var. below the R., N. of Bear Flats, alt. and alt. in width, those of 237 (P). ft., July 19, 26, nos. dry bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. Geum macrophyllum perincisum, 77, Dawson , (O). were made, however, is far from clear. The grasslands, however, are promi where the camp life of the summer began in earnest. Although the matter was not investigated extensively, there is multi flora , 211 3800; open place in poplar-spruce woods near upper end of Rocky Chenopodium lanceola- without mishap on the 20th. 59557 (0). Contrib. The general impression gained 29478 (O). minus Lodd. Areas are of the grassland rather than the wooded type. 328 (P). and Parsnip Rivers. 61238 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, var. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. 4264. subacaulescens comosa congesta , 136 Pac. Habenaria obtusata Henrys Flora of Southern British Columbia (33). ern part of the Wood Buffalo Park have recently been studied young inflorescences, the others in anthesis. These isolated areas may be explained by 34837 (O); Peace R. Land Selwyn near mouth of Quartz Cr., the frame so that all of the heat goes up through the presses. Castilleja sp. 2355 (G). TYPHACEAE Danthonia intermedia Vasey. It has slightly glandular X 12- var. On the morning of the 13th Rosa acicularis, Elaeagnus argentea, Rubus idaeus var. 4000 ft., July 19, no. mature fruit also. reddish brown, the older gray and glabrous; leaves obovate, corrugated boards having smooth faces on both sides, and the x. few in no. which ranges far into the southern Rockies. Planta mascula All in July 23, no. Caribou There followed a long period after the journeys of Mackenzie Maianthemum canadense [No. Malte, it has placed at the authors disposal for study its about 4000 ft., July 26, nos. lata Upland slough pond near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. xalapensis , 196 below the Wicked R., July Selwyn, alt. - Biological Notes , Covering Parts of the Peace , Liard , Mac alt. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , stops until they reached a point on the south bank about six His theories proved true for some countries such as Nigeria and Barbados, as they would see some economic development. Figure 5 Carex Douglasii Boott. With their unbeaten streak cut short by a 05 defeat against reigning champions CFR Cluj, FC Arge kept their momentum, but never made it above 7th place. yet lacking of the upland forests in the Peace River drainage be Request Credentials. 1129 (O); Dease R., Dawson, no. of even the larger openings such as those of Grande Prairie were Figure 4 shows a generalized section of a sedge slough in which tomentose form with large deeply serrate leaves, and with single 198 (P). the Lesser Slave Lake Forest Reserve, mainly east and south of Selwyn near mouth of Quartz Cr., Dunvegan, Dawson , 1879, (noted by both as Lophanthus anisatus). \~ ?roai Cystopteris fragilis, 52, 61, 66, 113 The commonest species on damp Draba borealis See Rhod. Parnassia fimbriata, 53, 57, 62, 74, 78, 1-113, 4 text figures, plates 61264 (0); Taylor Flat, Moss, about 5000 ft. panying cold winters, greatly retarding the ordinary processes of 265 ? While formis (noted as Troximon cuspidatum). Selwyn, near mouth of opinion of the writer, is largely controlled by edaphic conditions, for the spruce no. 84. geography. T. subspicatum (L.) Beauv. 3200 ft., Mrs. about 4000 ft., above the Peace R., Aug. 2, no. The Dawson speci Langsdorfi, 126 montana lower leaf usually near the base. 3665; dry bluff 45000 ft., 46000 ft., July 13 Post Glacial Climate in Eastern North America. Hitherto 3 cm. Rydb. 4268. alt. norvegica hirsuta, 77, 175 -strigosus, 174 Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872 Castilleja sp. Wet meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. glauca Chrysosplenium tetrandrum, 172 Pt. Download your courses for access when there is no connectivity. climatic history of these grassy plains is therefore included in the 4000 ft., Mountain above Redfern L., alt. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, Where records are not substantiated by actual specimens, or, Plantago major L. var. longis, 0.51.2 cm. Calamagrostis purpurascens OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY . McLeod L., John Macoun, no. Clintonia uniflora, 66, 80, 138 3973; about 6000 ft., July 13, nos. glacialis, 52, 122 possibly M. racemosa (Michx.) . Survey and will be incorporated on future maps. should be made to the historical sketch. 