This is where nucleus overload training works in theory, it's claimed that constant training over a long period of time without real rest will force the muscle cells to overload the number of nuclei and finally causes great hypertrophy of the muscle when rested. To make things clear, there are different mechanisms to achieve musclegrowth. Regular comfortable fit, not too tight not too loose. Fortunately, several others believed me and attempted it themselves, yielding phenomenal results. Should we all just start going to the gym and training everything everyday for a set period of time and then take a long break to de-train from that overloading training stimulus in order to re-sensitize ourselves to muscle damage? Advanced lifters have a hard time to generate enough muscledamage to still take advantage of this pathway. ), genetics, testosterone, dating, Psychology, and race & ethnicity. TRUST ME this works. Cookie Notice Instead of resting between your sets of 10 reps, you just drop the weight and keep going until all 30 reps are complete. This can never happen unless you are a professional athlete on steroids who has built up his training capacity over the years. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. This is the facebook fan page for Team3Dalpha. Moreover, the satellite cell (muscle stem cells) content of the overworked leg also drastically increased, before the growth took place. The other way to increase satellite cell activation is through extremely damaging exercise, and even then, the numbers pale in comparison to what can be achieved from just a few weeks of high frequency BFR training or Nucleus Overload. I am not a Doctor or Dietitian. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Reply. Dancers have insane legs, glutes and calves from daily dancing, gymnasts have incredible shoulders, back and biceps from all the bar and ring work they do daily, Olympic skaters have HUGE legs from skating daily and even Arnold said that to bring up his calves, because they were a lagging body part, that he trained them daily. Talk about RIDICULOUS value. What about muscle damage? You clearly havent even watched the videos. I added the high repetitions with moderate weights to reduce the risk of injury, maximize lactic acid and total weekly time under tension (volume), all potent activators of satellite cells. You see, theres quite a bit of research that talks about the effects of de-training your muscles with time off in order to re-sensitize yourself to muscle damage. Those who played rugby/football would have their Trapezius grow extremely fast, those who used to swim a lot would develop ultra-wide lats without even trying etc. This principle reminds me of intermittent fasting in comparison to regular dieting. I dont think this article shouldve been posted, dude. Your body just knows that it needs to grow and get stronger to handle a task that keeps repeating week after week and expend less energy while doing it. If we learned anything today, its that THE NUCLEI DONT LEAVE (muscle memory) and what they call OVERTRAINING, were going to call from now on NUCLEI OVERLOAD TRAINING!!! After two months, I stopped training them to failure daily. Wouldnt a muscle with more nucleus have more potential to grow than a muscle that hasnt done nucleus overload? In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: 5f854578cd8df9261a21bd3a7ac654e0, TREN: The Tale of Riki Violino Only $0.99 (Book Promo). This is simply broscience. So in reality this method of 'nucleus overload' doesn't even slighly make use of satellite cell proliferation and their spending of myonuclei, instead it's just a method of volume periodization. I have a Bachelor's degree in Corporate Finance, and another Bachelor's in Management Consulting & Analysis. I know that people will never stop looking for the cure to being natural, but even overtraining cannot break the natural limits, for the fact that training does not alter the synthesis of protein in the body to the point where steroid-like results manifest. Bro, dont try to teach him anything. In my case, maybe a full body program COMBINED with additional work like the 100 biceps curls a day could help me bring up lagging areas quicker while also focusing on overall growth. The majority of their lifts consist of Bent over rows, Dumbbell rows, high pulls, snatches, cleans, overhead presses, upright . you described many different training styles, which was the crucial one which had the most impact? What it shows is that as a NEW LIFTER you will accrue more myonuclei from surrounding satellite cells because satellite cells activate in response to muscle damage and then donate their myonuclei to help with repairs which increases overall myonuclei in the muscle. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. I had all kinds of family visiting from Brazil for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and because Im also building a pool, the last 3 weeks have been full of design work, lots of shoveling to redo my irrigation lines and just random other stuff. I was completing 100 reps as fast as I could, usually in 10 sets of 10 reps. Thats the real question and unfortunately I cant give a definitive answer just yet. Also, the goal of N.O is to train the muscle as often as possible WITHOUT causing excessive muscle damage. 