In particular, a student of theology intends to deepen his/her understanding of a particular religion, while a student of religious studies intends to understand the different religions of the world. As a belief system, religion shapes what people think and how they see the world. The study of religion emerged as a formal discipline during the 19th century, when the methods and approaches of history, philology, literary criticism, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, and other fields were brought to bear on the task of determining the history, origins, and functions of religion. The Comparative Study of Religions World Religions: A Voyage of Discovery, Fourth Edition, considers one religion at a time, chapter by chapter. (a) The Polymethodic Approach Polymethodicality, according to Smart, is the fact that the scientific study of religion employs a variety of methods to study religion. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the founder of psychoanalysis, which generally claims that our behaviors are largely controlled by our unconscious mind which contains our repressed sexual and violent desires. Department of Religion Pearson 211 Swarthmore College 500 College Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397 Email: Phone: (610) 328-8045 Fax: (610) 328-7687 Second, however, we may ask whether the normative analogy used by egalitarian theorists of religious freedom is the right one. Even a commonly accepted definition of religion has proved difficult to establish, though not for lack of trying. Your email address will not be published. There are religions, however, in which even worship rituals are not central. He explains that such experience definitely will change positions on previous views regarding religious tradition. Let me get back to the starting point of our inquiry: Is religion a valid category of scholarly research? 1 Definition of Religion For Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917) religion is the belief in spiritual beings (1871). The specific question which political and legal philosophers (should) ask themselves is this. The other sense of the subjectivity of religion is properly a matter for theology and the philosophy of religion. Copyright 2019 - 2022 Elcomblus Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Barths distinction attempts to draw a line between the transcendent, as it reveals itself to humans, and religion, as a human product involved in the response to revelation. Not surprisingly, religion-making quickly became a tool of colonial and neo-colonial governance. Approaches to the Study of Religions. So he is proposing a mystical goal and from his yogic teachings he guides,shows and achieves that. Briefly, the arguments from causation and motion claim that the series of causes and effects, and movements in the world, must begin with God being the first cause and mover; the argument from design claims that the intricate design of the world cannot be attributed to mere chance but only to God as the divine intelligence; the argument from necessity claims that there must be a God who is a necessary being (one who has always been existing) to explain how contingent beings (those that presently exist but previously did not) have come to exist; and the argument from degrees of perfection claims that there must be a God whose perfection serves as the standard for determining the degrees of qualities that we attribute to things (like that they are good or better). Epistemology. In this post, I briefly set out three distinct approaches to the study of religion: criticizing religion, upholding religion, and disaggregating religion. Morgan, Sue. 2 The closer a country comes to having equal shares of the . Will the globalization lead to a kind of universal religion, as prediction might lead, or it will be turned in a lively variety of many different beliefs? Summary: 1.Theology is a more biased discipline as it concentrates on the study of God and focuses more on the Protestant and Roman Catholic religious sectors. For example, a religious (or spiritual) approach to cancer treatment can be more effective than a secular approach (Croucher & Harris, 2012), religious attendance promotes healthier living, and people with HIV/AIDS often turn to religion for comfort as well. The purpose of this course is to introduce and examine a variety of methodological approaches to the study of religion. To a large extent and outside the main trend in social science, these approaches were mostly oriented toward meaning, symbolism, language and discourse.They were rooted in deeper philosophical traditions, which were different and significantly outside the positivist tradition of contemporary . But the historical process itself has to be investigated scientificallythat is, by considering the evidence, using the techniques of historical enquiry and other scientific methods. Sociology of religion, on the other hand, studies religious beliefs, practices, and organizations using the theories and methods of the discipline of sociology. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of They are: commitment theory, which postulates that religion is a system of costly signaling that reduces deception and creates cooperation within groups; cognitive theory, which postulates that religion is the manifestation of mental modules that have evolved for other purposes . This course introduces students to the variety of academic approaches to the study of religion and to the procedures and sources used in writing academic papers in religious studies. In this . Learn about sociologists . These perspectives offer sociologists theoretical paradigms for explaining how society influences people, and vice versa. The study of multiple religious traditions in order to prove the existence or non-existence of God The scholarly examination and comparison of the beliefs, rituals, customs, and traditions of two or more religions Mysticism. Sociology is one such approach that this essay will be looking at through its founding fathers Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx. In fact, the religions of civilized races evolved from the animism of the lower races. Religion is both a fascinating and an essential subject of study. 2. The apologetic approaches to the study of religion is pro-religion in that it defends religion and attempts to prove that religion is true, right, or good. Religion can be said to be subjective in at least two senses. is discussed, followed by discussion on anthropological approaches to study religion. Thus, when William James describes religion as. We will discuss religious studies as an . Ontology. Attempts have been made to find a distinctive ingredient in all religions, such as the numinous, or spiritual, experience, the contrast between the sacred and the profane, and the belief in one or more gods. These questions within Smarts Classifactory account would help to define a religion. Christian neo-orthodoxy can be placed as a middle position between traditional orthodoxy and liberalism. Durkheim was more interested in the unifying effect of religion among members of a society. He illustrate the introduction of Phenomenology saying, a lot of opinions have been written about not only the physical interchange of races but;, also ethnical and cultural, and especially upon values, so what take place when religions and their tradition convene? Other religions are sourced in man's rebellion against God and/or demonic influence. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Approaches to Religious/Worldview Studies 1 Sociological. If religion is a western concept that has been used to shore up the authority of the colonial and sovereign state, through shifting, arbitrary demarcations between religion tradition, culture, reason, and the nation, then scholars should be wary of treating it as a stable, coherent object of academic study. I do not think it is, although I cannot make the full case here. Likewise, the fact that the law shows special concern for certain dimensions of religionsay, claims of individual consciencedoes not entail that religion is, or should be experienced as, individual conscience. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Author of. For this reason, let us examine the ideas of another pioneering anthropologist of religion, namely Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917). In the above definition Marx has stressed few points about religion which require special emphasis. Influential sociological theories of religion came from Karl Marx (1818-1893), Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), and Max Weber (1864-1920). In my opinion, the study of different approaches to the study and comprehension of religions is indeed an exciting and important topic. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Some of these approaches focus on how to understand the beliefs and practices of particular religions, while some have more general concerns such as how religion relates to the nature of society, culture, human evolution, mind, and human behavior. n account of the origins and functions of the Christian religion); while an external theory of religion is an account of the origins and functions of particular religions, or religion in general, using the methods of certain academic disciplines. We also have Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto philosophies; instead of Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto theologies. The study of the religious notions of primitive people arose within the context of evolutionary theory. First of all we have to say that both, Smart and Aurobindo have not defined religion from objective point of view but rather to determine religion in terms of its own value. These different reasons might lead to different approaches to the study of religion. Transcribed image text: To address the following questions, consider the four approaches to religion described in the introduction to this module exclusivism, inclusivism, pluralism and empathetic interest in other people. We can say that there are different approaches that can be taken when studying religion. The second ground for skepticism is that religion has served to define the western idea of the secular, and remains deeply entangled with it. From the belief in human souls grew the belief in other spirits, like those that inhabit nature and those venerated as gods. Accordingly, Calvinists believed in predestination, the view that God has already decided on who will enter heaven or not. The word anthropology means science of human beings or humanity. This had led some scholars, such as Tim Fitzgerald and Naomi Goldenberg, to draw the radical conclusion that the category of religion should be simply abandoned. The first is that religion is (as Daniel Dubuisson once wrote) the Wests most characteristic concept, around which it has established and developed its identity. There is a deep and