When it's backed up TOO much, the poop leaks out and it can be a messy incident. No one suspected anything during the party, but when we got in the small bus my friends aunt asked if someone had soiled their underwear. however, when i did poo in my pants i always felt the poo leaving my bum and going in my pants/nappy. I pretended that I was clean, like any other kid my age, and ignored the fact that I was actually messy and smelly and needed changing.My parents also thought I was being lazy or pooing my pants on purpose and I frequently got scolded and yelled at when they found out that I'd soiled myself again. I dont think the second theory fits, but oddly enough I did suck my thumb when I was asleep. Hi Anonymous,Cleaning up was my responsibility and that also applied to washing my underwear. Often it's nothing serious - but a doctor pushing down around her abdomen can tell if she's backed up. here's a woman that is clearly pooping in her panties on purpose, apparently she didn't know she was filmed by the supermarket's hidden camera! why would I go to the toilet and do my poo there if I can crouch down and poo my pants and carry on playing. She told me she had the same problem when she was my age and did it just as much as me. It may happen if, as a parent, you are not strict on the use of the potty. From the age of 14 though I was deeply bothered by it. I think thats one of the reasons it became such an embedded habit and was so hard to break. 1:00. . The humiliation of being found out because Id pooed my pants still sits with me today. Baby Alive Doll Feeding Pooping Diaper Change - Baby Doll Eats Food Poops Nappy Change Pretend Play. Like most habits they become very hard to break. As I was walking down the hall, I heard him say "phew! Verat Yabrewi654. I was almost 13 by the time I finally stopped pooping my pants. It went on for months and was extremely frusterating but we got over it..until yesterday. My logs were always big and very firm and without much odor, so I usually just kept wearing my underwear until I got home. It tended to happen a little bit at a time over the course of a few hours as with each wave of needing a poo I would be unable to fully hold it back. Hi, thank you for sharing your story, and I'm sorry you had such a hard time with soiling as a child and teenager. resolution soon. !!!!! It's a big problem for you and for him when he's at school. He really couldn't help it. I've heard of quite a few children who don't like using school toilets for a poo and try to hold on, sometimes letting it out in their pants on the way home when their body is more relaxed. I hope that writing about your past has helped you in a similar way that it has helped me. By Supr94 , Thursday at 11:41 AM. Sorry - I know that might be tough to hear - but for her "not to care"? This will get most of the moisture out of your pants and/or underwear. It felt normal to me. Pat the stain dry with paper towels. Maybe it was my interpretation at the time, but it seemed like out of sight out of mind was my mothers approach. 0:56. afternoon. Two were when we were stuck in traffic on the freeway due to some accident or road construction. And then go from there Talk to the pediatrician. He sometimes can't feel it. Girl pooping in her pants. I really think I'd have wanted a hole in the ground to open beneath me if a friend's mother had questioned me about why I had soiled myself and why I hadn't gone to the toilet. Make quizzes, send them viral. Indeed, as I wrote in another post, just seeing a little girl in my nursery class being changed out of messy underwear made me feel better about myself for a short time.I'm intrigued to know what happened on this holiday you mention, especially as my final, and most embarrassing accident, happened on a holiday when I was 11. you are demanding adult logic and responses from very little girl. I'm sorry to hear that. There were times when people got suspicious that I had done something in my pants. It seems like a strange decision but at the time it made me feel like I had control. Seeing and my mother reprimanded me throughout the journey. Numerous runners in apply or in regional competitors have undoubtedly skilled the wrath of the Gingerbread Man. toilet training too early . My name is Erin, and I pooped my pants. The first place to turn to is your child's doctorshe can offer professional advice and rule out issues you may not see. That was usually late in the afternoon, unless I was told to, but that rarely happened. If you're not diligent about getting them to use the bathroom when they need to go, they may think it's okay just to go in their pants. It was so embarassing to still be doing it in junior high and having to wear pull ups to school. I soiled them was not an option. In marathoning, the continual bodily exertion is usually accountable. If youve read my earlier post, you will know that in 2014 I decided to write a book for older children who soil, as the only books on the m As a boy, James Parkin often pooed himself until he was 11. It came as quite a shock many years later to find out that I wasn't.It was great that you found a teacher would was understanding and wasn't judgemental, and that she was determined to help you. She's doing it for control and attention. I was still pooing my pants in my early teens so it obviously didn't work to leave me messy! Your school experiences sound awful, particularly that day with the supply teacher in Year 6. Anytime I encounter "evidence", I just show them to her, tell her I don't clean up poop, then throw them away. Being unaccustomed to having poo in my pants, and thoroughly disgusted by the sticky feeling of it shifting back and forth against my buttocks as I walked along, I even pondered if the addition of moisture would alleviate that awful feeling. http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Poop-My-Pants-On-Purpose/901933. I understand how embarrassing this must have been for both of you, particularly if you were still having accidents when you were teenagers, and messing yourself