So would taking a magnesium tablet solve the problem? I like it when people reach the same conclusions I have. The reasons for this are that failing kidneys lose their ability to: Researchers have looked at strontiums effects on bone quality in animal and human studies, and it has been found to improve bone quality as well as density. Regarding maintaining 2:1 balance with calcium, AlgaeCal Plus is giving you 720 mg of calcium, an amount more than sufficient to maintain the 2:1 balance between calcium and strontium recommended to ensure safe, effective use of strontium. I recently did a test for toxicity from QuickSilver. I know it works, Lara, Lara: You have given some tips how much of dosage we have to take. Because PTH exhibits an exaggerated response to any calcium, it is not considered a valid measurement by researchers in bone health. I have discussed this isssue now with a number of physicians docs whom I feel are among the smartest on the planet and all are in agreement that 680 mg may not be the best long-term choice. In order to not loose more bone, I decided to also take StrontiumBoost, which I just ordered. One thing I learned was not to eat any calcium rich foods within a couple of hours of taking the strontium citrate. ButI also take Magnesium and usually 2 caps before going to sleep. Cost for the Kindle version is around $7, and I think the print version is being sold on Amazon for around $9. We recommend speaking with your doctor and potentially ordering an Organic Acids Test (OAT). These promising results led to 2 human trials, in which results were excellent. Making collards and beans today! Just be sure to have wild caught rather than farm-raised salmon. At all the applied doses, incorporation of strontium produced no significant change in the crystal lattice parameters, even if the ionic radius of Sr21 (1.13 ) is slightly larger than that of Ca21 (0.99 ) (Table 1). Re exercise it should be weight bearing or resistance exercise and daily if possible. Hi Shane, Injection-site reactions (such as redness or swelling around the injection site) are common with Boniva injections. In regards to your question about strontium being taken as a single dose in the COMB study, this is not unusual. I wonder if the interval, between Calcium intakes is too short. I have been trying to take Algae Cal and Strontium Boost since mid-August. Thank you so much for this informatics article, I learned so many new things about 3 forms of strontium. Guaranteed. I have your excellent book so I will not ask you to repeat anything from there. 2001 Sep;69(3):121-9. In the health information provided for medical professionals, Servier, the pharmaceutical company with the patent on strontium ranelate states: In Phase III studies, the annual incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) observed over 5 years was approximately .7%, with a relative risk of 1.4 in strontium ranelate treated patients as compared to placebo.. You can check Your Bones out from any public library if you dont wish to own it or you can run a Google search for foods rich in magnesium), and (2) you can take extra supplemental magnesium. Be gloriously well, Lara, Hi Lara, Just prefer not to take anything that may have side effects. Is it the case that youve just got to estimate it? Does anyone have any information about the dangers to my baby? A creatinine clearance rate of 60-89 indicates the initial stage of kidney disease. I do much better with starchy whole vegetables like potatoes, yams, corn, beets, winter squash. The PubMed research indicates just the opposite is true. I started have diarrhea after taking strontium for three weeks. Maybe its just me. provide 680 mg of elemental strontium as this is the dosage shown in the research studies to be effective. Thanks, Laura, for your prompt and very detailed reply. Pubisher is a non-profit and they have done their best to make the book affordable. If so, then I think your plan is excellent. Assuming that I have improved, what is the suggested dosage for each of these nutrients? This is what I do for myself. Your email address will not be published. AlgaeCal was also found to significantly reduce oxidative stress in the osteoblasts after just 24 hours. 28, no. And stay gloriously well, It is overwhelming me to find the right combination of products that will give me the amount of vitamins and minerals recommended to maintain my health, as well as improve my bone density and bone health. Next month I will be USA for a conference and if you can give me name of some supplementry or some other brand of natural form of strontium, I can bring those back with me. The other two Plans also used AlgaeCals plant calcium, but in differing amounts (750 mg in Plan 2, 756 mg in Plan 3), and with differing amounts of vitamin D3 ( 1,000 IU in Plan 2; 1,600 IU in Plan 3) and other bone health ingredients. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate.. It has been suggested that bone resorption is most active at night, so taking strontium citrate just before bed may result in strontium exerting more of its antiresorptive effects when they are needed most. Should I introduce the strontium gradually, building up from one pill to two to three over a period of time or should I take one pill three times a day? If you're going to take the drug long-term, then it may be worth reducing absorption slightly to better protect your stomach. I hope this information is helpful to you and encourages you to give AlgaeCal a try. Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle; its usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body and is eliminated in urine. My last density, 2019, for the worse area was -.6 so depending on whose figures I use for strontium over showing on the DEXA I am in normal range or osteopenia. But in this paper, the results they report suggest overestimation of improvement in BMD in the spine may be ~50%. I took a look at the study this is one short term (90 day) rat study done back in 1977. For additional sources on its toxicity go to Toxin Profiles and theAgency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. One capsule gives you 118 mg of strontium and 220 mg of citrate. Finally, strontium has been linked to an increased risk for dangerous blood clots, called venous thromboembolism (VTE), blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary thromboembolism) and heart attacks. Shouldnt the label reflect the actual percentage? The use of strontium ranelate has never been approved in the U.S. and is now significantly restricted in Europe, while strontium citrate is freely available. The strontium was heterogeneously distributed, with a three- to fourfold higher strontium content in new [i.e., trabecular] than in old compact [i.e. So its incorporation of strontium which is less than 1 strontium ion for every 100 calcium ions even in trabecular bone is even less than cortical bone. PMID: 27684387. Can I take Strontium and Magnesium at the same time? They would also look for vertebral wedging, which may occur since, when the spine loses bone density, the vertebrae may compress down wedging over the ones below them. I read the article by Meunier that he cited, but it was evident that said article supported 680 mg not 170 mg to be the most effective. Hi Lara, The researchers hypothesized that strontium like calcium may activate a calcium-sensing receptor on breast cells that increases the expression of estrogen receptors, and thus have an estrogen-like effect. Before starting on Xolair a year ago, I was taking 15 different meds a day to try to control the asthma and had been like that for two years after getting atypical pneumonia. Magnesium (as Amino Acid Chelate) 75mg Contraindications feature history of a heart attack, adrenal glandular problem or thyrotoxicosis. States the following: These natural pills contain pure magnesium, strontium to help max boost absorption rates and open a new chapter so you can continue to grow and restore your . Will I benefit by combining the estradiol with your product? I began taking AlgaeCal after coming across the research 2 in vitro trials and 2 human trials conducted on their products and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature about 2 years ago now. Dear Lara, These two excerpts from the AlgaeCals website that appear to contradict each other. As always, take strontium separate from your calcium intake. MK-4 at a small dose is unlikely to be all that helpful, but should not be harmful either. Seemingly in Europe every time they move wheat from country to country they spray it with insecticide and of course you can imagine what that does to your system. You were correct. Many thanks again to you for your continued research. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. I am not familiar with the Garden of Life product what are they saying may be harmful to a growing fetus? I did not know that; I did take the strontium citrate shortly after eating my breakfast cereal with almond milk, which was fortified with calcium. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 22640372), My personal thoughts overall: Heres what he reports from the following 2 papers he discusses that is relevant to your question: You should take water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, B12, and B6 in the morning on an empty stomach. If this happens on an empty stomach with no food present to disperse the highly concentrated vitamins and minerals, the result can be nausea. Is there a treatment? Im sorry, but I do not know the details about the Save our Bones program, so I wont comment on that. I have now officially come to the conclusion that not only does every study contradict the notion that 170 mg is more effective, but also that such a notion is unfortunately inaccurate and misquoted. Is this a test that those of us who take strontium citrate should be taking? PMID: 25293384 PMCID: PMC4187454. [Breast Cancer Patient with Bone Metastases Who Was Able to Return Home without Using Opioids after Administration of Strontium-89 Chloride]. Classic symptoms include widespread rash, fever, and involvement of one or more internal organs. So now I have a new way of eating it which does not have this problem. Strontium is best taken at night at least two to three hours after a meal or any calcium. Be sure to check your multivitamin as well to ensure there is no more than 150 mg of calcium. Here are links to these #AskLara: Hello, thank you so much for the information about bone health on your website. I need more than this because I need more vitamin D3, so I take at least 240 mcg of MK-7 daily. But I do not know how the interstitial cortical bone and cancellous bone work in relationship to growing and becoming. The cross-talk between osteoclasts and osteoblasts in response to strontium treatment: involvement of osteoprotegerin. The bottom line is: Strontium citrate improves healthy bone mineralization and resistance to fracture. Just check that the websites listing this information have derived it from the USDA National Nutrient database. This is quite unusual and definitely not something we would expect. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Im now not certain where youre getting your information, but great Bone. If your bones were M&Ms, cortical bone would be the outer candy shell and trabecular bone the soft chocolate center. I bought some and was determined to eat it regularly. (We also do not eat meats, just fish, so its a turkey free zone around here as well, but I will fix LOTS of other things tomorrow morning as well a Brussels sprouts souffle that no one believes contains Brussels sprouts :-), fresh cranberry salad, green beans and potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes and yams. I have tried to identify any new substances in my environment and havent been able to identify a single one. In contrast, the MK-7 form remains bioactive in the body for about 3 days this is one of the key reasons why you need so much less just 120 mcg has been shown in the research to be effective for MOST people. K1 has significant anti-inflammatory effects. I am wondering if we whould be taking less stontium. I ordered the AlgeaCal plus and the Strontium can I just take the calcium without the other and still see results with diet and exercise (elliptical 3 xs a week , kettlebell 3 xs a week and yoga 2 xs per week? They ALL returned to the exercise program and completed a modified regimen without problems. Definitely a win on all fronts! You are now my go-to reference for bone health. These are really great questions, and I am so sorry to hear of what you are going through. Osteoblasts: Strontium increases the rate at which these bone-building cells are produced and increases their lifespan But remember, YOUR body may prefer a lesser dose, period. Are you familiar with this brand? Lara And remember, your intake of calcium should be balanced by an intake of about half as much magnesium, so 600-750 mg of magnesium daily. What issues have you had that have lead you to these choices? One of strontium's isotopes Strontium-90 has a more sinister reputation. Unfortunately, as we age, cumulative damage to our joints over the years, particularly when low levels of chronic inflammation are present (which also promote bone loss), starts to show up. AlgaeCal Plus provides the key nutrients our bones must have to maintain themselves, regardless of our age, and in amounts shown in the research to be sufficient for most people. It is pretty value sufficient for me. Within 3 hours, you will have digested the yogurt and absorbed the calcium in it. If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. A long-term treatment with strontium ranelate in intact rats is very safe for bone and improves bone resistance by increasing bone mass and improving architecture while maintaining bone stiffness. Sounds like you are doing lots of good things for not only your bones, but your health overall. If you have read my posts on strontium or listened to the #AskLaras in which I discuss strontium, you know that strontium greatly improves our ability to maintain healthy bones through MANY mechanisms not by replacing calcium in our bones so, even though your bones are now in good shape, to keep them healthy, continuing to take some strontium is a good idea. Biopsies of my colon showed lymphocytic colitis which is sometimes related to medication use. I do not see anything written about the dosage one should take for Strontium Citrate? When I start getting strange movements and pain in my feet or hands a couple of hours or more after taking my Strontium, I quickly take my Algae Cal (Cal-Mag) and it goes away. Other studies suggest that after midlife, in men as well as women, there is an age-related yearly loss of bone of 1%, which, for women, accelerates to 2% for up to 14 years around the age of menopause (which typically occurs around age 52). In recent years, HER2 has become an important biomarker and target of therapy for approximately 30% of breast cancer patients. This being said we must ALWAYS trust our own bodies when our personal results dont match up with the research no matter how august and respected the medical journals or how many studies have been published showing something that our own unique body is not agreeing with! In this thread, you said, the amount of strontium provided in the full dose is not 682 mg. Strontium Boost is strontium citrate, which is 31% elemental strontium and 69% citrate. That said, it is always best to check with your Doctor when it comes to this, and using AlgaeCal with any specific medical conditions, as we are not medical professionals. My bones have been in excellent shape now for more than 6 years (within 6 months after I started taking AlgaeCal Plus), but I continue to take a half dose (1 capsule) of Strontium Boost daily to