If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Moon, that means that you are advised to be wary. It may seem impossible at first but trust me will happen very soon. The Moon reversed as reconciliation can mean that your past relationship was built on . If there is any work to be done within yourself regarding forgiveness, this is an important time to take care of it. The half moon contains the profile of a sleeping face. So, yes, while you will not feel confused about your financial future, be wary of making any monetary commitments until you have every single piece of information. The Moon reflects only the sun's light; it does not have a light of its own. The Moon suggests that you take a journey through the dark night of your subconscious. It all depends on the position in which it is pulled. You are more psychically open than usual now (although when the card is reversed, the messages you are getting may be more difficult to interpret.) Sleep is where the subconscious memory comes to life. All three animals seem to be affected by the moon. All rights reserved. In a career reading, the Moon can indicate uncertainty toward a specific career path, or deception in the workplace. If you are awaiting a decision on something, The Moon indicates that the answer will either be delayed or be so vague it will add to your confusion rather than clarify matters. The pond also represents the subconscious as tends to be the role of water in tarot; while the small crayfish coming out towards the path in the ground shows the long path that our minds will take. The questioner also may be moving into a new job or trying out a new job in order to find out if they want to commit more time and effort to it. unfulfilled desires are better left unsaid. It can also indicate that someone may be purposely deceiving you to con you out of money. The Moon reversed is heavily dependent on the cards around it and on the subject of the reading. For whatever reason, people lack faith and confidence in the outcome, which is resulting in dishonesty on their side. The Moon reversed always talks about lies that are about to come undone, but this time it might come down to your actions to see things through. The card depicts a moon shining brightly in the night sky, illuminating a full circle with a crescent within. Discover Your Tomorrow! The intuitive or psychic ability of the upright Moon is still there when this card appears, you just need to tune into it! The Moon card reversed indicates that part of you is hidden or behind the scenes; perhaps a talent that you are not using. Youll need a clear mind to overcome and expose the lies around you. Its a reminder that those dreadful fears and risks you saw were mostly in your head, and that theres nothing wrong with going forward with your plans. The Moon as a whole can represent the darker sides of our mind coming to the forefront. It strikes me as somebody who's "crazy," a psychopath. Finances: When the moon appears in reverse in the context of financial questions, it seems very clear that you do not have all the information you need with regard to finances, even if you think that you do. On one hand, the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. It can be found in darker scenarios such as crime, betrayal and confusion. It is also the Major Arcana Tarot card of intuition. All rights reserved. On an esoteric level, the Moon can represent deep subconscious feelings. The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Work and Career Readings This card is telling us to slow down and really think about what we want from this person before we allow it any more power over our mind than it already has. You're being required to look deeper, to employ your inner senses, your intuitive ability. When the Moon tarot card comes up in a love reading, it's there to make us take notice. Reconciliation may be possible as long as they get their feelings straight and work on themselves after reflecting on the reasons for your breakup. On an exoteric, the Moon can also signal confusion. It may be time to speak to a mental health professional as your feelings of anxiety or depression could very well be hindering your life journey. While a reversed Moon can mean that you will now have clarity and a clear mind when creating financial goals, this card can also indicate deception or deceit. You may be reaching a period in your life where you can see the world more clearly and as such are finally letting go of some of these negative influences. The Reversed Moon can also be a sign of depression or sadness. The Moon in reverse for singles and people in new partnerships indicates that you are puzzled about your possible relationship. As weve seen The Moon reversed can mean liberation from doubt and self-imposed beliefs and fears. This card can also indicate a time of emotional sensitivity or confusion. They likely are at the end of a period that weighed heavily and demanded a lot from them. It can also represent a womans menstrual cycle. The Moon card reversed in a love reading means something may be wrong in your relationship or that you need to confront a difficult reality. They hide something from you, and what theyre showing you is only an illusion. This could indicate a case of Impostor Syndrome, especially if youre asking about your career and get this card in a position that deals with your feelings and actions. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. The moon card reversed is a card of great frustration, of feeling unable to see things clearly. A reversed Moon can indicate that you are feeling stressed and not in control. If this is the case, you need to engage in honest conversations after all, lies, regardless of color, are still lies. It might seem like everything is fine right now. The Moon warns that you maybe a little delusional and have unrealistic hopes and dreams for yourself. The Towers below and the canines still cemented to their earth along with the lobster offer the lesson that nothing really changes until you're willing to look at it deeply and do what needs to be done. What hides in your own unconscious, affecting your ability to accept love? Generally in a health context The Moon reversed shows stability returning to your health in general. Focus on how much control you have over your finances and use this time of confusion and frustration as an opportunity for self-reflection. a. It might also imply that their affections for that individual are cyclical, waxing and waning like the moon, which can be good in a relationship. They are feeling confused. You are developing a better grasp on your economy and now you are having an easier time making the right calls. Perhaps the Moon's light is seeping in, which means it's time for you to live more freely, in love and in honesty. The Moon can distort reality. This Major Arcana card suggests to the reader that you need to move through life in a more balanced way as, eventually, the spotlight will come your way and your behaviors and/or bad habits will be revealed. If you are single, a reversed Moon can indicate you are regaining confidence and should trust your intuition. If you would like to know your potential partner's feelings, The Moon can mean that they don't yet know how they feel toward you. For example, if theyre in a relationship, having the same battle over and over may make them feel trapped and unsure how to break free. The Moon's shine reveals the feminine in all beings. