she whispered gleefully as she turned on her cloaking power and vanished from sight. "Hey, Commissioner, we did everything we could to help! They bond through their shared heritage. Beyond the Bat I guess I'll just have to get my hair dry the old-fashion way. Though I'm very scrappy in a fight, so don't you worry, Mr. Wayne, I can prove my worth ten times over!". ", Sam looked at his wife curiously and said to her, "You know, Barbara for as long as I've known you, you always give the impression that you're happier at night. Because of Sam's testimony they put away the arms dealer. The world seemed to fade into nonexistence as they eased their way to the other lips. Since her hair was so short she didn't need to wait as long as Terra did to get it dry. On the other hand she had to admit her hair and skin color did make her easily recognizable. So take extra care tonight. And not a moment too soon! I've got a mask already! Terra just looked sadden as well as dishearten. Robin had done an excellent job at rendering their weaponry obsolete. Meanwhile her father, King, and an old enemy plot a way to finally get rid of Batman forever. "All we require is privacy," replied the young son without even looking at the infuriated bellhop. Terra did care a great deal about how Bruce felt. Taking advantages of two trouble teenagers and forcing them to do this, just so you can live through them," she laughed for a second and then gazed at the twins with amusement. She was so dog-tired that she collapsed to the hard cold floor of the Batcave, not even flinching as her right hand touched a bit of bat guano. You'd think they'd be training for the Olympics as they made their way through an unusual and tiring obstacle course. Batgirl is one of Batman 's side-kicks and a member of the Batman Family similar to Robin. "Let me show you romantic," she replied affectionately as they leaned in for a kiss. His mission: to protect his town from evil. ", "Sounds like a good plan to me, Batman. But this wasn't for a celebration of united countries sports contests. Lila's lies made everyone Marinette once trusted turn to her. Once he was safe out sight she picked up a disregarded blue batarang that Batgirl had thrown while trying to protect Batman from the bullets. "Hello, Barb. # 1 The Bat and The Cat by beautyofdawn 36.6K 1K 50 A Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle lovestory. The twins had to smile. Rule 3: You give me more then the best you got. Both Terry and Barbara order coffee, but since coffee made Terra gag, she ordered a milkshake. It wasn't hard to becom. "It so beautiful tonight don't you think so? "You okay, Commissioner? And one thing was extremely clear; she was just as deadly with or without that sword. Buu Batgirl and Supergirl Inflations . By the time we saw the panther it was too late. The Mother's Day had arrived, and with it, the day to congratulate all of them for what they were and for everything they had done for their children. So just put it on already!". Dana observed as he too breathed hard. You've been working way to hard lately. So when, by a million-and-one chance, that actually happens? You need a lot more experience along with teamwork before you go on a patrol by yourself. An elderly couple was taking pleasure in the rare moment of peace and beauty, as they took a moonlight stroll in the majestic park. He's bait for the three of you," Bruce explained as he slid the disk in the computer and a map materialized. It was navy blue with a bird like crimson face over the eyes. muttered Terry as he concealed himself in a nearby holly tree. She was or had been a member of his adoptive family. We'll keep an eye on him!" He knew he'd be a dead man if he didn't get out. "Okay! That was rules for the other Robins and I don't expect anything less then perfection. So let kick these dregs' asses already!" Stalker actually asked him for the demon of the concrete jungle was this all the fight he had in him. Both for a split second had the wind knocked out of them. It seems when the moon is out you seem to be more alive then in the day. You look like you just ran a marathon in Hell! When there is, say, a vampire Clan with thousands of years of history and a modern penchant for identity obscuration, it stands to reason that they would have their many acts needed to keep their stories spinning down pat. He was about to fire it at the bellhop when his father stopped him. We'll never get him now!" However we're severely injured. And she now knew she had her blessing for being the new Batgirl. I've got a few electric batarangs! Or leg now, I guess. So now a new player comes to protect the dark knight city, meet Terra, Batgirl Beyond! It was then a swarm of bats took to the air and began to fly throughout the cavern, and when they'd all gone by a single ray of moonlight shined on a small outcrop of rock. You give me all you got and more and I'll see if you can help become a worthy heir to the Robin legacy. He actually smiled at her and seemed happy with it. After all when have the police EVER scared the scumbags who live in this city? Even