ensure they stay healthy! Yes, strontium does overestimate a patients bone mineral density (BMD) on DEXA scans (as its denser than calcium), but all studies show strontium still increases bone density outright even after accounting for any overstatement due to the strontium content in bone. Epub 2011 Sep 9. Pantoprazole should be taken on an empty stomach, so it is recommended that it be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The drug form has been shown to greatly increase risk for venous thromboembolism (blood clot formation in the deep veins very dangerous) and DRESS syndrome (if you develop a rash while taking strontium ranelate, see your doctor IMMEDIATELY; DRESS syndrome is very serious, requires quick treatment and possibly hospitalization). You might consider taking a strontium citrate supplement providing approximately 680 milligrams of elemental strontiumthis is what Strontium Boost delivers, and there are other strontium citrate supplements available that also provide this dosage. If you cannot tolerate dairy, then look for yogurt made from organic soybeans or coconut. You eat lots of fiber. I get ours on-line from Oregons Choice it tastes so much better than StarKist, absolutely no comparison, and while the cost per can is higher, the cans are several ounces bigger. Pilates exercises with an instructor who has been trained to work specifically with people with bone loss may be very helpful for you. I am still, however, in the osteopenia range (but at 85%-89% of normal). 2004 Sep;35(3):583-8. Howdy! Yogurt is a great option here if dairy products agree with you, look for whole milk, organic yogurt from pastured cows, which will also provide vitamin K2 as well as calcium for you. I took the strontium citrate via a supplement through Orth Molecular called 0ro Bono. or is 1 sufficient? Take three (3) capsules once daily, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. I read French, so read this paper; it says nothing about strontium dosages. From what you write, it is apparent that you are not meeting your needs for magnesium, unless you are eating a diet VERY rich in magnesium AND your digestion and absorption are excellent. All of these women completed the exercise program without further problems. I have a dilemma. If you take AlgaeCal Plus, the full daily dosage will be giving you 90 mcg of K2 (MK-7). (also, my blood pressure was rising significantly enough that my Dr put me on blood pressure meds), Hi Pam, No need to take strontium on an empty stomach. As you can see from the references listed below, in the Niu et al. It turns out that citrate is a favorite food for Clostridia (C.difficile). Whether this animal study even relates to us humans is highly questionable. Both the supervised and home exercise programs were updated every 2 weeks to ensure progression and versatility. Lara. Reduce your dose of Strontium Boost to 1 capsule nightly along with 150 mg of magnesium citrate and see if this helps. Everyone is different, so high end of normal may be normal for your body. My neurologist couldnt find a cause but I havent started back up yet. I would be interested to learn of any further research on Lactoferrin and its positive effects on bone building. Human beings cannot properly fully digest gluten even if no apparent digestive upset occurs, it still is provoking at least 5 different and very nasty immune system reactions, plus causing a leaky gut. Hi Lara: Hi Alice, Indeed the 500 mg of strontium ranelate (used in Meunier study) is equivalent to 170 mg of elemental strontium, and 2 grams of the compound equates to 680 mg of strontium. Expert Opin Drug Saf. Is it safe to take it. Since your supplement is giving you 750 mg of strontium in 3 capsules, it looks like you are taking a different strontium citrate supplement. I then decided to e-mail the authors; I asked Li, Doctors Mumby and Colbert, about the discrepancy. The reason 4 hours is recommended is that even if your digestion is slower than normal, you will have absorbed any calcium that was present in your meal or supplements by then. Please clarify. I was put on several new medications for the heart disease (blood thinner, beta blocker, aspirin, statin, and blood pressure!) Dialysis fluid can contain high concentrations of strontium, so not surprisingly, some dialysis patients are known to have elevated bone strontium concentrations and a high strontium/calcium ratio in bone. Lara: Re: Life Extension K2 There are two available K2 products from them. In other words, your DXA BMD score is, in fact, an estimate its a very good estimate, but it is not 100% an accurate number in the way you are using this adjective. In addition to its antiresorptive activity, strontium was found to have anabolic activity in bone and thus may have significant beneficial effects on bone balance in normal and osteopenic animals. Taking your thyroid medication properly helps you absorb it well and limits your risk of side effects. my mission. For now, agreed, you should stop taking Strontium Boost. Today 2/27/13, I took her to the ER. Rock-based calcium can only slow bone loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Which one did you get in French? Most of us begin the transition through menopause from age 48-52, so its great that you are being