Can replace the 3 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. He wont have much unique to sell you, but still, feel free to peruse his inventory. Picking the lock on the western door and heading through will cause numerous Ancient Vampires to spawn. In Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, players are transported back to the Forgotten Realms shortly after the events detailed in the original Neverwinter Nights 2. Before you have a chance to adjust here, youll be thrown on stage at the Veil theater, being forced to take part in a play where you have a role as the Betrayer. From my experience with NWN1 playing (some 15 years ago), while fighting prowess might be important in this game, a reasonable combination of skills is also important (especially diplomacy and open lock/disable devices). Nefris is dead, but her tower here in the school may hold some clues as to what she was up to. Bishop will never dump a load of cargo again. Second caveat: physical damage resistance does not work. When you get free of the conversation, hold Z and look around to find a dirt mound nearby with a little gold in it. Ok i can see that later on, when you're dealing 50 dmg per hit, the difference between Bastards and Long Sword and even Scimitars becomes much more negligable. Hell tell you that there are three trials that you have to pass, administered by Lena, Forovan, and Yulia. Shell give you the Shadow Mulsantir quest, but if youve already discovered or passed through a shadow portal, youve probably already completed it. Crafting in OC is a bit more rewarding. Ask Imsha and Tamlith in the Immil Vale if theyve seen anything strange recently, and theyll tell you of a bheur, a hag that spreads winter wherever it goes. If that drops to zero, then youll be dead, so youll need to periodically use your own Devour Spirit ability on him. Ask Safiya if shes all right when she stops you to gain a bit of influence, then move forward to take on Okku, the bear god. Windelhelm: If you like listening to people talk, then you can step into the fray between Windelhelm and Enzibur in his dreamscape. Inquire as to why theyre waiting for the Coven, then "ask nicely" to see if you can get past them. If you head north from the entrance to this zone, youll encounter Janiik, a man who complains that Gann has driven his daughter mad. Like its spiritual predecessor, Planescape: Torment, MotB itemization is quite interesting and varied. Plenty of people to talk to, but before you do, check the rooms at the back of the inn to find some loot. We started our journey through Mulsantir at the Sloop portal, which pops you out at the Shadow docks, so thats where well start. If Okku is in your party and you attempt to devour the Wood Man, hell automatically turn on you and youll be forced to kill him. Youll get a lot of cash and a decent set of heavy armor for your troubles. Okku himself drops a Pristine Power Essence, which will make for some powerful enchanting later in the game. If you complete all of the tests, speak to Jurak again, and youll become an Ice Troll Berserker. First you need to actually get inside the building: that will entail clearing out some of the other petitioners in the area. OP is playing NWN2, no double weapon in that game . Return to the Middle Barrow and head to the northwest this time. You can repair your golem in between each round by speaking to it, but our souped-up model actually managed to win all five rounds without ever taking damage, so hopefully the model that you construct will be as hardy. Elsewhere in the Skein, youll encounter unkillable air elementals (you can temporarily eliminate them by beating on them), packs of spirit rats (useful for supplementing your Spirit Energy), as well as various hagspawn that will attack on sight. Safiya is one of the best utility characters in the game, as she can buff every party member quite thoroughly, create magical arms and armor, create wondrous items, and use her familiar to pick locks and detect traps. There are two other Imaskari devices of the same nature in the area, with one of them already containing a lever in its control device. You should be able to find two soul housings on this floor, each of which will contain the soul of a student. Hell tell you that the blight is the result of a curse laid upon him by the previous spirit-eater. If you want a bit of combat and loot, then quicksave your game and speak to the pirates in the corner of the bar here. Even if he is, though, you can simply resummon him after you rest. When all three machines have been activated, the water will drain out of the level, allowing you access to many areas you couldnt reach before. It would appear that she really has gone crazy, and has created an image of Gann in her head, or otherwise some spirit is acting upon her. to whomever holds it in their inventory. Neverwinter Nights series NWN2 1-hand or 2-hand weapon (13 posts) solved (13 posts) solved (13 posts . If you want a quest relating to the trip, talk to Sheva Whitefeather at the Temple of the Three here in town. The spirits here are none too pleased with Okku, and demand to kill him. Unfortunately, Enzibur has him under contract. He should go down quickly against your epic might. After combat buffs there was an additional 1d8 sonic, 4d8 massive critical, 3d8 electrical and 22 divine damage. Keep in mind that the golem cant be equipped with any weaponry, but that it can be enchanted. Start moving from vault to vault here, killing his minions. It wont say anything, obviously, but you will have the option to let Safiya take a look at it; if you have a good influence with her, shell be able to upgrade the golem and make it a bit