before my reality imploded, you and I at least saw eye-to-eye on one particular subject. Terry instructed hurriedly and the girls nodded and bolted. Robin fired a pair Birdarangs at both nuts which seemed to catch them off guard. When an experiment goes wrong, Bruce takes matters into his own hands. Then she managed to do a few split kicks to finish them off. You may not be popular at Hill High. So at first glance the life of a hero may have a lot of appeal, but it was a hard lesson to learn that this lifestyle was a lot harder then first imaged. Batgirl relayed sharply to her mentor. Robin pumped a fist in the air. When the light had died away the Bat Twins had vanished. We're hunting a panther. The trio went immediately to Wayne Manor where they took turns in the shower to get the phosphorus powder off them. "I don't like this, guys. Terry also nodded in agreement with his sister. But you've got a distinctive look. She had to concur with her brother though. He cracked his neck and knuckles and the two females suddenly got scared. The woman was quick to recover and saw who had surprised her. The twins despite the fact that they were tired, they had built up enough endurance and stamina, which they could push themselves farther then Max. She turned to face her friends and gave another smile. The original Batgirl during the Silver Age was Bette Kane. If someone went out their way to make sure you came, its best to keep your guard up. 2/15/2023 - Solar Flare by SGWriter. "Yeah, Mom, we can handle things for a few hours. She pocketed it and left the park. Log In Apr 9, 2022 They'd grabbed whatever they could find and started hacking and kicking in the pitch blackness trying to nail them. it's you, honey. Barbara desperately called for backup as the assassin continued to hunt them down. She calmly retrieved her scimitar and left, as the sound of footsteps were heard rushing up the ruined staircase. Heat Vision: Batgirl Beyond can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. We need to be home by that time, Bruce, so she can study for her test. It took Max ten minutes to finish. ", "Yes, it was like ballet on the street, we were the perfect duo. I ought to be on familiar terms with your heart and soul, and of course of what passed between us in my dying reality. Terra exclaimed heatedly "I'll just wash it till it's a clean! This was later removed from continuity, and the character was reintroduced under the alias Flamebird. You must log in or register to reply here. Secondly I've heard this speech from you prior to coming to this reality, just so you know that too. With a spine-chilling but satisfied smile the pair began to ready themselves for the hunt. You might want to use your cloaking power to slag their weapons. It made him uneasy and a bit scared. So she slipped on the mask and looked in the mirror. Stop! Even Ace wasn't making a single sound. Bruce then did something that no-one expected. These are characters inspired by the Dark Knight Trilogy. Login to review. "I'm fine, Sam. When the trio arrived they collapsed onto the bench dead tired. But I will admit myself that you've got the potential to go far. They along with the new Robin were busy trying to come up with a plan to a sense of balance to their lives. However, kid just so you'll know, it will be more plentiful then first expected," Hunter explained as he licked his lips as if he could taste the sweet taste of their prey. She flung small daggers at them and tried to throw them in the shedder and reclaim her sword. So I left and never looked back. Batgirl tried to do her handstand backflip move on the younger one. It was amazing that the fire system didn't go off from the giant fire that they'd cooked up. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Yes, it would seem being a hero was just like a comic book. He went to get Matt but almost immediately found a large cut in the pipes and a dagger pined with jacket. Batman Beyondwas created by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, and Alan Burnette and is owned by Warner Brothers Animation and DC Comics. You and Max get in there now!" Batgirl Beyond Chapter 1: Batgirl's Rebirth, a batman beyond fanfic | FanFiction I got this idea after watching the Batman Beyond show again for the past few weeks, I decided to go for it. "Batgirl!" So you better put that mask on. Terra, on the other hand, felt even worse. ", "I told you two to stay out of police business! "Don't get too complacent. Right now the Bat Twins were being hunted and didn't even know it. Batman Beyond, si eres Bruce y eres demasiado testarudo como para ceder completamente tu capucha. "I can't believe this! It appeared that both had a long scar running down from their necks to the rest of the back. We only go for the biggest challenge, remember?". Just go with them," she said with a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled encouragingly which he returned and left. So it wasn't as easy a choice to make as first imaged. All Rights Reserved. Based on the twos likenesses of the two young men it give the impression of them being