(AP Photo) Prior to Nov. 14, 1965, the U.S. Army had never met its North Vietnamese counterpart in a major battle. Later I noticed that with the arrival of fall each year, November to be precise, I went just a bit crazy. *, Successful Editor Turns Author, Surprising Nearly Everyone, The SAG Awards, Often an Oscar Preview, Threw Some Curve Balls Into the Oscars Race, The War in Ukraine Has Changed Europe Forever, All the Knowledge in the World: The History of the Encyclopedia. All of this was merely prelude, setting the stage for the savage mid-November battles at LZs X-ray and Albany. - DVD Copied by IASL Scanner Jeremy Baron. The violent spectacle has temporarily receded, and the reader, in this previously unpublished photograph, is given its remains, both the sacred and the partly absurd. Both enemy regiments withdrew toward the Ia Drang with a brigade of Air Cav troopers dogging their footsteps. jgalloway, krwashington writes: like i say russell, if you had anything worth taking i would sue you for libel and slander and take it all. If you havent seen war up close and personal you really cant know what it is and what it does to those on the field of battle. It Didnt End Well. In a steady, highly effective, and most outstanding manner, Lt. General Knowles wanted to bring in the first-ever B-52 strike in tactical support of ground troops, and X-ray was inside the 35 kilometer box that was danger close to the rain of bombs that would fall on the near slopes of Chu Pong. So they made Vince a Supervisor and all he did from then to retirement was stand in the door with a clipboard checking buses in and out. Nine regular North Vietnamese regiments (27 infantry battalions) have been infiltrated in the past year, joining the estimated 83 VC battalions in the South. My Dad and all my uncles would not tell us kids war stories. production of improved equipments for the use of the units in the field. What they saw was a ratio of 12 North Vietnamese killed for each American. Their reaction to what they have seen, what they have done, what has happened to them is normal. General Giap also learned one very important lesson. Fort Benning during battles in the Ia Drang (Guest blog). The weather closed in again. They arrived in the nick of time as the next PAVN assault began. At the same time that Hello Dolly opened at Nha Trang airbase, a company of 173rd Airborne had walked into an ambush in Viet Cong base zone, known as the Iron Triangle. Major Bruce P. Crandall's UH-1D helicopter climbs skyward after. In no year of that long war did the North Vietnamese war death toll even come close to equaling the natural birth rate increase of the population. Jimmy Nakayama. Thats about six times the rate of PTSD of other professions. Although they could have easily crushed the defendersa 12-man American A-Team and 100 Montagnard mercenary tribesmenthe enemy dangled them as bait, hoping to lure a relief force of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) out of Pleiku and into an ambush laid by their brothers of the 33rd Regiment. His legs were paralyzed and VA got him a car with hand controls. All rights reserved. He became a drunk, self-medicating, and was found from time to time passed out in his car in a ditch somewhere. Stockton radioed his higher-up, Brig. Tania Sochurek, widow of photographer Howard Sochurek: The conflict in Vietnam spanned almost 20 years. He took along a platoon of mortars that belonged to Captain Ted Danielsens Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry, which had been sent with Stockton as possible reinforcements if needed. Bob McDades 2-7 Battalion plus one company of 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, would follow Tully part of the way, then break off west and northwest toward another clearing closer to the river dubbed LZ Albany. All 16 Hueys dedicated to lifting and supporting Colonel Moores besieged force in X-ray were shot full of holes, but only two were unable to fly out on their own. When Hal Moore took the first lift of 16 Hueysall that he was given for this maneuverinto the landing zone he had chosen in the Ia Drang, he was painfully aware that he was on the ground with only 90 men, and that they would be there alone for half an hour or longer while the choppers returned to Plei Me Camp, picked up waiting troops and made the return flight. The caption provides pertinent information about the circumstance: the who, what and where. Without them, the battles of the Ia Drang could never have taken place. When the ambush was sprung at Albany, an intelligence sergeant shot and killed the two North Vietnamese prisoners with a .45-caliber pistol. In just over one month, 305 American dead had been added to the toll from the Ia Drang fight alone. Joe Lee Galloway I thought I was bulletproof, invincible, as young men often do before they see the elephant.. Crewmen tried to turn them back, but the helicopter lurched into the air with two soldiers hanging from the skids. the Ia Drang Valley. Joseph L. Galloway The Walter Mitty of the war, Rambo the Reporter, A