9)Do I have to use blood flow restriction training for Nucleus Overload? That argument doesnt make any sense. Now, the reason why Im bringing up muscle memory in this video is because my arms used to be a lot bigger a few years ago. If you need help implementing it into a full body, bro-split or push/pull program, purchase a copy of my HSP Training book, sold here on my website. So if you train every day with medium intensity and load, I'll guaranty you, there will no muscle damage happen after 3-4 days of doing this. But why does it matter if you are lifting light weight if your intention is to grow in size, not strength? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The muscle cell becomes more resistent to damage after every training. So getting back to my list, lets start with #1 which is NEWBIE GAINS and Im going to do my best to keep my explanations as simple as possible. However, there is zero evidence that overtraining will produce faster growth than normal training in the long run. So Olympic weight lifters (its an actual sport) who do heavy squats and deadlifts and shoulder press and olympic lifts every single day must be very weak. But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. Designed For: Bodybuilding, Cross-fits, Cardio. Those as big as bodybuilders are doing things Kali Muscle style. So if you're using moderate loads (less than 30 reps to failure), you don't need BFR at all. For example, in my experiment I was completing 100 reps a day for one body part to try to spark additional growth because Ive already been training for a long time. You cant use 80-90% of your max and expect to maintain good form every day for weeks. Well for one you can get the work done faster. Rest period: less than 30 seconds between sets. The results showed that more hypertrophy gains were noticed in FULL BODY and just to make things clear, this means that if you were to complete 20 sets of bench on Monday, but I were to complete 20 sets spread out over the course of the week such as 5 sets a day across 4 days. However, the biggest reason is that a HUGE PART of NOT is the RECOVERY after the 30 days and I wanted to be able to talk about that as well as have time to research the science as well. Now if you're doing N.O to try to increase strength, that is a completely different story. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN. And my delts and triceps grew thickerit was the first time my triceps bulged out the side and rear. why milk is the #1 muscle building food ever || full body workouts + nucleus overload + milk = gains Milk combined with Nucleus Overload and Full Body Workouts for Skinny guys & ectomorphs. The book is for those who want to support the channel or don't have time to search through 1500+ FREE videos. #DominanceDisciplineDirection Created An example of this is ballerinas and their calves, gymnasts and their arms and shoulders, swimmers and their lat development, Olympic lifters/Powerlifters/Strongmen competitors and their Trapezius, Track cyclists and speed skaters and their quad development, mechanics and baseball players and their forearms, Basketball players & Boxers and their shoulders, Rowers and their backs & forearms etc. I've been fascinated with hypertrophy ever since I was a child, and have been researching it for 16 years now. And thats how we grow, via satellite cell donation, which increases myo-nucleus numbers. The Team 3D Alpha method requires you to overtrain and then rest whereas as with the mainstream method you maintain a steady overload. Well, The holidays were a big part of it. Also, I learned everyday training from Migan, a guy who runs "TEAM 3D ALPHA" on Youtube. Call me stubborn, but even though Im loading up on volume I still felt like I needed a bit more stimulation than just curling 10lb dumbbells 100 times in a row. I went to failure when training everyday. Its finally here!!! -you can build muscle on ANY rep range (ideally below 30 reps) as long as you go CLOSE to failure on each set (RPE 9). And remember, you NEED more myonuclei to achieve substantial muscle growth and bust through hypertrophy plateaus. Then try to repeat the same on the next day. Thanks 20/03/21(Sat)16:10 No. But that name was far too corny, so me and my subs joked around in the comment sections and brainstormed different names. Remember to choose a SAFE exercise to reduce excessive muscle damage and avoid injuries. My main source of income comes from Stock trading. That is when everything finally clicked, and all my years of observation and personal research paid off. I dropped all other chest, delt and tricep work to avoid any excess. But that wouldnt be very scientific, would it? The list was endless. i have been doing this aggressive overtraining for a month i clearly see my muscles grow bigger and bigger every day. Now, the reason why Im bringing up muscle memory in this video is because my arms used to be a lot bigger a few years ago.In fact, even though I was 10lbs lighter, I looked thicker all over and its only recently that I feel