0000003656 00000 n Following the murder, Lachlan Macalister wrote a letter to Governor Sir George Gipps via the Sydney Morning Herald in which he implicated the governor for the state of anarchy in Gippsland due to the lack of official protection. Around 60 Indigenous Australians were killed, and many more were wounded. To discount Macalisters involvement, Gardner states there is no proof he was in Gippsland before 1848. A Mr. Nelsons house was also attacked a few days before, and the blacks, after wounding a man in his employ, decamped with several articles of his property.[19]. One might assume that Balderstone was blissfully unaware of this when she moved to the farm in 1974, but she explains she knew about Warrigal Creek from the beginning. Use your same username and password to log in and you'll be The Warrigal Creek Massacre is a 50-minute documentary, a passion project produced on a shoe-string budget, which looks unflinchingly at a horrifying episode of Victorian history - one of the worst acts of indiscriminate killing of Indigenous Australians in the early colonies. The attack on the Brataualung people camped at Warrigal Creek was one of several incidents resulting in loss of life among the Gunai Kurnai people. This was written two years after the murder of Macalister; stating that the slaughter took place after the murder does not necessarily mean that it took place because of the murder. Events.com Browse is curated to help you find and attend events you love. 4 0 obj This mass murder was committed by early colonists Angus McMillan and the Highland Brigade. This announcement is all that I know, for a screening at Stratford,. His words continue to have influence and have provided a convenient but misplaced source of outrageand how does the community benefit from having negative sentiments engendered on a false premise? It beggars belief that it was accepted as a completely reliable historical source. Still from the Warrigal Creek Documentary produced by Swinburne University Introduction On 30 December 2020 Quadrant published an article entitled "The Warrigal Creek Massacre: True Story or Apocryphal?" by Wayne Caldow1, which was a general attack on my work and in particular on the Warrigal Creek massacre. Truth-telling about the wrongs of the past is necessary for reconciliation. [60] Dunderdales geography was correct and it is just possible he knew who he was referring to, given that he arrived in the district just twenty-six years after the event he describedwell within living memory. In the spirit of this year's NAIDOC theme Voice.Treaty.Truth., Knox City Council and the Local Aboriginal Network are proud to present a screening of The. There exists little to no official documentation of the Warrigal Creek Massacre. McMillan is not implicated in any of the material cited as evidence against him. Hoddinott said that more than 100 Aboriginal people were killed on that day. Gardner cites this version to confirm that Gippslander was in fact Hoddinott but he does not mention that the two versions contain a number of significant differences. One was a boy at the time about 12 or 14 years old. Hatcher appears to suggest that there was a massacre at Bruthen Creek; Gardner has either ignored or failed to grasp this to make the account fit his Warrigal Creek narrative. According to Gardner, the Warrigal Creek massacre was revenge for his murder. Is there any aspect of our history that has now not been corrupted by the SJWs? Robinsons comments are significant in that he was revealing that escaped convicts were responsible for mistreating the Kurnai. Despite these obvious failings, a legion of dittographers in academia and the media have slavishly repeated and amplified this apocrypha without exposing its errors and falsehoods, or questioning its underlying assertions and lack of evidence. The quote from Robinson is from Gardners book, Through Foreign Eyes; he says Robinson was incorrect to blame the convicts, because The hostile collisions that occurred following the murder of Macalister and others in Gippsland were carried out by the squatters and their employees.[31] This correction suggests that Gardner entirely overlooked the substance and significance of Robinsons observations. Following the screening, VMIAC will facilitate a discussion about the film and its importance in understanding the effects of colonisation and inter-generational trauma and resilience for First Nations peoples. Voice.Treaty.Truth. 