Plagiarist, Fiction writer, and now add fraud. Joe Galloway, Special to the Opelika-Auburn News Nov 14, 2010 0 1 of 2 Pictured is the first prisoner of war captured at Landing Zone Xray on Nov. 14, 1965. Even in the eyes of the wars chief architect. The battles of Ia Drang in November 1965, although costly to him in raw numbers of men, reinforced his confidence. Howard SochurekThe LIFE Picture Collection. Despite his wounds, Cole continued to attend the injured in Vietnams central highlands in January, 1966. Veterans from the Battle of Ia Drang in Vietnam tell stories about author and war correspondent Joe Galloway. In a message dated 1/15/2004 3:23:36 PM Pacific Standard Time, along in my generation., Joe Lee Galloway I want to cover it. Burdy will be released by Mercer University Press in September 2015. This image shows troops getting off a UH-1 "Huey" helicopter and entering the battlefield. He did a cautious aerial reconnaissance by helicopter and selected a football fieldsized clearing at the base of the Chu Pong Massif, a 2,401-foot-high piece of ground that stretched to the Cambodian border and beyond for several miles. We rarely see images of Armies in full retreat. Ia Drang - The Battle That Convinced Ho Chi Minh He Could Win Ia Drang - The Battle That Convinced Ho Chi Minh He Could Win Joe Galloway takes a hard look at the assessments of Ia Drang by the war's architects in Washington, Saigon and Hanoi: McNamara, Westmoreland, Ho and Giap by Joseph Galloway 10/18/2010 My father didnt know that Jeremiah Purdie had enlisted in a segregated Marine Corps 18 years earlier, that cooking in the mess and polishing shoes were the limits placed on his service. His cheerful attitude,tireless applications and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the successful. ignorance. How those photographs made history is underscored throughout the new documentary series The Vietnam War, from Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. We settled down in Tokyo, my next assignment. Joe Lee Galloway a Reporter who did not have to go to Vietnam has PTSD?! I thought I was bulletproof, invincible, as young men often do before they see the elephant. Screw it. He also ordered all four company commanders to come forward to receive instructions on how he wanted them deployed around the perimeter of Albany. At that moment, Leon and I had a sinking feeling that we were going to be part of the fall of Xuan Loc. Was 1/60 fast enough? The shot was made one-handed as we carried him out of the fire cone. Shaking it at the defense secretary, he said, You mean to tell me no matter what I do I cant win in Vietnam? McNamara nodded yes. And it should be understood that further deployments (perhaps exceeding 200,000) may be needed in 1967.). Slapping a swagger stick along his leg, he quickly loaded the two journalists who had accepted his invitation, myself and UPI reporter Leon Daniel, into a Jeep and barreled into the town. Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam, November 1965. I had given all of my food away so I didnt eat for two days. Joseph Galloway had four tours in Vietnam during his 22 years as a foreign and war correspondent. Lt. General Hal Moore: Thank you Joe. All he could see was smoke rising through the jungle canopy. Another 71 Americans had been killed in earlier, smaller skirmishes that led up to the Ia Drang battles. The clearing was silent for now. Later I realized that I had shot a photo, in the heat of battle, of my childhood friend from the little town of Refugio, Texas. However, we noted with more than a little trepidation that none of them were budging from their holes as Dao led us down the dusty street. Larry Burrows The Life Picture Collection. Jimmy Nakayma died in flight,3 degree burns no other injuries. He served four tours in Vietnam and became one of the most influential war reporters in U.S. history. Its obvious looking at this photograph that he had unfettered access to LBJ and that everyone was comfortable with him being in the room even when the room was the Presidents bedroom. Released prisoner of war Lt. Col. Robert L. Stirm is greeted by his family at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif. Sal VederAP. Both sides understood that the war had changed suddenly and dramatically in those few days.Both sides claimed victory. Jimmy D. Nakayama's casualty report no crushed ankles! In 1971 Huet died in a helicopter shot down over Laos. 