Can Dazzle himself, but prefers not to. I'd go with greataxes simply because there's a number of very good greataxes in the game (one of which you get fairly early) and because one of the best 2h weapons (Arguably the best, depending on build) is a greataxe. Combine that with Shatter Defense to debuff the enemy. It also gives fast access to Uncanny Dodge. If we get focused we will die flat-footed or not. Likes having an Alchemist in the party for Shield spell. Any full-sized weapon, preferably with decent crit range(sabers and longswords). What deity for noble assassin? So your tactic is hit 'em till you crit and then nuke with whatever. And this is all before the addition of the new Mythic Paths which give you even further customization. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Will targeting spells are not the most important. AC is nothing too spectacular, but it is good enough that you wont get hit often. you get enough saves from items and priest can give you CHA saves anyway. It gets significantly better later as wed be able to finally cast while shapeshifting at Level 13 and as such can cast Magic Fangs on ourselves. Can make use of CE helm early-game. Many thanks. You can use Echolocation from party Alchemist instead. Will require Delay Poison (Communal) from your Cleric, but otherwise is a potent tool to kill enemies fasterOr any other spell - you will use those slots for transformation anyways. Easiest CC combo in the game as it forces loads of saves. Melee AC calculation assuming +6 mid-to-late gear:10 (base) + 7 (Charisma) + 5 (Dexterity) + 2 (Monk levels) + 4 (Barkskin/ammy) + 4 (ring) + 3 (wings) + 4 (Fighting defensively) + 4 (Shield Spell) + 5 (monk robes) + 5 (Bracers+5) = 54 Armour Class (AC) - decent for a 2-hander. If you decided to go melee, you will need to add Geniekind, Firebrand, and Sense Vitals to your regular buff routine. Technically Frightful will do it for free once you get to level 8 spells. Persuasion is the most important; do what you want for the second skill. For tempo 1AC. Inquisitor - Improved Critical > Fauchard, Inquisitor - Combat Reflexes // Seize the Moment, Inquisitor - Tandem Trip // Favored Enemy: Fey, Shield, Cure Wounds, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Restoration, +Stat Spells, Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Cure Wounds, Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Delay Poison (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal), AC from Charisma (CHA) through monk, Monk feats. This is a combat character. Dazzling Display which is required to get Shatter Defenses also requires you to have the weapon focus feat in something. Spells: Remove fear, Cure Light wounds, Vanish, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Sense Vitals. Of all the 4 full martial classes, Paladins are the worst physical tanks. The rest hardly matters. Strong pet, lots of attacks of opportunity, good damage and stays out of the harm's way with enlarge from either spell or potion. Worth the penalties? Lucky for us, Shield wands and scrolls are not rare and we do have Use Magic Device (UMD). Totally adores having Legendary Proportions cast on him. Skills: with INT 10 you get 2 points per level. Take Weapon Focus at 5, Shatter Defenses at 9 and Wings at 11. So I say go for it if you are leaning that direction. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Their magic and martial skills also make them well suited to defending others and blessing the fallen with the strength to continue fighting. Staff early, Greataxe (Vanquisher bis) later. Suggestions on starter stats? You will need it. Will probably want either blind immunity cloak, or Echolocation from a friendly alchemist late-game. You will want someone to cast heroism (greater one later on) and Haste on you to fix your Attack Bonus (AB). Not a lot of skill points, but only thing you really need on main character (MC) is persuasion. At higher levels, attacks of opportunity will trigger quite a bit. True strikes will help you land the first hit if that will become a problem. Add Amulet of Mighty Fists when you start shifting. Your tools for solving early-gameEasy to find/buy scrolls. x1.5 STR as damage bonus. +AC items. So important to know, Paladins in Pathfinder aren't a "tank" class the way they are in many other games - they are more like Evil Boss/Wizard killing specialists, with healing. So, why take Improved Unarmed Combat (I guess strike) on the Blind run Scion on lvl1? 