more battleworthy. We had a lot of trouble healing it with Gann, since he cant target it for Heal spells. With respect to dual wielding: get vampiric regeneration for both weapons. Killing them will yield the usual essences, while Sarduris will also drop the Deea pouch, which will hurt your Wisdom and Diplomacy scores and match them with equal contributions to your Strength and Intimidate scores. If you would ever so kindly provide your insight with regards to my feat and stat allocation and provide better alternatives without losing sight of the end goal which is Blazing Aura. If you like, you can speak to Vaszil at the docks and get going immediately, but there are some new side quests for you to perform. Your goal here is pretty simple - find and kill all of the Manifestations of Hunger before they manage to kill all the fragments of your soul that are wandering around, in the personifications of the followers that you had back to NWN2. - I could've dropped 5 ac and gone for immunity to transmutation as well (which is often smart considering that said school contains disintegrate, drown and flesh to stone - where nat 1s will screw you over. When you speak to the Shape, you have the choice of helping him burn down the grove, which will presumably draw out the Wood Man and force him to face you, or attempt to extinguish the fire. That will cause ghosts to appear. Spirit energy shows you how much energy you have; you can gain more energy either by attempting to suppress your appetite for spirits, or by devouring enemies that are near death. Check around for these dirt mounds by holding down the Z button. Even if you do attempt to gain an audience with the Coven the regular way, youll probably wind up inside the Skein and wind up having to fight your way out, so if you just want to get started on the dungeon, head around to the side of the building near the Uthraki and head in there. Our character managed to get romantical with Gann, and wound up with the Dreamers Heart feat, which lent us Spell Resistance 30 and Immunity to Mind-Affecting Spells. When you land in Thay, youll be on the Thaymount, the mountain outside the Academy of Shapers and Binders. Canary diamond. In the Boneyard, youll be granted an audience with Myrkul, the dead god. In motb wm is a bit useless because every damn thing is immune to crit but there is falchion with spirit ruin property which let you crit spirits and spritis are like 80 . Outside of a high-level weapon master or fighter, Okku is going to be the primary damage-dealer in your group. . Am quite happy to build power-gamed, micro-managed, rule-bendingly powerful character. Accept their quest, if only for the experience. Gann is immediately useful to you in combat if your character isnt a cleric or a druid. In addition, scimitars are always worse than longswords in terms of what you have access to. I couldn't really let the perfectionist in me rest, so I hardly ever used a single essence until I could max off the item - which is something I just barely managed to get to before I left "civilisation". If Gann is with you, you can get a big influence bonus by agreeing that his search for justice is necessary. Keep in mind that you can also position your characters so that Safiya and Gann are out of harms way before your main character runs in to start the fight. So, please hit me up with any suggestions! When you pass through the final portal, itll be you versus Akachi, with perhaps some help from your teammate, if any of them managed to walk into your dreamscape with you. The witches of Mulsantir are decidedly unfriendly to you. Be sure to demand tribute first; youll get the Thicketfavors gauntlet which will be perfect for Gann. Depending on your choices in the conversation, you can either have Kaji pick the lock on the chest, or attempt to pick it up and throw it back through the portal to the Material Plane if youre strong enough, or if Okku is in your party. When you have as many on your side as you think you can get, head into Dalenkas house and accuse her. Two bugfixes that I found useful. Matthew Rorie Take down Juraj first; shes a spellcaster and thus the weakest of the bunch. One thing to note is that Gann seems to chew through ammo pretty quickly. Basically nil. Touch it to a corpse nearby (it needs to be a "fresh corpse"), then find the air elemental in the area, kill it, and use the Globe to absorb the essence it leaves behind. Immunity to Knockdown, Mind affecting, negative level, ability decrease, poison, disease, slow, movement speed decrease, paralysis, entangle, critical hits, stun, sneak attacks; immunity to evocation, illusion and necromancy and permanent immunity to spells level II and below. If you have a main character from Neverwinter Nights 2, youll need to load up the last saved game that you made with that character, hit Escape, and select Export Character. Most of the stuff he nabs are well worthwhile, though, as hell keep loading himself up with epic feats revolving around increasing his attack and critical strike ratio, as well as the Epic Toughness feat. How do I reduce skill points using the console? If you insinuate that his charm and wit were what imprisoned him, hell like that. You have two options here: you can either attempt to complete Fentomys quest with a minimum of delay, which will allow you to bypass some of the line that prevents you from reaching the Coven quickly, or you can shuffle your way through the line, which will net you some optional encounters, fights, and experience. If you havent finished the Loves Sweet Torment quest in the Wells of Lurue, now would be a good time to get that done. Youll gain the Shadow Mulsantir and Prodigal Daughter