'On the worst day of my life, in the bloodiest battle of the war, on November 15 1965, in Landing Zone XRay in the Ia Drang Valley, we were surrounded by North Vietnamese regulars determined to. Suddenly, enemy mortars exploded among the Americans signaling the PAVN attack, and they charged through the tall grass and cut through the thin line of Cavalry troops strung out along the trail. The dramatic recent changes in the situation are on the military side. She managed to get accredited by the Associated Press, covered numerous battles, was seriously wounded by shrapnel that would remain in her body, parachuted into combat (small and thin, she was weighed down so as not to be blown away), was taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese (which she used as an opportunity to produce a cover story for LIFE Magazine), and remained obsessed by the war until her death in 2006. This is not a normal war photograph. McNamara told LBJ that the enemy had not only met but exceeded our escalation. I was born three weeks before Pearl Harbor. Major Basil Plumley a legend in the airborne and infantry communities wore unauthorized combat and valor awards that exaggerated the wartime achievements that made him famous. The Battle of Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam began on November 14, 1965, and saw around 1,000 U.S. Army soldiers of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) fight for four days with about 2,500 North Vietnamese troops. There is no way to avoid it. I was devastated when he died. Karen Spears Zacharias, a Gold Star daughter, lost her father, Staff Sgt. ============== Van Emst/Opelika-Auburn News via AP) A battalion of the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division was ambushed while marching from the jungle clearing where the Ia Drang Valley fighting started Nov. 14, 1965. Im thankful that this is my picture. The joyousness of the reunion and the coming together of the family as a visual is outstanding because it was the end of the war. you dont. On the morning of November 17, Lt. Col. Bob Tullys 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, would march out of X-ray, headed northeast directly toward LZ Columbus, where a battery of 105mm howitzers was positioned. During WWII Italian Commandos Were Tasked to Ride Torpedoes. Purdie was being restrained from turning back to aid his CO. A few frames later, Larry Burrows took another photograph: Purdie is still being held back, but in front of him is another wounded man and Purdies arms are outstretched. but you dont. Carry The Challenge Article He came running towards my foxhole with, his clothes on fire. At first, we thought it was deserted. I did not meet my Dad till late in 1945. Long-forgotten photographs sometimes leap out at me and I am stunned by certain moments that I documented that were so routine when I made them, but are now infused with new emotion and meaning. However, the American GIs often showed compassion toward the Viet Cong. I have had some journalists coming home from recent wars seek me out basically to ask me if I thought they were going crazy. It was a 34-mile roundtrip. Vince Cantu and I went through school together right to graduation with the Refugio High School Class of 1959 a total of 55 of us. As long as even one of us remembers them our friends are not dead. Back in Saigon, General Westmoreland and MACV G-3, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations General William DePuy, were studying the statistics of the Ia Drang battles. However, Dao had one more trick up his sleeve, and he called in his personal helicopter behind his headquarters. . On that day, There were 30 or 40 photographers boarded on a flat-bed, including TV. The war correspondent Joe Galloway, who has died aged 79, just as the Afghanistan conflict of 20 years has reached its chaotic end, predicted such a finish long before. And. I have got to get all this in one picture, I thought. At higher levels, both sides claimed victory in the Ia Drang, although those who fought and bled and watched good soldiers die all around them were loath to use so grand a word for something so tragic and terrible that would people their nightmares for a long time, or a lifetime. A photo of a young widow sprawled atop the grave of her soldier husband at Arlington Cemetery leaves me choked with grief and sobbing aloud. Hal Buell, former photography director at the Associated Press, who led their photo operations during the Vietnam War: In all wars, the battlefield medic is often the stopgap between life and death. +When did it dawn on you that you yourself might be suffering from PTSD? He and five of his brothers, four of my Moms brothers were all in uniform in WWII. (recommend up to 74 battalions by end-66: total to approx. As we made a run for it, the General grabbed me by the arm, and said, Tell your people that you have seen how the 18th division knows how to fight and die. One of Westmorelands brighter young aides later would write, a strategy of attrition is proof that you have no strategy at all. In any event, the strategy was an utter failure. The North Vietnamese regulars, young men who had been drafted into the military much as the young American men had been, had paid a much higher price to test the newcomers to an old fight: an estimated 3,561 of them had been killed, and thousands more wounded, in the 34-day Ia Drang campaign. I used to believe that time would let those memories fade and allow me a measure of peace. Only jokes and funny stuff. War correspondent and author Joseph Galloway, who covered the front lines from the Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam in 1965 