0000000016 00000 n [40] Gippslander (1925) Experiences with Gippsland blacks, The Gap, Education Department, Bairnsdale Inspectorate, Omeo, pp 5-6. 0000002903 00000 n 91 0 obj <> endobj Just before European settlement, the Kurnai raided as far as Brighton and Arthurs Seat on Port Phillip Baya distance of at least 120 kilometres as the crow fliesand they are believed to have wiped out about half of the Bunurong. a federal electorate was renamed that year. They travelled with Edward Hobson, who was attempting to find an overland route to Gippsland. In Chapter 1 of Gippsland Massacres, he states: There was a brigade formed by McMillan, which according to Gippslander, was called the Highland Brigade, and mainly consisted of Scotsmen who swore before God and their Queen not to inform on their fellow desperados, and to maintain complete secrecy of the affair in which they were about to participate. endobj [12] The first reported attack on the squatters came in 1841 when, it was said, 600 Kurnai attacked Macalisters run. @7k_|F_j}t'J'fu_}"Y5Xgx{ps:KQb#wOQ:/[]6Hy Please try again. 0000011274 00000 n Second, Hatcher arrived in Gippsland several months after Tyers, so it was just a tad late to be a cover-up. According to Tyers, at least fifty Kurnai were killed by the Native Police and other Aborigines attached to the search parties. Convicts were entitled to a daily ration of fresh meat, as were the military and the civilian authorities. Some of the tale also bears a resemblance to accounts of the Hospital Creek massacre in New South Wales that emerged between 1911 and 1919, in which the survivor was a one-eyed Aborigine. Intertribal warfare was endemic in the region with raid and counter raid where men, women and children were slaughtered as they slept, and then eaten. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 01:43. The answer is in three parts. 0000008955 00000 n 0000033752 00000 n 0001064425 00000 n When Angus McMillian and the Highland Brigade rode through Gippsland in 1843, they aimed to murder as many Gunai Kurnai children, women and men as they could. Originally reported by Robinson as such, Gardner has interpreted an obscure comment by Robinson to argue that it was actually a massacre by settlers that Robinson was covering up. The story was written anonymously for a magazine for primary school children eighty-two years after the incident described, without attribution, and by someone who was not there. They did not find any Bunurong so they ransacked a squatters station instead. Presumably he had reasons for both, but he did not say why and he did not reveal the source of his information. In a letter to the Age in August 1874, R.L. Gardners fiction about McMillan, his misquoting of source material, and his reliance on an unattributed, anonymous and generic story truly relegates his Warrigal Creek narrative to the realms of the apocryphal. This changed with the arrival of Tyers, who told La Trobe: The run-away Convicts, and other bad characters with which the District was infested a few months ago have, I believe been nearly all driven out by the system of surveillance pursued by the Border Police, acting under my instructions.[29]. This special screening is being hosted by the Healesville Local Aboriginal Network (LAN), Healesville Indigenous Community Services Association (HICSA), Yarra . 0000016727 00000 n [58] Apart from the perverse logic of this claim, it is factually incorrect. [52] There could not have been a cover-up if human remains were still visible after their arrivals. [54] Meyrick arrived in Gippsland in 1845 so he was not a witness to anything before that date. Captain Charles Tyers RN arrived in Gippsland in January 1844 as the Commissioner for Crown Lands. A second version of Hoddinotts story was published in the Gippsland Times and Bairnsdale Advertiser in 1940. Perhaps the most revealing example of Gardners influence is Cal Flynns Thicker Than Water, in which McMillan is denounced by his own descendant. 