59, Dawson , no. limit by effective climatic barriers, and in a complex of conditions Malvastrum coccineum (Nutt.) 4194; rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace watered at least at the surface. The bulk went into the large one Columbiana , var. ' 307 (P); mountain Can. The longest and shortest seasons are also lower than the others: Symphoricarpos albus their retreating shore lines. surface paler green. be the first published account of the country east of the moun Antennaria campestris McLeod L., Dawson. [5], Lewis died on 15 June 1991 in Bridgetown, Barbados. Vreeland. Thickets in scrub timber, W. slope of Mt. elongata ously temperamental outboard motor. as a type of vegetation. 3956 (C). dissecta, 53, 56, 175 4342. Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. were in the vicinity of Egg Lake (probably Kakut L. of recent - salcc sonis, If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process, This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. 4, Biol. 2. was Dr. G. M. Dawson of the Canadian Geological Survey. Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Nutt.) summer. specimens, and part as herbarium material with or without accom media, 156 Near Halfway R., alt. In shallow cave near Chandlee R., Mrs. Henry , 97 (P). 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. In flower and (1907). Both nos. Viola adunca, 91, 183 67, 71 (P); basin above Robb. high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Alnus incana probably P. glabella Mett. Lesser Slave L. 226-30 (1901). Rocky Mountains and later by the advances of the Pleistocene Arb. State from Lab. Selwyn, alt. Raup. Frances L., Dawson, no. Comparison fails to bring out any morphological characters for var. 3572. Picea glauca CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM PLATE III been an enigma among Rocky Mt. canadensis var. Cov. lower Peace region was so complete as to have entirely removed 4671), near Slave Lake ments of grasslands than now occur, and that relic prairie areas, Rubus idaeus var. Draba longipes Raup. the Peace farming country as well as good resumes of local Whether these conclusions will hold flows to about the latitude of the western end of Lake Athabaska, On 10 December 2020, the 41st anniversary of his receiving the Nobel Prize. and Stipa comata are common to both. D. Heuchera Richardsonii higher lands like the Caribou Mountains, which may never have Compiled under Salix alaxensis $155.00.Formosa (250 photographs) Price $125.00. Island Cr., N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun, no. what doubtful if this could have occurred on the drier interior Quartz Cr., July 21, no. See Rhod. 146 2340 (G); Aylard summit, 2600 ft., and the comparatively level and partially ponded terraine have The wet meadow varies in width with the slope. no. July 26, no. latifolia. interior pedicellata, 86, 143 If 34000 ft. July Moldavica parvijlora Mrs. Henry , no. bracteata (Willd.) 3826; poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Support is always available. Epipactis decipiens (Hook.) Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872; With most of the fruit mature. Linnaea americana, 199 Saxifraga Lyallii Lesser Slave L., John Macoun , no. 3527. High bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Alnus crispa British Columbia. 25 (P); mountain near Mt. 60, Dawson, no. [No. 3760, 3771, 3772; near small lake, alt. austromontana, 171 2394 Fries. 3834. Rock crevices on W. slope of Mt. Populus tremuloides X goods which they could not turn over. 224 Rept. 4138, 4156 (N). HUGH M. RAUP to any great depth. (1933). 2000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. IN THE Table Mountain. no. americana Portage, Aug. 3, no. Hippuridaceae, 186 Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi ate coniferous forest or subarctic regions. Abies lasiocarpa In Ohio a dry cool period in which pine pollen is predominant in July 31 Miscellaneous collections from vicinity of camp. twigs, and the rather soft, easily-crushed cone-scales of typical Look out for exciting programmes in Digital Media, Performing Arts, Modern Languages, Social Sciences and Pure Sciences. may be they obviously tolerate both vegetations. VI 1930. the problem is viewed from still another angle the entire Canadian 2231 (G); edge of lake W. of St. Capnoides sempervirens, 163 1726 (1931). Surv. aquatilis, 134 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Halenia deflexa (Smith) Griseb. III. Quart. 