The cause of death was tumor toxicity; however, none of the clinical criteria for euthanasia could be observed at these animals. Description of Lesions. Evaluated the accuracy of common four formulas given in the literature to estimate xenograft tumor volumes based on manual caliper measurements and proposed formula (0,45 L*W*H) could estimate tumor volumes as good as prolate ellipsoid formula. Denis, F., Paon, L. & Tranquart, F. Radiosensitivity of rat mammary tumors correlates with early vessel changes assessed by Power Doppler sonography. Clin. All surgery and sacrifice were performed under sodium pentobarbital anaesthesia (Nembutal, 70 mg/kg). Treat. Tumor as a 3-D object has three diameters (width, length and height); however in vivo only two diameters can be measured by caliper (width, w and length, l). Russo J, Russo IH, Rogers AE, van Zwieten MJ, Gusterson B. Toxicol Pathol. Verma, R. et al. Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. According to the Xenograft tumor model protocol [20], tumor volume has to be calculated using the following formula: We compared tumor volumes estimated in vivo by BLI and FLI, to those calculated by caliper measurements and found a good correlation between these two techniques (Figure 4). Figure 6. depicts three components used to measure the volume of a tumor: its length, represented by blue arrows, its width by green, and its height by yellow. (4). Where anesthesia was used (2%-4% isourane in room air, 1 L/min), body temperature and respiration rate were maintained at 37 C and 60-90 breaths/minute, respectively. Conceived and designed the experiments: ZS JS. The size of maximum tumor volumes observed in our study fulfills the requirements of Hungarian animal experimental research protocol. Radiology 254, 110118 (2010). Finally, it finds the volume between these two surfaces and sets this to be the volume of the tumor (shaded red region in Figure 11, red region in Figure 14 below). tumor height has to be approximated. Breast cancer measurements with magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and mammography. The resulted linear curve is Tumor Volume Measurement HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help & Deshayes, J.L. Catheter was placed in the tail vein for injectionaccording to the mouse tail vein injection protocol [30]to investigate drug effect. A two-dimensional mathematical model was applied for tumor volume evaluation, and tumor- and therapy-specific constants were calculated for the three different groups. Role of real-time sonography in assessment of breast diseases: a review of 200 cases (Abstr). Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! & Moon, R.C. Breathing was monitored with piezoelectric transducer; temperature of the body was measured by rectal thermometer. The most accurate volume calculations were obtained using the formula V = (W(2) L)/2 for caliper measurements and the formula V = (4/3) (L/2) (L/2) (D/2) for ultrasonography measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, L is tumor length and D is tumor depth. The produced images were converted to NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) format, which is suitable for image processing. Carlsson, G., Gullberg, B. Effects of different applied voltages of irreversible electroporation on prostate cancer in a mouse model. 2015 Feb;43(2):145-70. doi: 10.1177/0192623314532036. Numerical result can be found in Table 2, and Fig 5 presents graphical results. Disclaimer. Measurements of tumors, in the context of research and industry, are expected to be accurate; it is unacceptable that this inaccurate formula has stood so long as the industry standard. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in CAS Caliper measurements, rather than measuring the actual volume of a tumor, measure the volume of a parallelepiped that surrounds it. This problem can be explained by our observation, namely tumors which were grown without therapy have more symmetric and solid closed shape, in contrast to tumors which were grown under antiangiogenic therapy. The first column shows the tumor values which were calculated using the two-dimensional mathematical model; the second column represents the protocol-based tumor volumes. Tumor volume was measured with digital caliper. Repetitive non-typhoidal Salmonella exposure is an environmental risk factor for colon cancer and tumor growth. This dose was used for an 18-day treatment period in Phase III/3, and for a 15-day treatment in Phase IV. Imaging 16, 816 (2008). . First way is the caliper measurement; in that case tumor diameters (width, length) are measured with digital caliper. Then we calculated the Coefficient of Variance between such measurements for both measurements to compare average inter-operator differences. All surgery and sacrifice were performed under sodium pentobarbital anaesthesia (Nembutal, 70 mg/kg), and all efforts were made to minimize suffering. produced by the TumorImager-2TM so that the animal is aligned under the mask each time similarly to the previous scan. Faustino-Rocha, A., Oliveira, P., Pinho-Oliveira, J. et al. They found that caliper and ultrasonography measurements were significantly correlated but that tumor volumes calculated using different formulas varied substantially. One of them died on the 18th day, and another one on the 23rd day. P`e+"JF^ : 4:p7]k = Jy}! Open Access articles citing this article. The defined shape of an actual tumor (red) and the shape measured by a caliper (blue box). They then used different formulas to calculate tumor volume from these tumor measurements and compared the calculated tumor volumes with the real tumor volume to identify the formulas that gave the most accurate volume calculations. Cells should be suspended in a volume so that 300 l contains required number of cells per injection. Generally, to make caliper measurements, the measurer first traps the tail of the mouse under her fingers, then, grabs the neck of the mouse, and aligns the mouse in her hand in a way to expose the tumor for length and width measurements. YH29407 with anti-PD-1 ameliorates anti-tumor effects. The problems with tumor volume measurements by calipers 3.1 Tumor growth: Height is not equal to the width of the tumor . Controller-based therapy has the obvious advantage against e.g. Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, Ana Faustino-Rocha, Jacinta Pinho-Oliveira, Catarina Teixeira-Guedes& Ruben Soares-Maia, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Animal and Veterinary Research Centre, University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, Paula A. Oliveira, Bruno Colao, Maria Joo Pires& Jorge Colao, Laboratory for Process, Environmental and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Lisboa, Portugal, Department of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry of Natural Products and Agrifood, Mass Spectrometry Center, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environment and Biological Sciences, University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, You can also search for this author in European Institute of Oncology, ITALY, Received: February 3, 2015; Accepted: October 19, 2015; Published: November 5, 2015, Copyright: 2015 Spi et al. Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, Affiliation Calculate the correct dose of STELFONTA once you have the volume of the tumor in cm 3, using the Dose Calculator. No, Is the Subject Area "Colorectal cancer" applicable to this article? Figure 7. MeSH Bevacizumab administration was started on the 7th day in both cases. In order to assess interobserver variation, each . A possible solution for height approximation [23] is: Gullino, P.M., Pettigrew, H.M. & Grantham, F.H. <> stream In Phase III/3, control group members received one 200 g bevacizumab dose for an 18-day therapy (on the 3rd and 21st days); case group members received 1.11 g bevacizumab every day for 20 days. Automatic randomization to perform group assignments based on body weight, tumor area/volume, delta tumor volume, or any numeric value and/or user-defined formula; Normality was investigated with one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and homogeneity of variance (homoscedasticity) was examined with Levenes test. This process slightly stretches the body and deforms the tumor. Result of Phase III/2 was that the effectiveness of the small amount of quasi-continuous dosage is comparable with the effectiveness of one large dose [23], however this result is only based on caliper-measured data. A solution to these problems is the TumorImagerTM scanner. We found the same result for human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) xenografts. Starting with f = 1, we have investigated the goodness of the fitting, using an iterative method. et al. In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the greatest transverse diameter (width) were determined while mice were scruffed and conscious. Physical activity cancer preventionmechanisms. In caliper measurements, two values, for length and width, must be recorded for one tumor in each animal; this means that for every 100 animals studied, at least 200 measurements must be made and recorded. (Inbred C57Bl/6 mice from our institute were used throughout the studies.) We have investigated the relationship between MRI-measured tumor volume and vascularization area (Phase III/3 case and control groups, 23rd (final) day of the experiment) but no significant correlation was found (same results were published in the case of Phase I [26] and Phase III/2 [23]). Front Chem. In this study, researchers used paclitaxel, a well-known anti-cancer drug since its reaction to cancerous tumors is traceable to assess the results of the scanner measurements. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The fractional change of the measured tumor volume is greater in the case of small tumors when their height is only a few millimeters. & Hafstrm, L. Estimation of liver tumor volume using different formulasan experimental study in rats. Careers. Isofluorane (0.95 x 2.0%) was applied for inhalational anesthesia, and intubation was performed. Comparing ARTIDA-calculated tumor volumes to the volumes derived from the caliper/ellipsoid formula calculations and referenced to the gold standard volume determination method (with literature density values), as it is shown in Figure 2A. Effects of tamoxifen and melatonin on mammary gland cancer induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, respectively, in female Sprague-Dawley rats. However mice which were treated with a quasi-continuous therapy (one-tenth dose of control dose spread over 18 days, i.e. Clarys, J.P. & Marfell-Jones, M.J. Soft tissue segmentation of the body and fractionation of the upper and lower limbs. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ZS PK LK. After fixing in methanol, rat anti-mouse CD31 antibody (1:50, 550274 BD PHARMINGEN) was applied as primer antibody, and FITC conjugated anti-rat CD31 antibody (1:100, Jackson Immunoresearch, 712-095-150) was applied on the slides as secondary antibody. We also compared the tumor volumes measured by calipers to compare them with the scanner measurements. Using an extremely low dosage (as in our study), there is a high probability that these adverse effects can be minimized. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test was used to compare more than two samples, while pairwise comparison was done by Tukeys honest significant difference (HSD) test. In Phase IV, case1 group members received 200 g bevacizumab (with 200 l 0.9% NaCl solution) in one dose intraperitoneally on the 8th day. Fj^P;7? McPhail, L.D. Comp. Because tumor volume measurements used by researchers and industries are sensitive and often rely on the accuracy, the cutting-edge TumorImagerTM line of scanners is the ideal, most reliable choice for taking such sensitive measurements. Consequently, when tumor mass data is unavailable (during the experiment), tumor volume value can be validated with MRI; in that way outlier data points (which were calculated using the two-dimensional mathematical model) can be filtered out. No, Is the Subject Area "Magnetic resonance imaging" applicable to this article? In order to assess the accuracy of tumor measurements by the scanner, we measured the volume of many tumors with a caliper (VC) and with the scanner (VS) first, then after terminating the animals we dissected tumors right around the edges and measured their volumes by dipping them in an accurate volume (VPleth) measuring device called Plethysmometer[8]. Measurement by Caliper In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the In our study, we applied a two-dimensional mathematical model and determined the corresponding tumor- and therapy-specific constants in the three investigated cases (C38 colon adenocarcinoma growth without therapy, C38 colon adenocarcinoma growth with protocol-based bevacizumab therapy and C38 colon adenocarcinoma growth with quasi-continuous bevacizumab therapy). Finding the mathematical relationship between MRI-measured tumor volume and tumor mass creates the possibility to estimate tumor volume from caliper-measured data. Calipers are invasive; they create undue stress on the animal through the awkward handling of the mouse by one hand during the measuring process. In Phase IV, the caliper measurement days were the 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 22nd and 23rd days. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Tracking tumor growth with real tumor scan pictures. In Phase III/3, case group members received one-tenth dose of control dose intraperitoneally spread over 18 days. Mice in the control group received no treatment (5 mice); case1 group members (10 mice) received 10 mg per kg body weight bevacizumab in one dose; while case2 group members (10 mice) received 1/180 dose of control dose for 15 days. r>12TzPn 4x PUj50"pJ{{>y{.mn|Cvz{PP5x[J8oQWkR_!X/C@6P@WT=gO5Sn>om}&SI cyT>E"TnkhSju>~yVOm^C~0__ww@ y[xQr33?6O~hZcR{{u]=O5T. In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the greatest transverse diameter (width) were determined while mice were scruffed and conscious. According to angiogenic inhibitor administration, our hypothesis was that the effectiveness of a lower dosage with a quasi-continuous therapy can be comparable with the protocol therapy. Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Make sure you get accurate measurements for length, width and height. The site is secure. Nevertheless the result of our study shows that the effectiveness is even better. Figure 16. depicts the results from a study attended by Biopticon in which ten subcutaneous tumors in mice were measured by scanner and caliper by four operators. Eur. Figure 3. Radiology 157, 54 (1985). 2022 Dec 5;10:998013. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.998013. Orthotopic xenograft tumor models, which are more difficult to establish, are close to the clinical behavior of malignant tumors in terms of location of the primary tumor site, the tumor progression, the tumor micro-environment, cell migration and metastasis [1 . PubMedGoogle Scholar. . Kobayashy, T. et al. Of course, for the closed-loop design frequent and precise tumor volume measuremets are required, thus the problem of tumor volume measurement has to be solved as well. n5). In the case2 group, one mouse died on the 8th day, before the therapy (bevacizumab administration) started. We found out that due to this unmeasured part, the dissected tumor volumes were about 6% larger than the scan results. Tievsky AL, Ziegler RB, Salhus MR, Weisskoff R. Comparison of diameter and perimeter methods for tumor volume calculation. Effects of holding an animal on tumor volume while scanning. Tumor growth was investigated without therapy and with antiangiogenic therapy (using bevacizumab [15]). When tumor cells become able to produce proangiogenic factors (the process is called as angiogenic switch), it will result in abnormal and inefficient vascular network (with high vascular permeability and poor perfusion) due to the hurried process of vessel formation. recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM) [36]) as a first or second line treatment, usually in combination with chemo- or immunotherapy. First of all, our hypothesis according to the importance of administration is proved. The usual administration is via intravenous infusion; once every 2 or 3 weeks. Pathology of tumours in laboratory animals. A study[4] (Figure 5.) constant low-dose therapy because in the case of controller-based administration, the control signal (administration dose) can vary from zero to the maximum tolerable dose according to the perceived tumor volume. Figure 14. For the TM900 one has to push the acquisition button and almost immediately the images are stored and values calculated. Bookshelf This concept can easily be understood by a simple thought experiment: the volume of a stack of pennies (Figure 4.). government site. ISSN 0093-7355 (print). The caliper-based findings can lead researchers to believe that the drug is less effective than it actually is because the change in tumor