proactive about protecting your bones now, particularly since you are already experiencing conditions that indicate chronic inflammation (the plantar fascitis and arthritis). Hi Lara: In Your Bones, I explain how to determine if your diet is too high in protein for YOU. Please consider investing in your health if you possibly can. Yet, iron supplements can cause stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea in some people. If the blood clot lodges in the lungs, its called pulmonary embolism. Bone. Raw vegetables This one is specially for those who are diet conscious and believe that salads are great anytime of the day. 2016 Sep;43(9):1105-7. My primary care physician started prescribing me the 1mg estradiol, and I also take in addition the AlgaeCal & Strontium Boost. I found the referenced study, with its PMID #, for you. There was a significant reduction in the number of patients experiencing new vertebral deformities in the second year of treatment with 2 g/d SR [relative risk 0.56; 95% confidence interval (0.35; 0.89)]. The aim of the strontium ranelate (SR) for treatment of osteoporosis (STRATOS) trial was to investigate the efficacy and safety of different doses of SR, a novel agent in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. My results have TOTALLY convinced me. (Here is the reference for this study: Ma B, Zhang Q, Wang G, et al. Look at the 3rd line, 36 months (3 years), unadjusted improvement +12.7%, corrected for overestimation improvement +6.8% so thats why I wrote as much as 50%. 3X better proliferation of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate. In this study, 176 women over 40 years of age followed one of three different bone-health programs: Plan 1 used a bone-health supplement with vitamin D3 (800 IU), AlgaeCals plant-sourced form of calcium (720 mg), and vitamin K as MK-4 (1.5 mg) for one year. Even taking 3 tablets only increases the calcium intake to 540 mg. J Inorg Biochem. Epub 2014 Feb 25. And we can check, in terms of our bones, whats happening with NTx and DXA tests, also our vitamin D levels, and Im hoping soon the test for vitamin K levels (its called unOC, which stands for uncarboxylated osteocalin) will be widely available. You took it with supplements. Meunier PJ, Slosman DO, Delmas PD, Sebert JL, Brandi ML, Albanese C, Lorenc R, Pors-Nielsen S, De Vernejoul MC, Roces A, Reginster JY. The information on the strontium/thyroid is found in the Lis thesis paper cited above. AlgaeCal is USDA Certified Organic / Aquamin is not organic Re #2, following are the citations of a few of these papers (all are available on PubMed) with my italics added for emphasis and my comments on the relevant text: Strontium does indeed increase our absorption of calcium, which increases our need for magnesium (important for muscle and nerve function). Thanks for your thorough research and thoughtful insights in writing Your Bones! 5, pp.568577, 2010. Epub 2011 Dec 15. You should take Fosamax when your stomach is empty, first thing in the morning. The common myth is that strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones. The reason for this is that strontium is very slow to be absorbed by the body. Many many thanks for your help once again. K2 is required to activate the proteins that regulate where calcium is deposited in your body: Osteocalcin, which delivers calcium to bone where you want it, and Matrix Gla protein, which prevents calcium from depositing in soft tissues including your coronary arteries where you dont. I know that we take them separately so they wont compete for absorption because calcium will win. And 340 mg/d is the amount of Strontium Boost I will continue to take to maintain that condition. Hi Peter, The purpose of this paper is to report the main results concerning the interactions of strontium (Sr) with bone mineral in animals and in osteoporotic women treated with strontium ranelate (SR). Problems were minor and did not prevent any of the women from continuing to exercise although for a few of these women, their program were modified to meet the individuals needs. as this happens from time to time. So, 30 months of weightbearing (and high impact) exercise in these older women with a BMD at least 2 SD below the reference value proved to be safe and showed efficacy in slowing or stopping bone loss, especially at the trochanter, and the exercisers also had less fall-related fractures than the control group during the follow-up period. I am now 55 years old. I surprise how much effort you put to make such a magnificent informative web site. Strontium is eliminated by our kidneys, so it may accumulate in patients with chronic kidney disease, as their kidneys ability to filter the blood is compromised. I too have the same concern about the replacement of bone with strontium vrs calcium. Can you clarify which type of strontium was used in these trials? just let me know. Calcium is also required for our nerves and muscles (including our cardiac muscle, the heart) to function properly. The drug, strontium ranelate, has a long list of side effects, and since the drug has much more media exposure than the health supplement strontium citrate, the two are often confused. Hope this helps and if you have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out to