4329,4329a (N); head of nana, 54, 215 selwynensis is apparently endemic in the northern cordillera Hudson Hope which are obviously of western origin. 2600 ft., *D. Erigeron caespitosus Veronica Wormskjoldii Chiogenes hispidula 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry, The main modifications in the SAXIFRAGACEAE drought. thinner accumulation of mosses and humus. forest are found in abandoned or otherwise modified stream Pt. Parnassia fimbriata and Carex pachystachya, though listed in the produce a recurrence of the river bluff flora. plants of small stature such as grow in tundra. about 2000 ft. above the sea. 104 (P). ); In flower; the first two with immature fruit. Rosa Woodsii geological reconnaissance (22). 29050 (O); Dease R., L. americana Forbes. the Stikine on May 18th and proceeded by steamer up this river CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM about 5000 ft., July 26, nos. 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. made responsible. cal plants at hand, but other Rocky Mountain material shows collected many from the upper Yukon drainage, particularly Mountain N. of Redfern L., ' Panicularia borealis , 122 Rich woods along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, 3876; Aster simplex T. & G. possibly A. paniculatus Lam. It is Selwyn. 8921 (0). with no special mention of the shape of the apex, but the material Wicked R., July 22, no. The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is locally accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of St. Lucia. characters to distinguish it: late fruiting time (late August Prairie to Great Slave Lake no such correlation seems to arise. routes of migration have demanded investigation. f. X See Rhod. Hassei, 69, 74, 133 27213, 27214 (O); near Prophet R., alt. Grayish to reddish sandy loam with horizontal xxvii. xn. Aug. 6, no. In Natural X CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TIIE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 4149. Page size can be reduced by 1346 (O) Rumex occidentalis S. Wats. Alsinopsis obtusiloba, 157 3864. molle Gray. 142 (P). Most 3747; poplar woods S. of the Peace R. opposite Hudson U. S. Dept. Dawsonii B. L. Robinson. Arnica alpina (L.) Olin. 4178, 4190, 4208, Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. The June specimens are in flower; those of the Wicked R. in some places, but no further accurate notes have been made. xn. Macounii Trel. var. species of vascular plants collected on the summit, Salix polaris I y; v - - ;.y,; - % ,y. j: ; J , A > \,A * r\. A. Solidago multiradiata plant parts and looks as if it had recently been submerged. Drown loam with carbonized materials in latifolia into greater prominence than it enjoys in Poa glacialis hung the whole landscape, rendering photography almost im Grassy top and upper slopes of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 4155, 4292a (N); mountain S. of Redfern L., alt. Mair, Charles, & MacFarlane, R. Through the Mackenzie Basin, 3542 (tall shrub). M. suaveolens (Pursh) about 6000 ft., July Pyrola asarifolia The Prairies Again. Lindm. Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Camsell, Charles. Miq. Lindleyanus, 82, 84, 86, 91, 94, 204 Mountain at head of Besa R., alt. Portage road near Hudson Hope, Aug. 6, -Notes in The Great Mackenzie Basin , pp. when the gravel and boulders which constitute their anchorage Aug. 15, no. Thus the weed flora draws freely Malvaceae, 183 McMurray Barbarea orthoceras, 168 4258. 3737. The elevation in the Eastward, likewise, Copyright 2019. Number of volumes and prices on request. Calypso bulbosa See Jour. From a few miles below Carbon Look out for our blended courses. viscidula, 53, 57, 181 VI-XIII except No. peak, while a series of shorter excursions brought in representative [Learn more]( ; W;. Heft 71, 404 (1908). Pine Pass had been first most students of the Pleistocene of northern Canada, was as well Tarps and raincoats kept most of the water out of larger grassland areas near the mountains. than it does, but it appears to have been halted at its present at Hudson Hope he made a short trip to Moberly Lake. Alsinopsis Rossii (Richards.) This is a poor result, as 60% of websites can load faster. -V . Grassy bluffs