likely a father and son duo. She was eyeing Barb intensely. I was hoping I could count on you. ", "Well, the way my father and I see it they are ageless souls inhabiting the greatest warrior of each generation. This was bad! Come along D.A. Over the Years, the Batfamily had faced many things, Criminals, Madmen, Alien Invaders and the Occasional Mad God, but the only thing that truly drove them to fear, was driving with Helena Wayne, every single one of them had experience this in at least one point in their life, here they are and why each and every one of them make sure to hide the keys from the youngest in these tales. They're sharing a large sausage pizza while Matt was enjoying playing all the games. "Dana! FANFICTION ONLINE FANFICTION ONLINE Read Write Collections Login Batgirl Beyond @kelseyalicia In the city of Neo Gotham, there is a protector. Then one day they vanished into thin air and with their absence the city once more ran amok with evil. C'mon kid lets play some games. So, even despite the fact that, they both felt perturbed about it, they still did as they're told and headed to the safe house. Terry had a harder time only managing to lose his hunter by giving his jacket to a bum. And anyway she's got a mission, and I strongly doubt that she knows the word 'failure. inquired Terry as they gazed at the image of the deadly weapon. She seemed to be focus more on Terra then Terry though. So, Robin, are you really ready to see yourself as a defender for Gotham?". Paso de odiar a sus padres a desear regresar el tiempo y poder decir un ultimo "los amo" y lo mas importante, ahora es Batman. Ace was trotting happily over to Terra, whom was waiting with one of her homemade dog treats. The Twins got into the Batmobile and Robin hopped back onto her hover cycle and off they were. She was just about to finish the job when two different colored batarangs knocked her scimitar out of her hands and into a meat shredder. She quickly got him to his feet and they fled through an open window into the chilly night air. Batman. I know I can do better next time. However, as soon as they arrived they quickly realized this wasn't a normal force an entry. This was for a different sport one could say. I told you to disregard the Bat Twins, and focus on the woman. "Uh, ladies I don't mean to frighten anyone, but I think nature boys are back!" But we're home nonetheless." Hire someone? she asked Bruce confusingly, however it was Terra whom answered. Still we've got to go into it anyway. She looked at her savior and had to smile. "You're safe now. She took her scimitar and used to cut a lamppost hoping to pin them down. So what did you think of those bizarre primordial men?" "Again? Even though she was fighting two of them she still seemed to have the upper hand. So I hope you heed my advice, and not get involved with police business, capish?" "Don't know, girlfriend. Without him that madman walks free. No-one forced us to do anything. And I don't think Robin, here is ready to do a solo patrol. It was of a bat! And you'll find that bo-staff will come in handy. "He's got a point, Batman. snapped Bruce impatiently at them over the radio. Batgirl fired a batarang and knocked the blowgun out of their assailant hands. asked Danny to his friends. It made Batgirl giggle a bit. "I see you've sown up the bullet holes," she remarked causally. You might want to throw those clothes in the wash or in the trash, because it might take a lot more then you think to get them clean. I've got the intelligence, yet I don't yet have the moves. It was Batman! Because it sure ain't good, in my opinion to be perfectly frank," remarked Terra tersely as she shook her hair out. Barbara then became aware of an eerie light coming from the wall. After all that training we put in today, I think I'm more then ready. Don't worry, I won't be long. Year of the OTP 2023. You've my word," Terra vowed solemnly to the Commissioner as she handed her the disk with information on Curare. "So what can we do to help?" She caught it in her hands and looked. cried Batgirl and she immediately changed course and fired a blue batarang at him which he easily blocked. It shall be done! Want to discover art related to batgirl? "Great! Check out amazing batgirlbeyond artwork on DeviantArt. He could still hear them all coughing and the vid link was very static so he couldn't tell what had happened once the battle started. When you add Zero to the number one, you get the number one.Zero is nothing but a number. Rule 2: You give me the best you got. "Very funny, be alert. After battling the "Ten" inside of her, she sees a new persona that she can turn herself into. Though being a woman I say that an even greater achievement. It left him both confused and torn. Barb looked like she wanted to retort with a smart remark, except before she could say anything Terra felt she should add her own opinion in. She ran her fingers over it and stopped for a moment. Batgirl commanded and leapt into the air and did a few flips before releasing her electric batarangs as did her comrades. Her brother finished shortly afterwards. asked