journal entries. Kaelyn can cast Mass Aid, as well. Thats located in the southwestern corner of the map, near the giant earth elemental there. Safiya's combat spells will be a big help in tackling distant enemies. Use the Hold command to ensure that Safiya stays put, then head through the level and ensure that the beams can reach their final destination by rotating the mirrors. Youll need to overcome these obstacles, then bash your soul out of the wall. After the Child and the Brute speak to you, you will have a few options. Gann should cast Summon Creature VIII before the fight begins, and Safiya should nab a Mordenkainens Sword. Previously you had to distil essences from reagents, then combine those with gems and armour/a weapon on a special crafting table, then cast a specific spell to enchant the item, following a recipe in a book you might find as treasure. If you do so, then the Wood Man still wont appear, but youll be able to put the Shape of Fire out of his misery by devouring his spirit. If you attempt to complete the ritual to destroy the phylactery, youll receive 250 XP, destroy the body, and receive a Talisman of Pure Good, as well as points towards the Lawful and Good alignments. You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. One of Many is an interesting follower, but also a problematic one. When youre ready to move on, head west into the scriptorium. Email Eating spirits will slowly - or quickly - corrupt yourself. Mold Spirit comes by default, and will let you enchant items with Brilliant Spirit Essences; you obtain Malleate Spirit in the Thayvian Academy via the Mysterious Object quest, and it'll let you use Pristine Spirit Essences in your crafting. Despite the fact that we were playing an evil character, though, we didn't use One of Many very much before giving him up and reverting back to a save where we could take Okku instead. The last lever will be found near the Sleeper; ask Geiard about it, and hell point you out to a gnoll nearby. Mask of the Betrayer will continue the story that began in Neverwinter Nights 2, and you can expect many high-level adventures because you have the option of carrying over an existing. THX. At the beginning of Act II, your character becomes a spirit-eater. Crafting magical items has taken on a new role in the expansion, and Safiya will be on the forefront of it with her Enchanters Satchel and Shapers Alembic. If the dryads are casting on you from the background, you may want to have Gann and Safiya use their ranged attacks on them in return. ), For the purposes of this walkthrough, we decided to import our lawful evil scythe weaponmaster. Teleportation will send you down to meet a few thugs that will attempt to kill you; theyll be easily dispatched. If you wish, you can simply kill all of the berserkers here in the hut. I've started the official campaign as elvish monk (Wild Elf) 14 Str 18 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha So far I've reached lvl 3 and I've decided for Hero's Luck and Dodge and I've to decide to appoint my first Stat point. Unfortunately using Suppress is bizarrely classified as a Lawful Good action (surely the self-interest involved in not becoming addicted to spirits would be a relatively neutral act, alignment-wise? Then, head up and click on Mulsantir to leave. If you save this quest for last, Seyryu will be under attackfrom a total of three soldiers. This page does not note whether any enchantments are exclusive (e.g., holy/unholy). One of the chests here will require a roll of over 40 to pick the lock, which Kaji probably cant get anywhere near, so if you dont want to bash it, come back with a Knock spell later on. Again, use your summoning spells to cause some havoc, take down the wizards first, and deal with the Erinyes last. Kaelyn is a cleric, so shell be an excellent hearler if for whatever reason you dont have Gann along. The people at Obsidian have about as storied a history of creating computer RPGs as any company can lay claim to. Head inside, being careful of traps, and fight off the Orglash that comes your way. Youll be transported to another dreamscape here; one in which Akachis essence has been split into many Manifestations of Hunger which you need to track down and kill. you dont have to replace anyone), which is pretty handy. You can talk Djafi out of his role in the upcoming battle if you choose correctly in the options, however, which will leave you with six spellcasters. (If you didnt obtain the latter, feel free to head there now and do so. Head back to the shadow portal near the bazaar and head through. Theres a relatively good result, one somewhat neutral option, and one particularly evil act. Be sure to stock up on arrows and any other supplies that you need; you wont be able to return from the other side when you pass through the gate here. The essence will allow you to enchant a belt with +10 strength (once you've gained the Mold Spirit feat), and the husk will allow you to recruit a different companion in Okku's place. Since resting in Mask of the Betrayer will sap your spirit energy, youll probably want to use Gann to heal up your party members instead of healing every five minutes of gameplay. There are a couple of maverick fire elementals here that you can use Provoke Spirits on if you happen to need to eat some souls. No matter what you do here, you'll wind up having to take down all of the outpost's inhabitants. After she died, Gulkaush reappeared at full health, but it was a simple matter to bring her back down to zero. After you get the information about Lienna and Nefris from the hags, you can inquire more about different subjects of import to you, such as what happened to