1)Two-Weapon Fighting 1)Shield Bash 3)Weapon Focus (Rapier) 3)Shake it Off (Bonus Teamwork feat) 5)Power Attack 7)Dazzling Display 6)Outflank (Bonus Teamwork feat) 8)Improved Two Weapon Fighting 9)Combat Reflexes 9)Seize the Moment (Bonus Teamwork feat) 11)Improved Critical 12)Shield Wall (Bonus Teamwork feat) 13)Shatter Defenses 15)Shield Master Level 13 brings us Enduring Earth, doubling the duration. Vampiric Touch is taken to be used with reach Metamagic Rod to give you something with damage at lvl3. AC from Bloodline, Free wings at Level 16, AC from Spells, AB through Arcane Weapon. can be Sai Focus/Crit and Fencing Grace. Dazzling is taken so he doesn't just stand there after initial control spells are fired. To the tanky part. Will step on Reggie's toes, so there's that. Perception will also get some hefty boosts should you want to go that way. Paladin is there to fix your saves and to provide extra AB/Armour Class (AC)/Damage against bosses/tough foes. Will need +Wisdom (WIS) item to cast Inquisitor spells. Has self-sustainable Shield (with Extend rods) and 60m mutagen that should be enough to clear most maps. Welcome to the Pathfinder Two Handed Paladin Build. Per your note, since you want to wear armor (less AC than monk in this game) and go 2 handed, I would not use your paladin as a tank but focus on damage and utility. Late game: 2x Arcane Protector, Strigois Embrace, Ring of Circumstances, Greater ring of ultimate protection, +6/8 Belt, +8 Bracers, Ambrosial Attire of Arcane Annihilation, Amulet of dying wisdom, Rod of flaming vengeance, Grandmaster rod, Rod of power source, Quicken Rod, Extend Rod. You want Alchemist in your party, at least until you get to Water Shield. Low CHA can be easily explained by big teeth and some feral habits that scare everyone around. We get most of our damage from Strength (STR) stacking. Armor bracers. Kamas tend to have other special effects on them.Can be Swapped for whatever you like better. *Get Accomplished if you didn't find +4 item yet. Pathfinder: WotR - Warrior of the Holy Light Paladin Paladin Starting Build - Beginner's Guide [2021] [1080p HD] [PC] Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous 2021 Browse game Gaming Browse all. Generally, a two-handed Paladin will want these feats: Power Attack, Cleave + Cleaving Finish (Cleave kinda sucks late game but Cleaving Finish is always useful), Outflank (all your melee characters should pick up outflank), Vital Strike line for Mythic Vital Strike, Improved Critical. STR & CHA are your primary stats (Angelkin Aasimar is a good race for stat bonuses plus that whole "holy celestial warrior" vibe) followed by CON; leave DEX/WIS/INT at 10. With the basics of the Fighter class above, the next steps are to determine the other parts of the character build. Rod Of fFlaming Vengeance Equipped, Grandmaster rod Activated: 240 (base) +42 (average sneak damage) +32 (bloodline 20+12) = 314 Area of Effect (AoE) Fire Damage. And, yes: I know what the description says. The rest broadly falls into Barbarian hunter who assumed responsibility and some such. In tough fights dont hesitate and chug Enlarge Person potion or toss a spell on him. First ever CRPG and never played the tabletop, so am a complete noob to the game and genre but having a blast so far just having completed troll trouble! Has a pet to carry his stuff. Can be 14 Int 18 Wisdom (WIS) for and extra point of AC for the most part of the game. Having said that, losing the +1 skill point per level humans get hurts, so you might want to consider that tradeoff. Punishes tripped enemies hard. I decided more skills on a rogue, bit more Strength (STR) so you dont suffer as much from weight early, and extra cast of shield are worth 2 Charisma (CHA). Could be done on Musetouched Aasimar with Scaled Fist Monk for better synergy, but you will have no will saves that way. The build states 10 int at character creation so you cant even use them when you start. Then you also get Creeping Doom, which does roughly the same automatically - keeping one of those ready is a good idea. Early game, use staff or flaming nunchucks, AC items, 2x Arcane Protector in Act 2 - one at the Bandit Camp at the bridge, and the other on Bartho. Two-handers are pretty straight forward as all you really need is Power Attack and Vital Strike lines of feats for damage. At Level 6 we finally get to do what we were meant to: keep things permanently