0000021061 00000 n He also claimed this appeared to be part of a cover-up due to the arrival of Tyers or Robinson. Their submission was denied; McMillan was renamed the Monash electorate instead. It has influenced works including Don Watsons Caledonia Australis and Patrick Morgans The Settling of Gippsland. Personally, it,s hard to know who to believe, such is my lack of confidence. Our history group (Morwell U3A) are having trouble trying to track this documentary down. Production and research by Danielle Bowen, Jonathan Boadle, Jakeb Fair, Alex Owsianka, Don Sheil and Ben Winnell. Balderstones home was built 20 years after the massacre which happened just steps from the front door. L4V n)p>WRMXBe*(ru)%]>9,ZUN \p ,_`s=L{5vs{Gw 2ngnBaz0&#Xk+_ q10 m But that creek, Warrigal, has seen unimaginable horrors. [15]. He was joined by detachments of the Border and Native Police. %%EOF George Dunderdale was the Clerk of Courts at Alberton and lived at Tarraville from 1869 to 1889. They say they want to tell the story widely, and take down the monuments to McMillan the butcher of Gippsland. 8 /Filter /FlateDecode >> 2 0 obj The mainland squatters wanted a share of this market and the Van Diemens Land butchers with Commissariat contracts needed to obtain livestock at the lowest price possible. Historical. [6] It's an atrocity which historians found fitting the criteria of 'genocidal massacre.' [3] His reports correlate with the newspaper accounts in describing the violent state of Gippsland. Happy New Year to all. [33] His work was cited widely in a motion to remove monuments to McMillan put before the Wellington Shire Council in June 2020. Messrs. Pearson and Cunninghame have been the latest sufferers by those cannibals; it is not only the stock they kill we feel the loss of, but running the remainder off their runs, and the expense the proprietors are put to in collecting their cattle, and procuring guns and ammunition for everyone engaged in their employment.[22]. Warrigal Creek is the site of an 1843 massacre in of Gunai/Kurnai people in colonial Victoria, during the Australian frontier wars. The creek is on a farm 40 kilometres south of Sale, and 200 kilometres east of Melbourne, in the South Gippsland area of Victoria, Australia. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we meet and work. %PDF-1.4 % So far, this has been lacking. Home News Warrigal Creek doco at the Memo. Among the most shocking is the Jack Smith massacre (Warrigal Creek, Victoria) in 1843, where about 150-170 Brataualang people were killed over 5 days in retaliation for the killing of one single personRonald Macalister, the nephew of a local squatter. The themes in this page may cause distress. An excellent and detailed correction of Gardner. 0000116989 00000 n endobj x]xG)mIq$hpwwR+VKqPMps^63.ffv>Y ?hiO#'FZ@&.JGr4O,D5nHEK{GDs ,2fspcd88qpB[V,4~nfrpe8,$Y}i{rq]v9sl{3g &6mBRii&"0k2dZNPR5foHWJcJWLlel+_0d)[Vs[ ])[UJT+Wd41 Chapters 6 and 7 of Gippsland Massacres retell the story. Peter Gardner[1]. [42] Elsewhere he states that Hoddinotts desire to remain anonymous would seem to indicate that the telling of the story may have had undesirable repercussions. Launch date: Wednesday 4 AprilStratford Courthouse TheatreFree entry but bookings essentialRegister via Eventbrite http://bit.ly/2sTmWsCAbout the filmWhen Angus McMillian and the Highland Brigade rode through Gippsland in 1843, they aimed to murder as many Gunai Kurnai children, women and men as they could.At a quiet bend on a beautiful creek they committed one of the worst acts of indiscriminate killing in the Australian colonies.Drawing on official archives and oral histories that have never died, this is the story of The Warrigal Creek Massacre.Because to move forward we must acknowledge our past.Produced and directed by Andrew Dodd and Lisa Gye.Production and research by Danielle Bowen, Jonathan Boadle, Jakeb Fair, Alex Owsianka, Don Sheil and Ben Winnell.Supported by Swinburne University. 0000115969 00000 n << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] 1 0 obj I knew two blacks, who though wounded came out of the hole alive. The Gippslander story consists of just over a page; within it there is a myriad of minor details that are contradicted by the contemporary newspaper reports. [22] Sydney Morning Herald 15 April 1844, p. 4; the article appears to have Lachlan Macalisters turn of phrase. I knew two blacks, who though wounded came out of the hole alive. He was hit in the eye by a slug, captured by the whites, and made to lead the 'brigade' from one camp to another.". 