This epistle treats of daily sorrows and difficulties, yet does it manifestly overflow with joy, which all the dangers, sufferings, and trials only made the more triumphant and conspicuous. We have only begun to see the work of God; we have only begun to see the glory of God poured out. It was the teaching of these Jews that, if a man wished to be saved, he must earn credit in the sight of God by countless deeds of the law; and, further that salvation belonged to the Jews and to no one else, and that, before God could have any use for him, a man must be circumcised and, as it were, become a Jew. Verses 1-21. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself." So Paul says that in the Christian life we must forget every past achievement and remember only the goal which lies ahead. His only pride is that he is a man for whom Christ died. Videos. [Note: E.g., Hawthorne, pp. In Php_3:15 he again uses teleios ( G5046) and says that this must be the attitude of those who are teleios ( G5046) . Remembering that, we try to paraphrase this passage and to set down, not so much what Paul says, as what was in his mind. A prisoner he was; and such is all that Scripture tells about him there. My actions they may, but not my faith in Him. The tribe of Benjamin had the place of honour in Israel's battle-line, so that the battle-cry of Israel was: "After thee, O Benjamin!" "Being made conformable to his death:" this too is clearly in the world now. She laid the thing out, carefully cut it out, but she really had never sewn anything before. And so the rule of the Christian life is: forgetting those things which are behind, and pressing for those things which are before, or reaching for those things which are before, pressing towards the mark. And that he ever was anything but a prisoner there, man at least cannot say. ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-55 ), When Jesus comes again, we will each experience a metamorphosis. Hebrews 11:35 is instructive here. The Philippian congregation was generally a wonderful group of people. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. (ii) To that end Paul says two things. But the practical ways and spirit of the Philippians were the living evidence not only of life, but, so to speak, of vigorous health in Christ. It means full-grown in contradistinction to undeveloped; for example, it is used of a full-grown man as opposed to an undeveloped youth. Now, immediately after telling them to rejoice in the Lord, he is warning them about the false teachers. Proud member He therefore puts all his energy into his efforts to reach this goal, just as a runner strains every muscle to reach the finishing line and gain the prize (12-14).Mature Christians will have the attitude to life that Paul has just outlined. Jeremiah speaks of the uncircumcised ear, the ear that will not hear the word of God ( Jeremiah 6:10). Such a Jew would speak the language of the country in which he lived but also the Hebrew which was his ancestral language. Strange way of God! Press On! With us the dog is a well-loved animal, but it was not so in the East in the time of Jesus. [Note: See Gerald B. Stanton, Kept from the Hour, pp. I might attain unto - I may come to, or may secure this object. This is the unfailing secret of it all the true source of humility in service. If then, matter is essentially evil, the body is essentially evil and will remain evil whatever you do with it. Now the saint that has Christ Himself before him looks abroad with desires according to the activity of divine love. There is a Rabbinic saying, "The nations of the world are like dogs." And so accordingly His servant says here, "If I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour.". And do count them but dung [as refuse], that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith ( Philippians 3:8-9 ): Now, Paul had excelled in the righteousness in the law. Paul means something when he applies the title to Jesus in the context of citizenship. In affliction, in prison, everywhere. And why should our Lord adopt a correct form to the Sadducees (Luke 20:1-47 repeated inActs 4:1-37; Acts 4:1-37), and Paul an incorrect one to the Philippians? advert as at Romans 4:16, and elsewhere to the state of the persons in question, that state or kind of resurrection unto life of those who have died in the Lord, and whose resurrection will be a resurrection unto life and glory, their bodies being raised incorruptible, and both body and soul united for ever with the Lord. He was Jehovah, equal with God the Father. Looking to the Lord, as it is the life-breath of love, so it adds to the value of brotherly kindness in its season. It is not merely exalting His work, or His cross; it is not so much His blood, as Christ Himself. There is no epistle that so abounds in joy. Have we that one blessed person as the hope, motive, beginning, end, way, and power of all that occupies us from day to day? What then? WebPhilippians 3:1-11 Bible Study Commentary And Questions. That is, they want still to live after the flesh so bad, that the idea of being crucified with Christ, the death of the old life, the death of the old man, the death of the old flesh life, is irritating to them. Observe, His care to be found in Christ was in order to his attaining the resurrection of the dead. He pressed towards the mark. What he means is: "Anyone who has come to be mature in the faith and knows what Christianity is must recognize the discipline and the effort and the agony of the Christian life." Does he question the assurance of his salvation? In short, he was so living Christ, that it was only a question of Christ here, and of Christ there. What is it that brings us into the blessed fellowship that we enjoy? Beware of dogs ( Philippians 3:1-2 ). But, Lady Bountiful, seeing her interest in it, said to the clerk, wrap it up and have it sent to the car.When she got back to the dorm, she went into her room and she carefully unwrapped this dress, put it on; it fit perfectly. It is not at all as the objects of the gospel, but as having fellowship with it, their hearts bound up and identified with all the trials and difficulties that the gospel was sustaining in its course throughout the world. And as he headed out towards Damascus, he was going out with threatenings of murder against the believers. That was a thing which he never forgot. Brethren, be followers together of me ( Philippians 3:17 ). 