to an onion field outside Basra in 1991, died Wednesday of complications. They took the child into a bunker, cleaned him up and dressed his wounds under candlelight. I arrived from Miami on the press plane that accompanied the candidate. JOSEPH L. GALLOWAY ( Rambo The Reporter ) IS NOW SELLING HIS COMBAT PICTURES FROM LANDING ZONE X-RAY. ( Only 10%! We treated them for burns.". I was very young. Sometimes, even in war, that moment can tell a whole story with clarity, but it can be ambiguous too. 153 new photos; 616 job history records for people in our database; 192 education records for people in our database; 915 contact addresses, emails and URLs (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) Joseph "Joe" Galloway kept a relationship with the division in the decades after the war. We are in a small hamlet near Dakto late in 1967, barely two months away from the Tt Offensive. Many had that intense blaze of realization when a comrade was suddenly, violently, unexpectedly gone, and marveled at still being left intact. This soldier and I exchanged pleasantries the way you would in the dusty heat. they were young and brave ltg hal moore s return to ia drang valley 1993. Visit the "We Were Soldiers" . When he finally did say something, it sent chills through the Americans listening to the translator: He say there two regiments on that mountain. I think that term did not come into being until sometime after 1968. (Joe Galloway/UPI) American Riflemen of B Company, 2nd Battalion., 7th Cavalry. It was a great moment for Americans! In November 1965, journalist Joseph L. Galloway hitched a ride on an Army helicopter flying to the Ia Drang Valley, a rugged landscape of red dirt, brown elephant grass and truck-size termite mounds in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. He is the only civilian to receive a combat medal form the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. 5. necessary inter-Service coordinations, and acted as the Army representative in tripartite Standards actions. We celebrate the history and contemporary creativity of the world's oldest living culture and pay respect to Elders past, present and future. Beginning Nov. 14, 1965, Moore led his battalion in a fierce battle around Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley. What was the worst case of PTSD you ever came across? The soldier, seen from the back, facing a Vietnamese woman hugging a baby, with a half-naked boy by her side? -- Photo by Peter Arnett for The Associated Press. The rest is history. "Someone may be. you were, are and will remain the looniest twit to ever grace a shrinks office, if you had anything worth taking, I would sue you. He covered the 1st Cavalry Division's Battle of the Ia Drang Valley in 1965. Soldiers and journalists alike are reluctant to seek treatment, and for the same reason: A fear that it is a confession of fear, and may damage your career. Fear, tension and uncertainty are visible in the contained defiance of the mother and the awkward posture of the young warrior clutching his automatic rifle. . Yoichi OkamotoLBJ Library. Two of those enemy regiments had already been busy since arriving in the Central Highlands. I shot a photo of him as he was walking toward the chopper and he was cursing everyone, me included. I had photographed POWs returning home time and again, and been in Vietnam on two tours myself, as a photographer. 10 kilowatt generator off it pad on an airbase. In 2002 at a Marine Combat Correspondents reunion in Florida I suggested that the military would do well to offer a boot camp of sorts for novice correspondents. Kinnard, and by Colonel Moore. Keywords : George Forrest Vietnam Ia Drang Valley LZ Albany ambush Ghost 4-6 Fred Kluge medic Daniel Torres .45 pistol M-60 machine gun Medal Of Honor (MOH) survivor's guilt Hal Moore Shorty Rogers Joe Galloway Unfortunately the young soldier was later killed but this image conveyed the senselessness and horror of how the human condition was playing out. They decided that these results justified a strategy of attrition: They would bleed the enemy to death over the long haul. I didnt think of Capa when I pressed the shutter, but I believe both images share an emotional impact because they involve children. Thus, the enemy will be caught in a dilemma: He has to drag out the war in order to win it and does not possess, on the other hand, the psychological and political means to fight a long-drawn-out war.. But nearly until the end of the U.S. war, if a helicopter or truck had a seat available, they would take you along. Gen. Richard Knowles at Camp Holloway/Pleiku, requesting permission to send in the rest of Danielsens company. In the days before embeds this generations enforced melding of photographer and military unit there was a certain sense of freedom we owned as photographers, being able to go directly to where the story was. At the head of the column, McDade had no idea where most of his men were and was near-incoherent on the radio. Joe Galloway, a young reporter from United Press International, was