significant continuity between the Christian defense of the true religion and the nineteenth-century invention of world religions. The universalism of the concept masked an internally hierarchical classificatory scheme, which, as Tomoko Mazuzawa has shown, was crafted within the crucible of the missionary and colonial encounter. (Scott London ,the future of religion an Interview with Ninian Smart June 1999 issue ofThe Witnessmagazine. ) Methodologies provide a lense of analysis from which to view the field of religous studies. In the Australian context, the interdisciplinary pedagogy that defines global studies is gaining wider acceptance as a coherent and necessary approach to the study of global change. Erin has an M.Ed in adult education and a BS in psychology and a BS in management systems. It concerns itself with providing a critical analysis of historical writings describing a particular civilization, empire or society.Dominant power structures, political ideologies, personal biases, cultural trends and social norms steer narratives . As an academic discipline, anthropology studies human beings in aspects ranging from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the features of society and culture that decisively distinguish humans from other animal species. Anthropology has two major fields: physical anthropology, which studies the the origin, evolution, and diversity of people, and cultural anthropology, which studies culture in all of its aspects and uses the methods, concepts, and data of archaeology, ethnography and ethnology, folklore, and linguistics in its descriptions and analyses of the diverse peoples of the world (Encyclopaedia Britannica 2013). Much of the interesting work done in anthropology, sociology, and religious studies departments, for example, draws on both the first and the second approach). For critics, this is visible in three different ways. The point has been made with particular acuity by legal scholar Winnifred Fallers Sullivan in her book The Impossibility of Religious Freedom. Aurobindo offers no guidance upon other religions as his account is purely personal. Introduces students to the study of religion, world religious traditions and ethics through an exploration of death and dying. Understanding Religious Pluralism in India. The concept exhibits a complex continuum of resemblances and differences. In sum, the anthropological objection urges us to take both ordinary language and ordinary experience seriously. The stress on the distinction between the descriptive and normative approaches is becoming more frequent among scholars of religion. 42 - 72. The study of religion can roughly be divided between descriptive and historical inquiries on the one hand and normative inquiries on the other. Ccile Laborde is Professor of Political Theory at University College London. And the best- known scholar of comparative religion of the last generation was Mircea Eliade (1907-1986), whose studies included the concepts of sacred space and mythic time, and the sacredness of nature (Paden 2005, 215). We may conclude saying that maybe religions will never combine in to one global faith ,but we do think that the society is moving towards a global ideology that have a space for religion and identify the contributions of the diverse ethnicity and traditions and bring a new way in helping us to work together for the support of human values and spirituality. Nevertheless, common to all these different terms and their respective definitions of approach was the motivation to dispense with theologically orientated normative constructions in the study of religion. For the workers to bear their miserable and unfulfilling life, the capitalists created various belief-systems, foremost of which was religion, for the working class to see their state as something positive and justified. The new scientific study of religion knows basically three main strands, quite connected with one another and often complementary, but each sometimes following its own paths: the cognitive-psychological; the biological-evolutionist; and the . Durkheim argued that "religion happens . Global studies is a fresh and dynamic discipline area that promises to reinvigorate undergraduate and postgraduate education in the social sciences and humanities. Methodologies in religious studies are the interpretive models on which the analysis of religious phenomena and resources are discussed. If we get rid of the concept of religion, can we adequately express and protect those values? Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Philosophy of religion deals with philosophical issues found in religion. From this perspective, the egalitarian strategy of analogizing religion is a productive one: the law should not capture religion as such, but whatever dimensions of religion are normatively salient and suitable for legal protection. Intellectual historians and students of political thought study religious traditions as coherent, inter-generational, scholarly bodies of thoughtthe Islamic or the Christian or the Confucian tradition, for example. Religious beliefs, in particular, are only one sub-set of a larger class, which political philosophers, following John Rawls, call conceptions of the good. On this view, a liberal state protects, not only freedom of religion, but more generally freedom of conscience; it disestablishes, not only dominant religion, but also any controversial conception of the good. The Hijab Controversy in