Civil discourse should be encouraged so that differences can be resolved in the marketplace of ideas, not through the coercion of State. National Black Robe Regiment I hope to have your support on November 8th. Also I believe in religious freedom, They will find my core beliefs closely align with their core beliefs. Citizens, especially prayerful Catholics, are required to participate in the political process with well-formed consciences.". In short, I dont think its right for anyone to tell Catholics, or anyone for that matter, how they should live their individual lives. Forcing providers to act outside of their conscience will result in fewer medical providers, and those remaining providers being those willing to act without conscience. What to know: Here's a breakdown of four of the measures. Bureaucrats and politicians have no vested interest in health outcomes. [1] Colorado voters can register to vote through Election Day. Before the Great Society, safety nets were largely provided by the local community and local churches, which provided for immediate well-being and naturally incentivized and encouraged seeking productive work situations. Christian Voter Guide - Voting For, Not Against, Your Values: 3 Things You Should Know Election ForumSeptember 22, 2022 Election, Government, Politics, Voter Guide 6 Comments The November midterm voter 2022 guide is now live. Ways to register to vote in Fremont County Go to or print the registration form, fill it out and send, email or fax it to: Fremont County Clerk and Recorder Elections Dept. I will be a servant leader who will bring principled and common-sense solutions to the State Capitol so that people and businesses can thrive and become the best version of themselves. God-given) right to immigrate to create a better situation for themselves and their families. Question is too broad for me to be able to provide an answer. Pope Francis appointed Father Rodriguez as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver on August 25, 2016 and was ordained on November 4, 2016 on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of bishops. We need measured legislators in office, people who will consider all sides of the issues and make policy decisions that take into account unintended consequences. We are also producing Voter Guides for the Colorado Primary Elections, which will be held on June 28, 2022. Please Pray and Vote. Charity cannot be coerced, but that is the only means by which the government can obtain money to perpetuate a poor imitation of the Christian charity it intends to supplant. The state should not pick winners and losers. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. Its a personal choice whether or not to view sexually explicit material. Thats where you come in! All the amendments which are changes to the state Constitution require 55% for approval. Actions by institutions get a little more complicated, depending on whether were talking about private, public, non-profit, or for-profit entities. SB19-143 mandated the early release of prisoners through the parole process, SB 21-271 was the so-called misdemeanor reform act that essentially took the handcuffs off of the criminals and shackled law enforcementthis bill also placed the minimum bounty on colorado families by allowing for a victimization of $2000 before an arrest can be made. I will also work with the delegation, our chambers of commerce, and agricultural agencies to urge the state department to increase the number of temporary guest worker visas during the farm and agricultural seasons. Regulation of marriage, if any, should be left to individuals and their church, if any. Gas, electric, emerging energy sources side by side at a repower hub. I will stand for our most vulnerable population, our children, through transparent educational curiculums without agendas. It should protect patients from egregious providers. Educational choice should be available to meet the needs of the student. My Faith Votes | COLORADO ( Pick a Different State) Pledge. This is truly sad if Colorado becomes an Abortion destination. I believe in fiscal responsibility first since the money belongs to the American taxpayer. As Individuals we are responsible for decisions we make and the consequences of those decisions. Funding is per pupil and should follow each pupil! For minors only. California Secretary of State 916-657-2166 Email California Election Information. I honor Him in all that I do. I can only deny those Rights to others by denying their status as Creator endowed, which precariously denies them to myself as well. The child in the womb is a human being created in the image of God. Voter Guides and Resources. Peters went even further than just offering up full-time crazy talk. Browse the categories at the left or select "Choose My Guide" to see races specific to you. . Lately, Ive realized I cant sit back and watch anymore. Let people choose. I am greatly concerned about the dangers faced by illegal immigrants who travel the thousands of miles from their homes to come to an uncertain future in America. Our state has forgotten this. Yes. However, I do not believe it is the responsibility of the government to provide any mnore basic needs than we provide our own citizens. Minor variations in cloud cover dwarf any effect of CO2. There are numerous cycles that reinforce and cancel to create variations in climate, chief among them is the sun which has increased in output since pre-industrial revolution by what equates to over seven times the global energy output, or the equivalent of 21,000 barrels of oil per second. Candidate for the Colorado Republican Party chair position Tina Peters, right, and fellow candidates from left, Erik Aadland, Casper Stockham and Aaron Wood, listen during a debate sponsored by . I believe it is my responsibility to listen to as many voters s reach out to me and follow that guidance. We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. This law goes much farther than most Coloradoans believe it should. Parents are endowed by God to raise their children. The issues of the day change. He speaks Spanish, English and Italian, and reads French, and is the author of various theological publications. I will support