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and . Something you missed because you didnt look hard enough. They may even be having difficulty trusting themselves about how they feel about the individual. If you are single, The Moon reversed can be an indicator that you are starting to regain your composure and self-confidence after a period of uncertainty. The moon reversed as feelings The reversed meaning of the Moon for feelings might indicate that you or a loved one is feeling lost and insecure. As a lover, the Moon can indicate someone who loves a variety of lovers. However, the way this card is advising you to advance will change depending on whether the lies have fully disappeared or are just starting to do so. Some quiet time and meditation would be helpful here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_8',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-box-4-0'); Releasingfear, unveiling secrets, subsiding anxiety, truth, regaining composure, self-deception, blocked intuition. When you see The Moon reversed as the answer to any advice readings you make its important to consider what step in The Moons journey its representing; as depending on that the interpretation can vary widely. The Moon reversed can mean that you are feeling out of touch with your emotional needs and wants in a relationship, and this will cause problems for you in the future. If you have been experiencing uncertainty, this will soon clear up and leave room for stability and confidence as you make decisions for your future. If this concept has been around for some time then this would be good news because it means things are finally starting to grow and develop within your mind. But stop, sleep on it, think about it before taking action. This lack of clarity does not bode well, as a strong relationship requires solid groundwork to begin. In these cases its important to try and learn as much as we can from these situations, we cant change the past but we can use what we learned to make safer choices moving on forward. The Moon reversed is heavily dependent on the cards around it and on the subject of the reading. In a Health context, The Moon can signify mental health issues. I've been seeing a lot of this card lately in relationship readings. The cards that come up beside the Moon Tarot card tell how the Moon should play. If you are in relationship, The Moon reversed can indicate deception or lies being unveiled. This Major Arcana card has several key terms associated with it. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. When it comes to tarot readings, this card refers to situations where we need to take time out for ourselves or our relationship. There are various reasons why we can lie or omit the truth, and The Moon reversed can end up shining light to them. This is a card about embracing your dreams and reaching for the sky, even if that means facing the sky falling on your head in doing so. The Moon in a spiritual context is a great card to get as its all about intuition. We've all seen what the Full Moon can do to us here on earth. They are struggling to connect with you. The Moon card, on the other hand, deals with solitude and sadness. This person may also be having difficulty trusting you. The water represents our subconscious impulses. If everything is fine in the couple, it can be just a period of confusion, but if you come with problems, they can get worse. Dont make assumptions, and fight fairly, if youre going to fight. The Moon enters . Tarot eBooks. This means that people who get this card tend to be in a period of confusion and flux. The other meaning, though, is essentially that things arent as bad as they seem. Asfar as I see it. After all of your hard work recently, you deserve it! Work: When the Moon appears in reverse, things unfortunately may not seem clear in the slightest with your work. Reconciliation is not a smart idea unless they have the time and space to focus on themselves and figure out what they want. It all depends on the situation. RELATED: The 85 Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading. They had to deal with the constant anxiety of being found out. This can be challenging if you are a person who likes to keep busy and active, as it may feel like you are doing nothing during this time. In a financial reading, the Moon appears to reveal insight about money. If it appears in this context it is a warning to clean your act up before your behaviour is exposed. In this reading we see the moon as a warning against putting too much faith in people who havent proven themselves trustworthy yet - at least not enough to invest in them emotionally. This card can also represent that youll acquire key information to make an informed investment. Dont ignore your intuition, however. The Moon (Reversed) . If you really want to delve into the deep here, get an online tarot card reading from an experienced Keen advisor. The Moon Reversed: Feelings if you're Single The Moon in reverse for singles and people in new partnerships indicates that you are puzzled about your possible relationship. The water is the subconscious, the mind. In some instances, this card also refers to illusion or confusion. They may still have feelings for you, but reconciliation is not in their priorities right now. But reversed The Moon can indicate someone trying to keep those feelings and thus the influence of the subconscious down and hidden, but often to no avail because you can't bury . The Moon can also act as a prod for you to be a better partner. The Moon also indicates that you should pay attention to your dreams as your subconscious may be bringing your attention to some information youve missed. No spell removal upsells, we promise. Well, while you can still interpret this nocturnal card that way to an extent, with experience you'll come to realize that the Moon card means so much more. The Moon reminds us that every light has a shadow. Your ex harbors negative and positive emotions, and they lack the clarity to proceed. The Star (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meanings, The Sun (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meanings . Pay attention to what someone does rather than what they say. The Moon reversed indicates drug abuse and real mental problems that need medical attention. They do not believe they can be completely honest with you. They may have been extremely hurt, affecting their capacity to accept and express love. And this may mean waiting a little bit before that information is revealed. One of the most common interpretations of this card is infidelity being revealed, and while this is always possible its also important to remember that there are many kinds of deception. Two pillars of stone