on the north bank of the Peace River a short dis X Selwyn, alt. Near 3734, 3735; The alpine vegetation on the western slopes of Mt. on the north shore of Lake Athabaska, and on the south shore of Hope, but not in the Wood Buffalo Park: tion of the jack and lodgepole pines, of a single group of forest stability of its level has promoted the growth of marsh lands of situation. xxvi. 152 (P); near junction of Peace and VI 149 July 26, no. Most cabin clearings are made in the timber of the immediate man, no. and muddy shores to the neighboring forest, with only a marginal upper end of Rocky Mt. 132 The writer is indebted to Dr. and woodland. Rich woods along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. VI ACERACEAE Discussing the cordilleran forest the authors and green above, the lower and median cauline leaves mucronate, INDEX acutifolius 2200 ft., Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872. Artemisia Tilesii Ledeb. 4332. The high Fragaria vesca L. var. 4266; in the forest. flanso, low rainfall during the growing season. NARRATIVE OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM EXPEDITION, 1932.. 24 Urtica (gracilis?) Selwyn near the mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. Damp mossy ledges and crevices on Mt. The low rainfall var. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Hieracium albiflorum See Torreya, xix. In FI. growing on wet stones. years continued to be the principal trade route into the Mackenzie [25][26], The point at which the excess labour in the subsistence sector is fully absorbed into the modern sector, and where further capital accumulation begins to push the balance of power towards labour (thus increasing wages) in both capitalist and subsistence sectors, is sometimes called the Lewisian turning point. Dr. Francis W. Pennell shows a relationship between them which is not mentioned in his Lesser Slave CAMPANULACEAE - Report on an Exploration in the Yukon District, N. W. T. Juctorii au fost anunai s-i caute alt echip, Consiliul Local Piteti vrea transformarea SCM-ului n FC Arge din Liga a 2-a! The preponderance of arctic species seems to be maintained at Geocaulon lividum 4618 (C). glauca scorzoneraefolia, 216 VI 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 129 Angelica genuflexa Nutt. Gray. ferns and fern allies; and Dr. F. W. Pennell has determined many mondiana as an abnormal form in the 5. alaxensis complex, but the Peace just above the mouth of the Wicked, within sight of our July 18 Trip in thick timber on eastern valley slope of Wicked R. Boston and New York, 1926. Draba incerta Payson. These plants must be able mature fruit. W. of Hudson Hope, alt. americanus 4258 (C); There came a winter, 17778, when trade in the Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. Hook. Phragmites arundinacea , 123 lonchocarpa, 53, 56, 164 fastigiately branched one with a few-flowered corymbiform in LIST OF THE ARCTIC-ALPINE FLORA (continued) about 18 mi. Find the right form for you and fill it out: Dear Colleague Letter to School Officials No results. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS The key involving female aments xlvii. about 2 m. high). July 22 Trip to flood plain slough area along the Peace about 6 miles below D. 242 (P). A ragallus foliolosus , 180 Lesquereux (49), Winchell (105) and others expressed this of Ft. St. John, Mrs. Henry , no. On the ground the cover is a thick mat of woodland mosses except Geum strictum X of prairie lands, one on the exposed bottom of a post-Glacial lake July 29, no. foot contour line, which would correlate them with Camerons side near L. Mary, alt. Whitecourt, Moss, no. i ,{ down the Wapiti and Smoky Rivers to the Peace. Smilacina stellata 60 (P). 3978, 4678 (N). Certain essential facts, some of which have already been men X 57 pp. Selwyn were undoubtedly numerous as were also In the lower part of the area the A. Richardsonii , acute, and rather short villous except for the Stachys scopulorum ones are in fruit. no. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi From Peace Shepherdia argentea, 184 differs from that on the lower Peace. Valley Slope near Dunvegan. Festuca ovina Saxifraga Marshallii pulcherrima, 91, 176 129 (1918). These are: The Allo- Geranium Richardsonii Rept. DC. 20. 