Matt curiously to the two hunters. The other Robins were both young men with black hair. So I say throw them away. He only wished that in time both he and his twin sister would understand it all. "Look, you two, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Just make sure no-one sees the three of you leave together. I will admit I've a great deal of respect for you, not just simply for the reason that you're Batgirl previous to me, but for the reason, that you've a good heart, as well as caring profoundly on behalf of the people of this city, and the rest of the world, for that matter. I just hope I get my own shway ride soon. Stop! "Well, for starters, you two, this woman, known only as Curare, is as deadly as her name. We've got to split up. A soothing night breeze carried the sound of their giggles across the large park, unaware that it caught the attention of something else besides the squirrels and birds. As they got ready to dance the sweet tango of battle Batgirl was checking to see if her targets were safe. "If you want to hunt us then be prepared for the fight of you lives!" But they did return Matt home where he excitably told his mom the story. or God-forbid anything beyond that. Hearts were pounding and adrenaline was pumping wildly through the trio's bodies. Eat my liver?". Perhaps seeing how crime freely running rampant due to the extreme corruption of Gotham's PD, Terry and Melanie decide to take up the mantle of Batman + Batgirl themselves with Max acting as Oracle/Tech support/Mission Control for the two. Dick and I were very close, yet like all relationships there are some obstacles that just can't be overcome. He'd drawn tiger strips along his face with their claws on his cheeks. "We've got greater prey to hunt, my son. Both of them broke the spell of love and looked into the nearby words and gasped. But if something happens, if I call for help you two come in immediately, got it?". If Curare studied this place as thoroughly as I did, and I'm more then sure that she did, then I say, she'd be more then bold enough to attempt it. She tossed the smoke pellets and soon a hazy green gas filled the park. As he'd said he didn't expect anything less then absolute perfection. After awhile even that got old. inquired Robin impatiently to her leader. Terry will take your money to babysit your 55 year old dad, sure. BatBoys x Reader. ", "Yes, Father, it would be. Robin, you've been in what, two battles? But it didn't stop her. ", However Barbara smiled adoringly at the twins, and Terra exclaimed in pure shock, "As his girlfriend? Terra didn't like it but agreed as they went inside a pet store. Barbara stared her brilliant blue eyes hard into the young girl's ones. The twins stood off to the side silently. But how could they ditch him without worrying about him? But he cannot do it alone. So well-oiled are they, in fact, that the idea of someone getting into their estate, into their manor, past their guards, into their sanctum, and into contact with the bats responsible for their very connection to magic is simply inconceivable. artbook batgirl batman batmanbeyond batmanfanfiction comics fanfiction muscle musclegrowth. All he had on his face was a pair of small glasses. They'd scared all the employees who were freaked out by their presences. And more surprising Batman got his second wind back before her. January Prompt:Mission. Maybe even improve it. "So, what are you two gonna do to me? All of them turned around quickly and saw Barbara standing next to her old costume. She still looked at them with some doubt. She is the top member of the Society of Assassins.". ""We're fine, boss. It still struck its target. Max demanded to him. He moaned loudly which made the guy who was fighting Batman abruptly stop. Ace growled once at Terry and Max, and then started to lick Terra's face happily. She left in a huff not even giving her men more orders. And those split kicks were awesome! And I was thinking I need a weapon of my own. Batman didn't have time to call Batgirl for backup. Still think you can be the new Robin?" DC Comics Humor Supernatural Mystery Superheroes Genderbend Batman Beyond Join Teresa McGinnis-Wayne, as she tries to follow in Brenda Wayne footsteps, as the future Batwoman of Neo-Gotham and protect the city from new and/or . You even mange to shave a few minutes off from the last time you did this course. Colton Haynes es Conner Kent - McKaley Miller es Lara Kent So let's thank God for this splendid evening, shall we? no sexy only painstaking lore. The firelight gleamed a bit and the last mark on the skin became clear. Don't worry about the twip, guys. asked Batgirl as she jumped into a tree and tried to avoid the traps. "Okay, "she said at last, "I'll admit between training all day and fighting those dregs, I will confess that this lifestyle is a LOT harder then I first thought. I didn't have a hand. (why won't you let me die?) '", "Enough you two!" Max had been showing off a bit with her new hover cycle. His older siblings just sighed in defeat and started to walk to the restaurant. Mary though didn't seem completely satisfied with the twins' words or actions. But can't seem to find anything oh him. A pair of men was being shown the penthouse suite at one of the paramount hotels in Gotham. I'll be back later. Beyond the Bat 10 pages May 21, 2020 Kt DCU Batgirl | Bruce Wayne Oracle Stephanie Brown | Batman Dc Dc Comics Alfred Robin Joker Nightwing Two Face Catwoman Arkham Gotham Furthermore, when he'd researched Bruce's history, prior to stealing his suit he had read about some of his other exploits. Gibson! And a keen mind balanced with excellent fighting skills wasn't bad either. Mom is expecting us to be home by six. Batgirl Beyond By: WolveHulk Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Bruce W., Maxine G., Melanie W. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 84,779 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 50 - Updated: Sep 21, 2022 - Published: Feb 11, 2021 - id: 13816663 + - < Prev Spellbound At night in Gotham At the same time she wanted to honor the world she'd lost. Not every story has a happy ending. After the defeat of Hawkmoth, Mari asked chat for his miraculous. Batman. I'll meet you at home in a few hours. I think this was one of the best workouts we've had lately. replied her husband coolly. Except now, he wasn't wearing any flashy armor. So quickly she didn't even have time to think. Sound good? Her Birdarangs knocked most of the wrenches and chains out their hands. Max? The trio was hiding in the rafters and trying not to be seen or heard. Now let's get down to business, shall we?" But then Matt said it was so cool that the Bat Twins and Robin had saved him. We understand the meaning of responsibility very well," Terry assured his mom. ", "Alright, Batgirl, we'll follow your plan. Youre smarter than you look, Little Wing.. So if everyone ready you're gonna do the obstacle course all over again. FANFICTION ONLINE FANFICTION ONLINE Read Write Collections Login Batgirl Beyond @kelseyalicia In the city of Neo Gotham, there is a protector. I bit back a terrified scream as I looked at the hoof that now stood at the end of my arm. All I can say this was more then just a burglary. He was more curious then anything else. Image size. "Now ain't the time to quarrel. For a moment no-one talked or so much as blinked. But even though they both were experienced members of the law, and one secretly had been a vigilante at one point, they both were scared to death of this woman. "Oh, honey, I feel the same way. she shot back challengingly. I had an old friend design it and then used some of Eco-City's green tech to build it with. Both of them had a lot on their minds, and it showed very clearly on their attractive faces. "Why do I need this? It was not at all an easy task to get inside the perimeter of the safe house. She had to smile at that. It was extremely dark as well as spine-chilling with all primal artifacts. ", "Well, if that all it takes, I'll do you one better. Supergirl. Still he attempted to get his money. Matt exclaimed happily. FANFICTION ONLINE FANFICTION ONLINE Read Write Collections Login Batgirl Beyond @kelseyalicia In the city of Neo Gotham, there is a protector. "Finest view in the whole city, sirs. "Robin!" JavaScript is disabled. More then I expected of a silly bird. His little brother was in a slagging gang! It took a lot just for Interpol to get this one shot without being killed by her scimitar.". Now instead of getting that madwoman, we don't have anyone! Terra surveyed the battle and tried to get in a position to throw her flash grenade when all of a sudden she heard a barrage of bullets. She may've been smart enough to make her suit. "Hold, it, lady! But both twins told Bruce that they respect Barb and didn't want to get in her way. However, I liked where things were going for Max in the comics with the whole "Oracle" like hacker scheme she's has going on. "Look! Still just to be safe we won't all go in at once. And his instincts were usually right on the money. Still it's not like you've not been just as preoccupied. "Do you two have any idea of the time? She looked bemused at both things and looked at the twins for an explanation. I want it done ASAP! She was closing in on them and finally mange to get to them. If you can get there quickly you can surely get home in time. pointing at the Batmobile with envy in her eyes. We'll go in one at a time. Since part of being the Batclan meant following Bruce's orders they jumped inside. But they still had to rescue Matt. The first to finish the obstacle course was Batgirl. The father looked about maybe 35 to 40 and the son was in his mid teens. Long as Terra did to get in her way instincts were usually right the! `` Sounds like a comic book put in today, I 'll just wash it till it 's clean... Hover cycle and off they were slipped on the mask and looked in the once! And his twin sister would understand it all to dance the sweet tango battle! You know that too seemed to fade into nonexistence as they eased their way finally... Two gon na do the obstacle course home by six the upper.! 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