at school, which I largely avoided.Pull-ups weren't invented when I was a child, but I doubt that my mother would have let me wear "protection" in any case. Anus is the future and every man on this planet has shit in ther pants I mean you have to appreciate the difference of rise off shit that every man has. Get started for FREE Continue. When i was about 3-4 years old i pooped my pants quite often, mom wasn't happy about it, but i sure as hell was, in fact i didn't do it out of laziness, it'd do it just cause i found it fun, the warm poop against your butt would feel really great, usually i'd hold it till i was about to burst, squat, and then completely let all the poop fill my pants or diaper while giggling and loving having that warm poop load my pants, but then came the best part, after i was done pooping i'd then sit in my huge mess and have fun squishing it all over my butt, the feeling of all my poop spreading all over my butt was the greatest thing ever, and i didn't mind the smell, in fact i liked being so stinky back then (now i don't anymore don't worry), and the fun didn't stop here, because i wasn't the only little boy in the neighborhood to enjoy messing his pants, there were a couple boys that loved it just as much, usually we'd all hide in the numerous spots in the neighborhood out of parents and other kids view and play a lot of games around that, the most common one was just us sitting in a rough circle and pooping our pants/diapers all at the same time and then smell each other's messes, but we got more "creative" than that, sometimes we'd poop in each other's pants and then their owner would wear them and enjoy the feeling of poopy pants, sometimes we'd all poop in one diaper, sometimes we made a contest of who could make the biggest mess in his pants, oh and if we pooped our pants we wouldn't come back home to change, we'd just keep pooping in it, even if it started leaking, it was just more fun like that, but eventually our parents started punishing us for it couple weeks before we started school and we had to stop. After wrapping them in 20 paper towels, I threw them away, then used another 40 to wipe down all my body parts while my daughter stood there trying not to watch. If you asked me at the time if I was doing it intentionally, I would have disputed it but in reality, I was, especially during high school. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). Instead I decided to push the extremely big hard logs into my underwear. Going unnoticed at school or out places on the weekend made me feel like I was in control of my situation, but it also made it a lot worse. I would take her to the dr to check it out. even though i did have my fair share of accidents outside of the house most of my accidents happened at home. and writes about various aspects of his childhood soiling problem. The correct answer is: True. I ended up having to attend an after-school support group for boys with soiling problems. I could never really explain myself and I understand why she took that approach. I agree. deliberately messing himself. Her comments made it clear she didnt want to be embarrassed and how I was going to be one of the oldest kids there. She made me come to the front of the class, pulled my trousers down and pulled the back of my waistband on my undies. Step 2 - Get back-up clothes. She would often be understandably disgusted with me and tell me she could smell me and "knew what I'd done" etc, and threaten to put me back in nappies. I had never felt so scared and humiliated in my life. The way I said no uncomfortably, probably confirmed to him, that I had infact pooped in my pants. My daughter recently turned 5 and has been potty trained since she was 2 1/2 & fully trained thru the night by 3 1/2. I think that we were very similar, as I also always avoided using the toilets at school or as a child when I was younger and often ended up with soiled pants as a result. I also had an amazing imagination. This is . I remembered a day when he was just sitting in the corner on the gym floor by himself and didn't seem to want to join the other boys, and there was a distinctly foul smell surrounding him. That wasnt available at my school, so I became good at keeping it secret and my mother gave me medication that reduced the odor. I do remember, however, the awful feeling when my mother looked in my pants and I knew that my latest accident was about to be discovered and that I was going to be told off again.I was also lucky that I stopped soiling at 11, so there were no problems in that area at secondary school. You can have your shame, just don't eat it too. In the beginning I think it was a way of relieving my anxiety but then became a routine. Don't punish, teach. Thank you for this blog and others who have commented. My parents thought I was lazy or doing it on purpose and going to great lengths to hide it only confirmed their belief. Can I ask what this teacher did who decided to make you her "challenge"? At the time it was going on I dont think I could have given an answer as to why I was doing it, which probably just confirmed my parents belief I was lazy or doing it on purpose. been particularly apt on this day. The medication my mother gave me and washing my own underwear made that a lot easier. Or? You can psychologically harm a child by doing something like that. Seriously - that was the reason. I almost died of embarrassment. Up until then and like you I believed I was the only one on earth my age that did it. favorite_border. This has been proven to stimulate the need to go #2. SHE'S FIVE. There was a separate group for girls.The rule in the school was that if you had several pooping accidents, you were encouraged to attend. Diaper Lover. The only Home / Uncategorized / why would a 12 year old poop his pants. There were even times people commented on how nice I smelt which was rather odd considering what was in my underwear. That went on for days, but I wasnt worried as I hadnt pooed in my underwear for quite a while and thought I was a master at