Political Philosophy (Oxford University Press 2008). This decline is accompanied by a rise in the share of U.S. adults who say they seldom or never attend religious services (from 27% in 2007 to 30% in 2014). Approaches to ReligionSpring 2010REL 111. Psychology, in general, is defined as the study of psychological and biological processes and behavior in humans and other animals (Encyclopaedia Britannica 2013). June 03, 2016. Both methods tried to avoid the phenomenological approach. To some extent the emphasis on neutral description arises in modern times as a reaction to committed accounts of religion, which were for long the norm and which still exist among those who treat religion from a theological point of view. Sociology studies human societies, their interactions, and the processes that preserve and change them. On the face of it, the field of religion is no different from other fields within the humanities, and to study religion should simply mean to reflect upon religious materials from a . If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. Even this cursory summary of this first approach is, I hope, sufficient to convey the force and depth of the critique of religion. The aims of the Diploma Programme world religions course are to enable students to: promote an inquiring, analytical and empathetic approach to the study of religion. Normative inquiries primarily concern the truth of religious claims, the acceptability of religious values, and other such normative aspects; descriptive inquiries, which are only indirectly involved with the normative elements of religion, are primarily concerned with the history, structure, and other observable elements of religion. This approach is known as comparative religion. A comprehensive overview of the history and context of feminist approaches to the study of religions, including a helpful discussion of the relationship of these approaches to feminist theology. This research focuses on the legal basis for anti-corruption measures in Indonesia and Malaysia and touches upon aspects of enforcement. Here religion involves subjectivity in the sense of individual experience. But because they wanted to know who would eventually be saved and enter heaven, they thought that financial success was one good indicator. The law does not describe and regulate the full experience of marriage: the fact that, in law, marriage is a contract does not mean that marriage is, or should be experienced as, a contract. At this juncture, let us x-ray some of the approaches in studying religion scientifically. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. O . The people who take these courses are usually involved in religion themselves ,many are involved a in religious communities or, wishing to know more and learn regarding the religious beliefs of others. What Wittgenstein said about the concept of game also applies to the concept of religion: the fact that we cannot identify a single feature that all religions exhibit does not mean that the concept of religion is meaningless. 2.Religious studies has a bigger scope because it analyzes the different world religions. 3.7 Robert Marrett and Animatism. The implications of the first approach have been resisted in many quarters. The author as part of his degree course has studied these two vastly differing approaches. Approaches to Studying Religion (three courses): Three courses, one in each area, covering more than one major religious tradition; level II or level III courses may be used to fulfill this requirement; a general education course in . How a believer of a certain religion (an insider) will study his/her own religion, for instance, will differ from how a nonbeliever of that religion (an outsider) will study it.Their motivations and methods will be different. Here I focus on two objectionswhich, for ease of presentation, I call the anthropological and the normative objection. In this article, I summarise and discuss basic principles for a study-of-religion(s) approach to religion education, adding arguments and perspectives from critical theories about education in general. Lesson Transcript. Violence against Women in Politics in Brazil: An Instrument of Power and Anti-Egalitarian Obstruction, District Selection and Racial Identity: Voting Preferences in the Colombian Congress Black District, Improving Evidence and Relevance at the Same Time, RFP | SSRC Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship, Understanding and undoing the far right: India and beyond, The Overlooked Spoilers Beclouding Nigerias 2023 Elections, A Goal-Means Analysis of Security in Political Parties Manifestos for Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election. The only appropriate scholarly stance towards this object is one that is critical and skeptical. Research approaches to the study of religion include many various approaches whose research paradigms involve interpretation and understanding rather than explanation (Szocik, 2015). Marrett (1866-1943) was, similar to Tylor, an anthropologist who studied religion and who adopted the evolutionary approach. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! *You can also browse our support articles here >. Given this, we, however, also use other approaches especially comparative religion and philosophy of religionwhich we will discuss next. To a great extent, the meanings now attached to the terms religion and religions have tended to promote the study of religion in order to understand the world in which we live rather than as part of a desire for personal religious self-fulfillment. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Each perspective uniquely conceptualizes society, social . Which of these four approaches do you take in your everyday life, and why? One of the significant sociological findings of Max Weber was the significant contribution of that the Calvinist religious ideas had on the development of the economic system of capitalism. He is not final. Thus, the matter of coming to understand the inner side of a religion involves a dialectic between participant observation and dialogical (interpersonal) relationship with the adherents of the other faith. This suggests that the works of these thinkers cut across the disciplines of sociology and anthropology. Is Sri Aurobindo truly internal when we have the community of Auroville and a culture around him? 10. To ask that the law embrace and describe the whole of social reality would be to yearn for a totalitarian law. J.F. India is a multi-cultural and a diverse nation with a flourishing history of pluralism that has been thriving for thousands of years. Yet the strategy of disaggregating religion has a further, more portentous implication for normative political theory. the collective unconscious mind contains universal experiences of mankind and the archetypes (the basic universal images that recur in various forms in different cultures) which we have inherited from our ancestors. Secularism, on this view, transfers the individuals holy loyalties away from the church and towards the nation-state. It can use either separately or in any combination the methods of history, sociology, The academic study of religion is an inherently interdisciplinary field, incorporating textual studies of the world's sacred texts, language studies, art, history, philosophy, anthropology, politics, economics, sociology, psychology, comparative literature and literary studies, cultural studies, gender and ethnic studies, legal studies, and . Another illustration of religious beliefs is the creation stories we find in different religions. study of religion, attempt to understand the various aspects of religion, especially through the use of other intellectual disciplines. But because they wanted to know who would eventually be saved and enter heaven, they thought that financial success was one good indicator. This involves identifying a plurality of normative analogies for religion. . No plagiarism, guaranteed! This approach can be better understood in his ritual dimension, involvement with worshipping, meditations, pilgrimages, sacrifices and healing activities .Of course doctrinal and philosophical dimension is to be taken in consideration without living behind the experimental and emotional dimension and the important ethical and legal dimension. This approach teaches that there is only one true religion and only one way of salvation. The difficulty of the distinction consists chiefly in a denial that God, as the object of the response, is a religious being (i.e., God is transcendent, not religious in the sense of being a part of the human product), and the question about revelation as a religious fact thus needs to be answered. For our purposes, we shall . Besides their evolutionary assumption about religion, the followers of evolutionary theory show overwhelming Eurocentric biases. Aurobindo did not just stick to an immanental experience of a divine being but that there must be transcendence within the individuals life which is seen in Auroville with a lived approach to ones faith rather like that which is common within Charismatic and Evangelical Churches. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) defines religion as "a unified system of beliefs and One of the many reasons for this failure is that each discipline enlisted to study religion has its own distinctive methods and topics, and scholars often disagree about how to resolve the inevitable conflicts between these different intellectual perspectives. Sociology in general looks at people's . It is an illusion because it is just a product of the human imagination. Animism consists of the belief in immortal souls, gods, and other spiritual beings. Hence the proposed shift from an analogizing to a disaggregating strategy. From the plot summary, it is obvious that the film mainly focuses on the religion of Christianity. Egalitarian theorists of religious freedom, from this perspective, are right to seek to identify the normative grounds on which certain beliefs and practices call for state protection (or state restraint, in the case of non-establishment). Religion is a concept created by modern scholars and superimposed on a variety of different phenomena for a variety of motives. by Ccile Laborde February 5, 2014. For other religions, the systematic study of their doctrines is usually referred to as philosophy instead of theology. One obvious reason is that the term theology implies a belief in one God but other religions may not subscribe either to the belief in God or gods or to the belief that there is only one God. - 2022 Elcomblus Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved founding fathers Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx of! The religion of Christianity the only appropriate scholarly stance towards this object is one that is and... 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different approaches to the study of religion