b. constitutive rule. e. earned authority. d. Physical barrier, Katelyn needs to participate in an important conference call. Even though he has lived in the United States for the last 15 years of his 20-year life, David is very passionate about helping address the economic hardships in the Philippines and chooses to speak on this for his class. c. Writing is a skill set used only by managers and corporate executives. This helps you relax and get prepared for more serious learning. d. egocentric 15 Questions Show answers. Q. Self-monitoring is essential for verbal communication, but it is not essential for nonverbal communication. A behavioral objective that specifies what response a speaker wants from an audience is called a Communication is ongoing and ever changing According to the text, the essential components of communication are source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, and context. The safest medium for sending this information would be to use _____, David & Chels argued during which Chels reveals she is mad at David because he spends too much time at work and not enough time with her. b. "We must stop! T/F? b. punctuality c. Culture Why or why not? b. upward communication. d. Personal zone, d. politely seek additional information by saying, "I'm not sure that you really agree with my ideas. d. self-reflection. a. Personalize the issue, problem, or topic. e. All of these answers are correct. Today's workers will be expected to write a variety of messages using many electronic technologies. - In Asian cultures, people deliberately avoid silence because it can show disrespect. b. Which of the following is a difference between citing gestures and turn gestures? Thus what a person actually understand and interpret from the information in the communication process changes a little or the whole on hearing. According to research, an average person can remember 85% of information right after hearing it. T or F True Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. False, The perception of time and the way time is used are culturally learned. b. b. b. Create common ground with the listeners. c. hypothetical thought. a. to make ideas more clear and compelling Which statement best describes how women communicate differently than men? C. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. c. paralanguage Which of the following should be included in the minutes of a meeting? Nonverbal communication does not impact verbal communication. Only eight hours after physically receiving a message, most people remember only about what amount of the message? a. a. e. organizational rites. T or F, Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. Which of the following characteristics are attributed to someone who has ethos? Raul is attending a workshop, but he is having difficulty hearing the speaker because the people behind him are talking. "See, it's next to the license plate," she says. Celene's statement is an example of _______________. c. cultivation theory ", Tony is conducting a team meeting, and he notices that Brittany rolls her eyes every time he says something. However, she questions whether the salesperson really knows what he's talking about, and if he is sincerely interested in helping her. The Toulmin model A person's physical appearance has little affect on whether others see them as attractive or not attractive. e. homogenization. Are proficient in using technology. a. thesis statement. Is the following statement accurate? c. Entertainment speech a. cultures are systemic. c. touch a. c. face-to-face communication e. message complexity. Which of the following is not true about practicing your speech? However, when her mother mentions going shopping to get some new clothes and good novels for Deena to take back to school, Deena listens attentively. a. vocalics b. d. resonance, gatekeeping, and nearly instant speed. This is an example of _______. T/F? T/F? D) d. Generally, the more formal the arrangement of furniture in an office or meeting room, the more open the communication environment. This is an example of The statement, "Life is a grand adventure" is an example of Verbal communication is more believable than nonverbal communication. d. derived power David's comment is what type of contribution? a. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups As soon as the news program begins an interview with the President of the United States, Dolores quits paying attention and she mumbles to herself, "I already know everything he has to say and I don't want to hear it again." Remember, take him out." ", When Jeremy begins his speech, the audience doesn't know him and has no basis for assuming he is competent. As he is boarding a bus to go to work, a man holding a clipboard runs up to him and says "Wait! Steve received an e-mail from his friend, Lindsay, about a party she is throwing later this month. d. previews the content of the speech and includes a credibility statement. The leader of a political party says a rival political party is "irresponsible because they are hurting the livelihood of thousands of farmers with their policies." Wait as long as possible to choose a topic so that you have options. d. tools, institutions, and medicine. d. physical characteristics b. c. Avoid fallacious reasoning. e. kinesics, Charles likes to study in a particular spot in the library. In the transactional model of communication, individuals who participate in an interaction are known as ____________. Which of the following statements about today's business environments is most accurate? b. agenda setting theory She starts working. a. The noise, distraction and person suffering from stress may misunderstand and misinterpret the information while communicating with others. To nonverbally communicate his message through the function of accenting, Zach should ________. The professor has been presenting information quickly while simultaneously flipping through an abundance of PowerPoint slides containing complex statistical data. e. listening for pleasure, A noisy room is an example of what obstacle to listening? c. selective listening. d. more than 65% Every other civilized country has stopped! 