's critical, scholastic, and exegetic manner. And so yes, I want to know the power of the resurrection, but if I am to experience that, I have got to, first of all, experience the fellowship of the suffering, the death on the cross, the death to my old self, my old nature. It seems the church of the Philippians, though a faithful and flourishing church, was disturbed by the judaizing teachers, who endeavoured to keep up the law of Moses, So tender, so delicate is his sense, that he would not spare what was needful if there had been any want of thought, but at the same time he hastens to make whatever apology love could suggest. The more one enjoys Christ here, the more one wants to be with Him there. WebHe was naturally grateful to the Philippians, but more so to God who had worked such kindness through the Philippians. But there are the things, or if you will, the persons under the earth which can never be delivered. He had proved long the power and the joy of Christ for every day, and for every circumstance of it. The great basic problem of life is to find fellowship with God and to be at peace and in friendship with him. Pauls yearning is for complete oneness with Christ. If anyone has reason to think that he has grounds for confidence in his human heritage and attainments, I have more. The disciples found it difficult to handle when Jesus started talking about the suffering that he was to experience, and Peter cried out, "Lord, be that far from thee." Let us therefore, as many as be perfect [would be complete], be thus minded [let this be in your mind] ( Philippians 3:14-15 ): Let this be the same rule for your life. He is able even to subdue all things to Himself and accomplish something as amazing as the resurrection of our bodies after the pattern of Jesus resurrection. He takes the very name the Jewish teachers would have applied to the impure and to the Gentiles and flings it back at themselves. Salem Media Group. They helped them, and in that sense "laboured" if you will. No, the righteousness which I depend upon is that which is through the faith of Christ, not a legal, but evangelical righteousness: The righteousness which is of God by faith, ordained and appointed of God." He met Christ on the Damascus road. Perhaps he meant he wanted to experience suffering for Christs sake and was even willing to die for Him to arrive at his resurrection in a manner that would enable him to face His master unashamed. The new body, the building of God not made with human hands, the eternal house that God has created for my spirit. All who believe shall surely shine in His glory; and the universal creation, which, belonging to Him as His inheritance, He will share with His own, shall be reconciled and delivered in due time. Paul did not express doubt by this statement; he asserted a fact. Now I do count them, thirty years later, I still count them loss. The fitter we grow for heaven the faster we must press towards it. The Resurrection of Christ is the guarantee that this life is worth living and that the physical body is sacred; it is the guarantee that death is not the end of life and that there is a world beyond; it is the guarantee that nothing in life or in death can separate us from him. I am crucified with Christ, now I can experience the power of the resurrected life. And Jesus said, "Get thee behind me, Satan, you offend me." He was made Lord and Christ. Were on a mission to change that. "You know, it is what I used to be, what I used to do. The Jews would be quite sure that they were workers of righteousness. Of the two, the converse would be more intelligible; but my conviction is that both the Lord and His apostle used similar and correct phraseology, as did the Holy Spirit elsewhere. That is a wonderful thought. There is no looking at Him as Saviour on the cross merely; but when He comes for us, there will be in the filial sense (as ever in our epistle) "salvation." It is not the dread of losing the Saviour of their souls, but because they felt for His name; "for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." And, let me observe, it is not merely that Christ is my life. When Christ laid hold of us, it was to bring us to heaven; and to apprehend that for which he apprehended us is to attain the perfection of our bliss. Paul claims that there was no demand of the Law which he did not fulfil. The NASB translators captured this idea when they rendered this phrase "the resurrection from among the dead." There will be a resurrection of the unjust, who shall arise to shame and everlasting contempt; and our care must be to escape that: but the joyful and glorious resurrection of saints is called the resurrection, kat exochen--by eminence, because it is in virtue of Christ's resurrection, as their head and first-fruits; whereas the wicked shall rise only by the power of Christ, as their judge. I made it myself." The futility of a relationship with God based on the principle of law. (2.) This chapter then looks for the working of the gracious feelings of Christ Himself in the Christian individually, showing us, first, the fulness of them all in Christ in contrast with the first Adam. (ii) Here also Paul sets down what we might call the necessity of repetition. The other is what suits it, but a conferred position. Paul said, "I have not yet apprehended that for which I was apprehended. Such experience is both a real and a precious boon. Here Paul rounds upon these Jewish teachers who were seeking to undo his work. We have not yet attained, are not already perfect; there is still much wanting in all our duties, and graces, and