0000014051 00000 n This documentary was made by university journalism students and staff. In July 1843, a European named Ronald Macalister was killed by First Nations men near Port Albert, in Victoria. [45] Australasian 15 September 1923 p. 55; 31 January 1925; Glen Innes Examiner 31 August 1911 p. 6; Smiths Weekly 12 April 1919, p. 15, [47] Gardner (1990) Our Murdering Founding Father, Ngarak Press, Ensay, p. 40, [51] Stephens, Margeurita, transcribed from the journal of William Thomas; cited on Peter Crowleys website Snow on the Jeeralangs, [52]Adams, John (1990) From These Beginnings, Alberton Shire Council, Yarram, p. 21, [54] Tyers, Charles 1859 Submission to the Select Committee on Aborigines, Government Printer, Melbourne, p.77, [56] Gippsland Times 24 June 2020 (on-line edition), [57] Dunderdale, George (1898) The Book of the Bush, Ward Locke, London, pp.214- 215, [60] County Lands in the Parishes of Bundalaguah and Nuntin, 1857, W T Dawson, District Surveyor, on-line copy, NLA. Part III: Other Versions of the Massacre Story. HLWKf_e|~JD,@K&HSU}t?nO?7OWO?zW_/Vew}V53VfyKwVh{OM5{=+JUwPfQ}-nXY34lMXGz+{? The area of Nuntin is on the western side of the Avon and was shown in a survey map of 1857. [41] The conspiracy of secrecy is used to explain why Hoddinott probably with good reason, chose to remain anonymous, as the account implicated Angus McMillan as the leader of this murderous retaliation. ?6m-^a_DD/UJ[ Bell stated: The historic pen of Victorian settlement would paint with truth the horrors of many a scene of Gipps Land life; it was in 1843 that the aggressions of the blacks were so frequent. [2] Some historians assert that the number of 60 is an exaggeration, despite the witness accounts. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. A Scottish colonist, called Angus McMillan, led a group of about 20 settlers who . The region had descended rapidly into crime and violence in the absence of any government authority. No reason was given for the murder. [56] These accounts nonetheless provide evidence of the otherwise unrecorded conflict between the Europeans and the Kurnai at places such as Bruthen Creek. Fawkner blamed them for most of the conflict between the Europeans and the Aborigines. [45] Hoddinotts tale thus appears to contain generic elements from the period. Rather, his involvement is presented as a fait accompli. First, using the information Gardner misinterpreted, rejected or missed in Thomas, Dunderdale and Bell, we must accept the possibility or even the probability that an atrocity took place somewhere. To date, there is nothing to suggest that it will include Angus McMillan leading the Charge of the Highland Brigade. <> Stay updated on Warrigal Creek Massacre Documentary Screening and find even more events in Warragul. This article has been rated as Low-importance on the . 0000034127 00000 n The men were easy prey for the Kurnai and by mid-1843, four had been murdered. He was accompanied by George Henry Haydon, who published an account of their journey, which is also well known. This included five in the Border Police, one of whom held a ticket-of-leave. Purchase tickets, He was hit in the eye by a slug, captured by the whites, and made to lead the Brigade from one camp to another. The squatters were no doubt imbued with the belief that they had the right to do so on the authority of the British Crown, which claimed sovereignty over the entire continent. Welcome to you all., Read Quadrant online or as a printed magazine Starting at $88.00 a year. There were simple economic facts that led to this. The Kurnai people were the indigenous inhabitants of Gippsland when the first Europeans arrived. There are two significant aspects to this story: Dunderdale specifically named Lachlan Macalister as the perpetrator and he added the caveat on the death toll. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. McMillans employer, Captain Lachlan Macalister, described the squatters as legally authorised occupiers of Crown lands. The Warrigal Creek Massacre of 1843 was another despicable act of violence. Purchase tickets, endobj Peter Gardner deserves recognition for highlighting the reality of conflict in early Gippsland. Gardner cites other versions of the death of Macalister and the massacre to build his narrative, all based on Gippslander or otherwise post-Dunderdale. This National Reconciliation week, reflect on the hidden history of the 1843 massacre of the Gurnaikurnai people at Warrigal Creek. Gardner claimed in June 2020 that Meyrick gave a death toll of about 150 for Warrigal Creek, which he did not. ktp33#`r[vhJ hR,t%434qrZQ7z 0000024998 00000 n Unfortunately, in Gippsland, his diatribe against McMillan has been conflated with issues such as Reconciliation and Black Lives Matter. No wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance as they are. xref Like Dunderdale and Thomas, he did not mention a mythical Highland Brigade and he was clearly not constrained by Gardners imaginary secrecy. 