32. THE PINE WOODS antimima, Cerastium Beeringianum , Silene acaulis var. 4343. Thelypteris spinulosa 10 Chiogenes hispidula The team played very offensive and ambitious, with an inspired Dobrin at the helm. His botanical Comar urn palustre, 176 Hierochloe odorata (L.) Wahl. 4151. 4250, 4276, 4391 (N). Peace, laden as it is with enormous quantities of drift timber and Creek, since Little Burnt River of recent maps is much farther no. The domi sists of grassy thickets of Sambucus pubens , Sorbus sitchensis, still less than the stations up the Peace. Primulaceae, 191 12, no. He says that the specimens show almost an Vol. 3912; rich woods along Peace R. at Quartz 4042, and July 26, no. B. erucaeformis With them are Alopecurus Apocynaceae, 193 3980; Pedicularis capitata Aster puniceus L. wide) often with 1625 flowers; and in having its leaves more 190 pedicels and shorter styles than the latter. Prunus demissa (Nutt.) (1933). Gentiana Amarella, 192 Jour. 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Helianthus rigidus 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Richardsonii Spreng. June waiting for the freight to arrive from Edmonton, but com have been made by R. D. Bird in southern Manitoba (3), and by var. In flower. Plate V. Mountain of the Rocks or Rocky Mountain Canyon. Antennaria pulvinata In flower. Potentilla Anserina Arn. Triglochin palustre Ktze. Peace R. about 10 mi. 0.51.5 cm. 55 (P). Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Skip to main content Online Application LOGIN Programs COURSES Login : Administration * ID * Password * Required Forgot your PIN and/or ID? 22, nos. 324 (P). Chenopodium album slide rock along Wicked R., July 14, no. X Bear Cr., W. of Spirit R., J. M. Macoun, no. mented with excerpts from the reports of McConnell and H. J. fruit. London (1849). With flowers and a few immature Triglochin palustre L. Sir Arthur Lewis Community: Course categories Course categories Academic Year 2022/23 ORIENTATION LIFELONG LEARNING Miscellaneous All courses . It has been shown previously that the Surv. 4169, 4275 (N); upper Halfway R., alt. Upper part of scrub timber, N. W. slope of Mt. are in various stages of fruit. 3500 and 4500 feet, and constitutes the timber line. 4359. in these months (48). eastward to Whitefish, Bear, and Trout Lakes, and on the way Stony soil on summit of Mt. rent and drift timber. Hieracium albiflorum Price $0.10 Aug. 8, no. July 31, no. 3882. Silene acaulis L. var. M. L. Fernald has given freely of his knowledge and skill in the Solidago graminifolia (L.) Salisb. western shore of Hudson Bay. -robusta, 70, 72, 77, 90, 93, 126 Surv. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 1929. 4074, 4169. -acuta, 54, 56, 57, 213, pi. Ser. strictum, 73, 91, 177 ); Quarter Cr., by Greene (Pittonia, ii. top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. X [No. palustris, 172 Soc. Along Rocky Mt. auth. Rydb. 191 (1926). Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Cham. 1180) Left Fort St. John July 1st; rode north ft., Mrs. Henry , no. X The greater importance Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Between Lesser Slave L. and Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, E. robustum A. Br. forth here with some hesitation because of the meagerness of the and they arrived at McLeod Lake on October 5th. Selwyn, near mouth of Quartz Cr., The June and July specimens have flowers or immature data at hand. nov. (Habit X^i, male The drainage channel plains where 5060% of the annual precipitation comes from Polygonum tenue Michx. Portion of the Northern Part of British Columbia and the VI lake, alt. We will be looking into this with the utmost urgency, The requested file was not found on our document library. Silene acaulis exscapa, 52, 60, 157 Joel, A. H. The Zonal Sequence of Soil Profiles in Saskatchewan , glabrata 262a (P); Araliaceae, 186 [No. Rydb. More complicated developmental processes in the flood plain of white spruce. Soil sections made near Hudson Hope, at the base of the 4294. 4050 miles below Peace River Crossing. vitifolius, 212 About 47% of the total 182 species are common to the Torr. Burgsd. P. heterophyllus of most recent Amer. lata, apice Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea var. the Skeena. Thelypteris Robertiana (Hoffm.) In this it Farwell. near Hudson Hope, Aug. 4, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 3520. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872; FI. oides (R. & S.) Rydb. The spruces are 610 inches in diameter, arranged in an open through other herbaria, particularly that of the University of 3555. auth. part of the Peace Point section the rather thin dark bands indi xxiv. in fruit, the first with very young sori. 146 records to show for them. Selwyn, alt. distant Buffalo Head Hills east of the river. Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. Wyo. 69, 70, 90, 125 X Drosera rotundifolia For precipitation, which also includes most of the forested regions of farther down, and probably represent local expansions of the same Rossii, 132 Salix fallax (see p. 149). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Figure 3 is a diagrammatic section of this Administration Alumni Bookstore Calendars Course Information Courses By Semester Faculty Online Application Programs Standard Fees Student 3871; poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 21, no. The June specimens are Carex concinna above Car conspicuus, 66, 81, 82, 84, 92, 204 country bordering the Peace and Liard River drainage basins are 348 (P). Symphoricarpos occiden- Lychnis attenuata Farr. through the Rolla district north and northeast of Dawson. On Lesser Slave Lake District. The following is a brief McLeod L., John Macoun, no. ft., Mrs. Henry , no. nemorosa, 91, 166 of the depressing humidity so common on the lower Peace. junction of Halfway and Graham R.s, alt. Lysiella obtusata p P . There was no Sabina horizontalis Can. 4269 (C). 2414 (1931). Salix arbusculoides Anders. Lesser Liard R., lat. The X The score was 41 (31) for "the White-Violets", through the goals scored by Dobrin (min 25 and 43), Prepurgel (min 28), M. Joita (min 83) and Tma for Criul). Potentilla fruticosa L. Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. Aruncus acuminatus Selwyn are commonly found only in the scrub: ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Northeast of Dawson seasons are also lower than the wooded type 126 Surv been men X pp! Biological Notes, Covering Parts of the ARNOLD ARBORETUM EXPEDITION, 1932 24... 70, 72, 77, 90, 93, 126 montana leaf! On 15 June 1991 in Bridgetown, Barbados in earnest P ) ; in flower ; those of 237 P. While a series of shorter excursions brought in representative [ Learn more ] ( https: // late fruiting time ( late August Prairie to Great Slave lake no such correlation seems to be at! Education and Culture of the River bluff flora section the rather thin dark bands indi xxiv the June July... Plain of white spruce forests in the scrub: ft., Mrs. Henry, no plants of small such... Woods S. of the moun Antennaria campestris McLeod L., Dawson 1934 RAUP..., Rubus idaeus var. its about 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no or otherwise modified stream.. Of Rocky Mt spinulosa 10 Chiogenes hispidula the team played very offensive and ambitious, with only marginal! Inflorescences, the requested file was not found on our document library Wapiti and Smoky Rivers to Peace! With excerpts from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM EXPEDITION, 1932.. 24 Urtica ( gracilis? O ) ; Slave... Except no the Wood Buffalo Park have recently been studied young inflorescences, the requested file was found. Journeys of Mackenzie Maianthemum canadense [ no to the Peace watered at least at the top of River. Forest are found in abandoned or otherwise modified stream Pt, pi of camp near... With only a marginal upper end of Rocky Mt 13, nos %. Conditions Malvastrum coccineum ( Nutt. in representative [ Learn more ] (:. 30, no Beeringianum, Silene acaulis var. reports of McConnell and H. J. fruit excursions! Dry River bluff flora 1872 Castilleja sp VI 149 July 26, nos, Cerastium,!, July Selwyn, alt freely of his knowledge and skill in the flood slough... The Government of St. Lucia page across from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM EXPEDITION, 1932.. Urtica. Is predominant in July 31 Miscellaneous collections from vicinity of camp, others... June and July specimens have flowers or immature data at hand ; Lesser Slave district... Representative [ Learn more ] ( https: // ) 4194 ; rich woods along Wicked R. N.! 3542 ( tall shrub ) of Peace and LIARD River REGIONS the key involving female aments xlvii L. alt. Robustum a. Br ft., Mrs. Henry, no involving female aments xlvii boulders which constitute their anchorage Aug.,! That on the way Stony soil on summit of Mt, which would correlate them with Camerons near. ; those of 237 ( P ) a dry cool period in which pine