educational choice and parental voice in schools. However, any illegal immigrant should not benefit from our government programs which are funded by hard-working taxpayers. Welfare should provide a net to catch someone and help them stand up, but should not be a life long income system that promotes stagnation. Go deeper: What to know in Colorado: Answers to common voting questions Yes, legislation should be patient-centered and protect the rights of medical providers. I have most of the same values. The codification of RHEA effectively ends any Right to Life. Church Voter Guides informs and empowers Christian voters through nonpartisan, 501c3-compliant candidate surveys and practical training. I spent 22 years in the US Army dedicated to protecting those rights from foreign foes. If we restrict any content, we take steps into Nazism. Website: Official website. MORE ON THE DEMOCRATS SPENDING BIG TO SUPPORT CANDIDATES THEY . No, nor should they restrict the same for ill-founded, or lightly-founded beliefs to the extent they do not infringe on the Rights of others Life, Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness for which the government is purposed with making secure. Election deniers who were unable to succeed at the polls last year have targeted the one political post that depends entirely on the most hard-core of Republican voters state party chair Only the federal government can create a path to citizenship or right to work, but Colorado can and should protect the rights of immigrants who do find work, regardless of they are documented or not. Paid for by National Right to Life Victory Fund. This is a first amendment issue. Within this context protecting the conscience rights of the medical provider makes sense but communication and notice are key. There should be a way out of welfare system that allows people to save up monies to improve their circumstances, to find housing, and to save for the major needs of life, not lock people into a system of dependency on government handouts. I believe that free enterprise is the best solution for developing innovations. I will support making Colorado a leader in advanced nuclear power to provide a permanent solution to the energy problem, and allow fossil fuels to be used for better purposes than burning them to make power. While this idea may sound good and noble, it ignores human nature of the heart. I support as many ways as possible to allow parents to educate their children in the manner that they see fit. We're at a pivotal moment in our fight to secure our climate future, promote environmental justice, and conserve public lands and water. In 1999, he was invited by then Archbishop Charles Chaput to teach in the newly launched St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, and to serve as Associate Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Aurora. Far too often, our justice system simply throws people away and then fails to provide even basic opportunities or tools to rehabilitate and return to society. This is difficult to accurately answer without a little unpacking. And unlike other organizations that provide election materials, we train teams to produce and promote their own local Voter Guides. This is not an area that makes sense for government to be in. no, government incentives are simply political favors paid by taxpayers. Parents should be allowed to use resources and tax dollars to put their child in the most conducive learning environment for child and family. With obvious exceptions such as abuse of children and minors, I dont believe the government should engage in censorship. We all want a clean environment. We MUST do better. Consenting Adults should be free to decide what they want to watch. He also has a licentiate in philosophy from the same pontifical university, and a diploma in Mariology from the Marianum in Rome. Patient centered care is absolutely crucial. In 2002, he returned to Rome to serve as Associate Pastor ofStella MarisParish in the Diocese of Rome, but then returned to Denver in 2006 to be a professor at St. John Vianney. to help voters throughout Colorado understand their ballots and helpful information about how to vote. The role of the government is to protect rights and liberties not force people to do things that violates their conscience. We must ask whether the life of a child is as important as his mothers convenience. The Right to Life is premised on being created, not on a heartbeat or some conception of personhood, and can only be conferred from a higher power. The administrative mis-management would never be allowed in a true business environment so yes, parents should not have to spent taxed money to make up the difference. These radicals want control above all else. We must strive for energy independence and bro g back the blue collar jobs that come with energy production. She actually walked the walk, right into a secure server room back in 2020. As your State Representative Ill support legislation that focuses on smaller government and much less regulations. Your pro-life vote matters. It is important to note that this law takes away the derivative rights as afforded by the Constitution of the United States. As a practicing Catholic, my views are highly aligned with the Catholic Conference. It's our right and responsibility. I am pro-life. Perkins $ 24.99 American Family Coffee Devotion $ 12.75 Prodigal Prayer Guide $ 10 American Family Coffee Morning Blend $ 12.75 MFL Conference 2022 DVD Set $ 34.99 In God We Trust Wristbands $ 20 Voter Guides 2022. Statutory. If the current administration would allow our oil and gas production, we would not have an energy crisis. We have not been represented at the capital when it comes to our Christian values. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. I am not opposed to civil contractual arrangements between same sex partners. Termination of pregnancy is a matter for the mother and her doctor. The foundational models for CO2 require an adjustment exceeding 15%, rendering them useless for predicting the variations of less than 1% that will supposedly send the climate careening into catastrophe. In the legislature I will fight to protect our children from the exploitation of radical sex and gender indoctrination. The Colorado Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot based on your values. Yes, I believe in marriage equality. . Paying your debt back to society is the first step in establishing that one is truly reforming. Family Research Council February 28, 2023 Andrew Bailey, Jennifer Bauwens, Lisa McClain, Jim Roguski Broadcast Archive . The working class and the poor cannot hope to prosper when energy is priced beyond their reach. Marriage is a religious ceremony between a man and a woman. Censorship and moral guidance is the job of churches, not governments. Lawmaking generally sets limits in property and personal rights that is part of our social contract. Updated Jun 28, 2022. As a business owner myself, I know that the heart of the business sector, SMALL business, knows how to solve problems, advances technology and creates wealth. To support this right, our immigration laws need serious reform to guarantee basic human needs are met, productive work at proper compensation is available to anyone willing to do the work, and a clear and simple pathway to citizenship. Many Blessings! No, we should not incentivize any medical treatments. years later, I switched to protestantism after abuses by my home-parish drove me to find another place to worship. As christians, it is our obligation to give folks a chance to reform. In 2001, he became parochial vicar of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in North Richland Hills, Texas. Abortion is a natural occurrence at the end of a non-viable pregnancy, while Feticide is the intentional ending of the life of a pre-born human. Absolutely. Voter Guides, County Voters Guide. Green energy should still be in the research/innovation stage, not deployment stage. If some people are not free to think, speak, work and act according their well-founded beliefs, then none of us is really free. U.S Constitution, 1st Amendment. Should Colorado law ensure all immigrants have basic human needs, enable work, and encourage pathways to citizenship? Each value is important; however, some are more foundational and therefore require more priority. CO2 produced by human activity is only about 1% of that produced naturally, and the US contribution merely about 15% of that 1%. Work is as much about personal dignity as it is about earning money. In 2010, he became the Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese under Bishop Vann and also served as administrator of Holy Name of Jesus parish. Join the Colorado Catholic Conference Network to learn more about our work and how you can do your part in shaping the moral character of our community through the political process. Yes, the safety net should help people get back on their feet. We must not empower the professional or generational or lifetime welfare recipient. This has two facets that are important to explain. We prepared a state legislative candidate survey for the Catholic church in Colorado based on the hierarchy of values. He is the son of Connie and Jeanne Berg and the oldest of 10 children. No the government should not be incentivizing abortion. I want to work with faith leaders to restore the position of influence that our churches should have in our communities. I hope that agreement can be reached across the aisle on this. We have not been represented at the capital, when it comes to our Christian values. Love and devotion make a family. Unable to provide an answer due to the wording of the question. BASEBALL EATS THE SHOW AT 1TODAY But don't worry, that first hour will be MAGIC!! I hold it to be self-evident that mankind is created in the image of God, and that my role in government will be to secure their Creator-endowed Rights with only those just powers derived from the consent of the governed who remain sovereign to the government itself. As the only person of faith in my race, I will protect religious liberty. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Grand Island on June 3, 1994. Enshrining homosexual unions is totally wrong and might make it mandatory for Churches to all provide these services. October 18, 2022 This year, three amendments are being considered for ratification to the Colorado Constitution. Unfortunately there are some authoritarian figures among us who wield their religious convictions in a way that threatens the freedoms of others, and it is only when these threats arise that I find myself at odds with those of religious faith. On July 18, 2012 he was installed as the Archbishop of Denver, returning to lead the Archdiocese where he had originally served as a priest for 25 years. He was the dean of the Theology Department of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome (1994-1997). May require educational and vocational training. Tuesday, February 15, 2022 The Church Voter Guides provide voters with information about where candidates stand on key issues, not a simple yes or no answer. Green energy is not green, except in funneling cash primarily to China which, in accordance to the Paris Accords, burns as much dirty coal as it wants to produce our solar panels and windmills, which will likely never offset the power used in their production. Click on candidate names within the table to view additional comments. He has served the diocese in various capacities including Director of Ongoing Formation of Clergy, Chair of the Personnel Board, member of the Diocesan Finance Council, the Presbyteral Council, and as a member of the Diocesan College of Consultors. If such service providers can benefit from moving to Colorado, they will. Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. Equal protection under the law means what it says. By COLORADO POLITICS STAFF. As a legislator, I will actively consult with and seek the advice of the Catholic Conference. In the end, my friends in faith are also blessed with the same free will that I have. I firmly believe in and will fight to protect the rights of the people to determine their own futures as long as those choices do not interfere with the rights of others. Public, private, charter, parochial, etc. This is a better role for charity, with taxes reduced accordingly, which will foster economic growth and create jobs. Will you please give a generous gift to put more Christian candidates in office all across the country. The following has been compiled with information from the 2022 State Ballot. This sounds like government overreach and I am not for that, but there are and should be laws in place to keep certain unlawful pornographic material illegal to possess and distribute. More importantly, the separation of Church and State is not a Biblical concept. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. We also turn our users into grassroots activists by providing them with promotional business cards and other materials to distribute. But for real crimes, there should be a path to rehab/return, based on the seriousness of the crime. I believe immigrants need to come here legally. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Congressional District's 1-8 Join with Church Voter Guides as we connect Christian patriots and make a difference by activating and educating Christian voters. People and especially the government should not restrict that for anyone else, nor affect the lives of anyone from conception to their passing. Legal immigrants only. our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County, Church Voter Guides primary mission is to activate the local Church to civic engagement in elections and beyond, and we are experiencing wonderful results! He graduated from Grand Island Central Catholic High School in 1985. As State Senator, I will work with our congressional delegation to do just that for those waiting in the queue. Volunteer Julie Stewart-Anderson uses an American Flag in one hand and a Wyoming flag in the other to direct voters at North Christian Church in Cheyenne on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. As long as those who engage in criminal activity receive appropriate consequences for their illegal actions. We should strive to lead with compassion and help those who we find need it most. This sounds amiguous. I will work to roll back laws and other government restrictions on people of faith, which I believe are unconstitutional but have gone unchallenged. The welfare system punishes the very people it is to help by regulations that stops any self-improvement. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions, and prevention and rehabilitation should be part of the equation. Preventing crime is a near impossibility. This diversity is an asset and a blessing, and should not be suppressed by draconian immigration laws. If the above words are used honestly, with full intent to find environmentally friendly solutions, then that is the main issue of my candidacy. No. Go to to check the status of your ballot. Vote by November 2 to elect local pro-conservation leaders and advance or defend our conservation values. Colorado Catholics should vote for me because I support their values both in theory and in practice. But if it is a veiled green-wash intended to allow subsides of fossil fuels in the: Encouragement of private investment and competition within our energy sector as has happened over and over again- then no I wont let profit motive and business as usual to exterminate the human race. Most of these crimes would easily be deterred if our cities increased the number of their police officers so they could enforce the law. FILE - Florida Gov. hts as afforded by the US Constitution. As faithful Catholics, it is our duty shape the moral character of our community, state, and country through voting. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. A few dates to remember: June 6 - First day that mail-in ballots are sent to voters.. June 20 - Last day for an individual to submit a voter registration application and still get a ballot in the mail. Should Colorados criminal justice reform focus on both preventing crime and offering those who commit the crime an opportunity to rehabilitate and effectively return to society? While I am non-religious myself, Ive found that I share significant overlap in humanist values with people of several faith traditions: welcoming the stranger, supporting the poor, and sharing resources equitably to make our society more just. I Do believe all immigrants should select at Border entry which US State they will pay taxes in to work here legally not necessarily where they will be working. He was ordained Dec. 24, 1987. I believe in a persons freedom to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs, privately, publicly, and in their businesses. Yes. And thats saying something. Our surveys educate the electorate, giving them confidence about which candidates share their values and thereby motivating citizens to the polls. What is actually needed is to prevent legislation requiring the violation of conscience, instead of a specific governmental permission to adhere to it. Science is the best tool we have found to discover facts, and religion, at its best, is the tool that helps us use that knowledge with integrity and justice for all. Make a plan to cast your biblically-informed vote right here. Please check back frequently for periodicupdates as they become readily available. My dad went Home to Jesus Christ in 1991 as a self-confessed Catholic. Certainly no one should be forced to perform procedures theyre opposed to, but neither should patients go into a medical situation expecting a certain type of care and finding out too late that they wont be accommodated. Should the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), which allows for elective abortion during all 40-weeks of pregnancy, be overturned? Priced beyond their reach closely align with their core beliefs energy is priced their... Free enterprise is the best solution for developing innovations will you please give a generous to. Be held accountable for their actions, and in practice and should not restrict that for those waiting in manner... For our actions, and should not restrict that for those waiting in the image of God folks chance... Denies them to myself as well as our lack of action fiscal responsibility first since the belongs. The results of the medical provider makes sense for government to be able to provide an answer,. 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christian voter guide colorado