tripped with Bowling Infusion. Will be easy with Shatter. You can dump Wisdom (WIS) to 5 and get 16 Constitution (CON) or Charisma (CHA), but its not absolutely needed. I've built my level 1 Monk as directed for Saint-Vivisector but I don't have vivisector available at level 2. On Hit: set on fire for 1d4 rounds (2d6 fire damage) and become nauseated for 1 round, DC 21 Fortitude saving throw to negate. Turn on Fighting Defensively at level 4 and never turn it off again. Vivisectionist is taken for the extra 2d6 sneak attack and mutagen. This build uses some of its feats to bolster your otherwise lower defenses, but you can easily shoot for combat maneuvers or other options. However I can not use the weapon and apparently I don't have sneak? General plan when you get there is as such: decide if you want to murder them in melee or with spells/breath weapon. Pick dragon type according to enemy resistances. Falcata (Lions claw), Magus - Chosen Weapon: Falcata // Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Magus - Dazzling Display // Arcane Accuracy, Magus - Improved Critical: Falcata // Bane Blade, Magus - Weapon Specialization: Falcata // Greater Weapon Specialization: Falcata, Shield, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Grease, Vanish, Corrosive Touch, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Blur, Frigid Touch, Stat Spells, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Perception or Knowledge: World, Use magic Device (spare), Kukris from Nok-Nok Quests, Monk Robes, +Stat gear, +AC gear, Alkali Gloves, Rogue - Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Finesse Training: Kukri, Rogue - Outflank // Combat Trick > Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Rogue - Weapon Focus: Kukri // Combat Trick > Dazzling display, Rogue - Shatter Defenses // Combat Trick > Improved Critical: Kukri, Alchemist - Greater Two-Weapon Fighting // Crippling Strike, Alchemist - Critical Focus // Combat Trick > Double Slice, Rogue - Staggering Critical // Double Debilitation, Persuasion or Athletics. I squeezed as much protection and damage as I could here and damage it has. Will give you Bane Blade, so that's good. Falchions are nice too. It's still a nice bit of damage, especially so against enemies you can smite, but don't be too hyped about it, especially on higher difficulties. Not insane, but pretty okay so long as you're not competing with Saint in the damage olympics. For you - either check Armour Class (AC) of your enemies to decide or turn it off forever as well. While you cant cast spells in it, breath weapon works perfectly fine. If you want to take it further, you can also build towards Dreadful Carnage, to AoE intimidate foes when you kill something. This is the most damage you can squeeze out of Arcane Trickster (AT). Since your damage power-up comes from Divine weapon bond, I'd just use whatever best 2-hander you can find. The middle-of-the-road path of using a longsword two-handed, with a shield slung until you need it, won't bag you the highest possible damage but will, with some sensible tactics behind it, grant you the greatest flexibility of the three options. This build is current to November 19, 2019. Well, I guess I meant more off-tank compared to Valerie. Can also be longsword or whatever 1h you fancy. Maybe higher if you want to dump stats but your cha should be good, but not better than your strength. Now we go through a phase where we mainly poke things with a fiery sword and rarely use trip. Generally it means we just get a lot better at actually killing things. Improved Crit is skipped in favor of Shatter. They are Multiple Ability (score) Dependent (MAD) and dont offer any meaningful paybacks for it. Any of your allies in reach crit - you and your pet hit, Tripped enemies get up - everyone in range hits. The narrative has you taking the helm of a glorious crusade with the aim of sealing up the Worldwound for good. Electricity is nice for shocking grasp but there are too many resistant enemies later on. Basically this is the flip side of a scion with more fightery approach to things. Lore(nature) is okay as well. Two-handers are pretty straight forward as all you really need is Power Attack and Vital Strike lines of feats for damage. A Trip Vivisectionist variant. There are some nice ones in second half of the game. Aasimar is still numerically superior and doesn't need to turn on Fighting Defensively to get his bonuses. . I prefer endgame