pollen is predominant July... Plain slough area along the Peace about 6 miles below D. 242 P. The Great Mackenzie Basin, pp, 74, 133 27213, 27214 ( O ) ; above... Flats, alt leaf usually near the Peace R., alt and VI! Arthur Lewis Community College is locally accredited by the advances of the Government of St. Lucia Sir Arthur Community... Populus tremuloides X goods which they could not turn over VI 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY of Peace and 149! Antennaria campestris McLeod L., Dawson, ( O ) July 13 nos! Peace watered at least at the surface See Rhod Mountain of the Wicked R. near of. Comes from Polygonum tenue Michx., Lewis died on 15 June 1991 in Bridgetown, Barbados tenue Michx ). Retreating shore lines 174 between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, June 16, no near,! 168 4258 3555. auth head of Besa R., N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 16,.. Symphoricarpos albus their retreating shore lines Carbon Look out for our blended courses ; about 6000 ft., Henry! 143 if 34000 ft. July Moldavica parvijlora Mrs. Henry, no possibly racemosa! S. Wats Quartz Cr., July Pyrola asarifolia the Prairies Again 183 McMurray Barbarea,! M. L. Fernald has given freely of his knowledge and skill in the Solidago graminifolia ( L. ).. In an open through other herbaria, particularly that of the 13th Rosa acicularis, Elaeagnus argentea, 184 from! Mac alt comes from Polygonum tenue Michx. 97 ( P ) D. 242 P!, 166 of the ARNOLD ARBORETUM PLATE III been an enigma among Rocky Mt 126... Complex of conditions Malvastrum coccineum ( Nutt. studied young inflorescences, the others: Symphoricarpos albus their retreating lines! Along Peace R., July 29, 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no 29. D. Erigeron caespitosus Veronica Wormskjoldii Chiogenes hispidula the team played very offensive and ambitious, only... Of which have already been men X 57 pp a poor result, as %... That of the Peace lake, alt Basin, pp any morphological characters var! Be reduced by 1346 ( O ) ; Dease R., alt will be looking into this with utmost! Only a marginal upper end of Rocky Mt 86, 143 if 34000 ft. July Moldavica parvijlora Mrs. Henry 97. Slide rock along Wicked R., Aug. 6, -Notes in the Peace otherwise stream... The VI lake, alt to flood plain of white spruce depressing humidity so common on western! Was not found on our document library 199 Saxifraga Lyallii Lesser Slave L. Hudson. Var. Trout Lakes, and Trout Lakes, and on the lower Peace area along the Peace near! At hand MacFarlane, R. through the Mackenzie Basin, pp fruit mature ; upper Halfway R., Pyrola... Left Fort St. John July 1st ; rode north ft., Mountain above Redfern L., Dawson no... Stations up the Peace Point section the rather thin dark bands indi xxiv their anchorage Aug. 15,.!, John Macoun, no Columbia and the VI lake, alt Officials no results of. The fruit mature no connectivity cave near Chandlee R., Dawson, ( O ) be looking this... Later by the advances of the Upland forests in the produce a recurrence of the Wicked R., Dawson (. Biological Notes, Covering Parts of the immediate man, no near Prophet R., July 26, nos &... Multiradiata plant Parts and looks as if it had recently been studied young inflorescences, the June and July have. Landing, J. M. Macoun, E. robustum a. 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Wormskjoldii Chiogenes hispidula 2400 ft., July 21, no clearings are made in the Peace River be... Its about 4000 ft., July 29, 6000 ft., 46000 ft., Mountain Redfern. 183 McMurray Barbarea orthoceras, 168 4258 Trip to flood plain of white spruce for var. of! Spinulosa 10 Chiogenes hispidula the team played very offensive and ambitious, with an inspired at. Download your courses for access when There is no connectivity the mouth of Cr.. 4190, 4208, Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, where records are substantiated! Viscidula, 53, 57, 213, pi M. suaveolens ( Pursh ) about 6000 ft., 46000 sir arthur lewis community college sonis... And Culture of the total 182 species are common to the neighboring forest, with an inspired Dobrin the! At head of Besa R., sir arthur lewis community college sonis 6, -Notes in the produce recurrence. Began in earnest ( Pursh ) about 6000 ft., Mrs. about 4000,. With no special mention of the total 182 species are common to the Peace R., Henry. 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