like Im getting back to where I was. To explain what I mean, I'll now explain very simplistic how myonuclei work: A nucleus, is the core within a cell and contains most of the cell's genetic material (dna), it controlls the cell's function like a controll unit. But be careful, most people can't recover from that sort of brutally heavy training long enough for the repeated bout effect to kick in. this is how ex-cons say they got swole.them n***s were in prison doing chest everyday with no rest days, and doing bicep curls everyday. He then goes on to talk quite a bit about West African fisherman and how they develop such dense muscle because every single day theyre rowing, casting nets, bringing fish in and swimming to the bottom of the river to bring up loads of 30lbs buckets of sand to sell and they do this DAILY, which if most of you did this amount of work, you would likely categorize it as overtraining. In addition, more and more studies came out over the years indirectly and directly supporting every single aspect of Nucleus Overload. And yes I know Arnold used steroids and we know testosterone increases nuclei content, however, that doesnt mean nuclei overload wont work us natty lifters too. But first of all I will describe shortly what this method is: Nucleus Overload Training is working a target muscle every single day with low/medium weight for a periode of 30days and then long rest to recover. But that wouldnt be very scientific would it? This is why new lifters grow quicker. Comedy Gaming Food Dance Beauty Animals Sports So the theory is that if you take time OFF, your muscles will be more susceptible to damage and as a result more prone to accumulating new myonuclei, and primed for greater total hypertrophy. Meaning that you don't even HAVE to purchase my E-book, you can simply search each topic individually on my channel for FREE. So the theory is that if you take time OFF, your muscles will be more susceptible to damage and as a result more prone to accumulating new myonuclei, and primed for greater total hypertrophy. Then get you f*c. No, the word "overload" in the English language has 2 meanings: An Excess or something, or a very heavy load. Newbie Gains (which doesnt really apply to me but should still be noted), Muscle Memory (which DOES apply to me and I will explain why), Actual growth obtained from additional myonuclei in the muscle. In fact, I noticed about a quarter-inch difference when I remeasured from day 1 to 30 days later and still retain that difference even now. Or to be even more specific, how do you surpass this NATURALLY once you reach your NATURAL LIMIT. Even when I had only 10K subscribers, people kept asking me to release a program or even open a Patreon so that they could support the channel, and despite the temptation, my answer was ALWAYS no. Remember when I said maybe you DIDNT reach your natural limit yet, but in fact instead reached the limits of what a traditional amount of workout volume can offer? Well then maybe that means theres A LOT more hope for myself and all my fellow natural athletes out there who want to take their training and gains to the next level and the equation looks simple enough. Dri-Fit Workout Bodybuilding Stringer - Red, Dri-Fit Workout Bodybuilding Stringer - Light Blue, Dri-Fit Workout Bodybuilding Stringer - Silver,,,,,, Newbie Gains (which doesnt really apply to me but should still be noted), Muscle Memory (which DOES apply to me and I will explain why), Actual growth obtained from additional myonuclei in the muscle. Its believed that by taking time off to re-sensitize your muscles to training, you can undo many of the adaptations that result in The Repeated Bouts Effect, or RBE, which is when similar eccentric exercise results in less damage over time. Good luck, and dominate! DEADLIFT: Why You're Not Lifting As Much Weight As You Could. | BIGGER ARMS NOW! they did pushups with guys pressing down on their back or sitting on their back, and other crazy shit EVERY DAY multiple times a day. Take a look at this image. You'll have to use much heavier loads (3-5 rep range) and much longer rest periods (3-5 minutes). Muscle protein synthesis peaks after 24 48 hours so it makes sense that in order to see more growth we need to train the same muscle groups multiple times a week like in full body workouts. Let me explain. Because at the time, the status quo in the fitness community was to train a muscle only once a week for maximum development. On a sidenote, my arms have dropped a half inch even though Ive been working them out regularly fat loss. It's not until 2020, after 9 years of subscribers asking me to release an E-book, that I finally decided to create one that summarizes ALL my years of experience, and ALL the FREE information I ALREADY have spread out across my 1500+ videos on YouTube (it's also the 1st time I even temporarily allowed a paid sponsor on my channel). HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM AND MEAL PLAN Mr. Nucleus Overload is officially the fastest way for naturals to grow, and the safest way to achieve hyperplasia without excessively damaging the muscle. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. were all recommendations which were far too cringy in my opinion. Maybe most of the people who got incredible muscle growth were just beginners experiencing their initial gains that usually come easily. So basically full body splits Vs. bro splits which is something the majority of us already know and accepted to be true:, But then the information collected was taken one step further in a more recent study in 2019 where two groups of men were given the same amount of TRAINING VOLUME, but one group consisted of traditional SPLIT training where the other did full body workouts. So while looking for names, I thought of "Nucleus Accumulation", since the goal of my program was to radically increase the amount of nuclei in the muscle. 11)Why not just do normal training? How To Get Big FAST | Team 3D Alpha Nucleus Overload Training - YouTube 0:00 / 4:28 How To Get Big FAST | Team 3D Alpha Nucleus Overload Training 1,175 views Jan 15, 2022 How I. FAQs about Nucleus Overload: Goal: Boost muscle sensitivity to growth by 1) Maximizing satellite cell activation & Nuclei incorporation into muscle 2) Keeping myofibrillar protein synthesis elevated daily WITHOUT excessive muscle damage. BICEPS: The ONLY TWO Exercises You Need For GROWTH! Use all of the information provided at your own risk. Or, maybe I should just focus on HIGH VOLUME techniques in my workouts for all muscle groups. In fact, even Jonathan makes this statement as he was born in West Africa himself. During the downtime, the hit muscles are supposed to grow rapidly. Even with all the steroids in the world, you wont get that big in a month. Both approaches appear equal when it comes to long term progress. Goal: Boost muscle sensitivity to growth by, 1) Maximizing satellite cell activation & Nuclei incorporation into muscle. As long as sleep, hydration, protein, micronutrients, stress/hormone management etc. Could it be that maybe you DIDNT reach your natural limit yet, but in fact instead reached the limits of what a traditional amount of workout volume can offer? I look much thicker in my chest, arms and shoulders and its for a few reasons. For more information, please see our This type of training is becoming more and more popular thanks to a YouTube channel called Team 3D Alpha, although I have heard about similar techniques from other sources too. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD PROGRAM Team3DAlpha Programs HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN $84.99 $379.99 It's finally here!!! It's just a hobby for me. But then as your training volume decreases, its possible for the muscle to get smaller, but still retain the same number of nuclei. Well, it kind of looks like Johnathan may have hit the nail on the head back in 2013 and now the science is catching up to his claims. The "Overload" I use in the name N.O is referring to the excess amount of Nuclei you are trying to accumulate in the muscle (think of "Information overload, electrical overload, cuteness overload etc.". 34177 >>34175 I got u boyy . obviously not, if you are migan. They have a HUGE neck and traps because a lot of their daily training involves farmers walks, carries, rack pulls, deadlifts, shoulder pressing and the list goes on. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. This method will work quiet some time, untill the repeated bout effect prevent further damage and you grind your gears in terms of load. What if I'm cutting? Remember, the goal of mTOR reset is not to deload, it is to DETRAIN. I chose 4 weeks because based on my research on the human body, that is usually the amount of time it takes for the body to adapt to external stimuli before peaking. I need to film a video, RIGHT NOW!! But who knows, maybe that could be a follow up comparison video in the future. Compared to all my other muscles, Ive always felt like my biceps are lagging, and if what Ive been doing wasnt working, trying something else seemed like the best alternative. Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. And the best part is, it comes with a bonus FREE unlimited email consultations (related to the program) and FREE copies of any future editions. FIRST THINGS FIRST, did my biceps ACTUALLY GROW? Sorry, but thats a fact. And number two, I was training A LOT more frequently back then and I really dont want to use that as an excuse, but life happens and a lots changed in my life since then. Well, The holidays were a big part of it. 4)Do you need a caloric surplus for Nucleus Overload? As bodybuilders are doing things Kali muscle style, dude who got incredible muscle growth bust! But why does it matter if you 're not lifting as much weight as you Could on the day... Muscle that hasnt done Nucleus Overload advantage of this pathway every training it doesnt know lifting! The growth took place personal research paid off quot ; Team 3D Alpha & quot ; Youtube... Dropped all other chest, arms and shoulders and its for a month i clearly see my grow! Africa himself restriction training for Nucleus team 3d alpha nucleus overload program as much weight as you Could 3D Alpha method requires to! 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team 3d alpha nucleus overload program