with the American troops during the battle and found himself covering the fighting and also participating in it. Joseph Galloway, the legendary American war correspondent best known for his book-turned-Hollywood-blockbuster that chronicled a pivotal 1965 battle in Vietnam, died Wednesday morning, Aug. 18, of complications from a heart attack, The Washington Post reported. I guarded that pack like a mother hen. Do you all ever talk about those times and the effect of all that upon you? The scene is as wretched as the other. Colonel, for outstanding service in the Office, Chief of Research and Development, from July 1 1957 to 31 January 1960. His parents had probably been killed. The Fog of War: The Vietnamese View o Sidney Lanier High School, Sp4 James Clark was not given any morphine by the medics. it was seasonal depression until in 1986 or 87 when I attended my first reunion of my old 1st Cavalry Division buddies. General Knowles called a news conference late on the 18th in a tent at Holloway. Stockton sent one of his companies of Blues, or infantry, under command of Captain Charles S. Knowlen, to a clearing near that site. Did anyone, a mentor or a family member, give you any advice about adjusting to a war zone? Courtesy Joe Galloway and the Hal. That said, it was often a world of anonymous photographers spending time with anonymous soldiers. Ia Drang - The Battle That Convinced Ho Chi Minh He Could Win. A class of prime youth shredded in seconds. Communist casualties and desertions can be expected to go up if my recommendations for increased U.S., South Vietnamese and third country forces are accepted. 4.4 of 5 stars. Notable Awards. (2) with intent to temporarily to deprive or defraud another person of the use and benefit of property or to appropriate to his own use the use of any person other than the owner, is guilty of wrongful appropriation. In this interview, Zacharias spoke with Galloway about his war reporting days and his own PTSD. ++"They ran to our foxholes. I was so eager to get to Vietnam before the war ended that my only real fear was that the first. CREATIVE. Joe. The blitzkrieg will transform itself into a war of long duration. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. I saw the medic shouldering wounded and then I saw the kid on his back in the grass. It was the morning. No one was expecting people to come out of the bombed-out burning buildings, but when they did, I was ready with my Leica camera and I feel my brother guided me to capture that image. Knight Ridder asked me to write a memo for our reporters telling them how to cover so dangerous an operation without getting killed out of The first civilian hired as Chief White House Photographer, Okamoto also became the first one to truly document the Presidency for history. choppers the engineers they got burned," he said with eyes distant. Not very much, at least during my 43 years of covering Americas wars. The North Vietnamese swiftly deployed along the left side of the column and prepared to attack. McNamara met with Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge in Saigon and then flew to the 1st Cavalry Division base camp at An Khe, where he was briefed by the Cav commander, Maj. Gen. Harry W.O. Exhibiting museums have found in it Christian iconography. Employers shy away from hiring people who have been diagnosed with PTSD. This particular Viet Cong had fought for three days with his intestines in a cooking bowl strapped onto his stomach. JG. Lily Rothman is the History and Archives Editor for TIME. In 1970, Caron would be captured by the Khmer Rouge, in neighboring Cambodia, never to be seen again. Shoot pictures. In fact, there were three North Vietnamese Army regiments within an easy walk of that clearing, or the equivalent of a division of very good light infantry soldiers. A photo of Rescorla as a grizzled lieutenant in Vietnam, moving forward with bayonet fixed during the horrific 1965 battle of Ia Drang in Vietnam, became one of the iconic images of the war. It was the first time that Americans saw and learned that we were using napalm. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the place now called Victoria, and all First Peoples living and working on this land. In mid-October, the 32nd Regiment had surrounded and laid siege to the American Special Forces camp at Plei Me. Do you have an observations about why that might be so? "He loved the boys and girls of the U.S. military. Learn more about the Battle of Ia Drang at www.lzxray.com. Tim Page. This photograph has come to be known as Reaching Out.. But there and then, I decided to follow in his footsteps and complete his mission. Galloway was immortalized in the movie; We Were Soldiers (2002) when he and Lt Col Harold Moore's battalion of airmobile Infantry soldiers from the 1 st Cavalry Division fought with multiple North Vietnamese . The North Vietnamese soldiers term of service was radically differenthe would serve until victory or death. I feel its symbolic, but Im conflicted about it, knowing what I know. It is not often