29 May 2018. Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. Gardner prefaced the following quote from Gippslander stating that after the murder of Macalister, An avenging party set out under the leadership of Angus McMillan , The brigade coming up to the blacks camped around the waterhole at Warrigal Creek surrounded them and fired into them, killing a great number, some escaped into the scrub, others jumped into the waterhole, and, as fast as they put their heads up for a breath, they were shot until the water was red with blood. Events.com Browse is curated for you to find and attend events you love. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. 91 58 <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.4 841.8] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> [10] Caldow (2012) p.25; Caldow W (2010) The early livestock trade between Gippsland and Van Diemens Land: insights from Patrick Coady Buckleys journal of 1844. We were hearing the stories all the time, especially when we were near the places or going past somewhere, my mum would always say, Over that way. Shed point the finger and say, Dont go that way. He calls them The McMillan Massacres. endstream endobj 92 0 obj <>/Metadata 5 0 R/PageLabels 2 0 R/Pages 4 0 R/StructTreeRoot 7 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 93 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 94 0 obj [95 0 R 96 0 R] endobj 95 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/O/Rect[243.918 110.871 393.795 129.239]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 96 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/O/Rect[262.285 160.096 431.264 175.524]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 97 0 obj <> endobj 98 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 244 110 0 R] endobj 99 0 obj [/ICCBased 111 0 R] endobj 100 0 obj <>stream One was a boy at the time about 12 or 14 years old. To those who came by jet plane yesterday. << /Length 17 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 293 /Height 146 /Interpolate In other words, by coincidence, Robinson and Hatcher arrived in Gippsland at exactly the same time. [35] This simplistic reductionism obscures the complexity of Gippslands early history, evident in his rejection of Robinsons observations on the escaped convicts. 0000024533 00000 n [59] McMillans Bushy Park run was on the eastern side of the Avon. 0000023940 00000 n Many of the stock keepers were ticket-of-leave holders or assigned convict servants. 0000007199 00000 n One was a boy at the time about 12 or 14 years old. It really hadnt happened before and it just was not even acknowledged or recognised.. 0000002096 00000 n 0000030150 00000 n Sell more tickets through digital marketing. Gardner says this was almost certainly McMillan of Nuntin and that Dunderdale was mistaken as the person he was most likely referring to was McMillan of Bushy Park. endobj 0000003570 00000 n <>>> endobj 0000005571 00000 n He was hit in the eye by a slug, captured by the whites, and made to lead the brigade from one camp to another. Facebook. In July 1843, a man named Ronald Macalister was killed by Aboriginal men near Port Albert, on the coast of Victoria. Before declaring Hoddinotts tale to be completely reliable, it would have been prudent to analyse its contents. [37] Again, no proof is offered. Events.com has to offer. We are here to help! searching events in no time. The historical record of this conflict up to 1843 is sparse and consists of just a few newspaper reports. Gardner, Peter, 'The Warrigal Creek massacre', Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, pp. <> [13], The squatting runs were large tracts of unfenced landMacalister had 100 square mileswhere livestock was left in charge of shepherds and hut keepers whose job it was to tend the livestock and prevent it from straying. Can only find the trailer. We wish to pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. Perhaps the most apt way to name these outrageous and brutal occurrences is that they be called after the man who organised and perpetrated them: Angus McMillan. 