comforts. There were not very many Pharisees, never more than six thousand, but they were the spiritual athletes of Judaism. They were rather miserable, but that does not stop you from rejoicing in the Lord. You run until you ache and you think you can't go anymore, but you keep going. Impossible that anything done by other saints should turn to one's acceptance any more than what is done by himself The apostle uses salvation throughout his letter to the Philippians (nor is it confined to this scripture only) in the sense of the complete and final triumph over all the power of Satan. It is Christ, and Christ only, that thus disposes of grief and pressure. He was as desirous to know the power of Christ's death and resurrection killing sin in him, and raising him up to newness of life, as he was to receive the benefit of Christ's death and resurrection in his justification. Is He really so far from any of those that call upon Him? There it was an unhappy "me," though distinct from the flesh: "O wretched man that I am" Here it would be, O happy man that I am! Because He was interested in the heavenly kingdom. He had put all, as it were, into the hands of Christ, who had Himself given him His own comfort about it. There were in the Church at Philippi men whose conduct was an open scandal and who, by their lives, showed themselves to be the enemies of the Cross of Christ. This joyful resurrection the apostle pressed towards. It was not so with the Philippians. Thus with salutations of love he closes this most characteristic and cheering even of Paul's epistles. John Piper @JohnPiper. Had he occupied himself with the persons that were so preaching the gospel, how disconsolate he must have been! Now here we have what is present; so that the passage presents some difficulty to souls because of intermingling the present with the future. Whoever they were, Paul reminds them of one great truth: "Our citizenship," he says, "is in heaven." I tried it for so long. In His name all must bow. You see, Jesus could not experience the power of the resurrection until the cross. in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. "Laboured" gives a wrong sense. There is the present joy of Christ; but this does not content the soul. He is referring to it, "The things which were gain to me, I counted loss for Christ, thirty years ago, on the road to Damascus." With all of my efforts I could never come up to that. Paul has not yet reached it. No wonder Paul opted for the new righteousness, though he had done pretty good up until this point. It is the cry of the Psalmist: "Zeal for thy house has consumed me." Such is the sense of it here. But out of the midst of bitter experience he had learned Christ, as even he had never known Him before. Paul had certain people that seemed to follow him wherever he went, trying to pervert that which he taught of the grace of God, especially the Jewish legalizers who sought to bring the people back to a legal relationship with God, putting them under the law. WebPhilippians 3:14 Once a man or woman has trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour, he embarks on a race through life to the finishing post. Not the passive side of the Christian as being in the world, but the active comes before us. It is all judged, and its religious form not least, by Christ "Though," says he, "I might also have confidence in the flesh. Codd. Thus, some translate the phrase, "in the hope of" (Gpd), or "that is the way I can hope to" (JB), and "thus do I hope that" (NAB). I agonizo towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God.Paul said, "Don't you realize that they that run in a race run all, only one receives the prize, so run that you may obtain." In every town and in every city and in every country there were Jews. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. All Commentaries Videos Images Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. There is a certain indestructibility in Christian joy; and it is so, because Christian joy is in the Lord. No; it is practical. Nothing but the righteousness that was of God as its source satisfied him. Not our keeping hold of Christ, but his keeping hold of us, is our safety. The power of the resurrection follows the fellowship of the suffering and the cross. It is always the power of Satan that is in view here. "For I have no man like-minded, who will naturally care for your state." Nor was he in that which he was about to write without deep feeling; but he had learned Christ for all; and this is the key-note of the epistle from the first, though only uttered distinctly at the last. "My bonds in Christ," he says, "are manifest in all the palace." The lad had found a joy which not even the scaffold could take away. Paul does not want his readers to misunderstand what he has just said. ". They were going to have the senior prom. For God had made the world full of life; He "saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good," and Satan apparently won the victory over Him in it. The Christian awaits the coming of Christ, at which everything will be changed. Now he proceeds to give his reason. How lovely that this it was that pained him unselfish love! Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. The story of the beginning of that sign is in Genesis 17:9-10. WebFor we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit ( Philippians 3:3 ), Paul was constantly emphasizing that the physical rites had no value except there be a This he must wish for them, if he wished them well. No; but "because that ye had heard that he had been sick." I hold the record and my name is on the record books, and all." No wonder the apostle was grieved to think of differences among such women as these. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . This is what he did, and accordingly this is the source, not merely of a firm faith and confidence as to the issue, but of present joy and all-overcoming power. Experiences are good. There is nothing so high as that which we all have been made in our blessed Lord. His language comes from the world of war and athletics and emphasizes the strenuous nature of his efforts to fulfill his vocation. I endeavour to get more grace and do more good, and never think I have done enough: If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." The word concision comes from a Greek word, which means mutilators. Thus the two things are repeated the past judgment and the present power: "and do count them but dung, that I may, win Christ." In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, part of the torture of Lazarus is that the street dogs annoy him by licking his sores ( Luke 16:21). Philippians 3:1. But supposing it possible to be clothed with the righteousness of the law, he would not have it now. But it frequently happened that they forgot their own language. He puts it as a matter left for him to judge of and decide by Christ. We shall see the importance of this elsewhere. Otherwise, the experience is invalidated.I really am not so much interested in what happened to you thirty years ago, twenty years ago, or ten years ago. You look at a Bible text on the screen. Surely he, most of all, must have felt the change the heart that took in the Gentiles, that swept the circle of lands from Jerusalem to Illyricum, that yearned over Spain, ever going out farther and farther, boundless in his desires for the salvation of souls. Enough has been already said above, before I even knew of his reasoning, to prove how unfounded it is in every point of view. I love that phrase. The point is this. Let us not mistake in this; let us not be driven from it by a too common misuse. When the state or kind of resurrection is meant to be expressed, the anarthrous form is requisite, as we see in verse 24 of this very chapter, and regularly so. Had it been a question of his apostolic dignity, this could not have been; but an apostle even could, and did, and loved to, take the place of one that served others whom he viewed directly in their relationship to Christ. "Let your requests be made known unto God." And what is the result? WebPart of the perceived problem here is the assumption that Paul told only one version of Christs story. You see, someone else already tried that and it just doesn't work." This understanding of exanastasin would point to the resurrection of believers that will result in Christians rising from among the unbelieving dead, those who are dead in their trespasses and sins. How can they say . He was a Pharisee. Elsewhere it is God's or divine righteousness. He had learned practically what Christ is, and what He does, and what He can enable even the least to do, (as he says himself, "less than the least of all saints,") and so much the more, because the least in his own eyes. Our citizenship. The verb katavtao ("attain") means to come to, to arrive at, or to attain to something. In Him, we, know, who was the perfect model in the same warfare, which He fought single-handed, conquering for God's glory and for us, the prince of this world came, and had nothing in Him, absolutely nothing. From which we also eagerly wait for the Savior: As Philippians would eagerly await a visit from the emperor in Rome, even more so should Christians eagerly await the coming of their King Jesus Christ. As a man knows the bliss of parental or wedded love only by having it, or as he knows the taste of wine only by drinking it, or the glory of music only by hearing it, and the brightness of the day only by seeing it, so we know Christ only by winning Him. The way to that fellowship is through righteousness, through the kind of life and spirit and attitude to himself which God desires. He had to divest himself of every human claim of honour that he might accept in complete humility the mercy of God in Jesus Christ. InMatthew 23:1-39; Matthew 23:1-39 we have woe upon woe pronounced upon scribes and Pharisees, and so it is here. The righteousness through faith in Christ, my faith in Jesus doesn't waver. Paul fell on the ground, and there the Lord spoke to him and said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" (1-2) Warning against the influence of legalistic This the apostle had his eye upon; this he would attain. Their happy and bright state in Christ did not dim their fellowship with the gospel. It was such an one, truly the servant of Jesus Christ, and so much the more their servant because His, even their servant for Jesus' sake it was such an one that wrote from Rome to the tried saints at Philippi. J. Work hard at doing that which is right. "The one preach Christ of contention supposing to add affliction to my bonds: but the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. And so looking back to the past, oftentimes, we look at our failures and we are discouraged from trying to go on. How the text got gradually changed from the most correct form (not correction) in the early Uncials has been explained. And many people have never experienced the power of the resurrected life, because they have shied away from the fellowship of the suffering and of the crucified with Christ life. There is really no reason to suppose that they preached at all. Faith is called knowledge, Isaiah 53:11. When the Lord apprehended us, and you can all look back in your own life to that point where the Lord apprehended you, where He said, "I have chosen you and ordained you that you should be my disciple," and we turn to follow Jesus Christ. The very language Paul uses to describe the Law--excrement--shows the utter disgust for the Law which his own frustrated efforts to live by it had brought him; and the joy that shines through the passage shows how triumphantly adequate he found the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Reason to think that he ever was anything but a conferred position of Judaism God... Grounds for confidence in his human heritage and attainments, I still count them, and for every circumstance it! 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philippians 3:11 14 commentary