under the leadership of his son Sirajuddin, HQN continuedto direct and conduct terrorist activity in Afghanistan. Established in 1988 the group helped finance, recruit, transport, and train fighters for the Afghan resistance against the former Soviet Union. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens. (See Chapter 5, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, for further information on HASM. Description:The Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC) was designated as an FTO on August 19, 2014. Activities: The PLF was responsible for the 1985 attack on the Italian cruise shipAchille Lauroand the murder of U.S. citizen Leon Klinghoffer. Somalia. Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, the group redirected its efforts toward India. By Scott Engle. Strength: The IMU consists of up to 700 people. In 2013, three members of the group attacked the Ministry of Justice and the Ankara headquarters of the Turkish Justice and Development political party, using grenades and rocket launchers. In a short post attributed to the group, AOI declared itself an inseparable part of ISIS-Sinai Province. Description:Aum Shinrikyo (AUM) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. In 2021, WMDT undertook multiple bilateral and multilateral capacity building assistance projects and activities with priority foreign partners. Alsothat year, two women opened fire on the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul; one woman was identified as a member of the DHKP/C. CT programs also supported multilateral efforts to strengthen law enforcement and build CVE capabilities. Canada You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided. AkaSupporters of Islamic Law; Ansar al-Sharia in Derna; Ansar al-Sharia in Libya; Ansar al-Sharia; Ansar al-Sharia Brigade in Darnah. In 2010 and 2011 the group launched numerous rocket attacks on Israeli communities. In January the CPP/NPA announced the revival of its urban hit squads to target officials whom it alleged had committed crimes against the public.. The explosion killed 5 Israelis and 1 Bulgarian and injured 32 others. Germany In 2014, ABM officially declared allegiance to ISIS. In 2013, al-Murabitounparticipated in twin suicide bombings on a northern Nigerien military base and a French uranium mine inArlit, Niger. On one of the bed-sheet was a stain like someone left shoe print. Activities: In 2017, JNIM carried out an attack at a resort frequented by westerners outside of Bamako, Mali, and was responsible for the large-scale coordinated attacks in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in 2018. ISIS also directs, enables, and inspires individuals to conduct attacks on behalf of the group around the world, including in the United States and Europe. TTP also claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that year that targeted a checkpoint on the outskirts of Lahore, resulting in the deaths of four police officers and two civilians. Activities: Since becoming established, ISIL-Libya has carried out multiple attacks throughout Libya and threatened to expand ISISs presence into other countries in Africa. While BHs terrorist safe havens have been reduced owing in large part to the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) and clashes with ISIS-WA, ISIS-WA has continued to extend its reach, battling both government forces and those of BH. Thebureausponsored practitioner exchanges and partnered with the Government of Kazakhstan on a side event at the OSCEs counterterrorism conference in Vienna in March to share best practices on rehabilitation and reintegration. In 2021 the United States participated with other governments, private-sector companies, and selected stakeholders in Jordans counterterrorism-focused Aqaba Process. Algeria Since the end of 2006, al-Shabaab and associated militias have engaged in violent insurgency using guerrilla warfare and terrorist tactics against the transitional governments of Somalia. It later split into pro-Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), pro-Syrian, and pro-Libyan factions. In 2011 and 2012, however, AQIM took advantage of the deteriorating security situation across Libya, Mali, and Tunisia to expand its operations. The next month, ISIS-WA attacked and overran BHs bases in the Sambisa Forest, resulting in the death of BHs leader, Abubakar Shekau. Funding and External Aid:AAB receives funding and support from the Government of Iran. The group, ledby MumtazDughmush, subscribes to a violent Salafist ideology. The CTWG Terms of Reference expired in 2021, and member economies did not reach consensus to endorse a new Terms of Reference. LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) Although every effortwas madeto include all terrorism-related deaths and injuries involving private U.S. citizensoverseas, the figures below reflect only those cases reported to, or known by, the Department of State. In 2020, Indonesian authorities arrested a JI leader, Aris Sumarsono, who is suspected of being involved in the making of bombs usedin the2002 Bali bombings and the 2003 bombing of theJ.W. ISIS-K was estimated to have 2,000 to 3,000 fighters in Afghanistan in 2021. Greece In August 2020, ASG killed more than a dozen persons and injured over 70 in twin suicide bomb attacks in Sulu province. The United States continues to support the International Atomic Energy Agencys Division of Nuclear Security,which helps member states develop the capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to threats of nuclear terrorism through the development of internationally accepted guidance, as well as the provision of training, technical advice and assistance, peer reviews, and other advisory services. Description: Designated as an FTO on January 13, 2014, Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi (AAS-B) was created after the 2011 fall of the Qadhafi regime in Libya. Because it was late night, I decided to take a can being carrying heavy luggage with my family. Funding and External Aid: AAI receives assistance from a loose network of associates in Europe and the Middle East. In separate incidents in 2017, SL killed several policemen in an area where the group controls territory and facilitates drug trafficking. The GIFCT was established by Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft in 2017, in close partnership with UN-affiliated Tech Against Terrorism, and reorganized as an NGO in 2020 to prevent and counter terrorist and violent extremist exploitation of online platforms through developing and sharing technology, including providing assistance to smaller companies, research, and prevention programs. With kind regards Frank Bruder. The group now consists of two factions, both of which have recruited new members, engaged in commercial enterprises, and acquired property. During 2017 and 2018, BH increased its forced abduction of women and girls and ordered them to carry out suicide attacks on civilians. Strength: BH is estimated to have several thousand fighters. Leon Sheriff Employment Hizballah was also implicated, along with Iran, in the 1992 attacks on the Israeli Embassy in Argentina and the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association in Buenos Aires. In 2015, BH pledged allegiance to ISIS in an audiotape message. The group also generates revenue by collecting fees from commercial traffic entering and exiting Idlib. U.S. citizensoverseasinjured as a result of incidents of terrorism:0 RS did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021. Notably, 22 U.S.C. [^bwm0$;pA0rByY{Oh>5o>l H6_ ^7YW~Zi"; Top IMU leaders integrated themselves into the Talibans shadow government in Afghanistans northern provinces when the Taliban battled the Afghan government. ISIS-DRC (ISIS-Democratic Republic of the Congo) Multiple JNIM senior leaders have been killed in recent years, including JNIMs former second in command, Ali Maychou, in 2019, senior JNIM commander Bah Ag Moussa in 2020, and senior leader Abdallaye Ag Albaka in 2021. The TTPand other designated terrorist groups continue to conduct attacks against Pakistani military and civilian targets. Interpretation and Application of Key Terms. Activities: ISIS-WA has been responsible for numerous attacks in Nigeria and the Lake Chad region since 2016. The 85-member U.S.-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS continued its comprehensive efforts to prevent a resurgence of ISISs so-called physical caliphate in Iraq and Syria and the activities of its branches and networks. LJ works closely with Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan. (For information regarding the DPRK, Iran, and Syria, seeChapter2, State Sponsors of Terrorism.). 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leon county booking report january 2 2020