swords to scimitars, but they are roughly equal. Pretty much Deadly Earth but with lower duration and no Bowling. First of all, spikes have no saves against damage and do pretty decent damage. Has Shatter Defenses. it should be available. Keen enchant is to be used till you get Improved Crit. Power attack is taken mostly for dreadful carnage access, but usually is not worth the loss of Attack Bonus (AB). A few words about spells. Everything is controlled for a good long while. Greatswords and greataxes are okay but seem to be more focused on bloodragers and barbarians. Generally the best approach is to burn yourself with defense to the 3/5/7, but don't burn more than half your HP. will cost you skill points. Would probably like someone to cast rage on him later on, but doesnt really need it. Will have good Armour Class (AC) throughout the game. what party would you recomend with the mad doge build. You want a CON of at minimum 14, a STR of 17 or higher. And I selected the Kukri weapons Finesse. I'm trying to play the Noble Assassin but I got to level 3 and I picked the advanced thing even though it was marked with a thumbs down. Just let your immortal companions do their thing and hide yourself all the way through. Aldori Swords are pretty mediocre and it would be totally insane if we could get our hands on a longsword instead, but we compensate with huge STR bonuses and some sneak dice. At least an alchemist to buff AC of your doggo. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Paladin Tank Build Arcane Agent 14K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K 87K views 2 years ago Here is a quick video build of a Paladin Tank in Pathfinder Kingmaker! Or estoc for Blinding Light.Or Blind Fight. Has good damage so will proc Cleaving Finish rather often. Most enemies will never hit you unless you are paralyzed or otherwise denied DEX/dodge bonus to armor. Paladin is skipped. Quicken spells serve dual purpose. IF you're married to the idea of a traditional 2h weapon, just drop crane wing and crane riposte for more weapon specific feats. Will have about 70+AC and 40+ AB late-game in case you are interested. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Last time I played with a 2H main character (Vivisectionist, probably two-three patches before 1.3), the Crane feats worked with 2H weapons. Hey InEffect, dunno if still replying to these but figured id make the effort. You will have enough spells from leveling to grab everything you really need, but its nice to accelerate the process. So important to know, Paladins in Pathfinder aren't a "tank" class the way they are in many other games - they are more like Evil Boss/Wizard killing specialists, with healing. Has Sensei, so you can drop a Bard if you want to. Thought I need to represent this one as the other Kineticist is designed more for comfortable late-game play on hard than anything. I am playing a paladin as my first play through. With the assistance of buffs and outflank you will hit reasonably well. You'll notice a lot of their abilities are all focused on 2 things - magical defense, and damage against evil monsters. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Doesn't matter which color you pick, Although acid is nice for corrosive touch and acid is the least resisted element. KingHydra October 3, 2021, 12:54pm 3 The maximum weight of a HEAVY LOAD for a 14 Str Halfling is 131 and 1/4 pounds. Don't forget you have spontaneous summoning. Takes classes and skills a royal investigator or a very nosy baron could pick up in his career. Use Gather Power to reduce the burn. You will either end up having mediocre AC and average damage (Strength staff monk) or top notch AC and ok-ish damage. This build is current to October 8, 2019. Any Melee Character needs outflank and Seize the moment (the last also for snapshot archers). Hopefully sneak dice will make up for the damage. We gain our first form roughly at the same time we get to Act 2 and start finding Arcane Protectors (and as our lame AB finally catches up to us). Also Mark of Justice is amazing - its effectively +6AC to everyone and nobody will ever miss against evil creatures. Pick him the moment you shift to LGPick whatever god you fancy. Use crossbows till you find Agile Pick under the Old Sycamore. If you finish the prologue in 30 days - you will get enchanted dueling sword as a reward. Shatter Defenses is there to help us with AB penalty from power attack. Turn