volume between the control and treatment groups is smaller. Tumor volume measurement was performed by digital caliper and small animal MRI. This approach presents an alternative to calipers which, although cheap, fast, and easy to use, introduce many biases for tumor volume estimation. The industry and research standard for caliper measurements inherently miscalculates tumor volume by assuming the width, which is normally smaller than the height, and height of the tumor are equal. Cancer Res. Further geometrical or visual data are not stored simultaneously. Hedrich, H.J. & trukelj, B. N-methylnitrosourea induced breast cancer in rat, the histopathology of the resulting tumours and its drawbacks as a model. The most recent ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) consensus guidelines suggest that treatment discontinuation or maintenance are feasible options after 46 months of full-dose first-line therapy to treat colon and rectal adenocarcinoma [37]. 01 July 2022. Komrek, V. Gross anatomy. In addition, we have found that the quasi-continuous administration of bevacizumab is effective against tumor growth of C38 colon adenocarcinoma, in contrast . PMC In addition, the gap between tumor volume values for caliper-based control and treatment groups is smaller than that for scanner measurements; the significant p-value was over 50 times higher when using calipers (p > 0.05) than with scanners (p < 0.001), suggesting that the caliper-based measurements are not statistically significant. Cancer Res. 2017 May 1;176:35-41. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2017.03.013. Traditionally their volume growth has been monitored by using a mechanical caliper. Usually, 3.0 x 10 6 cells are needed per injection. Biol. Results from an experiment that measures tumor volume and varies drug dose and measuring methods. By using a caliper, one will measure width and length of the tumor and then calculate the volume using a standard formula, such as /6 x W x W x L or 1/2 x W x W x L thus assuming a standard and constant shape of the tumor. The advantage of this model is that there is no need to approximate tumor height (which could result in error). No mice died during the experiment, therefore 5 mice from the control group, and 9 mice from the case group were sacrificed on the 23rd day. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Mice in Phase I and Phase IV control group received no bevacizumab. Yes The closer the shape of the tumor is to a perfect ellipsoid, as in the region of the graph in which H closely W, the more closely caliper measurements mirror real-life measurements. 12, 881885 (2005). With constant width and length, the measured volume changes with the shape of the tumor. The scanner-based measurements yield a higher correlation in this sense than caliper-based measurements. Our study of the incised tumors in many mouse tumor models showed that this is mostly seen for very large tumors (Volume > ~1.5 cm3) where the tumors start bulging inward toward the flesh. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. contracts here. Get just this article for as long as you need it, Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout. Mice were killed after 38 days. It can be carried out in vivo during the experiment due to the subcutaneous localization of the tumor. 55, 11761180 (1995). by water displace ment (c.c) Vol. For example, one of the main reasons why the US FDA revoked the approval of Avastin for treating advanced breast cancer is the high rate of side-effects when bevacizumab was applied [46]. & Lin, C.A. Faustino-Rocha AI, Gama A, Oliveira PA, Vanderperren K, Saunders JH, Pires MJ, Ferreira R, Ginja M. Life Sci. Clinical criteria that establish when the endpoint have to be carried out: a) if tumors contributed to a gain of >20% in body weight compared to controls at the same time point; b) tumors that ulcerate, become necrotic or infected; c) any animal found unexpectedly to be moribund, cachectic, or unable to obtain food or water. The aim of the experiment was to create and validate a clinically relevant tumor growth model (using C38 colon adenocarcinoma), focusing on the effect of angiogenesis. Recommended administration of bevacizumab is one 5 10 mg/kg dose for 23 weeks [1]. In other fields, such as treatment of diabetes mellitus this closed-loop control is already solved; known as artificial pancreas (continuous glucose sensor for measurements, insulin pump for infusion and control algorithm) [47], [48]. Notice that in the caliper group, the average standard deviation is larger than that of the group whose tumors were measured by Biopticons TumorImager scanner. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Performed the experiments: JS ZS PK DG. A two-dimensional mathematical model was created from the experimental results of BALB/c mice with KHJJ tumor line [25]: Statistical evaluations of agreement between two methods for measuring a quantitative variable. Even though we did not have a statistical analysis of volume loss due to the unmeasured part of tumors in caliper measurements, the lost volume could be higher than the scanner results. ; in that case tumor diameters ( width, length ) are measured with caliper... Iv control group received no bevacizumab weeks [ 1 ] was tumor toxicity ; however, none of complete... Which could tumor volume calculation caliper in error ) women can be induced in rats mice which were for. And length, width and length, the caliper measurement ; in that case tumor diameters ( width, ). Produced by the TumorImager-2TM so that 300 l contains required number of cells per injection of liver volume. 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tumor volume calculation caliper