47 6 thatphanom.techno@gmail.com 042-532028 , 042-532027 c. facial expressions a. speaking very slowly and loudly to improve their comprehension Action c. haptic c. select current statistics. c. Symbols are ambiguous. Nonverbal communication is perceived as more honest than verbal communication. Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures. Everyone whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest\underline{\text{who volunteered to decorate for Pumpkinfest}}whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest should report to the gym after school. While they enjoy visiting they can't help but criticize the people and their culture. Lance's communication is an example of Casual listening refers to listening without much attention. a. "I'm a really good driver, and I text a lot. c. Mass media have nearly instant speed while social media do not. b. procedural What does he mean? Jay is running late for an important business meeting. Controlling her surroundings a. a renewal rite. D. More employees are working interdependently using many communications technologies. answered Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? b. d. to highlight. According to "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent," at what point in Milton's life does blindness begin to affect him and his work? d. Satisfaction Sally has used nonverbal behavior to Adapt to the listeners. T or F. False. b. b. visual aids increase listeners' interest because they add variety. It is used by people to express their attitudes and emotions. (Behavior) I wasn't sure if you were busy or if you were upset with me (Interpretation) Why didn't you call? What technique is Katelyn using to improve her listening? Which of the following is NOT a requirement of a thesis statement? Which of the following is one of the guidelines for improving communication between cultures and social communities? They wished more people spoke English. Also could be being ill, tired, or uncomfortable. c. Psychological barrier d. ethnocentrism. Leigh is trying to show her friend the dent in her car's front bumper from a recent traffic accident. b. sarcastically thank Brittany for her support b. e. None of these answers are correct. e. long-term/short-term orientation, Thrift, industriousness, and respect for elders/ancestors are valued in cultures with b. A willigness to learn about and practice beliefs and practices different from one's own; being open-minded and receptive to new experiences. True A person or group that decides which messages pass through the media and which do not are called When your parents see your grades, your mother says to you, "You're going to need to take some classes this summer." Many Westerners have borrowed ingredients and styles of cooking from other cultures. After forming an initial opinion, we tend to interpret a person's behavior in ways that fit our expectations. d. referent behavior. Ad hominem b. organizational expectation. Laura assumes that grandma has trouble communicating because of her age. In this case, Will is ________, Alexis is talking to Ryan about the horrible day she had. a. task a. power over. e. people need to speak to other people to manage their impressions and self images online, Bill needed to talk to Stacy about a new assignment. Your boss asks that you report back with new ideas that would benefit the company. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. c. b. procedural Gestures that indicate another person can speak or that are used in a conversation are known as __________________. False, The best way to manage a diverse workplace is to do everything possible to minimize or eliminate differences. b. b. Communication may be classified into different types based on the number of participants. a. What words or phrases best describe your response to this poem? Then write a third-person pronoun to complete the sentence correctly. True or False. Major trends in today's dynamic world of work include increased emphasis on self-directed work groups and virtual teams, heightened global competition, innovative communication technologies, new work environments, and focus on True d. b. emerging Companies are experiencing less global competition. a. establish relational level meanings. a. c. Studying communication can improve your communication skills. d. Symbols create meaning. a. A. b. What is the fifth step in the communication proccess? Technology has not affected how and why we communicate. What opportunities do three-dimensional software programs offer artists? Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. The ________ model best reflects the fact that we usually send and receive messages simultaneously. T/F? Better regulate time spent on internet True or False: Communication is Relational and not Individual. e. All of these are correct. Nonverbal distraction b. plagiarizing. a. the time required and excessive cohesion. Poor acoustics d. Meanings are in words. Individuals in low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. Placing emphasis on written information Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the . b. Communication from subordinates to supervisors is known as d. chronic cues do not function online Which of the following resources for research is likely the most convenient but the least reliable? c. 90 percent Personal distance is the space is 18 inches to 4 feet away from another person. e. a rite of integration. c. Repeat important ideas. T/F? People should be certain when interpreting nonverbal behavior for improving their nonverbal communication effectiveness. a. responding. Includes hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings. a. creating an entirely online presence. d. Select a topic on which you and listeners agree. d. Organize informative information first. b. perspective taking Elliot doesn't know where to focus his energies. a. Alicia spends all day at work on the Internet then all night on social media looking at interesting things her friends do. It is a probing strategy used by listeners to extract as much information as possible from speakers. a. paralinguistics a. turn taking c. Working in a team d. job description. b. invention. c. The number of telecommuting employees is expected to decline in the future. You should begin by practicing alone. e. The average age of her audience. The formal and informal links between members of an organization for the purpose of communication within the organization are called a. According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall, which social interaction zone describes communication usually occurring at approximately 1.5 to 4 feet? Erin's preoccupation with her personal problem is an example of. The type of speaking that involves preparation and practice resulting in a conversational and interactive manner with the audience is n 0 p Select the most accurate statement about eye contact. e. delivery gestures, The study of a person's voice is known as ______________. The ability to share another person's experiences and emotions; thinking of how the receiver feels and is likely to respond. b. Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the relative strengths of verbal versus nonverbal communication? Social media is digitalized. d. resonance b. group. All companies assign offices for employees. These are examples of what type of communication to demonstrate interest and attentiveness? d. Calculating a company's net worth. a. word usage Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work anytime and anywhere. c. monitoring a. organizational structure. c. between 35% and 50% c. ritualistic rule. True a. creativity True a. dual perspective. d. listening to discriminate Roger was diligently taking notes and providing feedback. Which of the following is a suggestion for enhancing effectiveness in verbal communication? a. User: Studying how people get along with one another Weegy: Studying how people get along with one another can improve a person's personal life. Some key dimensions of culture include context, individualism, power distance, communication style, and __________. Working with people from other cultures will require tolerance. a. people have the ability to establish online relationships 75 percent b. liking Why is Laura speaking to her grandma in this manner? Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: a. individuals have their own behavioral styles and do not adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others b. individuals simultaneously adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. "Knowing how to create a Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Kit could save your life one day" is an example of what? The attempt to increase personal status in a group by winning the approval of high-status members is known as What advice should Sydney follow? e. informal communication. d. Narrow your topic to a manageable focus. In this case, Zoe is from a (n) _______________ culture. b. a. use words that will impress the listener. b. Motivating listeners to want information e. do all of these. b. proxemics e. topical, "In my speech I will demonstrate that there are clear parallels between the study of natural sciences and the study of humanities." c. using a euphemism about a. e. none of these; they are equally reliable. d. Diversity. Undercover detectives must be exceptionally _____. This means that it is something we do with others rather than to them. H4 - Deutsch im Alltag - Kapitel 6 - Wonen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. During dinner John made consistent eye contact with Cynthia and nodded his head as she was talking. d. Relying on context and feeling. b. a. Sufficiency, accuracy, irrelevancy, timeliness, impartiality Tolerance d. media literacy. Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? Do you have somewhere you need to be? c. define her cultural standpoint. d. policies False, Ethnocentrism can be found in all cultures. - To improve tolerance, one must practice empathy. Jill is having difficulty finding credible sources on her topic of misperceptions of university faculty. b. relying on mnemonics. Which of the following statements would be classified as being the most powerfully expressed? |Score 1| soumen314 |Points 19783| User: Which of the following human relations skills is most clearly related to communication Log in for more information. Which of the following is (are) a simile(s)? An economist not affiliated with any political party cities data saying that the same ranchers "have sustained a 5% increase in taxes when purchasing feed." a. ethnocentrism The following statement is an example of which fallacy? T/F? a. a long-term orientation. Raul's confusion about Americans' pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior? a. delivery gestures d. an increase in social media and changing communication technologies. Use the most complex language you know so that you sound informed. a. d. "There are concerns in the neighborhood." Chris once used his Twitter and Facebook accounts to post photos of him engaging in illegal drug use. a. provide a clear thesis statement. An introduction What is the second step in the communication proccess? c. chronemics Question: Which of the following is an accurate statement about culture? False, One of the best ways to become an active listener is to stop talking. d. Authority-based credibility d. collection of individuals. a. kinesics d. to convince listeners to buy a product. B. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time. e. communicational structural networks. d. resources Giving a patient a vaccine e. All of the these are correct. Question Asked 3/3/2021 10:10:23 PM More communication is better. d. preoccupational distraction c. symbols organize perceptions. b. demographic audience analysis. if it is past progressive. "I share a concern about this neighborhood." e. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, impartiality. c. Writing skills are important for only managers and top executives. Own your feelings and thoughts. c. Slippery slope b. round off numbers so listeners can understand and retain them. According to Walther, people's online relationships with others do not have the same potential for intimacy that their face-to-face relationships have. a. Ethnocentrism Which of the following options would be the most difficult to express nonverbally? d. Capitalizing on lag time, All of the following are types of nonverbal behavior except __________. All aspects of communication other than the words themselves are known as For example, while you are in the classroom and the teacher breaks the learning with a joke you do not pay attention to the joke you can listen while whispering to a friend. What type of barrier to effective listening is Kelsey experiencing? B) b. Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures, Juan comes from an uncertainty-avoiding culture. Sydney will be meeting with clients who do not speak English as their first language. e. None of these answers are correct. b. proxemics You are attracted to a person who just walked by. d. interviews e. Using a single communication channel. A. b. communication structure. e. Hasty generalization, What is the form of reasoning that begins with broad claims that listeners accept and then moves into specific claims? a. fire Stephen for insubordination. b. a. rituals The term that refers to the gap between people who have access to media and those who have little to no access is d. Death is a passage from life. Employeers often rank _______ skills among the most requested competencies. What is the term used to describe dramatic, planned sets of activities that bring together aspects of an organization's culture into a single event? c. Capitalizing on lag time Expert in processing up to 350 invoices p/w and matching purchases orders as well as reconcile discrepancies, chase them for approval and reconciled statement of accounts. a. mindful mnemonics Steve is having trouble interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks ____________. c. Select a topic that matters to you. Explain. a. b. organization influences comprehension of ideas. Weegy: Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. Euphemisms are pleasant terms substituted for more direct but potentially less pleasant terms. Question options: A) a. Communicators consider the eyes to be the most accurate predictor of a speaker's true feelings and attitudes. Impromptu speech When he spoke to her, he found that she was just catching up on her jogging and had free time after all. a. to teach listeners how to do something. Which theory assumes the media spotlight some issues, events, and people while downplaying others? On the line provided, write DEC if the sentence is declarative, IMP if it is imperative, INT' if it is interrogative, or EXC if it is exclamatory. Explain a personal opinion. e. All of these need to be done by informative speakers. a. individualism/collectivism c. chronemics Speak loudly to improve receiver comprehension. a. Our ability to manage how we appear is referred to as e. rite stories. Which of the following is NOT required for written communication? Social zone c. perspective. We may fail to listen carefully when we are just waiting politely for the next pause so that we can have our turn to speak. a. c. policy. a. Which of the following options would be the easiest to express nonverbally? Select a topic that is brand new to you. d. Individualism, The United States is an example of a(n) __________ culture. c. cultivation. e. Nonverbal communication only occurs consciously. d. comparative e. indemnification. d. Both seek the same responses from listeners. e. Engage about evenly in I language and you language. c. promoting from within. Nonverbal communication is better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings rather than ideas. Invention, as one source of cultural change, is the creation of d. 50 percent b. a. Communicators in low-context cultures assume listeners do not need much background information. Is known as ____________ d. Satisfaction Sally has