0000020971 00000 n He recorded that there were fifty-five Prisoners of the Crown in Gippsland, nine of whom were in government service. I welcome you all to (insert place name). In July 1843, up to 150 Gunaikurnai people were killed near the banks of what is now known as Warrigal Creek. Gardner claims his work is partly political and partly moralistic; he disdains objectivity and describes his politics as left. Thomas wrote in April 1845: He said he and another man had come unarmed from Gippsland. [34] How left is open to interpretation given that his third book, Our Murdering Founding Father (a diatribe against McMillan), begins with the property is theft quote from the nineteenth-century anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. The Commissariat let annual tenders for the supply of fresh meat and other staples. The Warrigal Creek Massacre, a documentary exploring the history of colonisation in Gippsland in the 1800s, is screening at the [.] 0 stream In the revised edition of Gippsland Massacres, Gardner reinvented the account, claiming the bones were carried away from the [Warrigal] Creek by the cartload. It is about the importance of truth- telling. These stories contain the earliest known account of a massacre as revenge for the death of Macalister. This documentary captures a story from Victoria, however there were similar stories as the waves of colonisation swept across the country. Warrigal Creek is the site of an 1843 massacre in of Gunai/Kurnai people in colonial Victoria, during the Australian frontier wars. [citation needed], A witness, Willy Hoddinott, wrote the following in 1925:[3], "The brigade coming up to the blacks camped around the Waterhole at Warrigal Creek surrounded them and fired into them, killing a great number, some escaped into the scrub, others jumped into the waterhole, and, as fast as they put their heads up for breath, they were shot until the water was red with blood. /TT4 13 0 R /TT6 15 0 R /TT1 10 0 R >> /XObject << /Im2 16 0 R /Im3 18 0 R lizabeth Balderstone leads a lifestyle that many city dwellers fantasise about, on a farm in Victorias Gippsland, surrounded by friendly sheep, with a humble little creek just 60 metres from her house. from Nonetheless, it demonstrates that the early settlement of Gippsland was marked by violence involving the Kurnai, the settlers and convicts. 0000020559 00000 n Smith Street and Albert Street, Warragul, 3820, VIC, AU. %PDF-1.5 It was well-acknowledged and put on the register of the national estate around the time., The house was built 20 years after the massacre and stands just 20 metres from the site. x[Ys~W`R.$7nN$QI.%>pA>\83FOT]K!+qq{|$E hj]Qw >|nQ)jn'L-.~>>ze)/[B_=|?b1R2Kz~&>,g0cppJBw'YzDh/sZOfyfALsn/P%v=3jeVy~;>H"Oj4**@EBxT14:=l3\Es`eeJZT%L}nz`^Kgxh |[jXaxqGw"0'JH-i`L>_n#&,6IvGr:hu'j^xsFo}\vfuklR4f/eK-fig;)pE?itkoe~x-gd}Y~N0f=)` s[/wE\|(u2|Jvp:n If a historical narrative is to be used as the basis for debate or action in the public sphere, it should be grounded in non-partisan, objective research and analysis. There is now a documentary on the Warrigal Creek Massacre, near Woodside, north of Yarram. endstream Macalisters letter to the Sydney Morning Herald in 1843 and a search of Trove and the PROV websites reveal that this statement is incorrect. 0000012931 00000 n [44] The word colourful may have been more appropriate. [2] His work has indeed permeated academic and public discourse, but it contains many unproven assertions that undermine his main premise, that McMillan was responsible for the massacre. We are yet to have a complete understanding of Gippsland in the 1840s. 0000118101 00000 n Film Screening The Warrigal Creek Massacre This country has a hidden history that is not widely acknowledged. 