Nov 11 2019 19:49:10 (EST), His mind would be blank and clear. In 1918, he served as the president of the American Sociological Association. To understand the greater "project" behind looking glass, you'll have to understand Military Grey Alien Technology. The Montauk Project, however, is not the earliest reference to extraterrestrial technology being in the possession of the US military, which allowed it to view events in different historical periods. Looking-Glass Self: Theory, Definition & Examples. According to Cooley (1902), the human mind is social and mental. This would explain why many of Qs predictions have not panned out, and the Deep State appears to have warded off the most damaging revelations made by Q. While I agree with Sather that Q and military intelligence community is using Project Looking Glass technology in a covert civil war with the Deep State, it is worth emphasizing that the Deep State has been using Project Looking Glass technology even longer than the US military intelligence community. During an all-staff meeting, an employee voices her concern about a recurring issue in the workplace. In 2006, a microbiologist named Dr. Dan Burisch (not to be confused with the astronaut Dan Bursch) claimed he worked for a secret organization formed by President Harry S. Truman. According to Society in Focus, the process of discovering the looking-glass self occurs in three steps: In practice, the process might look like this: Someone meets a group of new work colleagues for the first time. If you're interested in this kinda stuff, you can get to work on reading the Ascension Glossary. In an interview Lazar (L) replied to a question about the project as follows: C: Wasnt there something about Looking Glass project Looking Glass? Project Management Journal, 35 (3), 15-26. Looking Glass technology According to insiders, the pineal gland had to be reverse-engineered in order to understand the science behind looking into the future. He explains how the technology was turned over to the Vatican hierarchy, which in turn passed it on to the Central Intelligence Agency. The individual develops feelings about and responds to those perceived judgments. A number of researchers have examined the looking-glass self in the context of virtual environments. This means that how we see ourselves certainly changes depending on the people we surround . Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. Two-year, campus-based learning for students with diverse learning challenges. So that was an IP Address. The reactions of others to ourselves provides us with feedback about ourselves of the most direct sort. As whistleblowers/insiders have explained last year, thecurrent plandemicwas actually scheduled for 2050, but the elites are in panic mode because of theGreat Awakeningand theyve rushed it. So whoever uses the Yellow Cube can, theoretically, see probable outcomes as a result of specific actions. In this way, social media users are never fully removed from exposure to judgment and criticism. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'simplypsychology_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',615,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-medrectangle-3-0'); This is underpinned by the idea that the context of someones socialization allows them to define themselves. TheNew World Orderis not even remotely perfected andit is already failing. The concept of the looking-glass self originated in the work of Charles Horton Cooley (1964). Conceiving the self: RE Krieger. Vidhi holds a Masters in Education, B.A. In the context of symbolic interactionism, humans define themselves in the context of their social interactions from the time that they are born. (Just like that, seriously!). The practical skeptic: Mayfield Publishing Company. A Dominican priest by the name of Father Pellegrino Ernetti invented a Chronovisor by electronically modifying the frequencies of chants by Benedictine monks when viewed on a TV-like monitor. The looking-glass self theory states that a person's thoughts and feelings about themselves are formed based on the responses of others. Project Looking Glass? [1] Simply Scholar Ltd - All rights reserved, The active role the individual plays in interpreting the perceived judgments and perceptions of others, The individuals selective application of looking-glass self, People use the looking-glass self to control and evaluate the responses of others. Receive notificactions when new content is available. Stay informed. Basically these negative timelines are false ones that are constantly being indulged and manipulated into being pursued instead of a timeline that will accelerate our collective consciousness into attaining "ascension.". So, just like that, they shelved the Yellow Cube and folded Project Looking Glass. When it comes to understanding ourselves, social interaction plays a more important role than many of us realize. The looking-glass technology shows you a glimpse or a scene from one instance of the future. The reactions of others to ourselves provides us with feedback about ourselves of the most direct sort. Among these was Preston Nichols, who was involved in a classified project called Montauk that was first publicly revealed in his 1992 book: Duncan would start out sitting in the chair, then the transmitter would be turned on. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. Martey, R. M., & Consalvo, M. (2011). The CIA developed Chronovisor technology for the control group running extraterrestrial related projects, Majestic -12, one of the principal arms of the Deep State. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. A person's perception of how others see them can result from both verbal and nonverbal responses from others. Not all feedback carries the same weight, for instance. Coinbases newest product aims to be the front-end gateway to DeFi and crypto. The concept of the looking-glass self is associated with a school of sociology known as symbolic interactionism. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. Our colleague Jim Rickards played a hand in its creation. Rahim (2010) examined Cooleys (1922) theory of looking-glass self in the context of people living in inner-city ghettos.. She may think she's beautiful, friendly, brave, and smart. The facts are: this is the material that we have available that we know. The looking-glass self describes the process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them. The players performed their membership in certain groups such as gender, race, and sexuality through fashion and dress, and the researchers sought to test how choices of avatar appearance related to the prevailing social norms of the groups they participated in. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Another prominent and influential account of the self in sociology comes from Erving Goffmans The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959). - Definition & Symptoms, Maslow's Safety Needs: Examples & Definition, Esteem Needs in Maslow's Hierarchy: Examples & Definition, Ekman's Six Basic Emotions: List & Definitions, Bottom-Up Processing in Psychology: Examples & Definition, Representativeness Heuristic: Examples & Definition, Insight Learning - Wolfgang Kohler: Theory, Definition & Examples, Interposition in Psychology: Definition & Examples, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5713) Prep, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators - Writing (5723): Study Guide & Practice, ILTS TAP - Test of Academic Proficiency (400): Practice & Study Guide, CSET Social Science Subtest II (115) Prep, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, NY Regents Exam - Global History and Geography: Test Prep & Practice, Political Science 102: American Government, Praxis Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571) Prep, ILTS Social Science - Political Science (247): Test Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Family and Consumer Sciences (5122) Prep, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Certificate Program, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Help and Review, Reading Consumer Materials: Comprehension Strategies, The Bronze Age Collapse: History & Concept, Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: Definition & Timeline, Achilles, the Ancient Greek Hero: Myth & Achilles Heel, Archaic Smile in Ancient Greek Sculpture: Definition & Concept, The Sieve of Eratosthenes: Explanation & Overview, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. And click here to add your name to the list before times up. 1959. Marginalized through the Looking Glass Self. Mead argued that the self involves two phases: the Me and the I.. But John thinks that his tattered shirt will make people think he's poor. It's like a combination of the Lizard People theory, Men in Black, The Matrix, and the Singularity we're all apparently going to reach which results in a greater collective consciousness called "Ascension.". Additional sources:Human Nature and the Social Order. At this point, a hole or time portal would appear right in the center of the Delta T antenna you could walk through the portal from 1980 to 1990. Q. Given that the CIA is the key agency for raising black budget funds for the entire military-industrial complex, it would have been easy to siphon off sufficient funds to conduct its own Project Looking Glass project. He has an exam that day so he goes to class anyway, ripped shirt and all. As Cooley explains in One Self and Social Organization, a growing solidarity between mother and child parallels the childs increasing capacity in using significant symbols. Social media has brought with it the concept of the cyber self, Mary Aiken explains. 1. Chandler, D., & Munday, R. (2011). Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Ultimately, the process of the looking-glass self is one of alignment. One such device, dubbed the "Yellow Cube," was used by global leaders to look into the future. Ambiguity and bias in the self-concept. Behavior and self esteem are dictated by a person's predictions of how theyll be perceived by others. The host of digital platforms involved also brings into question whether ones identity may become splintered, or whether developmental problems will result. Many believe that Q, based on multiple posts, is a group linked to US Army Intelligence working closely with the Trump White House. Cooley's looking-glass self theory states that a person develops their self-image based on the responses of others as well as their perception of how others see and judge them. Copyright Notice, Tags: Andy Basiago, Bob Lazar, Deep State, Jordan Sather, Montauk Project, Project Looking Glass, QAnon. The above interview features some normal looking folks talking about these conspiracy theory concepts quite matter-of-factly, but it could just be that a couple of whackadoos donned Ross Dress for Less suits to create this video in an attempt at making whatever theory they're feeding seem more legitimate. For individuals who wish to ask the psychological questions essential for modern times, however, the right career begins with the right degree. There was an opening that you could look into. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Coming from a research background in biology and archeology, Charlotte currently studies how digital and physical space shapes human beliefs, norms, and behaviors and how this can be used to create businesses with greater social impact. Multiple witnesses remember theirSecret Space Program encounters with one another. This was information Bell had never before publicly revealed. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you #projectlookingglass #montaukproject #timetravel #indigochildren #starseeds #StrangerThings #spiritualawakening #thegreatawakening #woke, A post shared by Ascension Vibes (@ascensionvibes1) on Nov 17, 2019 at 1:45pm PST. Project "Looking Glass", the plans of the Secret Government on time machines and Stargate devices Published 24th April 2020 Dr. Dan Burisch has a PhD in microbiology and is a former employee of the United States secret military forces. Socialization and Social Isolation: Definition & Case Studies, Dramaturgy in Sociology | Analysis, Theory & Approach. Also known as the "Yellow Disk", this device, along with Looking Glass, is utilized by not only the industrial-military complex (allegedly) but also Grey Aliens, who both are trying to utilize "networks" of the Yellow Cube to influence timelines. It's convoluted and involves many different groups of humans and alien life forms with different agendas. The looking-glass self is the process by which people evaluate themselves based on how others see them. This includes a variety of different devices and tech, like the Looking Glass, which, along with the Yellow Cube, is supposedly used for manipulating timelines. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. These responses can be real or perceived; however, both can impact a person's image of themselves. According to Mead, interactions with others serve to form self-identity in three steps: People imagine how they appear to other people; People imagine how others are thus judging them based on appearance and how they present themselves; People imagine how others feel about them based on the judgments they make. Create your account to access this entire course, A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets, Looking-Glass Self Theory | Charles Horton Cooley. Some of these experiments involved humans being trained to use extraterrestrial technology, such as a chair that significantly enhanced psychic abilities so one could do extraordinary things like distorting or warping time to look into the past or future. Jan 21, 2015. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'simplypsychology_org-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-large-leaderboard-2-0'); For example, a child taking on a variety of roles during a play session will begin to appreciate the perspectives of other people as well as build up a sense of themselves as something that other people look at and make judgments about (McIntyre, 1998). As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult the people win as they awaken to the truth. 'Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. Self-image refers to a person's view or perception of themselves. There are three steps in the development of self-identity, according to the looking-glass self theory. Well, one part of this story is at least partly true. The past entities being revisited, places, Depending on the direction of the spin I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect , Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a. Cooley emphasized the individuals autonomous role in deciding which judgements they pay attention to in identity formation, as well as in controlling and evaluating the responses of others. Simply Psychology. An "E.T. Learn more about careers for psychology majors. The development of stereotypes and labeling. Perception Is Reality: The Looking-Glass Self, Professional Development and Continuing Education, Graduate School of Arts & Social Sciences. Describe Charles Cooley's theory of the looking-glass self, Explain the three concepts that relate to the development of self-image. George Herberrt Mead's conception of socialization elaborated on Cooleys foundation. Craziest part? Another example would be an athlete who gains a few pounds thinking that others will assume they are unfit. Are you stupid? Support this podcast: copyright 2003-2023 Guaranteed. In this example, the girl imagines that everyone is staring at her because she looks good. The girl assumes that the popular students are staring and smiling because she looks attractive in her favorite outfit. The Yellow Cube is one piece of tech that was supposedly left behind by an extraterrestrial looking to help us out for who-knows-what-reason. These self-appraisals can also be limited by communication barriers and styles, and that there are certain circumstances such as when self-evaluation is ambiguous where the perceived responses of others are more aligned with their actual responses (Franks and Gecas, 1992). Emile Durkheim Suicide Overview & Theory | What is Durkheim's Suicide Study? People also usually take their own value systems into consideration when thinking through any changes to their behavior or views of self. Results included: Whether digital platforms are ultimately a help or a hindrance to self-identity remains to be seen. Despite the posts brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power. Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped, says military insider. Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions. Humans become aware and know about themselves through others. Symbolic Interactionism Theory & Example | What is Symbolic Interactionism? They discuss several breakthrough technology pioneers that were murdered as a result of their pioneering efforts that challenged Deep State interests. Bill Hamilton's notes on Project Looking Glass (PLG) from Dan Burisch and BJ Wolf (B) . As the employee is leaving the meeting, she is thanked by her boss and is referred to as a ''great leader,'' which boosts her confidence in her leadership abilities. This is an example of the second component of the looking-glass self theory, which states that a person imagines how others will judge them based on their perceived appearance to others. Franks, D. D., & Gecas, V. (1992). During his recovery, the athlete gained a few pounds, which causes him to think that others will assume that he is overweight and unathletic. A test of interactionist hypotheses of self-conception. It is derived from the way a person thinks that others perceive them. LookingGlass self: Goffman as symbolic interactionist. As has been long posited by sociologists, people may have a self-image that is formed by their interactions with others, or even no essential self at all. The rise of social media makes the process of the looking-glass self infinitely more complex. Rickards: These are ways to profit from energy, despite the ESG scam.. Mary says that one of the concepts didn't make sense to her. tech theory basically postulates that a lot of military and air-space technology along with their capabilities are intentionally kept hidden from society in Area 51, and this technology has been influenced by "found" or "acquired" alien tech that somehow made it to planet earth. I'm not getting accused of cheating because you had to go and talk to me.' A healthy self-image refers to the ability of a person to love themselves; it is vital to a person's emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Instead, its a vast field of probabilities, the results of which are determined by present actions. We are in the darkest days in 2021/22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. For the record, Burisch isnt the only one to have made such claims about time devices in the hands of elites. executive producer Jed Whedon responds to the Framework fan theory that Project Looking Glass will bring back Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) and/or Antoine Triplett (B.J. Supposedly, this Yellow Cube was handed over to Dwight D. Eisenhower by the Orion Group, which is basically a group of insect-like negative aliens that wanted to interbreed with human beings around World War II in order to jointly control our timeline. The earliest reference to the kind of technology discussed in Project Looking Glass actually comes from Italy in the 1950s! This initial theory was based on Cooley's observations of childhood social development. It doesn't help that one of the only rumored sites of a spaceship crash site is located in Roswell, New Mexico, which isn't that far away. According to Self, Symbols, & Society, Cooley's theory is . Bob Lazar, Element 115, Massive Stars & Heavy Metals,, Historic interview reveals national security secrets learned from extraterrestrials, QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup Detat, 38 Years on Mars Colonies & Space Programs, JP Mission to Underground Civilization & Nordic Spaceport, Thiaoouba Prophesy Contact with a Hermaphrodite ET Race, 34 Years in a Deep Underground Military Base at Diego Garcia, From the Trail of Tears to Extraterrestrial Contact, The Scientific Principles behind Extraterrestrial Technologies. Stay strong, dont submit to tyranny freedom IS coming and the all-powerful Cult is in its last desperate death throes.. Staring in 2003, Willis worked with dozens of scientists and inventors vetting these technologies as a technical advisor. Burisch talked often about a top-secret program called "Project Looking Glass." According to Burisch, US intelligence agencies had several devices they built using instructions found in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian tombs. According to this theory, our view of ourselves comes from our contemplation of personal qualities and . Sociometry, 321-335. Share this: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Email to a Friend. People who believe that they are competent are more likely to believe that others see them as competent. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. Charles Cooley was an American sociologist who developed the concept of the looking-glass self. Generalized Other Significance & Examples | What is Generalized Other? 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project looking glass theory