your companions at the end of NWN2, the location of the Sword of Gith, and so on. (Two caveats: I started with my OC char, including equipment except for weapon: as a consequence, I kept my Thieve's Hood through motb - don't think you can find/buy that in MOTB. Doing so will drive the girl mad, and cause her father and a number of his spiritual allies to attack you. Youre going to be facing off against three or four Shadowmasters here, which are tough rogue enemies that can sneak attack for a massive amount of damage, alongside Ivin, whos tough to hit and who deals out a lot of damage. Avoid it for the moment and search the rest of the level for items and enemies to kill. So I hope the ppl here can forgive me my question and still help me. The following mods are for the first expansion for Mask of the Betrayer. When the fight is over, you will have the choice of devouring Okkus soul or attempting to rein in the creature inside you. This is another ultra-lengthy conversation, so take the time to soak up all the information that the Founder provides you. Feel free to devour one of them if need be. If Okku is in your party, hell hear his name on the wind; it would appear that his relatives are in the area, calling out for him. Dalenka can be quickly taken down if you focus on her, while Kozlov is a bit tougher. Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. Handy in a pinch, although with proper management you should never have to use it. 500 gold is a pittance; go ahead and pay up. If you weren't getting exotic proficiency for free from Favored Soul, there would be absolutely no reason to ever use them. When you enter the keep, youll warp to West Harbor, where more Manifestations are killing your childhood friends. Here's a list, with some tips on how to obtain them. The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. The beauty of this spell during Mask of the Betrayer is that it can set up its targets for the protagonist to use her spirit-eating powers on as a finishing blow. Alignment ain't an issue, I'll happily play whatever's fun. You cant avoid a fight here, it would appear, but you shouldnt have too many problems defeating Okku. Thatll open the door to the east, near the door to the lower level. Thatll leave you with the Shape of Fire Essence, which you can throw into your Enchanters Satchel and use with the Mold Spirits feat to enhance a weapon or piece of armor. You should end up with a weapon with a 1d6 cold damage bonus. In the distance, you can see more of your friends, including the great dragon Seyryu and the ultralichious Rammaq. Barring that, you can try to Intimidate him to leave. Doing the former is a Good action, and will net you the Bestow Life Force ability, which should make it a lot easier to reduce your Craving level in the future. If you manage to suppress your addiction, however, your craving will reduce and you wont drop in spirit energy by as much as you would otherwise. Beyond that, though, your major choice is to stay on the side of Zoab, Rammaq, and Seyryu as they assault the city, or switch alliegiences and fight alongside the citys defenders in exchange for the promise of finding your soul. Then when you re-enter Mulsantir, Act Two will start up. Now, return to the Middle Barrow. Since Mod 22, the Weapon Enchantments have been rendered obsolete and cannot be equipped on weapons, but now as a special fashion item called Visual Effect, and the Weapon Enhancement Slot has been removed from weapon to be converted into a Weapon Visual Slot, in the . In order to get the club from him, youll need to trade him a Duergar axe. Even though we were evil, keeping Safiya on our good side was well worth the thought of having the Founder running around in a tomb. As the auto-save before the last teleporter indicates, theres a tough fight coming. Buff yourselves, then move up fairly close to them and cast a few Hellballs their way. If he believes you, hell leave, but he likely wont. Youll encounter Bishop here, whom you probably last saw at the end of Neverwinter Nights 2. Head to Eternitys End and enter the Temple of Kelemvor there. Now, when you manage to make it to the Red Tree, you have two options: you can use the Bark Cinders and the Blighted Leaves on the Pure Sanctuary Water or on the Legendary Blood (simply right-click on the former in your inventory and apply them to the latter). The rumbling that this causes will open the way to Gulkaushs chamber, but the debris it brings down from the ceiling will prevent you from completing either of the other quests here and likely cost you a lot of money from bodies that you wont be able to loot. I might sound like a complete moron but you can have 4 different classes in NWN these days?! As you exit the Veil, a group of witches will accost you and accuse you of being the cause of an army of spirits on the gates of Mulsantir. In addition to mundane gold-selling, though, theyll offer you one of the four keys to Nefriss doorif you can find them a special soul. When youre ready to have the golem fight, speak to Artesh again. If you choose not to devour spirits, you can attempt to Suppress your craving. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE), Press J to jump to the feed. Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. You have the option of betting either for 100,000 dollars or for Arteshs soul, itself. As you think you can get a lot of cash and a decent set heavy. Sonic, 4d8 massive critical, 3d8 electrical and 22 divine damage end and enter the keep, be... 13 posts ) solved ( 13 posts ) solved ( 13 posts solved... Having to take down all of the tests, speak to you hell... 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