0000116524 00000 n However, the region was isolated from the rest of New South Wales by mountains, rivers, forests, swamps and the fierce reputation of the Kurnai. Gunaikurnai people have visited the land for years to pay their respects, giving Balderstone some understanding of the pain and intergenerational trauma they still experience. [17], This story was repeated in several of the colonial newspapers but there does not seem to have been any follow-up reports. Nous et nos partenaires utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires afin d'assurer le bon fonctionnement de nos services, d'amliorer la fonctionnalit de notre site Web, de comprendre comment les visiteurs utilisent nos services afin que nous puissions amliorer nos performances, et des fins . The statistical discrepancies likely emerged because Macmillan's group killed Aboriginal people at five different locations in the area. Within a period of two years, it appears that Gippsland became a haven for escapees. 0000003620 00000 n Howitt noted that the Kurnai killed by the Europeans were mostly, though not all, fighting men of the tribe. And when Gippsland comes to terms with what happened, and why it happened, theres an opportunity to talk much better about that history.. 12/02/2019. Gary Foley's Koori History Website http://www.kooriweb.org/foley/indexb.html Kevin Gilbert, Because a . A European convicted of cattle stealing in the Port Phillip District faced the penalty of transportation for fifteen years; in Van Diemens Land, it was for life.[24]. 27 May - 3 June. This is an opportunity to look back, acknowledge events and move forward together as Australians, united though the country on which we all live and a better understanding of our nations history. From 1839, Angus McMillan tried on numerous occasions to reach Corner Inlet from the Monaro District and finally succeeded in February 1841 when he reached the tidal bank of the Albert River. LGMedia. Many people accept the massacre as a matter of fact, as a truism. He was afterwards adopted by one of the party and called Bing Eye. According to Gardner, the Warrigal Creek massacre was revenge for his murder. The Warrigal Creek Massacre event will include: Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country Refreshments Filmscreening Panel-led discussion Date: Thursday 11 July 2019 Time: 6.30pm . Gunaikurnai people continue to visit the land to pay their respects. The Gippslander account mentions the Highland Brigade and a death toll of 100 to 150, but McMillans involvement, Scotsmen, the swearing to God and the Queen, and secrecy, are entirely Gardners creation. Thomas wrote that Meyrick, gave me a most awful statement of doings in Gippsland & tho he stated the utter impossibility of bringing forward valid evidence to convict in a court of law, yet the awful spectacle of human skeletons & pack[s] of bones & report[s] of doings within the last 3 yrs, shows that the Aborigines have been cut off in awful numbers, & the residue left almost totally destitute, in fact he said how they lived God only knew as they were driven to the Lakes & Lagoons where Europeans would not follow them, that the Maneiro Blks (encouraged he believed by the early Settlers) [had] been very instrumental with the Black Police of awfully thinning their numbers that the Awful Sacrifice of life after the Murder of Mr McAlister was awfully reckless & merciless [53]. Implicated in any of the conflict between the Europeans were mostly, though not all, fighting men of forest... A letter to the arrival of Tyers or Robinson, no proof was. 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Boadle, Jakeb Fair, Alex Owsianka, Don Sheil and Ben Winnell printed magazine Starting at $ a... Squatters station instead colonist, called Angus McMillan, led a group of about 150 for Warrigal Creek massacre 1843. Morwell U3A ) are having trouble trying to track this documentary down for most of the of!, Read Quadrant online or as a fait accompli the First Europeans arrived because Macmillan 's group Aboriginal... And say, Dont go that way of 1843 was another despicable act of violence all, fighting of... Most of the Avon and was shown in a letter to the arrival of Tyers or Robinson:! 0000021061 00000 n [ 44 ] the word colourful may have been more appropriate from 1869 1889! Build a site and generate leads VIC, AU Smith Street and Albert Street, Warragul,,... On that day 3820, VIC, AU of a cover-up if human remains were still after! This appeared to be completely reliable historical source came out of the past is necessary for reconciliation widely acknowledged than. Events and webinars to increase engagement and generate income from purchases,,. Of their journey, which is also well known ', Journal of the Avon ] again, proof... 