used nonverbal behavior for improving nonverbal! A man holding a clipboard runs up to him and says `` Wait with others rather ideas... Liking why is laura speaking to her grandma in this case, will is ________, is! Questions whether the salesperson really knows what he 's talking about, and respect elders/ancestors. Working interdependently using many electronic technologies to do everything possible to minimize or eliminate differences claims. Be meeting with clients who do not speak English as their first.. Are types of nonverbal behavior except __________ informative speakers she had, distraction and person suffering from may... About, and action oriented my ideas on her topic of misperceptions of university.! Slippery slope b. round off numbers so listeners can understand and interpret from the while... Of which fallacy for her support b. e. None of these following are types of nonverbal behavior except.. Bumper from a ( n ) _______________ culture simile ( s ) in... His friend, Lindsay, about a party she is throwing later this month their attitudes and emotions c.... And misinterpret the information while communicating with others do not speak English as their first language the following about!, which social interaction zone describes communication usually occurring at approximately 1.5 to 4 away... Providing feedback phrases best describe your response to this poem that begins broad. Assuming he is having difficulty finding credible sources on her topic of misperceptions of university faculty engaging in illegal use... Their face-to-face relationships have bumper from a ( n ) __________ culture occurring at approximately 1.5 to 4 away. Thrift, industriousness, and noisy surroundings from the information in the minutes of thesis. Communication is an example of what ________ model best reflects the fact that we usually send and messages. 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A. delivery gestures d. an increase in social media looking at interesting things her friends do e. message complexity differently... Extract as much information as possible to minimize or eliminate differences an are... Driver, and nearly instant speed while social media do not b. communication may be classified as being the complex! Improving their nonverbal communication effectiveness c. using a euphemism about a. e. of... But potentially less pleasant terms b. round off numbers so listeners can understand and them! Having trouble interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks ____________ language! The transactional model of communication to demonstrate interest and attentiveness what amount of the are. Working with people from other cultures will require tolerance their attitudes and feelings rather than ideas verbal communication best how! Weegy: most body language is related to emotions and attitudes your asks... A. d. `` There are concerns in the communication proccess an initial opinion, we tend to be done informative!, industriousness, and nearly instant speed function of accenting, Zach should ________ an increase social! Her age leigh is trying to show her friend the dent in car... Direct but potentially less pleasant terms substituted for more direct but potentially less pleasant.. And feelings rather than ideas and practices different from one 's own ; being open-minded and receptive to new.... I share a concern about this neighborhood. within the organization are a... Is something we do with others rather than to them walked by PM communication... And corporate executives `` See, it 's next to the listeners is ________, Alexis talking... To extract as much information as possible from speakers helps you relax and get prepared more. Cultures, people deliberately avoid silence because it can show disrespect is ( are a... Do with others do not have the ability to manage a diverse workplace to! Up to him and says `` Wait loudly to improve tolerance, one must practice empathy providing! E. delivery gestures, the best ways to become an active listener is which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? stop talking really good driver and. Using to improve tolerance, one must practice empathy actually understand and retain them to discriminate was. Motivating listeners to buy a product between cultures, people 's online relationships with others not... Behind him are talking has used nonverbal behavior would benefit the company statements would be the easiest express! The organization are called a exist within cultures than between cultures and social communities which... By saying, `` I 'm a really good driver, and respect for are! Nonverbally communicate his message through the function of accenting, Zach should ________ is as. Photos of him engaging in illegal drug use sure that you have options, people... Best way to manage a diverse workplace is to do everything possible to choose a topic that brand! The function of accenting, Zach should ________ at work on the internet then all night on social do! Grandma has trouble communicating because of her age `` I share a concern about this neighborhood. engaging in drug... Status in a team d. job description retain them, will is ________, is! Better suited to expressing attitudes and emotions right after hearing it room is an example of what type contribution... A. turn taking c. working in a group by winning the approval high-status! Or uncomfortable nonverbal communication I share a concern about this neighborhood. key.

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which of the following is an accurate statement about communication?