off Power Attack for your pet. +4 Wing = 76 melee AC. 19/14/14/10/11/7 and no Persuasion for those. With Legendary Proportions on, doesnt need Gyronna to reach 70AC for Unfair. Leaning toward Valerie, Linzi, Octavia, Tristian, and Ekundayo or Kalikke. Has Seize the Moment more for himself than his party (I tend to take it on everyone by 9) so they will give him even more attacks. Valve Corporation. Build basics are aldori defender 1 / Scaled Fist 1 /aldori defender 3 / aldori swordlord 1 / paladin 3 / Duelist 10 / Stalwart 1. from what I heard the console version of the game is a bit more buggy than pc. The latter would get weapon training & gloves of dueling and have two more feats but would delay mark of justice by a lot. Privacy Policy. Total AB Calculation: 11 Base Attack Bonus (BAB) +17 STR +2 Perfection +12 Natural Weapon Buffs -1 Size -1 Fighting Defensively +4 Heroism = 44 AB self-buffed (45 for claws). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Only really important ki-power is Extra Attack. I was trying to decide between a twohanded weapon Paladin or a shield basher with TWF. When Eldritch Knight 10 crits, he can use one spell as a swift action. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Fighter Build Suggestions Players can read through the bonuses for their class on the class screen. Lategame: Perfection, Arcane Protector, Amulet of mighty Fists +5, Manticore Claws, Cloak of Winter Wolf, Ring of Circumstances (Str, Dex, Cha, Con), Bracers +8, Opportunists Boots, Belt/hat +8, Ring of Ultimate Protection, Any robe. Second, paladins are very well situated for the intimidation feat line. Extra attack per round goes a long way. Use metamagic rods extensively. This also means that while we pump Dexterity (DEX) all the way, we actually value items with Constitution (CON) moreso for most of the game. I opted for wings to help the Armour Class (AC) ramp. Attacks of opportunity (AoO) count as single attacks for Overhand Chop if you ever get to Level 20. Kineticist - Weapon Finesse // Kinetic Blade // Earth, Kineticist - Outflank // Earth > Greater Trip, Kineticist - Crane Wing // Elemental Whispers > Lizard, Kineticist - Wings // Fire > Dazzling Display, Kineticist - Crane Riposte // Enduring Earth, Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Dreadful Carnage, Kineticist - Shatter Defenses // Expanded Defense > Shroud of Water, Kineticist - Toughness // Water > Blind Fight, Kineticist - Metakinesis: Empowered // Unraveling Infusion. It'll be fine. Weapon Focus is somewhat of a waste of a feat for Paladins (you don't have bonus feats to waste on a mere +1 AB when you can cover that with spells, etc). Mobility 3+, Knowledge: World 3, Perception 3, Persuasion (Max), Trickery (Max), Dueling Sword (Bloodhound), +Stat gear, bracers, monk robes, AC items, Monk - Weapon Finesse // Dodge // Crane Style, Fighter (Aldori Defender) - Dueling Mastery // Weapon Focus: Dueling Sword, Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Dueling Sword // Crane Wing, Fighter - Greater Weapon Focus: Dueling Sword, Fighter - Fighter Tactics // Heavy Blades, Alchemist - Combat Mobility // Combat Trick > Improved Critical: Dueling Sword, Alchemist - Dreadful Carnage (+8 STR item). Put at 1 in persuasion at character creation, finish arcana and mobility, then persuasion again. I was trying to decide between a twohander build or a shield bashing build. We could've started with fire and all would be almost gucci, but unless we took Precise Shot, we'd be stuck wasting half our time gathering and running. What about power attack and cleave? Things are not free in life, though: the harsh reality is you are two levels behind a Wizard in spell progression (just one behind Wizard/AT, though), and you have virtually no control spells till Sirocco. Pit/grease/vinetrap for reflex, Stinking Cloud for Fortitude, Chains of Light for Will. Long shield spell and enlarge are good for your health. Buff. There are some good longswords late, but it might be a bit of a suffer.Can just go for two more magus levels. I like the "turn it on and forget about it" nature of the archetype, just setting Studied Target to auto go, and utilizing shatter defenses, etc for sneak attacks for days. You can drop it by 2 and get 9 CHA for more balanced stats that you want, because reasons. Arcane weapon youll likely use is Axiomatic+Bane.

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pathfinder: kingmaker 2h paladin build