keeping them clean. Instead I had to endure an She must have had an acute sense of smell because no one else seemed to agree. Jul 5, 2016. It feels very weird. I did try to explain it to my parents but nothing I said seemed to change their minds. A quick conversation at the door was good enough and meant I didnt have to waste time cleaning up. Hi JamesI was probably quite fortunate in that I never filled my pants at school to such an extent that the school intervened, it was almost invariably a gradual process that occurred throughout the day, and I never alerted a teacher but tried my best to hide it. Later when we were back at the place, we were staying she questioned me again and again I couldnt explain my actions. Recently discovered communism Jan 11 Only if it was for a HUGE prize. An example of that was during the drive to one of her end of year work parties. When my friend and I got back no one said anything, so I was completely oblivious until his mum pulled me aside and questioned me. Even with no large meal, the physique nonetheless secretes liters of fluid a day within the intestinal system, Dobson says. Dixie*, 21. Use plenty of paper towels. Cheers Bean. The loads in my underwear were always quite large and that was something I was quite conscious of. I really wanted to help him, but Ive been too embarrassed to tell him I had (have) the same issue My sister (his Mum) isnt handling it particularly well. LOL: POOPING AT SCHOOL. I don't think you were being silly, like you I frequently soiled my pants at home while engrossed in playing some solitary game. Eliminate the medical issue first. My cheeks burned and I sweated with embarrassment, but I said no. The anxiety of starting high school seemed to make my constipation even worse and I spent most of the first day with a load in my underwear. Obviously this wasnt the case. I withheld a fecal explosion on the NYC subway from 210th Street to Columbus Circle, sweating like a terrorist. I always denied in class and at home that Id had an accident and regularly had my pants pulled down / waistband pulled back to check. She was also directing her suspicions at my friends younger family members. I was also extremely shy so putting my hand up and asking to go to the toilet was far to embarrassing. I crouched down and added to the waste in my The thing I liked to do the most was exploring around the estate we lived in where there was always something interesting. like you i loved playing on my own and the majority of my time was spent in my room on my own playing with lego, pokeman cards, knex, or toy cars. it was pretty embarassing walking through the hallways at 13, 14 or even 15 and all of a sudden,there's a load in your underpants or pull up. Why would a 12 year old poop his pants? It has not been easy to write about this, as it is Im ashamed to say that I had this problem from age 6 to 19 and still now occasionally have accidents in my pants I came across your blog because my 14 year old nephew has the same issue. That was only around 930am and we hadnt even finished the first of a full day of events, we were also going to a BBQ that afternoon at one of the relatives houses. Paula Radcliffe at first of the 2005 London Marathon. At the time I somehow took that as permission to continue rather than explaining how badly constipated I was. I remember being so embarrassed that this happened in front of my mates that I cried at my desk. I'm not sure how I would have felt if I had worn them. That may have been true, but I am sure there were other reasons. then i would take my hands out of pants (normally there would be some poo on my fingers so i would get a tissue and wipe it off. Sometimes, kids soil their pants because they feel like it. I dont remember when that started but it was from a young age and I didnt mind doing it. They have a problem with their bowels that dulls the normal urge to go to the bathroom. All I had to do was go to the toilet yet my phobia had got so bad there was no way I could even though I knew it meant pooping in my underwear. Age 5 -7 was rough at my house. result of my soiling habit. We answer your top questions about the flu vaccine. As we sat on the grass waiting for the bus, I realized I had forgotten to go to the toilet and my underwear were already a little dirty. Just hang in there & be kind when dealing with this. Then we put her and her 3 yr old sister in a bath and she pooped a small amount, knew about it and waited til I found it and then looked at me like I was crazy for getting pissed. I know it's really hard to do that, but if you make a big deal about it you are giving her the negative attention she craves. I think she was often too busy to clean me up and I agree with you there was an element of 'out of sight out of mind'. It was the same a few days later when we went to a zoo, where we spent most of the day. of myself. HOW TO POOP IN YOUR PANTS (THE EASY WAY) you did it! Similar to the time you did it on purpose, so did I but not just once. Once I decided the best way to deal with my situation was to keep it as secret as possible part of me began to like knowing I had gotten away with it. like you i would always withhold until i was very desperate. My son went every day, like clockwork. Have you ever pooped your pants by accident or on purpose? Prezi. There was a guy in the group who was kind of a tough guy and somewhat of a bully. So - you've set an example about boundaries and given her the power back she seems to be craving. Yeah. a lack of water. Simon the Almighty 13 years of life experience. Was usually late in the afternoon, unless I was also directing her suspicions at my friends younger family.. Group who was kind of a tough guy and somewhat of a tough guy and somewhat of a tough and. Him when he & # x27 ; s a big problem for you and for when... Fits, but I said seemed to agree and given her the back..., I heard him say `` phew understand why she took that as permission to continue rather explaining! 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poop your pants on purpose