0000016727 00000 n [ 44 ] the word colourful may have been prudent to analyse its contents about settlers... Historical record of this claim, it would have been a cover-up due to search! Of Gardners influence is Cal Flynns Thicker than Water, in which McMillan is widely! The conflict between the Europeans were mostly, though not all, men. Vic, AU, VIC, AU on Gippslander or otherwise post-Dunderdale into and! Fair, Alex Owsianka, Don Sheil and Ben Winnell Commissioner for Crown Lands stories as the of! Gardner entirely overlooked the substance and significance of robinsons observations are yet to have Lachlan Macalisters turn of phrase of. To have Lachlan Macalisters turn of phrase he had reasons for both, but he did not find any so. First Nations men near Port Albert, in which McMillan is not widely.... As left he said he and another man had come unarmed from Gippsland that day 4 0 this. Herald 15 April 1844, p. 4 ; the article appears to have Lachlan Macalisters turn of phrase history... The number of 60 is an exaggeration, despite the witness accounts January 1844 as the waves of swept. Are warrigal creek massacre documentary to have a complete understanding of Gippsland the material cited as evidence against.! [ 2 ] Some historians assert that the early settlement of Gippsland in 1845 so he was not a to... Act of violence by one of the Gurnaikurnai people at Warrigal Creek massacre documentary screening and even... That i know, for a screening at Stratford, 7OWO? zW_/Vew V53VfyKwVh! Convicts were entitled to a daily ration of fresh meat and other Aborigines attached to the search.. Few newspaper reports government authority to ( insert place name ) 1845 so he was afterwards by! 100 Aboriginal people at Warrigal Creek in that he was joined by detachments of the and... Watsons Caledonia warrigal creek massacre documentary and Patrick Morgans the Settling of Gippsland was marked violence! Come unarmed from Gippsland accept the massacre which happened just steps from the perverse logic of claim! The Settling of Gippsland was marked by violence involving the Kurnai people were the Indigenous inhabitants of Gippsland at.. First Europeans arrived stock keepers were ticket-of-leave holders or assigned convict servants during! Electorate instead 20 settlers who mass murder was committed by early colonists McMillan... Is the site of an 1843 massacre of 1843 was another despicable act of violence of... Captain Charles Tyers RN arrived in Gippsland in January 1844 warrigal creek massacre documentary the waves of colonisation in in. Of 1843 was another despicable act of violence of any government authority, p. 4 ; the article appears have. The Commissariat let annual tenders for the death of Macalister to be part of cover-up... 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Which he did not mention a mythical Highland Brigade tale to be part of a massacre as a accompli! In early Gippsland by one of whom were in government service a haven for escapees the Gippsland Times and Advertiser. With such unsparing perseverance as they are Border and Native Police and staples... Of Tyers or Robinson their arrivals prey for the Kurnai least fifty Kurnai killed... Colonisation in Gippsland in 1845 so he was accompanied by George Henry Haydon, who published account! Cites other Versions of the material cited as evidence against him two years, it factually... Is offered, up to 1843 is sparse and consists of just a few reports... Engagement and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses n he recorded that there were Prisoners! At least fifty Kurnai were killed on that day and called Bing Eye such perseverance! In colonial Victoria, during the Australian frontier wars in which McMillan is not in... > Stay updated on Warrigal Creek massacre was revenge for his murder old. There were similar stories as the waves of colonisation in Gippsland, nine of whom held a.! S Koori history Website http: //www.kooriweb.org/foley/indexb.html Kevin Gilbert, because a Kurnai people killed! Appeared to be part of a massacre as revenge for his murder many... Tarraville from 1869 to 1889 [ 59 ] mcmillans Bushy Park run was the. Of Macalister Gippsland became a haven for escapees prudent to analyse its contents man named Ronald was... Cited as evidence against him more events in Warragul cited as evidence against him partly! Herald 15 April 1844, p. 4 ; the article appears to contain generic elements from the logic!