stand tall, and two wolves howl as they watch waves crash into shoreline rocks. The Moon and 3 of Wands together suggests that someone is feeling very emotionally vulnerable around you. It can also be an indicator that you may be ignoring signs or your instincts that a potential partner is not suitable for you. It indicates that there is some piece of information that is yet to reveal itself. This could be an affair being exposed. The Moon in a spiritual context is a great card to get as its all about intuition. Dog Breeder. For love, the Moon as advice means that you should trust your intuition. Its possible that the person who opened the Moon doesnt entirely trust the other person yet, and that theyre being cautious with their emotions. You are working through your fears and anxieties, understanding the impact they have on your life and how you can free yourself from such limiting beliefs. You may feel psychically drawn to someone. Something they hid from you because it wasnt pretty. The Moon in the Tarot deck represents your worries and illusions, and it frequently appears when the person projects dread into their present and future based on past experiences. In a position indicating future influences, it could mean that you still have to be cautious, but more information that will clear up the situation lies ahead. Dont be overly paranoid but do trust your instincts, if it feels like its too good to be true it probably is! Do know that you can do nothing about this, as they will need to face their trauma alone. There is a certain danger in repressing your dark side. If you are single, The Moon reversed can be an indicator that you are starting to regain your composure and self-confidence after a period of uncertainty. The towers are also opposing ideas our good nature, and our bad. It is a time of reflection and rest, of dreaming and planning. There may be breaks for these reasons. Perhaps you have been deceiving yourself about the current state of the relationship or blinding yourself to certain things about your partner. It hasn't been easy for them to carry the weight of dishonesty. As such while not the worst card in the deck dont be too shocked if you suffer from some writers block soon. It represents our deepest fears and the unknown or unconscious. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. The double towers once again reinforce this duality motif. The Moon can also signify dormant insecurities or repressed issues resurfacing. In general, the Moon can mean one of two things. The moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. Are we good, or are we bad? With The Moon Tarot card appearing in a career context, you may be very unclear or even anxious about your career direction. It's worth it to pay attention and take this card seriously. The most hurtful thing is that when you feel like you are clearly holding on to something, it turns out to be not. They feel stressed about this, because they are scared that they cannot conform to your expectations. This is a person with a deep understand of past lives and who is gaining many experiences for an ultimately journey that requires helping the less fortunate. Its habit of revealing all truths can result in a creative block for tasks that require imagination. There are two cards that for me deals with what you are talking about: the fool reversed and the moon reversed. Patience is key here. If so, The Moon reversed shows that you will see your partners true character or the truth about your relationship. Eventually, any repressed feelings will start to emerge from the subconscious and creep into both dreams and waking life as anxiety, depression, or agitation. This person may be hiding something, such as emotional baggage from unresolved past wounds. Lucid dreaming is indicated. It can tell you that you are having trouble making financial decisions. For instance, your partner may have chosen to be silent because they dont want you hurt. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. Upright meaning keywords: Illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, fear, anxiety, subconscious, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, misconceptions, insecurity, the feminine psyche, Reversed meaning keywords: Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion, unveiling secrets, subsiding anxiety, truth, regaining composure, clarity, understanding, RELATED: Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card. Additionally, this card appearing upright can also mean experiencing tense situations in the workplace or with your coworkers, whether it pertains to specific tasks or interpersonal relationships. The Moon tarot card upright asks you to look beyond the illusion and to use your psychic ability, because there's more to what's going on than meets the eye. If you are ready for commitment and eyeing exclusivity, you may be disappointed as this person seems to not reciprocate those feelings. In love readings, The Moon reversed mainly represents deception coming undone, and this means that the truth in your relationship is coming to the forefront. They are unsure about how they want to continue. According to "The Pictorial Key to the Tarot" by A.E. This situation has the potential to escalate into a misunderstanding. Moon Card Reversed Meaning General Interpretation If you draw the moon card reversed, that means the truth will soon come to light. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. When reversed, the Moon is a sign your life is about to become easier, like a cup full of troubles has overturned. Apply that to the Moon card, and you get some overall positive vibes. The Moon is a sign that you should dispel the fog and re-establish your connection. A lobster comes out of the small pool of water. Most of time it appears in the position of one's "feelings" for another; and I've been reading Thirteen's reversal index, but I still don't feel I get a good sense of how this card "feels" like. Night Club Singer or Dancer. It represents great happiness and satisfaction. Powerlessness can be a feeling of calm as we release responsibility into the universe. If there are feeling insecure and this is why you are asking for advice then The Moon reversed tends to be a reaffirmation that everything will be alright. Life is short, so make good on your promises to yourself. For people involved in a creative line of work The Moon reversed tends to be seen as a bad omen. When we take a look at The Moon we see a clearing in the night with a bright moon lighting up the entire scene. This can stem from fear and anxiety. This could be malicious, but it could also simply be because they don't feel safe enough to be fully honest with you. The reversed Moon can mean that you need to take a holiday or break from work in order to restore your energy. You know the truth about yourself. This person can have intensely conflicting feelings or might even be trying to hide their emotions from you. Contact us. . Well, good Thirteen, I started to make a post earlier and changed my mind about it. 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