you see enemies cradling each other. We were glad to get it over with. It seems to me that journalists are even more reluctant than soldiers to seek treatment for PTSD. Leroy went from France to Vietnam in 1966 at the age of 21, with a single camera, no assignments and $150 in her pocket; she would stay until 1968. (Paperback 9780345475817) Robert Pledge, co-founder of Contact Press Images: Who is the enemy here? His MOH citation recounts several examples of conspicuous gallantry, some despite being severely wounded. Hal, over to you. Free shipping. (Photo Credit: Joe Galloway / Bettmann / Getty Images) On the second day of fighting, he even went out into the heavy fire to rescue a soldier, Pfc. Joe Lee Galloway, a civilian Reporter When I first went to war.. The worst cases of PTSD are usually confined for treatment in a VA facility. Col. Hoang Phuong, a historian who had spent two months walking south, charged with writing the Lessons Learned report on the coming battles, said that it was during this phase that the retreating PAVN troops began learning what airmobility was all about. - This film is about the First Cavalry Division in Vietnam. It was too much. After I photographed the Democratic Convention in Chicago, which was very turbulent and contested, I wanted to photograph the future President. The platoon of Americans held their breath and their fire until they heard the louder clanking noise of the enemys heavy weapons company moving into the kill zone. During Hal G. Moores time in the R&D at the Pentagon, He had nothing to do with anything to do with the. Mostly, I remember carrying a badly wounded grunt whose leg came off and he almost bled out. Another political decision flowing out of the Johnson White Houselimiting the tour of duty in Vietnam to 12 months (13 months for Marines)would soon begin to bite hard. They all arrived with their radio operators, and all but the commander of the attached Alpha Company of 1-5 Cav, Captain George Forest, brought their first sergeants with them. Lt. colonel Moores service in the office, Chief of Research and Development reflect great credit upon him, FICTION from NEIL SHEEHANs A BRIGHT AND SHINNING LIE., PAGE 573 Alice Gabriner, who edited this photo essay, is TIMEs International Photo Editor. He is the only reporter who covered the war recognized for heroism in combat. Its insane to think that these three young children with grenades were going off to fight the Viet Minh army. Dao called in a helicopter to evacuate us, but suddenly, the ARVN troops who had been seated alongside the road broke and ran for the incoming helos. In 1954 a French unit on patrol during the First Indochina War is ambushed by Viet Minh forces . 7 new people through the revolving door; 65 new policy reports; 16 new trips to our privately funded travel database; 57 new personal financial disclosures; 28222 . On December 15, 1965, LBJs council of wise old men, which in addition to McNamara included the likes of Clark Clifford, Abe Fortas, Averell Harriman, George Ball and Dean Acheson, was assembled at the White House to decide the path ahead in Vietnam. I helped putting the fire out and I just gave him some saline solution. Gold Star Family members can also fall victim to PTSD as a result of second-hand trauma. Just as he pulled it I came up fighting for my life, and threw my wife out of bed and against the wall of our apartment. stand up in tall grass to get a better view as they fire into north Vietnamese sniper pockets outside US perimeter in Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1965. The acclaimed photographer Robert Capa came in to take his place and cover the fighting. You can find a copy of that memo by Googling it, I believe. art 128 Assault (twice), art 121 LARCENY AND WRONGFUL APPROPRIATION, Hal G. Moore committed crime in Vietnam art 128, Bruce Crandall committed two acts of assault with a deadly weapon, Bruce Crandall assaulted a. We also found that getting together and sharing the stories helped us all smooth things out so we could go on for another year. Excerpted from a 2013 interview with Art Greenspon by Peter van Agtmael, a Magnum photographer who has covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: As the first medevac chopper hovered overhead I saw the First Sergeant with his arms in the air. I notice that as the years dwindle down to a precious few I weep a lot more often as the memories cross my mind. I assured them that theirs was a normal reaction to the horrors of war and urged them to get some help. I could see his finger tightening on the trigger. One of those platoons set up near the trail and began hearing the noise of a large group moving toward it on the trail. Armies in full retreat find a copy of that memo by Googling,! Were 30 or 40 photographers boarded on a flat-bed, including TV 1 1957 31... Fall victim to PTSD as a photographer his men were and was near-incoherent on trail. Arrived in the nick of time as the next PAVN assault began see images of Armies full... 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