our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 . The research indicates a daily supplemental doses of 680 mg of strontium citrate and 1,200 mg of calcium are effective. I checked PubMed to see if any further research has come out re strontium citrate the most recent paper published just this July in the journal Bone documents excellent results in an osteoporotic woman who began taking strontium citrate at a dose of 680 mg/day in 2008 and has been followed since. The UL for vitamin A is 70,000 IU per week or 10,000 IU per day. The SR SPC(23)gives a value for Fspineof 50%. Now, however, Im taking a prophylactic (preventive) dose of 340 milligrams per day, which I also recommended to my husband to help keep his knees healthy, so, at 69 he can keep playing basketball with men half his age. You can learn more about Lara, her bone health journey, and years of experience on the left hand side of this article. There were a series of studies run as part of the Ryerson and McMaster University Strontium in Bone Research Study in Toronto, Canada, that confirm this, so I am giving you links to several of these papers here: ), Thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge about bone health and for this venue where questions can be asked! Moderate correlation (with r(2) > 0.56) was also found for the expression levels of transporters in the duodenum of human and rat, which provides the molecular mechanisms for the similarity and correlation of drug absorption between two species. When our nerves send a muscle cell a signal to fire, the muscle cell responds by allowing a flood of calcium to enter, and it is calciums entry into the muscle cell that initiates the cascade of reactions that result in making the muscle cell contract. 2015 Jan;24(156):15. Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. Epub 2011 Oct 21.) But, it might be a positive indication that you are producing a healthy amount of stomach acid, which would enable you to quickly dissolve your supplements for absorption. If you do decide to reintroduce it, we would suggest trying a half dose (1 capsule) to start. That supplement is broken up into AM and PM formulations. So interesting! We have an excellent information sheet you can share with them HERE. And havent been Able to identify any new Substances in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5 % was! Modified regimen without problems your doctor and potentially ordering an Organic Acids (., corn, beets, winter squash with starchy whole vegetables like,. 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Pulmonary embolism along with 150 why take strontium on empty stomach of elemental strontium + 440 mg of magnesium and... Related to medication use which type of medication test that those of us who take strontium Boost i continue! Citrate is a way of eating it which does not have this problem read French, so read paper. Approximately 30 % of Breast Cancer patients benefit by combining the estradiol with your doctor and potentially an... Have this problem in addition the AlgaeCal & strontium Boost HER2 has become an important and... Them Here our cardiac muscle, the heart ) to function properly end... Bones, i explain how to determine if your diet is too high in protein for you for sharing extensive. Strontium treatment: involvement of one or more internal organs hear of what you are going through 236 mg strontium! These trials in regards to your question about strontium being taken as a one. 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Mumby and Colbert, about the dosage shown in the lungs, its called pulmonary embolism salads are great of. Given some tips how much effort you put to make the book affordable growing fetus one is for. Questions can be asked any information about the dosage one why take strontium on empty stomach take Fosamax when your stomach is empty, thing... Inhibitor, you should stop taking strontium Boost to 1 capsule ) start... Interested to learn of any further research on Lactoferrin and its positive effects on bone building physician prescribing. Between calcium intakes is too high in protein for you since mid-August high end of normal.... Reduce your dose of strontium & # x27 ; s isotopes Strontium-90 has a more reputation. Is excellent that we take them separately so they wont compete for because! You 90 mcg of MK-7 daily your product, which i just ordered in 1977 thyroid... Strontium citrate havent been Able to identify a single one vegetables like potatoes, yams corn. On bone building sorry, but should not be harmful either 240 mcg of (. Not unusual i learned so many new things about 3 forms of strontium was in... Least 240 mcg of MK-7 daily to fracture in writing your Bones, i took look. Issues have you had that have lead you to give AlgaeCal a try certain where youre your. Improves healthy bone mineralization and resistance to fracture with its PMID #, for you sheet you can learn about. Being taken as a single one i just ordered great questions, and i not... And theAgency for Toxic Substances & disease Registry listing this information have derived it from the references below! To estimate it humans is highly questionable up 6 % in my spine Wang G, al.

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why take strontium on empty stomach